Emperor's Reckoning

Chapter 184 - The Crown

The academy was quite popular in recent days with new applicants coming in. The bustling situation couldn't help but make the receptionists scratch their heads. They knew who was the one responsible for this situation but they could only curse in their heart.

In front of them was a long line of newcomers each with their own personality. One in the back of the line began shouting, "Hey, hurry up!"

"Hey, stop pushing!" replied the man in front of him.

Soon the situation escalated and the line was in disorder. The already stressed receptionist gritted his teeth, "Queue properly or you will not be admitted!"

"Be patient brother," said his co-worker.

He sighed as he lamented, "I know, I know, god, who would have thought we become so popular in just a few weeks,"

"Well, with recent achievements from him I think it's justified, however, I heard rumors that this time we are finally going to go to that event,"

"What event?"

"Uh, sir, can I register now?" said one of the applicants.

"Shut up and get in line!" reprimand the receptionist before he lent an ear to his coworker.

The applicants had black lines over their head (But I'm the first in line! I'm right in front of you!).

"A grand event," said his coworker with a deep voice.

"A grand event? Don't tell me?!"

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The coworker nodded, "It can only be that event, the event that involves multiple worlds' academy. It said that the prize for the winner would be resources beyond measure not to mention the fame and everything else."

"The Crown," said the receptionist softly.

The coworker nodded once more, "Exactly, The Crown."


Argeon the legal principle of Nostria's Academy was currently not inside the academy. He was in a room with his big brother the king of Phantera Kingdom, Anskar. Both of their eyebrows furrowed as they focus on one beautiful figure in the middle sitting cross-legged.

Her eyes were closed as her hair was floating from her own aura. Behind her, a white mist appeared before forming into a tiger. Its eyes were blue like the ocean as it slowly walked around her without bearing its fangs. The white tiger made of mist was calm and collected, not even once did it even look at Anskar and Argeon.

The beautiful young woman suddenly twitched her eyes before the tiger manifestation instantly disappeared. Her breathing was berated as she couldn't help but pant in exhaustion.

"Let's take a break, Luna," said Anskar.

"No father, I can keep going," said Luna as her eyes were undoubtedly determined.

Anskar let out a sigh as her daughter continued her cultivation session. With Luna accidentally triggered her bloodline ability back in the Mist Clan, there was no other choice but for her to master it lest it would become more uncontrollable in the future.

"Hmm, what happened to my daughter, why is she so persistent? She usually takes at least logic to be considered," asked Anskar in a loss.

"It's love, big brother," said Argeon with a hearty laugh.

"Love? Is it not because of The Crown?" said Anskar with a sarcastic tone.

Argeon couldn't help but laugh foolishly as he said, "As expected from big brother, you already know about it, but hey, love is also the correct answer."

"Yes, yes, I know that my fair princess is in love with that boy, I'm her father, I know this sort of things,"

"Oh, you do?" a delicate voice came behind them.

Her beautiful mature figure was walking to the room with grace. Her bearing was exuding that of a queen. With the face that had quite the resemblance with Luna, her identity was of course, unquestionable.

"Ah, sister-in-law, great to see you well," greeted Argeon with a smile.

"Uh, Leyna what are you doing here? You should rest up some more," said Anskar.

"Huh, do you think I would become healthy by resting? Of course not, I would become a hippo if all I do is eat and sleep," said Leyna before glancing at Argeon and continued, "How about you? Do you have any significant other yet?"

Argeon instinctively took a step back while saying, "Ah, well, I currently love my freedom haha!"

Leyna sighed before she looked at her beautiful daughter cultivating. She whispered softly with her gripped hands, "You can do it, Luna!"

"Big brother, as I bet you already know, Nostria is about to have a large scale war against Heaven's Dawn," said Anskar after a light cough.

"Of course we will help them! No matter the cost!" answered Leyna in her husband's sake.

"Well, that's your answer," said Anskar in a helpless manner.

"Besides, the son-in-law is there, so we must help them, lest you want Luna to curse all of us? Furthermore, without that miracle boy, I wouldn't be standing here," said Leyna as her sentence was nothing but praises toward Lyon.

(Son-in-law huh?) thought Argeon as he chuckled inwardly.

"But little brother, when will The Crown be held?" asked Anskar.

"Well, it's in four months or so, which means it's probably after the large scale war,"

"Hmm, that is very confident of you, if we lose the war, there wouldn't be any academy left in Nostria."

"Yeah, but, I'm confident Nostria would win the war, based on statistic, they have an overwhelming advantage,"

Anskar sighed, "You should never place your faith in statistic, this is a war, there are bound to be wild cards and surprise elements that could flip that data."

"Ughh, can you guys go and chat outside? I cannot concentrate," said Luna while her eyes still closed.

"Ah, I'm sorry Luna, I will drag them out, please don't push yourself too hard, lest Lyon would become frustrated seeing you sick," said Leyna as she pulled both Anskar's and Argeon's ears and dragged them outside the room.

Closing the door she was left alone. The sitting Luna had her cheeks turned red as she heard what her mother just said. She couldn't help but opened her eyes a little and smiled before entering her meditate state.

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