Elysion Online ~The Dragonewt and The Summoner~

Chapter 152: Sea dragon trial

Chapter 152: Sea dragon trial

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the middle of the ocean. There were all kinds of fish swimming around me and when I looked up, the sunlight was blinding me, while below was darkness.

Or rather, if it was underwater, I would die!?

I thought, but I could breathe normally. It seems that this is a special place, just like Lily's place.

But unlike that time, I don't see Ion anywhere. What's going on?


I heard Ion's voice from behind me. Thank God. You're here...naa...

I turned around and saw Ion in her pseudo-dragon state, having grown into a middle schooler. In addition, her breasts had grown rapidly and for some reason she was wearing a dark blue school swimsuit. Her name tag said Ion on it.

Ion was hugging me.

"I'm glad. I was alone when I found out...and I was lonely"


Ion closes her eyes and brings her face close to mine. I also close my eyes.

"You prepared a very bad tasting trial"

When I said that, Ion stopped moving.

"What are you talking about? Takuto-san"

"It is useless to deceive. The Ion that I know would never say that she is lonely. She's the kind of girl who cares about me and the people around her and desperately wants to be pampered while she's lonely. It's about time you showed up, right? Distant Seas Dragon King"

As I say this, the Ion in front of me bubbles up and disappears. Then I heard a voice from below.

As one expect you understand my family. I thought for sure I could fool you...but I guess it was a mistake to make her big-breasted...

A dragon with a long body like a snake that illuminates the darkness of the deep sea with blue light swims around this world with ease. This Dragon King is much bigger than the Holy Shining Dragon King. You can't see the tip of his tail yet, although his body already covers the visible range.

It's only natural. I am the Distant Seas Dragon King, Absolute Dragon. A dragon that shows the world absolute truth

Absolute truth? Is that why I can't see you?

That's right. Absolute truth is something that does not exist. The world is interesting not because it is absolute, but because it is relative. I like navy blue swimsuits, but I'm a dragon who also likes other colors

What are you babbling about? This dragon.

I'll be honest with you. I'm basically a dragon who hates humans. Humans pollute the ocean for their own reasons. But at the same time, they create a culture of squalor. That's why you must be tested with a trial to see what kind of person you are

"Am I disqualified for refusing to wear a bathing suit?"

No way. It's obvious to me that you've been aroused

What! No, the destructive power of Ion in a school swimsuit was indeed great.

You're right! And that's why I have to acknowledge you for not being fooled by appearances and seeing through the truth

Oh! So I've passed the trial.

You did. But not my family member

There was Ion in a drop of water held by the Distant Seas Dragon King.

What is the state of Ion in the drop of water?

"Takuto-san, please give me a kiss"

"Takuto-san, please scratch my ears"

"Takuto-san, please put me on your lap"

What? What's with this spoiled Ion?

I showed her a vision of you who's always spoiling her, and this is what she got. If you just want to spoil it so much, you can spoil it quickly. Shes a member of my family, but she's too clumsy to cry

Will this happen if Ion is spoiled all the time? I think that's it, but after all I want Ion to support me and Lily who are not good.

Yes. That's the nature of this fellow, I guess. So the dream time is over

When the Distant Seas Dragon King breaks the drop of water, Ion's dream time is over.

"Takuto-san, brush my hair"

"Should I?"

"Yes! By all means...su?"

Hey. Are you awake from your dream? Dada-sweet family

"D, Distan Seas Dragon King!?"

She's having the same reaction as Lily.

"Ah...that? I...until just now..."

I prepared a fake of this guy and spoiled you a lot. Even if your lord was spoiled by your big breasts, he could see it as a fake, but you in this predicament, means you disqualified the trial

"E...Eh!? Ju, Just a little, wait please!"

I'm not waiting. Ah, by the way, I had this guy see your sweet dream. Please keep it as it is and be spoiled for a long time


Ion turns her face bright red and looks at me with teary eyes. Well, that...what? I looked at her as hard as I could. Ion covered her face with her hands. It looks like she's really embarrassed.

However, Ion says to the Distant Seas Dragon King.

"I, I demand that you redo the trial! It's totally different from the test Lily did!"

Listen on the contrary. Why do I have to do the same trial as other Dragon Kings? What's more, what are you going to try by doing a trial that you know the contents of?

"Th, That's..."

Remember. Young girl. The sea creates and robs lives. Both are the sea, so the sea is not absolute. That's why I'll try you guys in a different trial than the other Dragon Kings

In other words, by preparing a different trial than the other Dragon Kings, you're showing the absolute truth.

That's how it is. You're not the only snarling family member there. However, I am not willing to crush a promising family member as it is

"Th, Then!"

Umm. I'll accept you if you confess your love to the summoner there while wearing this school swimsuit

Ion goes crazy and her face turns bright red.

"So what! This trial!"

What? You're not going to do it? You're not even prepared for this? It wasn't a story. The young lady who woke up to her light dragon was prepared to help her Lord until she abandoned her present appearance, right?

"Na...I, I'll do it! I'm also ready to do that and I can even confess!"

Ion has been swayed by the Distant Seas Dragon King.

Then, it's a gift from me. Here

Ions attire changed to a school swimsuit.

"Kuu...Ta, Takuto-san...remain over there"

Not good. Stare. Otherwise the trial will be disqualified

I can't do anything else but look at Ion since I was told so.

So I suddenly wondered. Why does this dragon insist on wearing a school swimsuit? There are so many other types of swimwear out there...

The moment I thought that, the Distant Seas Dragon King came in front of me, interrupting Ion who was about to confess.

Y, You...now, what did you imagine!?

"Eh? What, a swimsuit other than school swimsuit"

Is there such a thing!? The only swimsuit that exists in this world is the school swimsuit!?

...Are you okay? This world.

When asked in detail, it seems that the underwater equipment in this world is a loincloth for women and a loincloth for men. I didn't want to know the man's information.

He said that since skills and items exist in the first place, there's not much advantage to bothering with underwater equipment since you can act underwater with your clothes on. It's just that if underwater equipment isn't made, then it's a mystery as to what kind of abilities it will give you.

Th, Thereupon...gulping. What kind of swimsuit do you know?

"What the hell is that..."

"Emm~. Slowly I get really angry?"

Ion, who was suddenly disturbed by the confession, is on the verge of explosion.

Well, wait. Things have an order. First, lets talk about other swimwear

"I'm not waiting! Takuto-san!"

"Y, Yes!"

I could not help but let out a strange voice at the serious Ion.

"I've loved you since the first time you summoned me! I love you for encouraging me and relying on me when I'm weak! I love you!"

"I love you too, Ion. I care about you"

"That answer is enough for now. There are many people around Takuto-san. I think that Lily, Setia and Koihi all love you. But I'm not going to lose!"

I really feel that Ion is a strong girl.

Huh. A little better expression because...that's fine. I'm sure I've witnessed the determination and thoughts of my family member! I'll do as you ask and awaken the dragon blood in Ion!

Ion's body emitted a blue light. Then the evolution began.

When the evolution was over, there stood the pseudo-dragonized Ion, who had grown to the size of a first year junior high school student.

She was dressed in a dress that was blue with some black. This alone makes her look much more mature. The twin-tails that she prides herself on have also grown a little longer. Her breasts are growing. It's not a rapid growth, though.

"E, Emm...Takuto-san..."

Hey. You're useless now that your evolution is over. Goodbye. Keep up the good work

Ion starts to glow.

"Eh!? What is it! Already!"

Ion is gone. I'm going to have to follow up on this, aren't I?

"Did you leave me to continue with the swimsuit story? Or should I thank you for pushing Ion back?"

It seems that the Distant Seas Dragon King is as clumsy as Ion. Confessing is certainly one of the trials and it would require a lot of determination. I think Ion who did that is amazing. But in reality, the Distant Seas Dragon King is inciting Ion to confess.

In other words, Ion had already heard about Lily's trial and was ready to awaken her dragon's blood. There was no point in trying to test her readiness. Then you would have said you decided to push the back of a clumsy family member.

Huh. I'm also a king. I'll take care of my clumsy family members. But I need to hear about your swimsuit story

So I tell him what I know about swimwear and the Distant Seas Dragon King is very satisfied. And I was able to hear a little bit of history from the Distant Seas Dragon King.

It seems that he tried to make swimsuits compulsory for his female dependents a long time ago. But the truth is that even kings are not absolute.

His male dependents were all for it, but his female dependents were against it. The male dependents who agreed to the plan were beaten up by the female dependents and as a result, the school swimsuit harem plan could not be realized.

But with these swimsuits, I can go! I'm going to take a new step in history!

"Please do your best"

Leave it to me. And guide her

For some reason, I realized that this dragon was also a king. It's a very different king than the Holy Shining Dragon King, though.

I returned to the original field. Then, the evolved Ion was sitting on the floor grasping her knees.


"...Please leave me alone for a while"

She seems to be very depressed.

"What the hell...to be made to confess in such an outfit...huhuhu...I'm a laughing stock for life..."

I feel like Ion is about to fall into the darkness! But is it okay? Let's take a look at the evolved Ion for now.

Name Ion Dragonewt Lv30 Dragonewt Envelope Lv1

Vitality 4060

Magic Power 6282

Strength 3353

Defense 2232

Agility 84104

Dexterity 7085


Dual Wield Lv23

Spear Lv1

Throwing Lv6 Throwing Maneuver Lv6

Flight Lv4

Underwater Action Lv10 Swimming Action Lv10

Water Blade Lv11 Ice Blade Lv11

Rengeki Lv1

Water Magic Lv1

Blue Wave Motion Lv1

Dragon Technique Lv4

Pseudo-dragonification Lv5 Dragonification Lv4

Sea Dragon Blessing Lv1

Envelope means an envelope, but in this case it probably means something that wraps you up. An existence that gently envelops us. I think that's what it was named for.

The strength has definitely gotten stronger. The following are new to me: spear, throwing maneuver, swimming action, ice blade, blue wave motion and sea dragon's blessing.

The spear is used by Keigo. Harpoons seem to be capable in underwater combat and it's also useful in mounted combat.

And covering the spear is probably the throwing maneuver. If you can control what you throw at will, it seems pretty powerful.

The swimming action will probably increase the speed of swimming. Swimming is a word mainly used for fish. It's like an enhanced version of Ion's underwater action.

What's the ice blade? It's an evolution of the water blade, so does it send out ice slashes? I guess the blue wave motion is the water version of the light wave.

I'm curious about the sea dragon's blessing. I'm not sure if the effect is the same as the holy dragon's blessing or not.

Mel and the others come over when I finish checking the status.

"Ah! You're finally back!"

"Nii-chan! You can't just leave without permission!"

"Nii-sama. You can't just run away"

Eh? What do you mean?

According to Mel and the others, they were going to have a victory party after that, but they couldn't find me anywhere. In the end, they had a victory party without me, but without the strategist, it didn't seem to be very exciting.

I sent an email to everyone explaining the reason and apologizing.

Mel and the others confirm that I'm okay, so I log out. I'll apologize later.

I'm about to head to the flower garden I found today with Ion, when she says.

"...Fold your arms"


"I won't move from here unless you fold your arms"

I've come to say it to myself...I was impressed by Ion, who showed a different smile while moving with her arms folded to also serve as a good mood.


Author note:

It's the appearance of the school swimsuit Ion.

It was a very different trial from the Holy Dragon's trial. I thought about having Takuto hug Ion to stop her from going out of control in the same trial, but I didn't want to make it the same trial because it might be used all the time.

I wrote the Distant Seas Dragon King with an awareness of the type of perverted father who supports his children from the shadows.

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