Eldritch Guidance

Intermission XII

In an undisclosed facility underground. A large, muscular, bald man in bulky black armor was sitting at a desk, looking through papers. The man had an imposing figure, standing six feet nine (2.06 meters), and had horrible scars all over the left side of his face. His left eye was covered by an eye patch, and he had a constant scowl.

Everyone in this facility was scared of this man.

He was Decker Vorn, the leader of Project Sword. A faction and warband within the Endless War cult that produces and develops weapons of war, all meant to sell to other nations or other warbands.

This faction worked to start a never-ending conflict as much as the rest of the cult, but was more motivated by profit. They didn’t care who or why; they would arm anybody who would pay them with few exceptions, which still aligned with the core beliefs of the cult. As the more people who are armed, the more likely there is to be violent conflict.

One of the few exceptions was that Project Sword wouldn’t arm other cults, and not because this group didn’t want to. But, because other cults would get in their way to start endless conflict. Not all cults benefited from a country in war, and some would try to undermine the Endless War cult's efforts. So one of the few universal agreements among all the warbands of the cult was not to work with other Nameless God cults.

The papers that Decker was looking through, were requests from one of those other cults. It was one of the cults hiding in the Agado swamplands. They were pleading with him to help arm them, so that they could fight off the encroachment of the Red Church into their land.

“Fucking damn it. We could make so much money from this if this request wasn't from another cult. I’m sure I could get an exception for this at the next warband meeting, as long as I don’t arm Rattle Bone or Blood Callers, but who fucking knows when the next meeting is gonna be. I guess I could secretly arm them. Even if the other warbands find out about this and attack me over it, It’s not the worst way to go out.” Decker thought to himself, honestly considering breaking the agreement and working with other cults.

The Endless War cult had very few rules. Just about anything in this organization was permitted as long as it led to more conflict. The only two rules were not working with other cults and attacking each other, which the latter was not always followed. The Endless War cult was prone to infighting, especially during times of peace. Warbands constantly come and go within the cult due to this fighting. It’s only during major conflicts, like the civil war in Gix, that the cult is unified, but Decker's greed was testing that unity at this moment.

As he looked over the documents, the door opened into his office, and he saw a soldier wearing armor with a similar design to Decker’s. The person who entered was not someone Decker knew, but his uniform denoted someone of lower standing than Decker. The officer saluted before resting his right hand over his chest.

Cram: “O-Officer Cram f-from sector C here to d-deliver a message from officer Hik,” he stuttered.

This content has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road; report any instances of this story if found elsewhere.

“He’s nervous, why?” Decker thought to himself while noticing Cram’s slight stutters in his world.

Decker: “At ease, soldier. Be candid with me; why are you so nervous?”

Cram made an audible gulping sound.

Cram: “Honestly sir, I’m here to deliver bad news and don’t want to get shot over this. I’d rather die on the battlefield than die delivering a message.”

Decker: “Ah, well don’t worry, soldier. I don’t shoot the messenger. So what do you have to report?”

Cram: “The caravan transporting armament to Ugo’s warband was intercepted and destroyed. None of the weapons or supplies made it to the destination.”

Decker didn't express any particular visible emotion, but there was a slight twitch in his eye from hearing the news.

Decker: “I see... and who was it that attacked the caravan?”

Cram: “It was Anya Volk’s forces.”

Decker: “Anya? I didn’t think the caravan went through the territories she controls.”

Cram: “It didn’t. She launched an assault outside her territory with a small force that overwhelmed our men.”

Decker: “When did she become so bold? Is she getting so desperate for supplies that she is starting to do raids outside her territory?”

Anya Volk was a knight turned general of the single largest remaining army within the territory of Gix. She was the number one enemy of the Endless War cult right now, as she was viewed as the one most likely to end the conflict. So Decker and other warbands work together to isolate and attack her forces, slowly grinding away at their supplies and manpower. All so that they could reduce Anya’s power and keep the conflict going.

Cram: “Actually, no. Our informants have reported that she has a new supplier.”

Decker: “There is a new arm’s dealer in the game, or is it the Union States?”

Cram: “We don’t know. It could be the Union States, possibly one of the other territories aligning with her, maybe some other arms dealers in the Endless War cult secretly supplying her, or a third party we’re unaware of. The only thing we do know is that this new arms dealer goes by the code name ‘The Mechanic’. Who we suspect may have been secretly supplying her for some time, along with some other groups that are opposed to us.”

Decker: “Well, fuck us. Also, it was Hik that was the one who arranged that caravan that got attacked, correct?”

Cram: “Yes sir.”

Decker: “Why is he not the one reporting this to me?”

Cram: “He told me he’s currently busy and sent me instead.”

Decker: “Ah, OK. Just one second.”

Decker picked up the corded phone on his desk and punched in a few numbers. Cram could hear the audible dial tone before it clicked and connected to someone.

Decker held the phone up to the side of his head and began talking.

Decker: “Warren, would you be so kind as to put a bullet into the back of Hik’s head? Yes, the one in sector C. Oh, and be sure to have his remains used for weapon testing, so he’ll at least be useful for something. Thank you.”

He then put the phone back on the receiver and looked back at the lower-ranking officer.

Decker: “You don’t shoot the messenger, you shoot the one that sent the message.”

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