Eldritch Guidance



A person who suffered a great series of tragedies in the previous world he was from. He woke up in a new world. Now living in and operates the store "The Mystic Emporium", under the guidance of a mysterious entity now known as Onyx.

He welcomes customers who stubble into the store and helps gives them “salvation”.

A student within the Shroom Pact collage at the university. Feeling down about being a Null Mage, he was going to engage in a bunch of self destructive behaviors, until he met John. His life then took a strange turn.

Had a poor relationship with his family.

After reviving the book of grand design from John, he seemed to develop some sort of strange ability related to mathematics.

Often simply referred to as just "Scarlett". Is a famous disgraced archmage, of sixty years of age, that once worked for the Graheel University. Famed for her enchantment magic and contributions to the field of archeology.

Is an exceptionally powerful Pyromancer and labeled as one of the most wanted Black Mages in modern times.

Has a strange power through her red eyes, allowing her to "see" the past of an object. Can also use her eyes to see aether.

She was framed by her former disciples for a crime she didn't do and was betrayed by the other professors at the university. Falsely accused of both murdering and attempted murder of her disciples.

A senior investigator working for the police in Graheel. Investigating the former gang leader Rob Anvil, before an unfortunate event occurred. He is now investigating the suspected murder of Rob.

Has an adversarial relationship with chief of police.

A senior investigator working for the police in Graheel and partner to Joe Striker. Has a reputation for being the more calm and level-headed of the two investigators.

A former gang leader of group called the Skullcrusher. Is responsible for the death of two of Joe's and Mike's friends. Died under mysterious circumstances while under Joe Striker's watch.

Was once a very big and muscular man in the past, but has become wizened.

A recently graduated officer from a isolated community. Assigned to Joe's investigation unit after Joe made an agreement with chief of police Murdock. Seems to lack a lot of common sense when it comes to mutants and the city.

A mysterious being that has taken on the form of a old man with red eyes. Seems to be responsible for John's current circumstances. Its intention are alien and unknown.

Name was given to by John.

A Lionheart student that originally lived in the Gix Empire before his home was attack by the Endless War Cult. Moved to Graheel and became good friends with Jafar and Sere. Is also friends with Cid Miles, a childhood friend from Gix.

He is tall and stands at six and half feet (1.92 meters). Has a lot of emotional trauma from being displaced from his home and losing friends and family.

A childhood friend of Alan. Was there to help when their home was attacked and they needed to flee. Lived for some time away from Alan, and only recently reconnected when they both ended up attending the Lionheart collage at Graheel university. Is hailed as a combat prodigy.

Very carefree and cheerful.

A friend of Alan's since he first came to Graheel. She was the daughter of the Lockheart family and was originally expected to become a combat mage. She defied that expectation and went into the SIlverwing college to become a healer.

She has silver hair. Is also quite temperamental.

A Embers Gear student and friend of Alan's. Is someone that specialize in arcane mechanical apparatus. He was the one who overheard the conversation between Professor Black and Patariki about the mysterious deaths going on at the university and then told Alan about it.

Is quite studious. Has poor hygiene.

A professor of the Grayscale collage who specializes in Arcane law and is highly proficient in binding magic. Was discovered by Jafar that he was working with professor Pitter to cover up the discovery of formaldehyde in Edwards body from the Scefer family.

A surgeon professor of the Silverwing collage, and manager of the university morgue. Discovered that there was formaldehyde in Edwards body and went to Sorin to talk about it, was then convinced by Sorin to try and cover it up.

The son of a very rich and influential family within the Golgotta Peninsula. Was saved by Alan when a statue almost fell on him. Later died under mysterious circumstances.

A member of the endless war cult.

Was responsible for the destruction of Alan's home town.

A herbalist working at a store that sold various herbal remedies.

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Helped Joe by giving him information on Rob.

Was growing weird stuff in the basement of his store.

Was revealed to be secretly a member of a nameless cult. Cult he belong to is known as the "Putrid Rot".

Archmage and the headmaster of the arcane eye college. Is the unofficial leader of Graheel University. Extremely famous and said to be the strongest mage on the continent.

Was once friends with Scarlett, but betrayed her.

A renown business man and owner of Vaga manufacturing, a maker of aether powered vehicles. Controls a remote golem that looks like him to interact with people. Is a patron of John.

Head enforcer and combat instructor working at the university. Nickname the “green-haired demon” due to possessing naturally green hair and training people in a way that looks like torture. Draws some sort of strange pleasure from making people go through her tortuous training.

Is a S-class mage and highly trusted by Lazarus.

An informant of the skull crusher that infiltrated the Nighthounds under Robs orders. Since skull crushers dissolved, he full joined the Nighthounds. He never told the Nighthound leadership he was originally a snitch and Joe Striker used that information against him.

Is a coward.

More commonly known as Archbishop Beck, he is a prominent religious leader within the Church of Light. Attempted to try and blackmail Crowley into destroying the speaker decrees so that he could secure his position as the next Light speaker. He is ruthless and willing to undermine sacred traditions and betray his principles to achieve power.

Is cunning and manipulative.

A Priest and former Hand of Light.

He had a calm temperament and was generally beloved within his congregation. However, Beck blackmailed him, threatening him with excommunication if he didn't destroy the speaker's decrees. To protect the mutant members within the church, he made the difficult decision to retire and began openly disparaging Beck.

Was Sheridan assistant.

The saintess and leader of the Red Church. Known as the "Saintess in Red and White".

Posses extraordinary healing abilities.


A major city state within the Golgatta peninsula. Famed for it's university that shares the same name.

Was the place where John woke up in this world. Originally just an empty space, but after John converse with Onyx, it became a strange antique store.

As long as John is in this store, he could manifest things just out of sight.

The store seems to have a mysterious power that makes it hard for people to find. It also seems to have all kinds of other strange effects on people that are inside the store.

The largest and most extensive repository of knowledge on the arcane in the western continent. It resides in Graheel, but predates the city. It used to require that scholars submit their own works into the archive before they were allowed access to it, resulting in the Arcanium Archives acquiring the largest bodies of work on magic.

A vast unclaimed geographical area that encapsulates the north of the western continent. Is uninhabited due to strange and terrifying creatures that reside there, as well as strange and unexplained phenomena.

The Wildlands is separated from the rest of the continent by enormous warding stones, built by giants, that prevent the strange creatures and phenomena from coming down south.

An alliance of different nations and city states that encompass the eastern side of the western continent. It is a political, military, economic alliance originally created for the single goal of protecting themselves from the influence of the Gix Empire.

A massive empire that encapsulated the western side of the western continent. Was the most powerful nation on the continent until political strife, caused by a succession crisis, which made the empire collapse. It has now devolved into a series of states that are constantly at war with each other. People now commonly refer to the former territory's of Gix as the "Warring States".

A vast swamp land near the coast, located south of the former Gix empire. Is difficult to explore due to the terrain and hostile fauna. This has resulted in the area being a popular place for cults to hide. Historically, the territory has never been under the control of any nation.

Is currently under the control of the Red Church.

A small town in Agado swampland that is slowly being completely taken over by the Red church.


The world's majority religion. Preach the word of light in an attempt convert people to the path of light to save their souls in their beliefs.

Sworn enemy to all nameless cults.

A series of fanatical organizations that worship mysterious god-like beings. These groups of worshipers is often maligned and disparaged within most civilized society, as the majority of the followers engage in violent and cruel acts in service of their gods. Despite scholars grouping the cults together, they never been unified in any action and are even in conflict with each other

These cult practices say that their gods have unspeakable names, so instead they created monikers to denote their gods.

A nameless god cult that is dedicated to creating a never ending war. Is one of the three largest known cults. Is also suspected for destabilizing Gix and causing the civil war there.

A notorious group of mad necromancers ranks among the top three largest cults and stands as the most significant necromantic order in history. Their devotion to their deity is demonstrated through the creation of horrifying bone effigies, often crafted from the remains of their victims.

Many of the members seem to be failed artists and are the most psychologically unstable of any know cult.

A newly formed religion spreading within the warring states. Is most practice in and around the swampland of Agado. Lead by a someone called "The Saintess in Red and White" who is said to have extraordinary healing abilities.

Is suspected by many within the church of Light that this new religion is secretly a nameless cult.

A cult that appears to worship a nameless god related to rot.

One of the few cults that are relatively harmless, and pose no threat to other people.

A crime syndicate that has almost complete control over everything everything on the east side of Graheel.

Their main base of operation is within the red-light district.


A strange energy that exists within all living creatures and is used to cast magic and power magical items.

A classification of mages that use their magic to commit heinous acts, and or crimes. Often associated with nameless cults and using forbidden magic.

A classification of mages that exclusively fight against and restrain black mages. A term often used to refer to law enforcement.

A type of mage that has no elemental affinity. Sometimes this kind of mage can develop or use unique types of magic, but if they don’t, they're seen as an inferior type of magic caster.

Spells without elemental power infused are significantly weaker.

A type of magic created to torment people. Comes in two classes: petty and major.

Not usually lethal.

A third class of curses exist called "deadly". This type of curse is always lethal.

Not well known or understood.

A type of highly illegal magic that reanimates the dead and bind spirits to the living world. Is frowned on by most in society. Most users of this type of magic don't seem to be particularly sane.

Is one of the main types of magic that members of the Rattle Bone cult uses.

A illegal drug that turns people into mutants. Has a small chance of turning someone into a mage, so desperate people continue to use it, hoping that it will allow them to use magic.

A blanket term to mean any human who has develop any physical traits that are not associated with a normal healthy human. The majority of mutants are created through the illegal drug known as Krimson.

Majority of adult mutants are the result of forced Krimson injections as children.

Many mutants face various kinds discrimination within society.

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