Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 208: The 'Field Experience' Department

Chapter 208: The 'Field Experience' Department

The twelve departments only had a head and that was the only professor in that department. Thus, a tug-of-war for the new recruit was normal.

Sulphur was the first to open his mouth.

"Since he can summon beasts, he should join the Summoning Magic department."

The argument was not to other's liking, and it was natural that he was crossed.

"If that is the case, then he should join the Water Element department."

Ivy Taurus made herself clear.

"Why don't he take charge of the Lightning Element department?"

Dolly, wife of Drake Godson, voiced her opinion. For a brief moment, nobody spoke against her.

"Lightning is a rare element among students, and the last Lightning affinity student we had was over a decade ago."

Merion shrugged and stated the truth. As a rare element, Lightning affinity was seen sparsely even in decades.

"Then I believe it is better to ask for his decision."

Erikko said and turned to Lee. Eleven pairs of eyes were now staring at him. Lee was unsure of what to say. Drake understood the reason for hesitance to speak, and conveyed what the principal meant by his words.

"About that. Do we have a department for field experience?"

Department heads looked at each other clueless about his inquiry. They could not find a reason from which his question had arisen.

Lee had a specific reason behind this question. He had put together various pieces of information from multi sources and analysed it thoroughly, to come up with this uncertainty.

Like everyone, Erikko was curious for the reason behind this doubt. When asked to elaborate, Lee spoke-

"Throughout my travel through the city, I have only seen a very few adventurers and came across a very high number of cultivators. I have seen many capable students inside the campus, but very few outside. This academy has a history longer than the Cultivator's Guild, yet it is like an isolated area. I have also not seen any students outside the academy premises."

Lee decided not to mention the conversation between Drake and Erikko this morning. The file had a list of students, who were somehow injured. There were more lists of names, and Lee had skimmed through all.

The atmosphere was silent. The department heads were looking at Erikko for an answer. Understanding their gazes, he replied-

"Your observations are correct, and I assume you have found the answers yourselves."

Lee nodded. Erikko took out a file from one of the draws, and it was the same file which Drake had given to him.

"Two days ago, we had sent the final year students of Magic Research, Weapon Mastery and Fire Element departments for a practical examination. This is the list of final year students that came back with injuries and wounds. Except for students from Weapon Mastery, many had sword slashes on their body.

The reason is simple. The cultivators are not fond of our presence. So they are trying to irritate and annoy us to such an extent that if we go for a war, it would only be a lopsided invasion"

Erikko paused and the tension in the atmosphere was over the roof. The principal stood up from his chair, and walked to the window. He saw the Snow Wyvern lying on the green grass, and a few students sitting next to it. One of them was leaning onto its smooth scales and sleeping silently.


The voice did not have the pride and strength of the academy principal. It was as if a request followed it, and Lee assumed correct.

"Can you help this academy? We are in dire need of someone like you."

When Erikko turned from the window, everyone saw his expression. He looked no more than a dying grandfather asking a stranger to help his grandchild live without worries.

[I find no tinge of falseness in him. Accept the task.]

[I find his concern about the academy and the lives of students genuine, and we cannot reject such an earnest request.]

Both D and Hudson voiced their support in this matter. Lee had a faint smile as he nodded at Erikko in agreement.

Without any further ado, the department of Field Experience was established and Lee was appointed as the head of the department. Erikko made an announcement and the information was known 

The meeting was adjourned, and the H.O.Ds went back to their offices. Drake and Lee were asked to stay put.

"Drake will show your room and your office. You can start from tomorrow."

"Can I start today itself?"

Lee showed his enthusiasm and the principal was pleased. A nod was received in response, and Lee thanked him and left the office.

[So what is the plan?]

'Simple. Bring Alaqvier academy back to its former glory. Take students outside for practical experiences. Teach them to tackle situations. Prepare them for their own adventure, and make every batch better than previous.'

Lee checked the time and it was almost 11 A.M. He then opened the Map and saw that almost all students were in classes. The wyvern was basking in the daylight and there were students sitting next to it.

'Let's start from there.'

The outdoor training ground was vast and a major portion was plain and hard ground. Only a small area had grass, and there laid the beast.

Lee walked to the wyvern and it recognised his presence. It raised its head and the students realised that someone was approaching. Glancing around, Lee was caught in their view.

"Hello. May I know which departments you are from?"

The students took a step back, as the announcement clearly said that Lee is a department now. With a sense of respect, one of the four replied-

"We are from the Fire Element department, sir."

The wyvern came next to Lee and rubbed its head to Lee. He moved backward a few steps and 'conjured' the summoning portal.

'I will come and see you soon.'

With his reassurance, the Snow Wyvern went inside the portal and the fissure disappeared. He then turned to the four students with two golden bands on their cuffs.

"Do you four want to learn something interesting?"

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