Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 194: A Futile Attempt

Chapter 194: A Futile Attempt

For a being much more powerful than Gauthama, Hegerus had an extremely higher Guard value. Thus none of Gauthama's previous hits left any marks on his skin.

But now? Gauthama has gone Dark Awakening and has completely embraced the chaos. His hand had entered Hegerus by breaking his sternum and came out by severing the continuity of his backbone.

The eyeballs completely consumed by rage and chaos stared at the dark elf. The Tubian of Malice tried to pull the hand out of his chest, but found his attempt to be in vain.

The pitch black gas has been abruptly erased from any further production, but it continued to linger around, as it disintegrated very slowly. Mia was dead and encased in the ill-intent miasma and Tera was unconscious from pain. An was undisturbed, for now, as she was unconscious.

Lee saw how Gauthama pierced the dark elf's chest and his mind jumped up in joy. Channeling all his strength, he stood up but fell on his knees. The Tubian had only flicked his forehead, and he is still suffering from its effects. The disorientation made him scream inside, but he gritted his teeth, as tears rolled down on his cheeks. Lee had his eyes red from the pain.

It took Hegerus to find some familiarity with the energy rising from Gauthama. When he thought about it, things were clear to him. He scolded himself for missing to spot such a vital truth.

Gauthama suddenly felt his energy being absorbed into the hands of Hegerus. A faint sinister smile on the face of the dark elf gave him the outline of the situation.

Gauthama was the Tubian of Serenity. When he went through the Dark Awakening phase, his serenity was totally replaced with chaos and unrest. But Gauthama failed to consider the possibility of traces of Malice in the dark energy. Hegerus, in an attempt to somehow break free, took hold of Gauthama's hand and then realised this truth.

By each passing moment, Buddha was losing a small portion of his strength. The grip Hegerus put on the piercing hand of Gauthama had turned strong and firm. As he frantically swung his arm around to lose the parasitic elf, The Tubian of Malice slowly accumulated energy from Gauthama.

And when the time has arrived, Hegerus felt that he had more than enough energy to bury Lee, Gauthama and the Dimension Sovereign alive, The Tubian of Serenity only had half of his strength.

"Offense was never your forte, yet you made an unnecessary attempt. But thanks to you, I feel reborn."

The dark elf pulled out the arm and threw Gauthama on the floor. The Tubian of Serenity felt himself at the verge of death. His breathing was irregular and rough. To make things painful, Hegerus raised his leg and stamped on his stomach.


Whether it was throwing people into the space or stamping people into the depths, Hegerus was sure to produce a shockwave which travelled across the land. The sound with which Gauthama collided with the floor reverberated through the atmosphere.

Buddha, who was not fond of fighting or violence, tried to protect his dear and near ones, but failed in his effort. Not that he did not give his everything, the enemy was well versed in the art of war. Thus he turned the tide in favor of him.

Hegerus barely turned to the menacing dense mass of gas on the floor, when someone shouted out. The sound echoed throughout the atmosphere which had a wonderful background of two masses of light kissing their reflections.

"Stop this now and surrender!"

Now Hegerus was really pissed. He was trying to do a job given to him with complete trust, and pests keep popping up every now and then. He sighed and turned around, with a blank face.

The head of the Cultivator's Guild was here to get destroyed. No, I mean rescue. The head of the Cultivator's Guild was here to rescue those who are left alive.

Xavi felt an immensely powerful aura when Hegerus exhibited his power. The chaos and distress when Gauthama got thrown away, crashing into the building made him sound alert and the three giants of the city were notified of this unrest.

The only problem he faced was a delay in bringing together the troops. Long Sect, Typhoon Clan and Iron Shadow Clan had to select their best of the best and send them for at the short notice of the Cultivator's Guild.

As soon as the cultivators gathered, Xavi led them straight to where Hegerus was. It was easy to spot him with the surrounding damage and destruction.

Perhaps it was because they sensed pure malice in the air, even the Clan Heads came with half of their elders to assist. Almost all the core disciples were following the elders, but the inner disciples were stationed at a distance, as reinforcements, in case a situation arises.

"Identify yourself."

Xavi shouted out and his voice resonated in the dark elf's ears. The Tubian skimmed over the faces of the vast numbers of cultivators surrounding him. The very thought that they are trying to poke a landmine made him smirk.

Witnessing the arrival of reinforcements, Lee had got up on his feet. He converted thousands of Essence to Mana and Qi, and gave himself a boost. His attacks were faster than the cultivators could follow, but Hegerus easily broke all of his limbs' bones, like breaking a toothpick. Lee spectacularly failed in his attempt to wound the Tubian, even with Lightning, Poison, Gravity and Light attributes activated.

The Clan Heads saw this and frowned. They were aware of the fact that that man was the winner of the Tournament. Though Lee won the tournament with the Veil of Whiteness, he was still a force they had reckoned with. To see someone like him being destroyed in a matter of seconds, made them think about retreat.

But their pride as cultivator's did not allow them. It was a natural instinct of the cultivators to show that they are superior to adventurers.

"Thousand Severing Sword Formation!"

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