Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 401

401 Chapter 401: Unique monster creation (12)

The ice revenant skidded across the forest floor thanks to wraith’s mighty blow. The light flashing across his runic armour dimmed further, threating to go out entirely, he was truly hurt this time.

Horrible grinding and cracking sounds could be heard as the ice revenant struggled to pull himself together and stand once more. He had to use his great sword as a crutch, his legs no longer able to support his weight.

The ice revenant’s flame wisp eyes flickered like an exposed flame in a breeze. He turned his head around, taking in the sights of the current battlefield.

Piles of boar and bat corpses could be seen strewn across the ground, partially submerged in puddles of red blood.

Lifeless orbs and silent heaps of runic armour could also be seen, the corpses of his revenant brothers and the frost elementals who made up the front lines.

Ghosts still a plenty swarmed those that still lived, ganging up on what was left with their superior numbers.

The yuki-onna who had wished him luck in his battle had pronounced veins across her fair face as she forced herself to cast spell after spell in attempt to push back the ghosts, to no avail of course.

Screams rang throughout the area as dwarves, trolls and spiders were slaughtered by the enemy. The ghosts no longer obstructed made there way into the bunkers, killing those who dwelled there without mercy, lambs to the slaughter.

Even the command bunker which held superior forces like the frost troll lieutenant and the still unconscious Kiba wasn’t spared from their attacks. Thankfully however it still stood strong but for how long.


The ice revenant felt a wave of emotions as he took in this reality, pain, hatred, anger and finally despair. He was charged with keeping one of the wraith’s occupied, sealing himself and it in an enclosed barrier, protecting the rest of his comrades from its attacks. The rest would thus work together to handle the other one.

His gaze thus drifted towards that second wraith which was supposed to be managed by the yuki-onna and the frost troll lieutenant. The monster appeared to by just as spry as his opponent, sporting little to no damage.


The ice revenant overcome with despair punched the ground, neither he nor his comrades succeeded in their tasks, the enemy still stood and with overwhelming strength..... they had failed.

A depressed chuckle escaped from the ice revenant as he forced himself to stand, his great sword rising with great difficulty.

“Come on then, if I am to die I’ll die fighting.” The ice revenant faced off against the approaching wraith with fierce determination. He was a soldier, one who had failed in his mission. The only way to erase such a disgrace was to die bravely in battle, refusing to give way to the enemy.

The ice revenant calmed his breathing and raised his great sword high into the air. The sword madly sucked in the ambient mana from the nearby area causing the air to howl. The ice revenant’s eyes that looked as though they could flicker out at any minute suddenly blazed with incredibly strength. The aura surrounding the revenant became sharp, dominating and frigid, he was using his strongest move, one that would sap the last of his strength.

“[Rending of the ice king]!” The ice revenant’s great sword howled with power, glowing as it hurtled downwards in an attempt to cleave the wraith in twain. The blurry image of a mighty ice king appeared behind the revenant enhancing his aura and the power of his attack. This was a devasting blow like no other, he was putting his all into this strike, hoping to finally deal a major blow in this one sided duel.

The wraith feeling the pressure emitted by the ice revenant and the danger of such a devasting strike didn’t take it lightly.

“[———–]” The wraith used one of its own weapon skills, preparing to meet the ice revenant’s blow head on.

Black tendrils grew and attached themselves to wraith’s scythe, dyeing its former ghostly blue colour, black and turning the weapon almost corporal. An eery aura and deathly essence was now held in the scythe, a simple cut from such a weapon could curse a living entity, rapidly corrupting them like a vicious poison.


“Waaaaaaiiiiiilllllll!” Both the revenant and the wraith roared out as they swung their enhanced weapons.


The air exploded at the point of contact, sending plumes of snow, blood and pieces of nearby corpses into the air.

The ice revenant’s great sword and the wraith’s scythe were held in place against one another with neither giving way, a draw....or so it seemed at first.

“Gyah!” The revenant groaned in pain as he felt the countershock of the blow. The large opening across his chest and the dozens of cracks spanning his runic amour enlarged considerably, it was a miracle he was still in one piece.

His eyes however still held that same fierce flame, he wasn’t done yet.

“Ahhhhhhhhh!” With the last of his strength the ice revenant roared out once more. He took a powerful step forward and pushed back the wraith’s scythe, he refused to lose. His greatest technique would not end in a draw, he’d at least take something from the wraith.

Harsh grinding erupted from the two weapons, the black tendrils had given the scythe a solid form akin to metal, thus the blade was no longer ethereal.

The ice revenant as though in a state of madness summoned strength beyond his means, the wraith was being pushed back, its weapons crying out from the pressure.

“Waaaaaiiiiiiiilllllllll!” Furious by the ice revenant’s actions the wraith screamed and tried to push back with all its strength but for the first time since they started fighting it was unable to win against him. Its body was gradually pushed backwards, its scythe pushed closer and closer to its chest. It felt as though it was fighting against glacier, an insurmountable weight.

“[——–]” Seeing as physical means wasn’t working the wraith casted magic. Two magic crests appeared on the floor beside it summoning bones spikes. They swiftly grew and pierced into the ice revenant’s shoulders, sliding in through already present cracks and out the other side.

Pleased with the result the wraith showed a hideous smile but that quickly faltered. The ice revenant was still pushing, and its scythe was still moving closer and closer to its chest and groaning from the pressure.

“Idiot.” The ice revenant muttered under his breath before taking another forceful step forward. The hastily summoned bone spikes shattered, and his great sword pressed down with intense ferocity.

Cr....crack! Wooosh!

Suddenly the pressure became too much, the wraith’s scythe cracked before ultimately shattering into fragments. The ice revenant’s great sword continued unbated slashing down across the wraith’s exposed torso.


A large gash appeared across the wraith’s torso where the great sword passed. The wraith was sent flying back several metres and the great sword with its target lost crashed against the forest floor and the ice revenant sapped of all his strength collapsed a moment later.

The great sword lay on the ground next to an immobile and highly damaged set of runic armour. Slight flickers could still be seen inside the armour, the ice revenant was still conscious but barely. He didn’t even have enough energy to celebrate all he could do was take in the view of his damaged enemy.

The opposing wraith wailed and screamed in fury as its ghostly body repeatedly tried to patch up the wound. Its ethereal form now sported a large open gash across its chest that refused to fully close. Though like the ice revenant the wraith didn’t have a flesh body that would succumb to such a wound it did require energy to maintain its form. Something this gash was rapidly depleting.

Its scythe which was shattered was thus unable to be repaired. The ice revenant may not have been able to kill his enemy, but he made sure to take out a lot of its offense capability, he was proud of that at least.

The ice revenant smiled internally as the last vestiges of his consciousness started to drift off. The wraith sporting a face full of wrath floated over to his body. It reached down with its ethereal hand and entered his torso before pulling out his core where his soul resided.

As long as there was no battle or danger the ice revenant could slip into his core and recuperate, returning to battle ready duty after a few days or so. But if his core was taken or destroyed it would be a true death, the wraith obviously knew that.

The ghostly apparition ripped out the ice revenant’s core and slowly increased its grip strength, causing the core to groan under the pressure and even develop cracks. The wraith was killing him slowly out of spite, a sadistic expression present on its face as it did so. It was taunting the ice revenant for his failure, his weakness and loss.

Before the core shattered completely the wraith raised it over its mouth and opened wide, it planned to devour the ice revenant’s core. Though it wasn’t a living being the energy stored within should help alleviate its hunger.

As the wraith was about to drop the ice revenant’s core into its large mouth the sound of trees rustling, and the ground shaking could be heard as well as a voice.

“[ice flame bullet]”

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