Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 386

386 Chapter 386: The end of a tough wave

A cacophony of roars, sounds of torn up flesh and the swinging and slicing of weapons enveloped the former kill box and beyond. The massive wave of over 100 bear type monsters was rapidly meeting its end.

Frost and Findlay fought back to back, covering for one another as they killed the scores of enemies that obscured their vision, only knowing their progress in their onslaught from the occasional report from Nanna and Loki.

Kiba meanwhile commanded his bestial corps, hunting down the monsters that escaped the perimeter to chase after the dwarves and to head deeper into the dungeon. A far less battle intense job in comparison to what Findlay and Frost had to deal with but no less exhausting. Kiba had to use his wings to rapidly fly from place to place, dive bombing areas that needed his aid before quickly shuttling off to the next place. Beneficial in the long run as he grew more adept at flying.

Roughly half an hour later the last of the bears finally met its end, killed by two of the rear guarding frost revenants, a twin headed polar bear that charged passed the blockade of wolves and coeurl pups. These two revenants volunteered without hesitation to face off against the maddened aggressor allowing their companions to take charge of still retreating dwarves.

It was a gruelling battle wherein the frost revenants barely came out victorious despite having the numerical advantage. The maddened enemy was numb to pain and had limitless energy, willing to endure a blow or two just so it could land one itself. Their regal looking runic armour was shattered and gouged out in many places and the blue mana like flame that was true actual body and what held their armour together was dim. Appearing as though all it would take would be a simple breeze and they’d dissipate.

Unfortunately they weren’t the only monsters under Frost’s command that sported injuries with some not even making it through the wave. By far this wave caused more damage and losses than all the previous ones combined, and this was only half way through the mid stages. The waves would only grow stronger, the threat of this disaster was beginning to dawn on these formerly fearless monsters. Many had lost friends who had been by their side since their birth, the emotional and intelligent creatures such as the dwarves suffered from this revelation with a few breaking down in tears and punching the nearest solid surface so as to release their fury.

Frost could feel and even witnessed the state of his monsters as he and Findlay quickly made their way after the invading horde once they took care of the entrance. His heart lurched at the sight of one of the ice dwarves having to comfort one of his crying soldiers, convincing him to live on in place of his friend and that his friend died a glorious death, protecting their home and the territory of their lord and master.

Frost suddenly understood why Terra was against violence and killing, death worked both ways in war, loss was inevitable. Maya warned him not to get to attached to his monsters as they were there to protect him, meaning they were to die in his place. Just like how a soldier’s duty was fighting in the interests of their country and die in place the civilians.

Pain, loss, anger and despair he could feel these emotions not only in his own heart but from the dungeon core that was connected to the lives of each of his monsters. However not a single one of them blamed him nor one another more that they blamed themselves for being too weak or hated the invaders that held but a single emotion, anger. Beneath the despair his soldiers wished to become stronger so that next time invaders dared to enter their home they’d be ready, stronger than them and able to eviscerate them with a single attack just like their master and generals.


The tears stopped and fists were clenched as each of Frost’s monsters turned to gaze at him as he passed, determination and fire clear in their eyes.

Frost’s lips rose in response before he nodded strongly to each and every one of them, placing a hand on the shoulders of those who were injured and personally complimenting the ice dwarf who spoke earlier. He would do his best to protect his monsters, placing himself on the frontlines whenever possible and grant their wishes of becoming stronger, something that this wave and all the others previously have managed to grant.

His lips continued to turn upwards as he brought up the dungeon menu, there were so many notifications in regards to monsters reaching max level and of course the substantial level of DP in the top right corner was a mouth-watering bonus.

“Hehehehe” Frost couldn’t help but giggle as he saw the number, he now had over 300,000 a third of which was gotten from this wave alone. The loss of close to thirty of his own monsters as well as the destruction of the ice walls were more than a decent trade off if you looked at the numbers.

Over the past few days Frost had been rather frugal, accumulating the majority of the waves’ income, spending a minor few tens of thousands on upper ranked monsters and a frost elemental spawner, thus he was able to accumulate such a massive number.

His reasoning in doing so was not just because he didn’t have much need to buy anything during that time but the fact that he wished to feel the intense sensations brought on by large purchases. 150,000 felt amazing and allowed him greater understanding towards the existence that was divine energy, inadvertently helping him better understand the high earth rank cold flame.

Maya warned him not to get too addicted to the sensation, that he shouldn’t build his dungeon and monsters around the goal of harvesting DP just for the sensation thus avoiding senseless purchases and painting a target on his back. Frost agreed with her sentiment.

Right now the dungeon still had five fully outfitted floors as well as a sixth floor that was untouched, still the basic three blank sections. He could spend at least some money on outfitting that floor for it future intended purpose, a fixed asset wouldn’t be a wasted purchase. His monsters could even use the area in the meantime for some R&R and or construct buildings and areas that would function as shelter.

Frost wished for his monsters to construct the majority of buildings with their own hands and the materials provided by the dungeon’s mines and environments due to the extortionate prices of buying buildings through the dungeon menu. Dark for some reason other than items purchased for the private space would charge and arm and a leg.

A stone house fit to hold a family of 5 for example without furniture, appliances etc... cost 80,000DP...80,000DP for something so simple, the numbers just didn’t make sense. Frost had no idea what was going through his father’s mind when he designated such prices, but he was stuck with it. That’s why the ice walls for the kill box had to be painstakingly built by him and his monsters, no way he was going to fork over such vast amounts of DP just for a wall- he also didn’t have the DP at the time to do such a thing. The only benefit that he could see of purchasing buildings through the dungeon menu was the repair function.

These purchased buildings wouldn’t degrade over time and would very gradually heal from damage over time plus extra DP could be used to rush such repair work. If one could afford having a tall, high quality wall purchased through the dungeon menu it would grant quite the substantial defence....the cost however would be in the millions, a number Frost was still very, very far from achieving

After checking on his monsters and seeing that everyone was ready in place at the secondary defence zone, Frost teleported to the private space to check on, Nanna, Loki and Maya as well as deal with all these notifications. His monster roster was sure to expand now that he had so many monsters reaching max levels as well as his official entry into B-rank, a cause for celebration and one in which he highly desired a reward for from a certain someone.

“Master” Loki shouted out with a bright smile on his face, arching his chest forward as though proud of his achievements. Nanna however was still feeling rather down, her head was low, and she struggled to look up at Frost, curling her toes and biting her lip out of frustration.

“Haaaaaaaa you’re not still moping are you? I already said you and Loki did a good job, you’ve done nothing wrong.” Frost sighed and shook his head before moving towards the beautiful young phoenix kin who did her best to hold back her tears. Loki who was feeling the exact opposite muttered “see I told you so” and looked at his normally strong, brave and confident sister as if she was an idiot.

Nanna knew that she shouldn’t feel upset since both her brother and Frost said so, even Maya said she was overthinking things but after watching so many of the frost dwarves die in battle, some of which she’d talked with often she couldn’t help feel that she let them down somehow feeling that her unskilled leadership caused their deaths. She was caught in a loop, her heart feeling nothing but pain.

“Haaaaaaaa come here.” Frost sighed again before pulling Nanna into a tight embrace, petting the back of her head in a soothing manner as he squeezed her against him. There was no blame, no anger only love. If words didn’t get through then only action would.

Maya smiled at this sight before quickly joining in, wrapping Nanna up from behind, encapsulating her between her and Frost. Loki soon got jealous and squeezed himself into the cuddle sandwich, garnering giggles from the three of them. Nanna cried quietly as her heart healed.

Although she didn’t say it she was terrified of being punished, the pain she had gotten used over the years so she could endure that, but she didn’t think she could get over disappointing Frost and receive the cold demeaning looks she and her brother had suffered during their captivity from him, she dreaded that most of all. However with this tight embrace from her master, and mistress as well as her brother she let go of that last tendril of fear, no longer did she view herself as a slave, they were instead a family.

Her tears were tears of joy and relief.

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