Dungeon Life

Chapter Two-Hundred Ninety-Eight

Chapter Two-Hundred Ninety-Eight

The sun rises with Teemo and I still kinda chilling. It’s kinda weird to think that I can’t see the sky unless I’m looking through the eyes of my scions, but Teemo’s cool enough to give me a good view of the sunrise.

Aranya and everyone are only a couple miles out right now. They were tempted to push on to get here last night, but decided it’d be better to keep to the camp schedule and wake up fresh and have basically the full day to try to settle in, instead of trying to stay up late marching further, then stay up even later trying to get settled. Probably the right decision, all things considered.

It also gives my dwellers just that much more time to have their breakfast and prepare to welcome everyone. Their path will have them enter the Forest of Four Seasons, so Teemo ensures my enclaves know the shortcuts to get there. He waits on a branch while my other dwellers mill around, eager and anxious to do what they can to help make the kobolds feel welcome. I didn’t even realize how anxious I was about everyone getting back safe until I see Aranya and my scions leading the march. My High Priestess’ eyes brighten as she notices Teemo and everyone, and she waves alongside a happy howl from Leo.

“Welcome back!” greets Teemo and the gathered ratkin and spiderkin, my Voice soon hopping onto Aranya’s shoulder as she finally reenters my territory. Leo and Honey soon follow, as well as Queen and Thing, each having a good pile of mana saved up for me, and I embrace the bonds to let them know I’m glad they’re back.

“It’s good to finally be back. I can tell Lord Thedeim is happy to see us all return, too. He hasn’t been idle either. This expansion looks… big.”

Teemo laughs at that, but doesn’t get much of a chance to comment. Much as it’d be nice to just sit and chat, there’s a lot of people who need to get settled, and a lot of denizens to sort out. The latter are the easiest to deal with, excepting my new fox and bear. Aside from those two, they all know where to go, and head off to their respective territories with minimal guidance. The kobolds need a lot more help, though.

Larx and Folarn are good at directing people, and soon there’s a stream of nervous kobolds and plodding wagons making for the shortcuts to my enclaves. The ones that are planning to live in Fourdock proper are sticking near Aranya and Teemo for now. They’ve got a few valuables they intend to trade for some temporary lodging, before they find some kind of job.

It looks like they’re mostly young adults that are interested in independence, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they want to try adventuring. I certainly wouldn’t mind the mana. For the ones staying in my enclaves, my denizens already know to leave them alone. My more dangerous ones get a few concerned looks as they pass, but the kobolds don’t get too much of a chance to dwell on it. My dwellers are eagerly chatting away as they guide everyone, lending the processions a vibe like a big school field trip, rather than a careful walk past dangerous beasts.

They’re only technically dangerous, it’s fine, I promise.

Since they seem to have everything well in hand, I turn my attention to my two new denizens, getting a better look at them before I make them scions. They both look a bit out of their depth, which is fair enough. The Southwood doesn’t often deal with this many people all at once, and though I think the forest should feel familiar to them, I’m also pretty sure they can’t forget how different it is from their former home.

The fox is a male with an orange and white coat, black tips on his ears, and white feet. His fur is pretty fluffy right now, but I expect he’ll be shedding soon now that spring is sprung. Or he’ll hang out in the winter section. Either way.

The bear is a female black bear, and though she looks a bit more stoic than her fox companion, her nervousness is given away by her ears and nose all wiggling and taking in as much information as possible. Leo and Honey are sticking close to them, trying to help them feel at ease, but I think it might be time to take them somewhere a bit more private before making them scions. Teemo, if you would?

“Sure thing, Boss. I’ll be back in a couple minutes, Aranya. The new recruits are looking a bit overwhelmed.”

The kobold smiles at that and nods, reaching up to rub a finger under his chin. “Alright. I expect Yvonne, Aelara, and Ragnar will be here by the time you’re back, so you can greet them as well.”

This story is posted elsewhere by the author. Help them out by reading the authentic version.

He nods at that before hopping down and scurrying over to my gathered scions and soon-to-be scions. “Let’s head to Poppy’s garden, guys. It should be quiet enough that we can talk without having to dodge any feet.”

Thing, Honey, and Queen trip over each other as they try to respond, which earns a laugh from Teemo. “You guys can head off if you want, sure, but I think you’ll want to meet Poppy. Titania’s around, too, but I think Poppy’s current project will get your attention.”

Leo chuffs in a chuckle as the three brainy scions look interested in their own ways, and they and the two new denizens follow Teemo through a shortcut to the garden. It looks like Poppy is in the middle of organizing the latest set of seeds, which quickly earns the attention of Queen and Honey, and Thing’s curiosity. Teemo smirks and waves for them to go.

“Go ahead and play, guys. Poppy will love to have some people to talk to about this project who will actually be able to keep up. A lot of it goes over my head. Talk shop and see if you can offer her any help.”

They eagerly do just that, leaving Teemo and Leo with the new recruits. My Voice turns to my Warden before speaking. “So, have you tried to give them an idea of what’s in store for them? You’ve been through this before.”

Leo nods and wuffs.

“Ah, good. Now, for you two, I’m sure it’s difficult to understand all he’s tried to impart, but there’s one last thing the Boss wants before he makes you scions. Are you sure you want it? No hard feelings if you two want to go back. The Boss wants new spawners and scions, but you don’t have to be how he gets them.”

The two look surprised at that, and exchange a look before the bear grunts and the fox squeaks their reply, earning a smile from Teemo.

“Great! Now when the Boss shows you something crazy, you can’t blame anyone but yourselves!” Leo lets his tongue loll out of his mouth in a quiet wolfy laugh as the two denizens try to look brave, despite their apprehension. Welp, they’d better get used to change, because here comes the first hit of it!

I spend the mana to make them scions, which doesn’t actually have much external change on them just yet. I’m pretty sure Leo had to spend a bit of time in the spawner to get everything to stick, so they probably need that, too. Now, where to put their new spawners…

“Do you two have any preference on a season? Summer and Fall are fully open, but if you’re set on them, I’m sure the Boss can make room in Winter or Spring for you.”

I don’t need Teemo to translate the confused looks on their faces at the offer, and he gives them time to recover and give an answer. They both look nervous as they reply, like the teacher just asked a trick question yet still demands someone answer it.

“The bear is interested in summer and the fox likes Fall.”

Works for me. I settle the bear spawner in a nice new dug out cave in the Summer section, and get the fox spawner in a smaller cave network in Fall. The two new scions look surprised to feel their spawners in the area they requested, and I intend to surprise them at least once more before they head to their new homes to let the new title solidify.

“Alright, now for names…”

The two look stumped and dumbfounded at the same time, which is fine. I like figuring out names for my scions. They’ll be a challenge, too. All the bears I can think of have been guys! I could call her Mamma, but that just feels weird to me. It does, however, lead me to a tangent that could work. She’s hardly a blond, but I like the name Goldilocks for the bear. I’m sure she’ll fit in just right.

The fox is even more of a challenge. If he was a vixen, I’d have no shortage of names to pick from. The only guy fox I can think of is Nick, which doesn’t quite feel right. I could go for the homonym and call him Guy Fawkes, but I get the feeling that, if anyone is going to introduce my concept of explosives to this world, it’ll be Queen who does it. What other foxes could I name him for?

Hmm… oh! He’s not a fox, but he’s definitely named for one. It might be like naming a dragon Draco, or a bit meta for naming him after a guy named after a fox, but I think Zorro will be a perfect fit for him!

Teemo shakes his head at me. “You come up with the weirdest names, Boss. Goldilocks. Zorro.” He points at the two, smiling at the look of surprise at their names. “Yeah, they come with a bit of history attached, but don’t worry about it too much. For now, just head to your spawners and get some rest. Once you’re done, I’ll give you the grand tour. Things can get pretty hectic around here, but we’re all in this together. If you need any help with anything, just ask someone. Now, go get settled, ok?”

They both still look a bit lost, but perk up when Leo grunts and motions for them to follow, making more wolfy sounds along the way. I pat the new bonds with encouragement as they go, Leo giving them more advice as they vanish into the undergrowth.

I take a look at the new spawners to see what my options are, but I don’t get further than seeing the basic bear and fox spawns before Teemo urgently demands my attention. I focus on him and see Poppy, Queen, Thing, and Honey all looking eager about something, but Teemo is trying to contain his panic.

“Boss! Please tell them you were joking about the explosives!”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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