Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 176 174-Space Ring (1st Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

Ethan's internal quandaries remained unresolved for the time being. 

Rather than lingering on the issue, he decided to use the sensing scroll immediately. 

The sensation was peculiar, as if his consciousness had momentarily submerged into warm water before swiftly emerging. 

Shortly after, Ethan detected a brilliant red glow.

The red glow was emanating from the pocket over his chest, precisely where the Blood Source was located. Expressions of astonishment appeared on the faces of those around him.

"With this, our attempt to secure the Blood Source will undoubtedly be hindered by others," Eluna remarked, her face clouded with concern.

"It's alright, it's the same for everyone else," Ethan reassured.

Yet, as much as he tried to downplay it, being under constant scrutiny was an unsettling sensation for Ethan. 

He needed to find a way to conceal the Blood Source he'd acquired. 

Just then, little Baal scampered out, chattering animatedly.

"Ethan, what did you throw into your pocket? It's terrifying! If I weren't so agile, I would have been killed in there!" Baal panted heavily, repeatedly thumping her tiny chest.

"What are you talking about?" Ethan, utterly baffled, reached into his pocket and pulled out the worn ring he'd bought earlier.

"What's this?" The group gathered around inquisitively.

Shaking his head, Ethan replied, "I'm not entirely sure of its use. But when I sensed it, this ring gave off an odd feeling, hinting that it's not just any ordinary trinket."

The group's interest waned slightly upon hearing this. 

But Baal seemed to be in a haze, continuously rubbing her forehead as though trying desperately to recall something she had forgotten. 

After a moment, she exclaimed, "The Gama Empire's noble ring!"

"What's that?" The crowd looked perplexed, their collective gazes turning to Baal for answers.

"Ethan, you truly have an impeccable taste. You've struck gold once again!" 

Baal praised before elaborating, "The Gama Empire's noble ring was a staple among the upper echelons of the now-extinct Gama Empire's nobility."

"It's a symbol of both status and power. But it's more than just a symbol. The Gama Empire was known for mastering various spatial magics, resulting in a plethora of artifacts related to spatial magic. This noble ring is one of them."

"It's also known as the Space Ring," Baal added.

Her explanation stirred a wave of excitement among the group. 

Spatial magic has always been an incredibly rare form of magic. 

Learning it is almost impossible unless one possesses a Bloodline that resonates with spatial elements. 

Ordinary individuals, even if they spent their entire lives trying, might never be able to wield it.

For this reason, any item bearing the title of "spatial" is considered immensely valuable. 

The Space Ring was no exception. 

Though it possessed no combat capabilities, it was deemed one of the essential divine artifacts for adventurers and heroes alike.

That's because the Space Ring offered a vast, expansive internal space. 

This space could be used to store copious amounts of food, freshwater, and various treasures. 

With it, there was never a need to worry about not being able to carry a bounty of spoils.

"But Baal," Ethan's elation was fleeting as he gazed at the worn ring in his palm, with its multiple cracks, "are you sure this ring still functions?"

Baal did a little aerial flip before chiding him with a mock-serious tone, "Ethan, you shouldn't doubt the craftsmanship of an ancient kingdom's core creation!"

"Retrieve some precious metals, melt them down to a liquid, and then drop it onto the ring."

At this, Ethan's eyes lit up with anticipation.

But someone was quicker than Ethan. Mia dashed towards the marketplace, shouting over her shoulder, "Lord Ethan, I'll fetch some precious ores from the market!"

In this underground cavern, ores were plentiful and relatively cheap. 

Before long, Mia returned to the tent, her arms laden with various ores.

Wasting no time, Ethan invoked the Thunder-Language of Nature, conjuring a ball of lightning which he hurled at the ores.

This method refined and melted them down with its electric intensity.

After about half an hour of continuous work, the ores transformed into molten metal. 

In haste, Ethan submerged the tattered ring into the gleaming liquid.

Then, something wondrous occurred.

The once-broken ring, upon touching the molten metal, seemed to come alive. 

It greedily absorbed the liquid, healing and rejuvenating itself. 

Its surface gleamed with a silvery-white sheen.

"It seems a bit insufficient," Ethan mused. 

Once the last drop of metal was consumed, the ring shone bright and silver, intricate patterns embellishing its surface. 

Yet, a few cracks remained.

Mia, understanding the need, quickly fetched more ores.

Ethan repeated his earlier process, and this time, the ring was fully restored. 

The moment it was whole again, Baal urgently exclaimed, "Ethan, quickly imbue your consciousness into the ring! Leave your mark and become its master!"

Without hesitation, Ethan delved his consciousness into the ring. 

An instantaneous, mystic bond formed. 

He produced a piece of red jade, and with a mere thought, it vanished, stored inside the Space Ring. 

The onlookers gasped in astonishment.

"Perhaps I could try..." Ethan murmured contemplatively, then took out the drop of Blood Source given by Eluna. 

Emitting a crimson glow, it resembled a droplet, yet remained solid and didn't disperse or seep elsewhere. 

With another focused intent, the Blood Source was safely stored within the Space Ring.

Subsequently, Ethan employed the Blood Source's sensing ability. 

This time, he couldn't detect its presence at all, indicating that the Space Ring effectively shielded any information about the Blood Source.

"It really works!" Ethan couldn't help but laugh jubilantly.

Eluna, Sherry, and the others rejoiced at the discovery.

"Doesn't this mean we can obtain Blood Source even more effortlessly now?" one exclaimed.

"It's not just that," another chimed in, "there are countless treasures in the underground caverns. We can haul all of them back with us! If sold above ground, those treasures would fetch a handsome price!"

The group eagerly brainstormed, discussing the vast possibilities ahead.

Then, Eluna raised a question, "Lord Ethan, just how vast is the space within the Space Ring?"

After a brief moment of sensing, Ethan replied with a grin, "Worry not, Eluna. The Space Ring possesses a vast expanse, equivalent to the size of the cavern plaza we just explored."

"To put it in numbers, it's roughly a rectangular space 100 meters in length, 200 meters wide, and 4 meters in height."

"It's that expansive?!" The group expressed their astonishment and envy once more.

Mia suddenly stood, her eyes brimming with hope. 

"Lord Ethan, you mentioned that you were drawn to this Space Ring through a unique sense."

"Do you think there might be other Space Rings at the marketplace? As little Baal mentioned, this ring belonged to the nobility of the Gama Empire."

"Given the empire's grandeur, surely there were more than just one noble, right?"

Mia's words stirred excitement among the group. 

Ethan stood up, and once again, they headed to the market. 

However, it seemed that the discovery of the Space Ring had exhausted their collective luck. 

Ethan couldn't sense another ring. Reluctantly, he found himself returning to Sovic's stall. 

He began, "Master Sovic, I wish to inquire about the ring you sold me earlier."

"What do you mean by that?"

"If you're hoping for a refund, it's out of the question. No one has ever received a refund for something they've bought from me!" Sovic retorted defensively, anger evident on his face.

Ethan quickly waved his hands, "No, no, no, it's not about a refund."

"Then what is it about?" Sovic probed further.

"I have a friend who is particularly intrigued by such 'tattered' jewelry. He wishes to know its origin," Ethan explained.

However, Sovic was clearly not convinced. 

Eyeballing Ethan for a few moments, a cunning smile stretched across his face, "My most esteemed customer and friend, that ring was acquired after braving numerous perils from the lair of a fearsome creature. If you wish to know more, it'll cost you at least five red jades."

"Wasn't it something you picked up casually?" 

Ethan couldn't help but challenge.

Sovic seemed entirely unfazed by being caught in his lie. 

Instead, he adopted an indifferent demeanor, remarking, "Earlier, I did say I found it. But now, the story has changed."

"You wish to know where I 'stumbled upon', no, where I bravely acquired it... Let's put it this way: you have a need, and I alone hold the answer."

"You truly are a cunning merchant," Ethan gritted his teeth, hand reaching into his pocket.

Seeing Ethan's move, Sovic's grin grew even wider, gleefully accepting the label, "Thank you for the compliment, my friend. And of course, the five red jades."

Ethan handed over the five red jades to Sovic, producing a map in the process. 

Sovic studied the map intently for a while before marking a spot, almost at the bottom right corner, nearing the map's edge.

"It's that far?" Ethan frowned.

Sovic nodded, "Indeed, quite a distance. Let me give you a word of caution, though. If you truly intend to venture there, be wary. An underground river runs through, inhabited by a fearsome aquatic creature. Moreover, there's a bothersome monkey on the shore, a six-eyed creature known for casting curses on others."

"Regardless, it would be best to tread carefully," Sovic continued, "I eagerly await our next transaction."

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