Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 158 156-The Emerge Of The Red Jade (1st Update, Cheer Me With Power Stones!)

Beside the jungle lake, on a rock, Ethan found a comfortable spot to lean against. Sherry sat crouched next to him, her face as flushed as a ripened apple, her heart fluttering with a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

"Ethan, how do you want me to help you?" Sherry whispered, quickly lowering her gaze after asking.

Ethan leaned closer to Sherry, whispering seductively into her ear, "Sherry, I want you to use your bosom for me. I've never been graced with such a... generous service."

"You—!" Sherry began indignantly, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

However, Ethan didn't allow her a chance to refuse. Pulling her towards him, he had her position herself between his legs as he sat atop the rock. This placed her chest precisely at the level of his aroused manhood, allowing her to feel its warmth distinctly.

"Don't be shy, Sherry. Come here," Ethan gently guided her.

With Ethan's persistent coaxing, Sherry took several deep breaths, positioning her bosom around his member. As it slid between her breasts, Ethan experienced a euphoric sensation, while Sherry's breaths became more rapid, especially as it almost touched her chin each time.

She could distinctly smell the masculine scent unique to Ethan, which left her utterly captivated.

Thus, as it emerged between her breasts once again, Sherry bent her head down, her lips parting to welcome him in, exploring with her nimble tongue.

A sharp hiss escaped Ethan's lips at her touch.

Sherry looked up with curiosity. "Ethan, what's wrong?"

"I'm fine, Sherry. Continue," he murmured.

She began to lower her head once again, but in that moment, an unexpected event occurred.

From the depths of the Red Jade Valley, a radiant red beam shot into the sky, illuminating the heavens like a meteor, drawing the attention of many onlookers.

"Just our luck!" Ethan grumbled in annoyance, realizing that this was no longer the time for intimacy with Sherry.

Sherry clenched her fists in frustration at the interruption.

Resigned to the situation, she quickly dressed herself, fixing her hair and reverting back to her cool, aloof demeanor. She turned to Ethan and inquired, "What was that red light?"

"I'm not sure. The beam originated from deep within the Red Jade Valley. Let's go check it out," Ethan replied, identifying the direction of the light and gesturing for Sherry to follow him.

But Ethan and Sherry weren't the only ones who noticed the red glow. Scattered across the Red Jade Valley were countless tents of varying sizes. The heroes resting within were equally captivated by the mysterious illumination.

"A treasure has emerged!"

"There's a relic soaring out from the Red Jade Valley!"

"Isn't that just a meteor?"

"How could that be a meteor? It's definitely a treasure, and none of you better try to snatch it from me!"

The valley sides instantly erupted in a flurry of activity.

Numerous heroes chased after the direction of the falling red light. 

However, they soon halted in their tracks, their eyes widening in disbelief. 

Ethan and Sherry, who were in route, shared the same astonishment.

"It seems we don't need to rush over to compete for it," Ethan remarked, looking up at the brilliant meteor shower painting the sky red. Sensing the imminent chaos, he added with a hint of concern for Mia, "Let's return to the camp first and discuss our next moves."

Without delay, Ethan and Sherry made their way back to the camp.

In the camp, Mia too had noticed the sky awash with red light. 

She looked upwards, then glanced at Ethan's tent, feeling a twinge of sadness. 

She had realized earlier that Ethan and Sherry had ventured out together in the dead of night, but she hadn't stopped them. 

Although she had fantasized about having Ethan all to herself, deep down she knew it was unrealistic. 

A person as outstanding as Ethan was bound to have many admirers.

"Lord Ethan, you're back," Mia greeted as she spotted Ethan's return and hastily approached him.

At this moment, Sherry was somewhat taken aback, unsure of how to face Mia. 

Even though the red lights in the sky meant that she and Ethan hadn't fully consummated their relationship, she still felt as if she'd stolen something precious from Mia, leading to a sense of guilt.

Oblivious to the tension between the two women, Ethan said, "I'll go call Pale Wolf." 

After speaking, he walked towards Pale Wolf's tent, leaving Sherry and Mia in an awkward silence.

Finally, it was Mia who broke the silence, her words direct, "Sherry, how was it? My master is quite exceptional, isn't he?"

Sherry's cheeks flushed at Mia's blunt remark, stammering, "We... Ethan and I... we didn't go all the way." 

She pointed to the red lights streaking across the sky in explanation.

The red lights seemed to still be some distance from the ground, taking their time to descend.I think you should take a look at

Grasping the situation, Mia teasingly moved closer to Sherry, her hands suddenly capturing the ample roundness at Sherry's chest. She chuckled, "So, Sister Sherry, are you feeling rather... unsatisfied?"

"I, I..."

Sherry was at a loss for words. In this regard, she truly was inexperienced.

Finding amusement in the situation, Mia whispered into Sherry's ear, "Lord Ethan is quite formidable in that aspect. If it's your first time, I doubt you'd be able to handle it. How about this: next time, let's serve Lord Ethan together. Show him what we're made of."

"Is that really okay?" The thought of revealing such an intimate side of herself in front of another person made Sherry's cheeks burn even hotter.

"Of course it's okay! Ethan adores such things," Mia assured confidently.

Sherry lifted her gaze and then nodded hesitantly, "Alright then."

"Sherry, Mia, what are you two discussing? Come over here. Let's discuss our next moves together," Ethan's voice called out from not too far away.

Without hesitation, Sherry and Mia hurried towards Ethan.

"Pale Wolf, do you have any idea what those red lights are?" Ethan inquired first.

Still somewhat groggy from sleep, Pale Wolf looked up to the sky, noting the imminent descent of the red lights.

"I'm not sure. Even though I've been in Red Jade Valley for quite some time, this phenomenon today is a first for me. " 

"Yet, these red meteors... they feel familiar, reminiscent of the red jade from within the valley. "

"No, to be more precise, they remind me of the original form of the Blood Source that appears when the red jade is melted." Pale Wolf shared his speculation.

Ethan somewhat agreed with the hypothesis, while Sherry cut in, "I don't think we need to discuss what it might be right here. In a moment, these red meteors will fall to the ground. Why don't we just pick one up and find out?"

"Sounds reasonable," Ethan nodded in agreement.

The plan moving forward was simple: wait for the red meteors to fall, then snatch one up.

Minutes seemed to fly by. 

The red meteors descended from the sky like balls of fire, instantly illuminating the surrounding area of Red Jade Valley in a luminous red glow.

Luck was on the side of Ethan's group.

"There's one over there!" Sherry exclaimed, pointing towards a rock in the distance.

"And there too!" Mia added.

Ethan took a quick survey and made a snap decision, "Let's split up. Once we've collected the red meteors, we'll regroup at the camp."

Their camp in this dense forest was already secluded. 

As a result, Ethan's group encountered no obstructions and managed to gather more than a dozen of the red meteors.

"Pale Wolf, can you confirm what these are now?" The group gathered around the pile of glowing meteors, awaiting an answer.

Pale Wolf nodded confidently, asserting, "This is indeed red jade, or what we call the Blood Source. "

"However, the purity of these Blood Sources surpasses what the initial discoverers of Red Jade Valley had encountered. "

"Something significant must have transpired within the Red Jade Valley; otherwise, we wouldn't witness such pure Blood Sources emerging."

"I concur," said Ethan, rubbing his chin contemplatively while gazing at the red jade on the ground. "But how do we utilize this Blood Source?"

Picking up a piece for closer inspection, Sherry mused, "Perhaps it can be used directly?" 

Her statement was purely speculative. 

Yet, sometimes the unexpected transpires. 

As Sherry channeled her own energy to probe the red jade, it suddenly illuminated brightly.

Hum, hum, hum!

The red jade vibrated incessantly in Sherry's hand, transforming into strands of red light that merged into her.

"Sherry!" Ethan exclaimed anxiously.

Swiftly shaking her head, Sherry reassured him, "Ethan, I'm alright. I can feel the red jade enhancing my strength. There's nothing detrimental about it."

Relief washed over Ethan, Pale Wolf, and Mia upon hearing her words. 

As they reached to experiment with the red jade themselves, an unexpected group arrived.

It was a small team of Heroes, led by a gaunt man with eyes cold and greedy, resembling those of a viper. 

Flashing a sinister smile, he issued a command, "All of you, lay down the red jade you have. And send that woman over nicely. If you comply, perhaps I'll spare your lives!"

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