Dungeon King: A Lady Knight Offered by My Goblins

Chapter 268 266-Sunrise Festival

Chapter 268 Chapter266-Sunrise Festival

The emergence of Flame City didn't cause the uproar many expected.

Even when the Azure Empire took notice, they didn't dispatch armies to attack.

In fact, not even a whisper of dissent was heard, as if they had tacitly accepted the city's rise. This unforeseen passivity surprised many.

However, those with keen senses and well-placed sources discerned a subtle shift.

The grip of the Azure Empire over the Eastern Shore was waning.

To put it bluntly, it seemed the empire could no longer maintain complete control over the region.

Moreover, there were whispers of numerous arrivals from the Westwood Continent.

These newcomers, aboard massive ships carrying distinct Westwood commodities, flocked to the cities of the Eastern Shore for trade.

This influx stirred the waters, adding to the region's complexity.

Yet amidst this chaos, the Eastern Shore thrived.

The evolving landscape gave rise to a burgeoning wave of adventurers.

Hidden relics across the land were ceaselessly unearthed.

Secrets long buried were unveiled, their tales permeating the taverns and inns, becoming the favored stories shared amongst adventurers over meals and drinks.

In this seemingly chaotic yet oddly ordered backdrop, the Sunrise Festival arrived.

"Sunrise" signifies the freshly risen sun, marking the most significant celebration for the many humans of the Eastern Shore.

Under their influence, the Sunrise Festival has evolved into a unifying festivity for all races of the Eastern Shore.

On this day, grand gatherings are held, and people pay their reverent homage to the deities.


In Flame City, there was a constant stream of bustling activity.

As Dean walked the streets, the lively panorama before him brought no joy.

Instead, his heart harbored wild fantasies of meteors plummeting from the sky, annihilating everything in sight, even though he was the very architect of Flame City.

"Damn that Hilna!"

"I curse you! You will descend to hell alongside Flame City!" Dean's tirades seemed endless.

But in that very moment, an unsettling feeling washed over him.

The world around him began to blur and distort.

The pedestrians, who moments ago were walking the streets, now phased right through him, and an eerie silence enveloped the surroundings.

"Who's there?" Dean yelled.

Soon after, a figure cloaked in a dark robe emerged.

Their face was indiscernible, but their voice carried an unsettling, bone-chilling timbre.

"Dean, do you wish to rebuild the Elder Council of Blackstone?" The shadowy figure in the black cloak inquired.

Dean's eyes narrowed, his voice icy as he responded, "Hmph, I care not from whence you gleaned that information, but know this: I am now the most loyal servant to the Flame Queen. If you believe you can manipulate me for some nefarious purpose, I'd advise you to think again."

"Oh, I heard quite distinctly. Wasn't someone just cursing Hilna a moment ago?" The cloaked figure said with a hint of amusement.

Panic surged within Dean.

If Hilna ever learned he had spoken ill of her, she would surely reprimand him, if not worse.

"What do you truly want?" Dean demanded, rage evident in his voice.

Seeing Dean's reaction, the cloaked figure turned serious and solemnly stated, "Dean, I can assist you. I can help you capture Hilna, even bestow upon you immense power, rendering you impervious to flames, enabling you to subdue that harlot Hilna all by yourself. However, the price is that you must prepare a Descent Ritual for my master."

"A Descent Ritual?! What are you planning?" Dean retorted, visibly reluctant.

The mere mention of the Descent Ritual stirred dark memories in him.

After all, it was through such a ritual he had invoked the arrival of Flame Witch Hilna.

Yet something had gone awry with that ritual, or perhaps the vessel chosen to host the spirit of the Flame Witch was flawed, leading directly to the destruction of the Elder Council of Blackstone.

"Do not worry; this time there will be no mishaps," the shadowy figure assured, sensing Dean's unease.

He further elaborated, "This Descent Ritual is for the Son of the Sun. The ritual will take place five days from the Sunrise Festival. By then, the entire Flame City will be part of the ceremony, jointly offering their tribute to the magnificent Son of the Sun."

"Son of the Sun! The forbidden deity!" Dean exclaimed, taken aback.

"It appears you're aware," the cloaked figure remarked.

Even though his face remained hidden, Dean could sense a sly smile creeping across it.

The Son of the Sun is a formidable deity.

Ancient texts and tomes abound with references to him.

According to legend, this deity was the progeny of the primordial deity-- the God of Sun.

Upon the God of Sun's demise, the Son of the Sun emerged.

Brutality epitomized, the Son of the Sun wreaked havoc upon the world, leading to innumerable disasters.

Thousands of years ago, an exasperated deity, no longer willing to tolerate the Son of the Sun's malevolence, rallied several other deities to confront him.

Their celestial clash wreaked devastation upon many, with mere mortals caught in the crossfire.

Ultimately, their combined might managed to seal away the Son of the Sun.

Even the vast powers he wielded were fractured and confined within various artifacts.

However, to be sealed away does not mean to perish.

Countless millennia have since passed, and the current whereabouts or state of the Son of the Sun remain shrouded in mystery.

The deities of yore have faded into obscurity, leaving behind fragmented tales and hushed legends.

"After much thought, I refuse," Dean finally decided.

Summoning the Son of the Sun would be an even graver fate than facing death at Hilna's hands.

The shadowy figure in the cloak seemed unfazed by Dean's refusal, chuckling lightly. "Dean, don't be so hasty in your rejection. Or perhaps I should say, if you decline, you'll be relinquishing the chance to become a deity. Does the idea of ascending to such an exalted state not allure you?"

"Become a deity?" Dean scoffed dismissively, his tone dripping with scorn. "What, you expect me to be a mere servant to the Son of the Sun? Sorry, not interested."

"No, a deity of complete autonomy," the cloaked figure corrected.

With that, he produced a heart, a heart that throbbed and pulsed vividly. Dean found himself irresistibly drawn to it, a deep yearning emanating from his very being.

"As you see," the shadowed figure began, "this is the heart of a deity, a prized possession of my master. Should you agree to set up the ritual, this deity's heart will be yours. Simply replace your own heart with it, and you'll be endowed with a fraction of a deity's might, making your eventual ascension to godhood much more straightforward."

"To demonstrate my sincerity, you may have this deity's heart in advance," the figure extended the heart towards Dean, who grasped it immediately.

As one of the eldest among the Dwarves, Dean had lived through many an era, yet never had he felt such exhilaration as he did now.

Feeling the formidable life force emanating from the deity's heart, he couldn't help but burst into triumphant laughter.

Replacing a heart, such an act was all too familiar to Dean.

Thus, right before the cloaked figure's eyes, Dean swiftly exchanged his heart with the deity's.

His body rejuvenated, youthfulness restored.

Laughing, he turned to the shadowy figure, "What a fool you are, who gives payment before sealing the deal?"

"Dean, what are you implying?" The figure's face contorted with surprise, clearly unprepared for Dean's change of heart.

Chuckling, Dean replied, "I've taken the heart of the deity, yet I have no intention of fulfilling your request. It's as simple as that. Moreover, for the safety of Flame City, it's time for you to meet your end."

Empowered by the deity's heart, Dean's abilities had surged exponentially.

In this newfound strength, he saw straight through the cloaked figure's guise.

With a swift motion, he released a torrent of flames, reducing the figure to mere ashes.

The scene then reverted to normalcy.

Yet, Dean chose not to return to Hilna's palace.

Instead, he sought a secluded area, immersing himself in the profound sensations brought by the newly-acquired heart of the deity.

However, unbeknownst to Dean...

Another shadowy figure in a cloak materialized.

Gazing at the retreating silhouette of Dean, a sly grin tugged at the corners of its concealed mouth.

It mused aloud, "My master's heart, arm, skull have all been dispatched. In five days, during the ritual, these three individuals will become the anchor points for my master's return. Once he returns, this world will become but a plaything in his grasp."

Shaking its head, the figure continued, "Dean, there's always a price for greed."

With those words, the cloaked figure faded away, leaving no trace of the sinister interaction that had taken place.

Meanwhile, in Dark Lord City, on the ninth floor of the Dungeon Zone.

Ethan had just returned from the training room and was engrossed in his notes on space magic and cultivation guidelines.

Just then, Mia and Eluna entered. Both were dressed exquisitely.

Mia wore a pristine white dress, her long hair cascading down like petals of an immaculate blossom.

Eluna, on the other hand, was clad in a much more revealing outfit. Much of her skin was exposed, with only her bosom and thighs modestly covered, exuding a tantalizing allure.

"Is there some special occasion today?" Ethan inquired with curiosity.

At that moment, Victor stepped in, placing a document on the table before Ethan. He elucidated, "Today is the Sunrise Festival."

"Sunrise Festival?" Ethan had never paid much attention to festivals.

Victor continued, "The Sunrise Festival is one of the most significant events in Easten Shore. On this day, nearly everyone from Easten Shore chooses to step outside their homes, joining family and friends for a day out."

"I see..." Ethan glanced at Mia and Eluna.

He perceived the yearning in their eyes and, with a warm smile, suggested, "In that case, let's head out too."

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