Dual Cultivation God Returns

Chapter 668 Succession

Chapter 668  Succession

What Wu Long used, was a particular set of skills he invented and named "Soft Pleasure", included in the Path of Origin Pleasure, the third of the Seven Paths of Pleasure.

It allowed to soften, and even create a disparity between the perceived pleasure and the actual pleasure of his partners, thus allowing them to still experience pleasure while not really using much of their Yin Qi.

This was the reason Hua Ziyan felt a clear difference, but could not describe what it was as it was hard to put into words.

Of course, there was a weak point to these skills in that they were only suitable for foreplay, and not for full dual cultivation.

He designed it specifically for the situations in which a partner could not afford too much strain on their body either due to fatigue, injury or temporary lack of Harmonic Qi.

The reason he included them in the Third Path and not the first despite the rather mild pleasure potential, however, was because the concept these skills were based on was based on the abilities required for the skills within the third path.

After Lian Zhiqiu discovered the two, it did not take long for Hong Ye to do so as well, especially since he pleasured one while another was giving him their affection, thus the moans continued to echo through the halls of the mansion adjacent to the room they were in.

Soon, one by one, more beauties caught up to what was happening in the room, and while some could wait to cultivate until they fully recover, there were those eager to join in as well.

It was already dawn when they were satisfied with their small 'snack' of pleasure.

Wu Long turned to Lian Zhiqiu who had a satisfied smile on her face, and as she noticed his gaze, showed interest as it seemed that he had something to say and that Hua Ziyan seemed to become agitated seeing that.

The latter was taken by surprise as she was just joking around in response to his comments, and didn't think he would really consider bringing up her position as the Prime Disciple to her Master.

Lian Zhiqiu's lips curved in a smile that somehow incredibly suited her bewitching beauty, lighting up a playful glint in her eyes, and making her thoughts and intentions unreadable. A kind of smile that could be perceived as threatening, cunning, and yet amused, seductive and delighted, all at the same time.

"What do you think, Zhiqiu. Is she ready to start receiving your mantle of the Palace Master?", Wu Long spoke with a leisurely tone, and the playful feeling in Lian Zhiqiu's expression intensified along with understanding appearing in her eyes.

She turned her gaze toward Hua Ziyan who did not expect him to be so blunt about it either.

"Hmm", Lian Zhiqiu touched her chin with an elegant motion, as if in thought.

"M-Master, I'm not looking to overtake...", Hua Ziyan began speaking, seeing the expression of her Master.

"Are you sure? Hmm...", Lian Zhiqiu tilted her head to the other side as Shen Min, Wu Mengqi and Luo Mingyu who sat on the sofas around looked with a bit of worry for their friend, while Xue Bing, Nie Xiwang and Hong Ye only silently watched as Hua Ziyan's eyes slowly filled with a bit of panic from seemingly being misunderstood.

"Hahaha, relax Ziyan. The reason I bring it up so easily because it's not something Zhiqiu will take offense with, rather, she would greatly welcome it", Wu Long let out a laugh while shaking his head, and explained in a light tone, shooting a playfully rebuking look to Lian Zhiqiu who began laughing.

"...Ahahaha haha fuu~, don't look at me like that, Wu Long, you were amused as well. That lost look on her face was just so cute, I couldn't resist teasing a bit", the Palace Master of the Twin Essence Palace spoke while wiping away tears from the corners of her eyes that were caused by laughter, and then turned to her Disciple again, "Ziyan, you are the Prime Disciple, and from the moment I gave you that title that was your role, to inherit the Sect"

"Haa~... still, I am still far too lacking to replace you, Master", Hua Ziyan sighed with relief, and then as she slightly calmed down, reflected on the topic of discussion.

"To tell you bluntly, the Sect has already fulfilled the purpose for which I established it, and were it not for the timing, I would have already given it to you. I have been thinking about it for a while", Lian Zhiqiu spoke, as understanding appeared in the eyes of her Disciple.

"See, Zhiqiu's goal was never to establish her own force, but to achieve her personal goals. She just got carried away and got attached to you, Ling'er and a few of her subordinates", Wu Long added in an explanation, reminding Ziyan that her Master never really was enthusiastic about leading the Sect in the first place, while Zhiqiu revealed a rare slightly shy look when he mentioned her attachment to her disciples, as he continued with "As soon as she became my woman, the Twin Essence Palace mostly lost its use to her" "I see... I should have seen it", Hua Ziyan sighed, with both relief and a bit of a chuckle at how she did not see that development coming.

Though Wu Long knew perfectly well why she did not.

Despite normally having a sound judgement, Hua Ziyan had a bias toward first Lian Zhiqiu, and then Wu Long. A bias that completely clouded that judgement as she was heavily dependent on them.

Her attachment to Lian Zhiqiu, as the person who lifted her from despair and gave her life a new meaning, was too strong to perceive any flaws in the Great Seductress as a leader of the Sect, and the desire to be useful and at least partially repay that kindness, made her sensitive to any perceived disapproval of her Master, even if it was only imaginary.

The second such beacon of no reproach and total devotion for her was Wu Long.

And even though her self-esteem and confidence were much more robust and healthy now, there was still a part of her that was worried that she would cause even the slightest discomfort or disapproval from the two of them. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

Lian Zhiqiu, however, despite all her strengths, did not possess enough attention to, and ability to discern, deeper emotions to fully see that.

'Heh, though it is already a miracle she grew attached to Ziyan and Ling'er being as she is', Wu Long inwardly chuckled, recognizing that Lian Zhiqiu's emotional and mental state during developmental stages of her character were not that great, and thus the fact she felt empathy and attachment in of itself was miraculous.

So he could not blame her for not being able to accurately perceive Hua Ziyan's inner turmoil.

Luo Mingyu smiled toward Hua Ziyan, adding in "Plus, what are you worried about? Wu Long only asked about starting to give you the reigns. It doesn't mean that Sister Zhiqiu will suddenly leave the Twin Essence Palace to you entire-... eh?"

But as she was speaking up with Wu Long nodding along, she saw a surprised expression on Lian Zhiqiu's face, who seemingly was totally ready to throw all of the responsibilities right this moment.

"Khm... of-of course... hahaha", Lian Zhiqiu cleared her throat, giving a slightly dry laugh that failed to convince anyone in the room.

'Ah, she really didn't intend to guide her...', went through the heads of everyone around.

"Don't worry, Ziyan. If it's keeping up the same level of leadership, you can do it even now without guidance", Wu Long chuckled, shaking his head.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!", Lian Zhiqiu widened her eyes, turning to him as he began laughing.

"Hahahaha, well, you were never that closely involved in the Sect's management, weren't you?", as he asked his question, The Great Seductress could not find words to retort, as the absolute majority of the Sect's operations, including some of the quite significant decisions, ran without her involvement.

Her expression then softened into a smile as Wu Mengqi started soundlessly laughing, doing her best to hold in, but her shaking body and reddening face were a dead giveaway.

"Haa~, alright, maybe. But you at least have to give me credit in finding people who could manage the Sect so well without me", Lian Zhiqiu conceded as Wu Mengqi could no longer hold back and began laughing out loud, Shen Min and Luo Mingyu beside her starting to smile from the contagious laughter.

'Eh? Does that mean that I'll not have guidance?', Hua Ziyan started getting cold feet again at the thought of inheriting the position of the Palace Master.

Though this was something she was preparing for as long as she was in the Sect, and always knew it would happen at some point, she never actually thought about that moment coming, her only focus being doing her best to not disappoint her Master's expectations.

At the same time, Wu Long chuckled, nodding to Lian Zhiqiu's words.

"Of course, I'll give the credit where it's due, hahaha. You have placed competent people in key positions, and know how to control the Sect while looking as if you're completely detached Zhiqiu. But those skills come with time, and cannot be rushed", he replied as he could not deny how masterfully she concealed her tight grip on the Sect's inner workings without seemingly doing anything, but also recognized that this was not something she could pass on as easily as giving some guidance.

He then turned to Hua Ziyan, giving her a reassuring look.

"You don't have to worry, Ziyan. It is not like Zhiqiu is going somewhere, so you will always be able to go to her for advice. Think of it as her becoming the Sect Ancestor. Not to mention that the Twin Essence Palace is now not an independent Sect but a part of the larger Eternal Duality Valley that I control", he spoke with a soothing tone, his words and voice having an incredible relaxing effect on the beauty who nodded with reddening cheeks and a gentle smile.

"Besides, you have many Sisters to go for advice to", Wu Long then chuckled, shooting a gaze at Luo Mingyu who nodded with an expression of being ready to answer the call of her close friend at any moment.

"...", Xue Bing was looking at Hua Ziyan, as a light of understanding appeared in her eyes. After all, she also was a Prime Disciple, and somewhere deep within, as she now unfroze her emotions, she also felt nervous about inheriting the position of the Palace Master, that her Master was preparing for.

Though now the status and situation of the Frozen Garden Palace changed, Qiu Yilao had not appointed Qu Mian, the only Grand Elder to be the Vice Palace Master, which likely meant that she would take that position as she transferred her own position to Xue Bing.

Wu Long noticed that look, and a gentle smile touched his back, giving her a reassuring wink as her icy turquoise eyes turned to him, feeling his gaze.

"Don't worry, Bing'er. Much like Ziyan, it is a more formal transfer of position than a real change. Qiu Yilao understands that we all control the Valley indirectly, which is why she intends to become the Vice Palace Master instead of Sect Ancestor", Wu Long spoke as the others realized that Xue Bing was in a similar position, "Of course, you both will receive a very real power over the Palaces, but on the surface not much will change in your day-to-day lives"

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