Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 172: Blind Sided

Chapter 172: Blind Sided

“What are you doing?” Claire asked, looking over Drake’s shoulder.

“Just checking up on my skills again. All of them changed after all, every single one improved or has an extra effect on it now. So I need to make sure I know I have them all memorized. It’s basically relearning my skills all over again….” Drake sighed.

“Don’t worry bro, you got plenty of time to practice. I’m sure Shigure wouldn’t mind sparring as well,” Bjorn added.

“True. But I’m a little worried about if I might take it a bit far… or just won't be interested,” Drake replied with a wry grin.

“What do you mean?” Chelsea asked popping her head out from behind Bjorn.

“Ah! Where did you come from!?” Drake shouted in faux surprise, Chelsea frowning.

Drake coughed, his joke hitting flat but explained, “I mean, that after the change, apparently I have some very unhelpful quirks…”

“Like you didn’t before?” Jacqueline shouted behind her from ahead of the group.

“I mean actually unhelpful….” Drake said, pursing his lips, “It looks like I have an all or nothing type of mentality when it comes to fighting now. When I was going to spar with Bear earlier. I felt my body shiver with anticipation. I wanted to fight him in the sense of to the end, to prove who’s stronger, and to have the honor of defeating a strong opponent. But seeing the left over Ants…” Drake sighed.

“What about the Ants?” Claire asked.

“Well. I couldn’t be more disinterested. It was like that feeling you get before you go to the gym? Or when you look at a salad. But a measure past reluctance, it was almost disgust.”

“Hey I like salads,” Tom chimed in.

“And I like long walks on the beach,” Drake quipped, “But I'm talking about before and after changing my Race Tom. What I’m concerned with is a serious change to my mental personality like this. If the stone could affect me enough that I look down at those who are weaker than me and don’t respect, I could really be turning into a Tyrant… Not just in title.”

“You? Mr. Goofy Weirdo Talks About Anime Nonstop Can’t Take A Moment Seriously Guy? Not sure if I believe that one, bro,” Bjorn chuckled.

Drake stopped, the whole party looking back surprised.

“No Bear. I mean it. If we had started fighting. I don’t know if I could have held myself back from going all out just to prove I was the better fighter.”

Drake’s Aura moved and bent around him, in a way that it hadn’t before. It wasn’t just oppressive. It was aching for battle, left wanting for someone to test him, almost inviting someone to stand up to the challenge.

“I think it might be a bigger problem than I gave it credit for,” Drake said stiffly, his body going rigid.

“W-what’s wrong?!” Claire stammered, looking on with concern.

“I-I don’t k-know!” Drake said his body beginning to sweat as he pushed the words out through clenched teeth, “Naw I’m just kidding.”

Drake waved them off, smiling. A uniform gasp of air coming out of everyone but Bjorn who had his hand on his sword behind his head.

“Not funny,” Bjorn said flatly.

“Most of it was true, but the last bit was in poor taste I’ll admit. But that’s exactly what I’m talking about. We have no idea how much this change might have done to me. And that Dragon Bitch forced it on me. There’s no telling what she might have done while rifling through my insides with those stones,” Drake said grimacing, “Natto said she shouldn’t have been able to bypass the system like she had, and she’s going to be punished for it. But I’m still questioning why. Why go so far to mess with me?”

“My Lord. Those art questions we shalt not be obliged to answer for some time…” Theodore said, “We have just overcome a foe like no other we have faced before, is it not the time to bask in the glory of your felled enemy and taketh time for thyself?”

Theodore had said what everyone was thinking. Drake had been pushing himself the entirety of the tutorial, only stopping to rest when he was injured beyond being able to even move or through loss of limb.

“No. That Ant Prince might be gone,” Drake started.

“Ant King. We all saw the notification when he evolved,” Sherry corrected lazily.

“Right…. Ant King may be gone but, what about the next threat or the one after that. I can’t let myself rest like I’m on vacation. And that’s also the reason why I’m concerned. My mental stability has been a rollercoaster ride this entire few months, and that’s an understatement. I wanted… I want to do nothing more than just sit around relaxing with my feet up, a bourbon in hand on a nice sofa with my girl. But I don’t get that luxury.”

“What are you saying then pup?” Hudson asked suspiciously.

“I’m saying that once we get to the outpost. It might be time that we all part ways for real. At least for a little bit.”


The walk back was silent. Drake had made a declaration no one really expected after they had just gone through that last monster together.

Bjorn was quiet, which wasn’t that unusual when he wasn’t talking to Drake. But Drake didn’t start a conversation with anyone either. Instead, he walked just as silently with the group, Claire on his side.

Claire tried to speak up several times but failed to get the words out, her mouth opening and closing as she turned to him. But never able to bring herself to speak.

The rest of the group didn’t fare much better. The reality that they wouldn’t have the person who had protected them and guided them through the tutorial hitting harder than they expected.

Drake finally broke the silence with a sigh.

“It isn’t like we will never see each other again…. I just need time to myself to figure out what’s going on. I still plan on having everyone come together outside of the tutorial. And, there are only the small remaining groups of Ants left in the tutorial. Which I know all of you can handle and should handle as a group. You will be fine without me for a few weeks.”

“It isn’t that we won’t be fine. It’s that we shouldn’t have to be,” Claire said looking at Drake, “You always talk about taking responsibility and not taking the easy way out, but aren’t you doing just that? You would rather hide away from us, from yourself than stay.”

Claire grabbed Drake’s hand squeezing it tight.

“Don’t leave us. Don’t leave me. Not like this. I know you are worried about what might happen. But…But I’m not. You’ve saved us more times than I can count, pushing past every wall that’s tried to stop you. And when I saw you hurt, disappearing before my eyes, my heart broke. Don’t do that to me again by taking yourself away. Don’t…Don’t do it sooner than you have to….”

Her eyes began to water as she looked down at the grasped hand in hers, different but still the man’s who had saved her from the goblins so many weeks ago.

Drake was stunned. He wasn’t expecting such a reaction. To him, the temporary retreat was only that temporary. A way for him to battle with his own traumas and problems he had put on hold for so long during his countless battles for survival.

But for her, for them. It was as if he was abandoning them. He had done so much to build them up he had forgotten that in doing so he had forged a connection between them. They were no longer just party members, their fates, their goals, had intertwined.

“Is this how you all feel?” Drake asked.

“I wouldn’t put it just like that, I ain’t got a thing for ya like the miss does,” Hudson scoffed, “But it does feel pretty cheap of ya to just off and go on your own. You already did it once leaving us behind, and it stung like a sore bee sting. We trust ya idjit, but do you really trust us?”

Drake felt a pang of guilt hit him.

Is that true..? Was I just being selfish when I left to search the Hive on my own? Do I not trust them to pull their own weight?

“Well, you did try to have them fight on their own. Only to stop halfway the moment you suspected it may be too dangerous. Do you believe them to be children, or people capable of their own decisions and living their own lives? I have told you before. You can not protect them forever. If they wish to stand and watch you fall or rise, is a choice of their own volition Drake,”  Natto said softly.

Drake grounded his teeth.

“I’ve been blind huh. Fine, if you want to risk me turning into a monster right in front of you. I won’t complain. I could use the company….” Drake sighed, pulling Claire’s hand in and wrapping his arm around her.

“Do I get a hug too?” Tom asked.

“No,” Drake snapped, not turning to him.

“Oh. Ok..” Tom frowned.

Drake released Claire exhaling a tense breath, “Well, onward to the Outpost then. I have a bunch to catch up on and a short surly dwarf to shake down before I figure out if I’m going to really be turning into something I can’t control or recognize…”

“Don’t worry bro. I may not be able to beat an Ant, but I’m sure I can throw you around just fine, Bjorn smiled, his hand finally off his sword, “You need people looking after you more than I do it looks like.”

Drake scoffed, but smiled back, “You might be right about that… It’s going to be an interesting couple of weeks. Just don’t let me kill you during sparring. This new body of mine, I’m still getting used to it.”

“Couldn’t even if you tried bro,” Bjorn smirked back.

“Right, if you two tossers are done with your subtextual bro moment. We need to bloody get on with it. I want to get into a real bed, it's been weeks, you pissin idiots,” Jacqueline sneered ahead of them.

“Aren’t you just always the ray of sunshine? No wonder you have that great boyfriend,” Drake replied, walking forward, holding Claire’s hand and pulling her with him.

“I don’t have a boyfriend…?” Jacqueline said aghast.

“Oh, I know,” Drake smiled.

“Jacky! Jacky put the mace down!” Megan shouted behind them.

“Just one! Just one good smack! I’ll put that sarcastic little boy on his ass!” Jacqueline shouted.


The group had come back alive after their little discussion and made their way through the forest back to the Outpost after a half day of walking. The sun had begun to set, painting the surroundings in a warm orange glow.

“Looks like it hasn’t changed much since we left. That's a good sign,” Drake observed.

“You thought something would happen?” Bjorn asked.

“Honestly? Yeah, I thought Shigure would be forced to burn it to the ground. Looks like he grew a backbone though.”

“Oh… I see what you mean. The food shortage and the prisoners he had been delaying sentencing on.”

“Yup. Dealing with hungry masses is much harder than you would think, people turn on each other quicker than a penny can drop. But looks like he’s managed it just fine,” Drake said, seeing a few guards posted at the rampart’s gate, “Alright I’m going to see Shigure quickly and tell him about the food by the hive. I’m sure he will want to go and secure it. Can I leave the camp to you guys?”

Drake began walking without waiting for an answer, only to feel his hand be tugged backward. Looking backwards he saw a worried Claire.

“You’re really coming back right? You won’t just run off again as soon as you’re out of my sight right…?” she asked.

Drake gave her a doting smile, “I promise.”

Claire reluctantly released him, giving a nod as she watched him walk off.

Passing Bjorn, Drake asked him, “Do you want to come with?”

Bjorn shook his head.

“I may not look it, but that bug really did a number on me. My body has been throbbing in pain the entire walk back. I’m going to go take a long nap after a bath, you got any hot water?” he asked.

“No, but I got you covered.”

Drake summoned several empty barrels, snapping his fingers as he filled them with a waterfall of steaming water.

“Rest up, I want to be able to kick your ass by tomorrow morning,” Drake smirked.

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll see. You sure those stones didn’t make you more arrogant, bro?” Bjorn laughed.

“Could be,” Drake shrugged, “Anything else?”

“Yeah, got any food?”

“Food?!” Sherry said from the side, her eyes lighting up.

Drake laughed wryly seeing the woman make a beeline for him through the group, like a golden retriever hearing the snack bag open.

“Y-yeah… I was able to snag a few bucks while we were underground. Do you want to cook them up?” Drake asked Bjorn.

“I’d rather you cook them,” he said flatly, Sherry nodding furiously next to him.

“Fine. If you can wait till I get back, I’ll cook them…”

“Yay!” Sherry cheered.

Drake held Sherry back at arm's length as she carved a small ditch into the ground below her as she pressed forward trying to grab Drake.

“Right, I’ll be back then. Keep her in the camp… I don’t need her following me into Shigure’s tent,” Drake laughed.

Bjorn scooped Sherry up under his arm, her body going limp like a cat.

“Don’t take too long bro,” Bjorn said, giving a wave and turning back to walk with the rest of the group.

Drake gave a wave back and walked towards the gate.

“No promises this time man…” Drake muttered under his breath.

“Who the fuck are you?” one of the guards yelled.

“Really? Again…?” Drake sighed, putting his hands up.

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