Drop!! ~A Tale of the Fragrance Princess~ (LN)

Volume 1, Act 11: At the Fief

Volume 1, Act 11: At the Fief

It took about three and a half days to get to the fief from the Royal Capital.

Cordelia received a lecture about economics from Elvis as the carriage continued to sway.

The contents of the lecture mainly consisted of the economic situation in the Pameradia fief.

From what shed heard from Elvis, the regional disparity that Isma had lightly touched upon before was bigger than shed thought.

The main problem that prevented it from being solved was that the people living in the mountains and the people living in the famous wheat farms were satisfied with their current lifestyles.

People dont seek growth if they arent dissatisfied. If they are satisfied with their current living standards, then they wont seek to improve their lives.

That is But, dont they wish to improve their villages when they see the cities?

They have pride. The pride the people in the mountains, have is that they can grow trees and make forests that people in the city cant. Moreover, the people living on farms take pride in the fact that they can grow more produce than people in cities.

Therefore, they loathe studying, such as learning words, as it is a waste of time for them. They dont wish to learn. They think that its fine as long as the village chief and the candidate can read. As a result, even if their agricultural research improves, no one can grasp academics or machinery.

Therefore, they cant improve their harvest rates.

Cordelia was at a loss for words.

(Indeed, its difficult to find a means to make someone think something is necessary if they judge it not to be so.)

That wasnt something that only happened now. Cordelia knew that well. It was the same for nobles who hated to stray away from tradition.

Of course, it was possible to forcibly change the way the people of the fiefs lived. But, that would cause them to be unsatisfied with their situation. Even more so for those with a lot of pride.

It would be fine if there were some advantage for them to be unsatisfied; but what did they want, Cordelia couldnt come up with that straight away.

How do you deal with the problem, Otou-sama?

Ill have to think about it sooner or later. However, I have no choice but to be confident in the results I can see now, instead of worrying over unwanted things. For example, maintaining the rivers and wells around the farms. This way also makes the people of the fief happy.

Elvis continued while looking out the window, Countess Weltoria knows more about that. Even now, Im still asking her to help me with that.


Cordelia was surprised at the name that was suddenly spoken by Elvis.

Nirupama Weltoria was the current head of the Weltoria House, a house which had female heads for generations, and was her aunt from her mothers side of the family. Cordelia also didnt see her often because she only came to the Royal Capital when Congress was in session.

Cordelia was close enough to Weltoria for her to say, How about becoming my adopted daughter in the future? Ill convince Elvis, while winking. Cordelia thought it was probably a joke, but if Nirupama wanted to adopt her, then that wouldnt be bad either.

She wasnt confident that she would be fit for that position, but if she were picked for that position, then she would like to live up to expectations. And it was also the path furthest away from the worse scenario, so she was killing two birds with one stone.

However, neither Nirupama nor Elvis would agree if they judged that she didnt have the qualifications for such a position.

Her thoughts strayed from the topic at hand. That doesnt matter right now, the fief does.

This is the first time that Ive heard about Oba-sama helping you.

The Countess fief has advanced hydroponic technology. Therefore, she knows a lot about flood control. The citizens live their lives day by day, so they want results that they can see, rather than have expectations for the future.

Other things can be thought about someday in the future, so its not easy to get them to understand.

Cordelia suddenly realised something when she looked at Elviss side profile.

(Otou-sama also doesnt plan on leaving things the way they are but, things arent going smoothly.)

He did his best with state politics while managing the fief. That was too much for one person to do.

( I have to become Otou-samas strength.)

She only had her own research to worry about, unlike her older brothers and sister who were already adults and had their own roles. She had more time than anyone else. There were things she couldnt do because of her age, but there must be something she could do since she had free time.

Cordelia was extremely eager to find hints of what she could do for him during the inspection.


The primary residence of the Pameradia House was a lot bigger than their mansion in the Royal Capital. It was a white mansion with a flower garden and a variety of large trees. Also, the number of people who came to greet their returning master, while bowing, was also different.

A man around the same age as Elvis stood at the end of the line, in front of the mansion.

He took a deep bow as soon as he saw Elvis.

Welcome back, Elvis-sama. And it is nice to meet you, Cordelia-sama. My name is Zeke Gargotta, and I have been entrusted with the administration of the fief by Elvis-sama.

Stop with the formal greetings, Zeke.

Cordelia guessed from the way that Elvis was speaking that he was as close to (?) Zeke as he was with Marquis Flantheim.

Im Cordelia Enna Pameradia.

Cordelia took a deep bow next to her father.

Zeke was my subordinate when I was a knight. Hes the acting lord when Im not here.

Even if you say Im the acting lord, its not like Im the head. I only do what the Earl has ordered me to do. I wasnt left out on the streets thanks to him, and my daughter also doesnt worry me.

Zeke, who seemed a little playful, stated his own title, I am knighted.

The titleKnightonly lasted for a lifetime.

In other words, he wasnt originally a noble. However, he was given the honour of knighthood by the royal family because hed made some kind of achievement. His achievements probably have something to do with that left leg of his. He had a cane in his left hand and was hiding his left leg.

He probably had a honour-woundjust like Elvis.

Knights got pensions when they retired, but they didnt receive fiefs. In other words, they had to find their next place of employment. Cordelia guessed that that was when Elvis asked Zeke to work for him.

Lunch is ready. Will I also be having lunch with you as usual?

Yeah. I dont mind Come to think of it, wheres Aisha?

Shes reading picture books to the children in town, like usual. I think shell be back soon.

I even told her to come back before the master returns, he smiled wryly; he had probably guessed that she wouldnt make it back in time.

At that moment

Oh, looks like shes just returned.

Cordelia turned around to look at where Zeke was staring.

A pretty girl with chestnut hair and amber eyes was standing at the gate.

Youre late, Aisha.

I, Im sorry

The girl looked down in shame as she trotted up to Zeke and immediately apologised to Elvis. However, Elvis didnt seem to care.

Lets have lunch before it gets cold.

Elvis spoke as he quickly entered the house. It didnt look like he was angry; he was just saying it like he usually would.

Cordelia was late in following Elvis, so she looked up at Aisha and bowed.

Its nice to meet you, my name is Cordelia. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.

Cordelia said that and Aisha blabbed, Woah How cute.

Then, she quickly spoke as if she had been startled, My name is Aisha Gargotta. I am in charge of showing you around during your stay here.

Cordelia listened to her and observed her from the front.

Aisha had big, round eyes and white skin. Cordelia thought she looked like a doll, and a question popped into her head.


You can call me Aisha, Cordelia-sama.

Say Can I call you Aisha-oneesama?

Cordelia had an older sister, but her sister had married early, so they didnt talk much. Therefore, she couldnt help but speak her wish aloud to Aisha, who was probably around 15.

Aishas eyes widened in surprise.

I, I dont mind but Cordelia-sama has a wonderful Onee-sama, dont you?

But I want to call you Onee-sama while Im here, Aisha-sama. Im still inexperienced, so I want Onee-sama to teach me various things or so I think.

Aishas face turned red as Cordelia said that.

I dont know if its alright for you to say something like that to me, but I dont think there would be any problems if Cordelia-sama were to call me so.

Then, please take care of me Onee-sama.

Im nervous.

Aisha laughed a little shyly and prompted, Well, lets go. The foods going to get cold. Cordelia felt that she was like an older sister.

The main dish for lunch was Hollow Bird, which could be said to be a speciality product of the fief. The vegetables were also fresh. She couldnt tell if they were actually more delicious than the ones from the Royal Capital, or if they just tasted so because she was tired.

But, I will know which is correct soon enough, I am staying here for a week after all. She thought that as she looked forward to the next meal.

Elvis confined himself in his office in the afternoon, and Cordelia and Aisha were in a room in the mansion the room that Cordelia would be staying in.

Cordelia asked Aisha various questions as they enjoyed their after-meal tea.

Which areas of the fief can you go to, Onee-sama?

I spend most of my time in this town, but sometimes I visit Caina Village to the north, which is also known as Wheat Village, as fathers envoy. The wheat produced there is the best in the kingdom and also gets presented to the royal family.

Well, Im actually the Earls envoy on paper and not fathers.

Aisha easily answered and Cordelia continued to question her. She hadnt heard of Caina Village, but she concluded that it was the name of one of the villages that Elvis had mentioned before.

Do people from Caina Village also visit this town?

They do. They come here to deliver goods. There are those who also bring their children with them so I can read picture books to those children.

I was late today because of that, Aisha who had said that a little funnily didnt look like she regretted it one bit. She seemed to be really good at looking after people. Aisha continued.

I love books. So its fun to read books to the children. I really wish they could read it by themselves though

Is it hard for them to read?

Theyre smart. They would be able to learn how to read pretty quickly if we had time, but time is a bit

Aisha cast her eyes down as she said that. This is probably the same thing that Otou-sama said inside the carriage.

They think its fine as long as someone else can read it for them, isnt that right?

Frankly, yes. Its difficult and sad. But, if it is said that that is our value, then I have nothing further to say.

The aura around them got heavy as Aisha said that.

Cordelia looked around to change the subject. Then she suddenly recalled something that she couldnt do in the Royal Capital, the important thing which she had come all the way here for.

Onee-sama, would you show me around town?

Huh? Sure.

Yay. I rarely go outside in the Royal Capital, so Im looking forward to it.

Otou-sama did say that we were inspecting the fief and Onee-sama said shell show me around.

So, I could probably leave the mansion. Onee-sama accepted my request just like I thought she would.

What would you like to see, Cordelia-sama?

I also want to buy a gift for my friends But above all, I want to see how the people live.

Then, lets go to the market first. Itll be fine; no one here would harm someone from the Pameradia House.

As Aisha said that, she looked happy, completely different from her gloomy appearance before. Cordelia tilted her head and asked, Whys that?

Aisha smiled and said.

The Earl House is much more popular here than the royal family, so you wouldnt be able to stay here if you hurt the Earl House. Elvis-sama was very popular when he was younger.

The people of the fief are conflicted between wanting him to stay here more, and wanting him to be more active in the Royal Castle. Its impossible to split him into two after all.

Cordelias eyes widened in surprise at Aishas joke.

Im a bit surprised.

Now then, Cordelia-sama. Would you like to go into town now?

We can go now?

Yes. It should be fine.

Cordelia could go out in what she was dressed in since she was wearing clothes for travelling.

Aisha had just come back from town, so she was ready to go. The two left the mansion at once.

Aisha walked around while talking as if she was used to it, and walked down a back alleyway as if it was a garden. Its a shortcut, she said and walked as if she was a kitten.

Do you have any food you dont like, Cordelia-sama?

Food? Nope, not particularly.

Then, lets eat first.

However, Aisha concluded that it wouldnt be good to walk and eat, and guided Cordelia to the eat-in corner of the shop closest to the market.

There was a queue for the shop, but the queue opened up as soon as they saw Cordelia and they reached the front in no time at all.

Its the Pameradia Houses Ojou-sama.

Its the second Ojou-sama who stays at the Royal Capital. Shes absolutely beautiful.

Cordelia heard things like that and felt a little embarrassed. She knew that she was beautiful, but that was the first time shed heard it from other people. It was slightly embarrassing. However, she couldnt show that she was.

(I will appear in much bigger stages in the future. This is only the beginning if I compare it to how balls are)

She motivated herself and finally noticed.

The queue had opened up so naturally, and she was guided to a seat just like that. Was this really alright? Does it look like Im abusing my power? She wasnt opposed to queuing up.

She consulted with Aisha who replied while smiling, Its fine. This is everyones kindness. They probably cant enjoy their meals if they make the Ojou-sama of their lord wait. So, the correct decision would be to eat first.

Aisha was like a teacher teaching mannerism.

She had also used that time to order their food.

And what arrived at their table was a delicious, freshly baked and slightly burnt scone, jam and tea.

Oh my, this looks delicious.

Cordelia thought that she wouldnt be able to eat much since shed just had lunch, but those thoughts were blown away as soon as she inhaled the aroma. Im prepared! she felt as if her stomach was saying that.

These scones are made with flour from Caina Village, which I talked about before.

It really does look delicious.

Then, lets eat.

Cordelia wasnt good at eating scones, but she was surprised that the scone crumbled so easily when she put it into her mouth.

So this is the kingdoms best wheat?

Its really delicious.

The wheat in Caina Village is purchased by the kingdom at a fixed amount. Also, the Pameradia House also purchases a considerable amount and uses it for foreign trade. I dont want to think about it much, but wed be in trouble in times of emergency if everything were purchased at once.

Aisha said that as she spread jam onto the scone and Cordelia chimed in with a remark.

But Theres also a problem with the wholesale method. If the wheat is purchased directly at a reasonable price like this shop does, then it wouldnt be a problem.

But, the villagers arent good with calculations, so theres a bunch of people who purchase it at low prices because the villages cant read.

Aisha stopped moving her hands for a second.

Some villagers can calculate, but they arent good with multiplication. Even if it looks as if theyve sold a lot of wheat and got a lot of money for it, there are cases where theyre actually selling their wheat for cheaper than they should.

Is that true?

Yes, I noticed that while acting as an envoy. But, I cant say anything once theyve accepted a deal I cant even convince them that its the incorrect price in the first place.

Aisha said that a little sadly. She seemed really concerned about Caina Village.

Its hard to memorise letters and make calculations. But, I think that education is important so that the villages dont get deceived by malicious people.

Ah, so thats why Aisha reads to the kids.

Cordelia concluded. Aisha was good at taking care of others, but she reads to the kids so that they would get interested in words. She probably wouldnt make further process because shed been impatient. It took a lot of power to get things done.

It wasnt her own power, but Cordelia had a powerful backer.

These scones are really delicious, arent they?

Huh? Oh, yes they are.

Good produce needs to have a fixed price.

It might be possible if they could discern what was needed. Or so Cordelia thought.

Aisha-oneesama. I also want to think about this problem. Im sure this doesnt just apply to Caina Village; other villages also face the same problem I also want to improve the literacy rate of the people living in the fief, so that everyone could communicate their intentions.

To tell you the truth, I heard about this from Otou-sama as well. He told me that the harvest would probably increase if the villagers could read. I cant say that his intentions are the same, but you both want the same thing.

Its not about being able to do it or not, Ill do it.

Cordelia looked straight at Aisha with determined eyes.

Aisha took a deep breath.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything. I might have little influence, but I really do want to help.

Yes. Im so glad that youre here, Onee-sama. If I were eating this by myself, then I would have just finished the meal with, This was a delicious scone.

Cordelia joked a little, and they both laughed at the same time.

They looked around the bazaar a little after leaving the shop.

Everyone at the bazaar instantly knew that she was a lady of the Pameradia House and would all call out to her.

Well make it cheap, they would say as they recommended her some precious metals with jewels in them, but Aisha, as her guardian, shut them down by saying, Ojou-sama has quite a lot of jewellery, and shes currently too young to wear too much jewellery.

Instead, Cordelia was interested in a nice textured paper knife. It was made from Talen, a speciality wood from the fief. The wood was used to produce high-quality furniture.

Ojou-sama, are you interested in the paper knives?

Yes, I am.

The shopkeeper talked to her, and she replied with a reserved smile.

Then the shopkeeper pitched happily.

Ojou-sama, you have your eye on an excellent item. This paper knife doesnt lose to metal in its sharpness, and its nice to the touch. Please hold it. Its light, and its hard to chip.

I recommend this gem.

He said, and she stretched her hand out to hold the paper knife. She was surprised at how nice it felt.

You can engrave things onto it, so its a nice souvenir.

Then Can I have two of these? And how many letters can you fit on here?

How many letters? I can write a short sentence on it if the sentence isnt too long.

Then, please write Thank you for everything Gille-samaon one of them. Is that too long?

Cordelia felt that a paper knife was the best souvenir for someone who she always exchanged letters with. Unfortunately, the advice that her father had given her didnt give her any hints straight away, but she didnt feel like she was at a loss at what to get them when she saw the paper knife.

Is this Gille-sama your Knight-sama, Ojou-sama?

Huh? W-we dont have that kind of relationship

Haha, how nice. Ill engrave it for you. Ill carve it very carefully.

The shopkeepers words surprised Cordelia a little, but the precise words that hed engraved on the knife didnt suit the appearance of the cheerful shopkeeper who liked to crack jokes.

She held in her hand and couldnt help but say, Pretty.

What should I do with the other knife?

Lets see Could you engrave Cordeliaonto the knife?

Understood. Im more motivated to engrave Ojou-samas name!

The shopkeeper began engraving once again.

(I cant imagine Vernoux-sama writing a letter, so Id better get him something else.)

I may be biased, but sweets would probably suit him better, shes thought, but she decided to purchase a wooden mug, which looked nice to drink from, for him.

When she thought over it carefully, it took 3 and a half days to go home, and it was dangerous to bring back food when she didnt know when shed see him again. She only brought dried candies to bring back home.

Cordelia carried three paper bags with her as her eyes wandered to different things:

A child pulling his parents hands while eating fried sweets from a stall; a housewife buying process meat for dinner and adults who were acting suspiciously.

Cordelia looked at the bustling bazaar and got restless. This was the first crowd of people shed meet in this world.

Cordelia-sama, lets head home soon. The sun hasnt set yet, but itll go down quickly once it starts.

Oh, yes. Youre right.

Fufu, its fine. Well come here again.

Aisha understood that she still wanted to be here.

Cordelia began heading towards the mansion while feeling a little embarrassed. At that time, she heard children speaking.

Hey, Im so excited to see if theres wheat here like Caina Village.

But, the villages wheat can make delicious bread. Wheat is great after all. And the Otou-sans who make the wheat are even more amazing.

Yes, she heard the voices of boys and girls thought to be from Caina Village. Cordelia cast her eyes down.

(This might be my first victory or defeat.)

She thought and looked straight ahead.

Cordelia visited Elviss study after dinner that day. She wanted to talk to him about something.

She wanted to ask him about the state of the fief.

Even though he had taught her a little about the problems of the fief, she wasnt able to grasp the current situation. Couldnt we create an environment in which they could learn how to read and write? If thats possible, then couldnt they build a school?3

She thought that she would be able to find a hint for those questions by talking to Elvis.

Otou-sama, its Cordelia.

Cordelia knocked on the door and informed. The door opened from the inside.

It was Zeke who had opened the door.

Zeke seemed a little surprised to see Cordelia, but he soon smiled.

Elvis-sama. I will take my leave. Please call me at any time.


Zeke being here meant that they were still working. She had thought that they had already finished working since they werent in the office Cordelia felt a little bad.

Is something wrong?

No I wanted to talk to Otou-sama for a little bit

It was probably natural to think that Elvis would still be working even at a time like this. Elvis spent most of his time at the Royal Capital and would have a pile of work waiting for him every time he returned to the fief, even if Zeke was acting as the fief lord.

Elvis, however, didnt stop writing and said, You can sit on the chair over there, as he pointed to a chair by the window.

I heard that you went into town with Aisha.

Yes. She showed me around. Ertiga is a very lively and good town. Everyone seemed cheerful and proud.

Its not just Ertiga. Go to the nearby towns and villages with Aisha. Shes probably very familiar with these places. I will arrange your escort and carriage.

Cordelia was surprised by Elviss words. She was given permission so easily here, unlike when they were at the Royal Capital. Of course, visiting the fief was the purpose of the inspection, so receiving permission to go around might be obvious.

However, in the end, she was only going as Fathers Attendant. Although Aisha was coming with her as a fellow attendant, she couldnt just wander off.

Also She had doubted her ears for a second when she heard the word escort.

Isma was a knight and also a regular of the national armed forces, but when she went out with him, it was more like an outing with Onii-samainstead ofbeing escorted by a soldier. Therefore, she was a little perplexed at having an escort purposely allocated to her.

But it was the Pameradia fief so it wouldnt be strange for them to have a private army. No, it wasnt possible to defend the fief if they didnt have one. And, she once again realised that she was in a position where it was possible for her to be escorted by soldiers.

Im just like a princess. No, I might actually be one here.

Do you have any plans to travel around the fief, Otou-sama?

I do. Its a bit far from here, but Im going to inspect the construction site at Mirs River tomorrow. I also plan to head to the nearby village.

Could I come along with you? I want to go to the village near Ertiga but I also want to see Otou-sama work.

It was impossible for her to watch Elvis work in the Royal Capital. She felt that the existence of the Pameradia House was a little special just from her little outing today.

Therefore, she wanted to see Elvis doing that kind of work up close. If he said that she would be a hindrance, then she would have no choice but to give up. If she was asked, What would you understand if you see me work? then she might not have an answer.

However, she thought that she might find an answer to Elviss What is a noble? in this place.

Elvis looked up from his documents and stared at Cordelia in silence.

There is a condition.


Understand this before we depart. If you dont, then it would be meaningless for you to come along. I will change the departure date to the day after tomorrow.

Then, Elvis held out a document related to riparian works. The top document had an outline of the current condition, aim and state of progress. Then, she discovered the Caina Village was in the vicinity of the riparian area.

The document had about 30 pages, and Cordelia concluded that the details were written in those pages.

You can ask Zeke about things you dont understand. He knows a lot about this.


The documents looked extremely difficult to understand with its small letters, but she was glad that she was given them.

It was a document that a child wouldnt understand, but Elvis had only said, Understand this, to her. Therefore, she could only respond to his expectations, because that was something she could do now.

Is that all?


Was that all you wanted?

Cordelia was a little surprised by Elviss words.

Because she felt like he was asking if this was the only thing she could do now.

Cordelia couldnt answer immediately.

She did have something she wanted to say.

She wanted to do something about the villages.

However, she hadnt found a way to help them. She couldnt consult him about this matter with such vague words like wanting to do something.

Elvis didnt urge her to answer.

However, he waited for an answer and didnt return his eyes to his documents.

Cordelia thought desperately for an answer and finally opened her mouth.

There is something, I want to accomplish. But, I still havent found a way to accomplish it. Will you listen to what I have to say once Ive found the answer?

Are you planning to talk about something foolish that I would refuse to listen to you before you even start?

It was a roundabout way of speaking, but he had certainly acknowledged her.

After a while, Zeke said he wanted to serve tea and pushed the cart. Then, they talked about how he would often brew tea when he was a knight.

Elvis would occasionally reply without changing his expression, unlike the time when he was with Marquis Flantheim.

. Otou-sama, even half is fine, so please use the same kind of attitude on Marquis Flantheim. Cordelia couldnt help but think that. But, that was probably how much he trusted Zeke, so much so that he entrusted Zeke with the role of acting lord.

So it might be a matter of fact to say that it was natural.

After theyd finished their tea and Zeke had finished talking about the fads and popular items in Ertiga, Elvis ordered Cordelia to return to her room. At the same time, Zeke also left the room to take away the tea utensils.

Then, Zeke laughed a little in the corridor.

The Cap Master was in an excellent mood, wasnt he?

Was he?

Yes. Hes probably tired, and hell probably overwork himself at this rate, so Ill have to keep an eye on him.

Cordelia smiled wryly at Zeke who was making fun of Elvis.

Elvis didnt seem any different to her, but she was glad if he was in a good mood.

Zeke continued happily.

Master has instructed me to act as the lord. But if I was to put it in another way, then I cant do anything without Masters orders. In short, Master is always tired because he orders me around.

Zeke said that, but it wasnt easy to carry out the orders hed been given. Responsibility is heavy and unexpected events occur. Because he has such a heavy duty, he shouldnt say something like that so easily, even if he is humble, Cordelia thought.

She thought so but she didnt say it out loud. It would sound too brazen.

Zeke wasnt saying meaningless things after all. He definitely knew Elvis a lot better than Cordelia did.

But she once again realised how much work Elvis did because of Zekes words.

Elvis rarely used time for himself. He spends little time at home, but he would use most of that time for work. It was a little worrying, even if that was the image of a noble he was seeking. He worked so much that it wouldnt be a surprise if his body collapsed.

I wonder why Otou-sama works so hard.

Those words werent a question, they were words that had just slipped out of her mouth.

However, Zeke replied to those words.

Probably because of his beliefs. I heard he had a lot of hardships when he was younger because he had no power. Captains favourite saying is, Your dreams wont come true if you dont have power.

Oh, so Otou-sama wanted power. She recalled the I love Otou-sama incidentfrom when she was younger.

She didnt think too much about him wanting status or prestige when she was discourteous at that time, but she wondered if he was implying something like that, back then. Even so, she was glad that she had evaded it. She was able to listen to such talks calmly now because she had.

Well, he has already accumulated a lot of power, so I dont think he needs to go that far to pursue it. Instead, the status he has gained has taken away his time. He becomes completely exhausted from his duties without realising his dream. Regretfully, hes been this clumsy since long ago.

Zeke said that as he smiled wryly.

Cordelia parted ways with Zeke afterwards and returned to her room. She headed towards her desk and composed her plan. If she knew how she to deal with it, then she could negotiate with Elvis. Therefore, she had to figure something out.

(Even if I borrow his influence, I need the blueprints for the rental fee.)

For the time being, her objective was to establish a school.

A learning place where children would be taught how to calculate and read and write. She wanted to make something like that.

She was hoping that Elvis would make investments to the various expenses that would incur. Therefore, she had to make draw up a plan for the investments.

I can vision earning income from it in the future. But, I cant charge money for it right now.

She needed a plan that would convince Elvis and the people of the fief If she didnt have a winning percentage, then it would be difficult for her plan to bear fruit.

Making education free Thats definitely not enough. I doubt the men who have confidence in their wives would send their children to school. Theyre also thought of as part of the labour force Ah, so difficult.

Cordelia racked her brains over it.

The sound of the door being knocked resounded throughout the room while the clock was chiming.

Come in, Cordelia replied, and Aisha appeared.

I came because I saw the light. Its already late, Cordelia-sama.

Oh my, is it that late already?

Yes, it is. So, I bought you a late-night snack.

Aisha said as she happily held out the bread she was hiding before her and presented it to Cordelia.

Arent you going to tell me to go to bed? Cordelia thought but didnt retort. It was impossible. The bread had a pleasant aroma.

Its normal white bread, but its very delicious.

Its been lightly toasted, so its warm. The bread that was presented to her was delicious and soft.

Its made from a rare type of wheat, so we hardly eat it here. But, I did receive some from the children I read to.

Aisha laughed.

Cordelia observed the bread for a while and then slowly carried a piece to her mouth.


Isnt it?

But, its a little different from the bread at the Royal Capital.


Its soft and delicious, but somethings different. Could it be that it just tastes soft? Its a bit too dry and also different from the bread we eat for lunch.

Cordelia couldnt explain it very well.

If its just the taste, then I feel like this ones more delicious. But, I also feel like the dryness obscures the taste. Of course, this might just be a matter of preference

But I see, if you use this wheat then .

Then, Cordelia had an epiphany.

Thank you, Aisha-oneesama. I think I see it!!

Huh? Yes, Im glad?

Cordelia decided to talk to Elvis again tomorrow.

Next morning.

Cordelia immediately stopped Elvis as he was heading to his office after breakfast.

Elvis had said that they would be visiting the river construction tomorrow. Therefore, that was the only time she could talk to him.

Otou-sama. Theres something I want you to take a chance on.

What is it?

I would like to teach the children of Caina Village to do calculations and read and write. I would like you to invest in the development of this project.

Cordelia declared as Elvis looked straight at her.

Elviss eyes were sharp; his eyes were always sterner than usual whenever negotiations took place, and Cordelia had never seen him look like that before.

However, she didnt pull back and looked straight ahead.

You said invest, didnt you? So that means you hope to make a profit from it.

I intend to make revenue from medicinal herbs in the future. During which, I would not only gain money but information as well. This information would surely be useful to Otou-sama.

From medicinal herbs, was it? Ronnie has reported this to me before. It seems like youre thinking about opening up a business. Then, did you think of a concrete way to do this?

I would like to open a school in which all the children of the farmers will attend. It doesnt have to be every day, once every few days is enough.

Do you think you can convince them since farming is their livelihood?

I would like to offer them bread made from the best baker in the Royal Capital in exchange for taking the children from the workforce of the village.


Yes, she noticed this yesterday while eating bread.

Bread made by the best baker in the Royal Capital using the best wheat. I will offer it to the families. If I do that, then they would probably agree to the terms. I heard that everyone in Caina Village bakes their own bread.

I dont think there is much difference between baking bread and sending the children to study for a short time, in that case, I dont think it would make much of a difference.

Also, if she could convince them to eat the bread and cooperate with her to make the best bread, if she aimed to do this, then she thought that they would probably work with her.

Why do you want to teach them such things?

For letters First, they could read contracts and books. They need contracts when trading wheat, dont they? And if they read books, they could adopt farming methods from other regions. Theres no need to actually adopt those methods, but knowledge is important.

They might find what theyre looking for by reading books.

You also want them to be able to adjust the price in case someone tries to cheat them, isnt that right?


Elvis, who had his eyes cast down, looked straight back at her.

I can see how there will be some opposition, but the details can probably be settled through negotiations. However, there is one problem.

Which is?

You are still a child.

Cordelia gasped at those words.

The concept isnt bad. But, youre not old enough to step onto the negotiation table.

She was vaguely aware that people might think she was just messing around because she looked young.

How about this proposal? If I negotiate directly with the head chief, then we can implement this much faster. But then, it wont be your achievement anymore.

Cordelia met Elviss eyes.

And she couldnt ask for better than his proposal.

I dont need the credit.

Is that so? However, I also dont want the achievements of a child. Dont throw away your achievements so easily I will invest in it. However, I will tell the villagers the truth after youve paid me back in full.

How does that sound?

Eh, mm, I.. Good.

Then, its decided. Ill think about the construction of the school, and its probably better to open it after harvest season is over. You have until then to find a teacher amongst the villagers. But, what will you do about the baker?


Things were moving too abruptly, and Cordelia was doing her best to keep up with the conversation.

Everything was still just an idea, and she was going to think more about it after itd been accepted.

Theres an apprentice who works in the kitchen at our mansion in the Royal Capital whos aiming to be a baker.

Hes a contest winner, even though the contest wasnt that big. Hell probably become the best baker in the Royal Capital someday.

Otou-sama, thats A scam, isnt it?

Its not a lie, now is it? The person himself said that hell become the best baker in the Royal Capital.

Elvis spoke without being perturbed, and she shrugged her shoulders.

( Otou-sama, I thought you were getting rounder than you used to be.)

She didnt know if that was just her imagination or something else.

But, she was glad that one of her proposals got accepted and her next goal, she was looking forward to finding a teacher.

Her new mission was toFind a Teacher.

It wasnt a difficult task since she had someone she could ask.

Yes, it was Aisha, the person who read to the children and wanted to teach them how to read and write.

The day after shed accompanied them on Elviss inspection of the river, Cordelia and Aisha went to an art museum.

They were supposed to go inspect another village, but Aisha had said, Youre finally here, so please look at something that you can only see here.

Cordelia had never been to an art museum in the Royal Capital. However, she was familiar with paintings to an extent and was taught about them.

The history of the Pameradia House was also exhibited in the corner of the museum. There was also an explanation about how they were an equestrian tribe, and how history had changed since then. Of course, they were displayed in paintings and sculptures, and the image of their magnificence was strong.

There are a lot of pieces here with an emphasis on strength, unlike the art museums of the Royal Capital.

Have you been to an art museum in the Royal Capital, Onee-sama?

Yes, I used to live in the Royal Capital. Father started working for the Earl straight after his retirement from the military. But, I didnt want to leave my friends, so I said some wilful words to him. I was staying with my grandparents until about two years ago.

Im made my father sad because of that, Aisha laughed impishly. But, I dont think Ill move back there. This lifestyle suits me more.

Then, there is something I would like to ask you, Onee-sama.

Oh my? I wonder what is it .

Aisha replied softly while laughing next to her, but she suddenly paused and looked very grim. Cordelia was curious and followed her gaze.

Then, she saw a young man.

He looked around frantically and then froze on the spot when he found Aisha.

On the other hand, Aisha frowned and said, Cordelia-sama, shall we leave? before walking away.

Thereupon, the man unfroze and yelled, despite being in an art museum, Wa-wait Aisha! Then, he continued.

Youre the only one I love, please, marry me!

Aisha and Cordelia werent the only ones who froze at those words; everyone in the museum froze.

It was a gaudy, ardent and inappropriate confession.

After that, Cordelia wasnt sure how they left the art museum.

But she vaguely remembered stopping a red-faced Aisha from slapping the young man and dragging the both of them away.

(I didnt think I would see a scene of carnage at the age of 8)

She thought that while sitting on the edge of a bench by the canal and peeking at the two.

She actually wanted to go home and leave the two to their discussion, but Aisha wouldnt let go of her hand. Aisha properly felt like she was backed into a corner.

Cordelia slowly observed the young man.

He had dark-brown eyes, short hair and his mouth was set in a hard line. His face was so red that you wouldnt think he was the same person as the one who had made a bold confession just moments ago. His eyes flickered up and down, and he looked very restless.

What the earth is going on? What should I do?

Cordelia didnt have the skills to clear the dispute. She didnt even know what their relationship was in the first place. But, one of them did propose to the other.

Even so, it would go nowhere if both of them didnt speak. I really want both of you to hurry up and talk already.

She wished that, and the young man finally spoke.

I took the knights appointment test. Thats why I came here to ask for your hand in marriage. You said this a long time ago, didnt you? That you want to marry a knight.

You said you wanted to marry someone strong like your father. You said it like it was your most favourite phrase.

Those are just silly words of a child. What are you saying!? Im sure youll get hurt right away, Warren. I want you to quit before you get hurt!

But, if I dont do this then you wont take me seriously.

Even so, you shouldnt be so rash! Even though youre so weak! How can you do something like that for me!

Cordelia listened to their quarrel and really wanted to get away from there.

Whats with this conversation? Did these two forget that theres a child here?

What on earth are they quarrelling about? Should I mediate between them? Or should I just stand here and act like a stone statue? Aisha stood up while Cordelia was puzzled.

At any rate, Im not going back to the Royal Capital !!

She covered her face and ran away after saying that.

Cordelia was frozen on the spot and couldnt chase after her, but she was more worried about being left behind.

Not going back to the Royal Capital?

He said questioningly.

Aisha-oneesama had said that she couldnt leave her friends, so why had she come here in the first place?

And, more importantly.

Erm Are you alright?

Ah, Aisha Ran away

The young man shedding lots of tears is quite different from the knights I know Hes completely different from my brothers. She couldnt help but think that. What should I do? And there is the possibility that a child comforting him would dig at his wounds.

Cordelia decided to watch quietly over him until he snapped out of it because there was nothing else she could do.

It would be bad if I dont go home for dinner. It would be great if he stops crying by then, shed thought, but luckily, the man recovered faster than she thought he would.

Sorry, I was distracted. Im Warren McGregor. Im Viscount McGregors heir. 16 years old.

As you can see, Im the guy who proposed to Aisha, but she ran away

The last bit was completely masochistic, but Cordelia decided to pretend that she didnt hear it and interact with him like an adult. My name is Cordelia Enna Pameradia, she introduced herself.

Warren slipped off the bench when he heard that.

Ah, Pa, huh? Pame?

Its Pameradia.

Huuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh? Come to think of it, that hair and those eyes Im sorry!

No, please dont worry about it. I am a child, and you stand out too much if you speak too loudly, so please act as you normally would.

Please sit, she told him, and Warren made himself smaller as he sat down on the seat.

He seemed to be embarrassed, but it was already too late for that since she had already seen the whole commotion.

Its about what you two were talking about before, but did something happen to Aisha-oneesama in the Royal Capital?

I dont know She seemed a little down 3 years ago in spring, and then she suddenly left the Royal Capital two years ago.

His eyes began to tear up again as he said that.

Ive always loved her, but she suddenly became distant I thought about whether or not I did something dodgy But the only times I went out with a girl was to pick out a present for Aisha and when I consulted another girl because she was worried about love.

I never even paid attention to other women

In short, as far as youre concerned, youve never done anything that could have caused a misunderstanding.

I thought it might have been about something different, so I tried my best to become a knight.

The air around them became really heavy. Warren had already hit rock bottom.

However, Cordelia thought, it might be something else, as she was listening to his story.

I wont go back to the Royal Capital. Aisha had said, so Cordelia didnt think that it was something to do with her being unable to stomach Warren going shopping with other girls. And,

From how I see things, its not like Aisha-oneesama thinks of you in a bad light.

Cordelia spoke, and Warren suddenly raised his face, Huh?

Cordelia regretted it a little. She didnt want to get too deeply involved, but she couldnt just leave it as it was. She was worried about Aisha.

Ill ask Aisha-oneesama about it indirectly. How long would you be staying here Warren-sama?

Erm, the morning of the day after tomorrow

Please tell me where youre staying. Ill tell you about Onee-sama.

Warren was moved to tears by what Cordelia was saying. Cordelia was panicking a little inside, I think its okay, but what should I do if its not? Of course, she didnt let that show on her face.

Warren took her home.

Even though the town was safe, it wasnt a good idea to let a noble child walk by herself in an unfamiliar street.

Cordelia returned to her room and changed her clothes while thinking; now then, what should I do?

When she finished getting dressed and sat down on her bed, she heard a knock at the door.

Come in. Its Aisha-oneesama, right?

As shed guessed from the aura, Aisha was standing on the other side of the door.

Aishas eyes were still red and puffy. She had probably been crying.

Im really sorry for being upset.

Its fine. Warren-sama sent me home.

She was probably so worried about her own things and got even more apologetic at those words.

Cordelia moved to the sofa and urged Aisha to sit down with a Please sit. Aisha sat down timidly.

It was good that shed sat down, but Cordelia was at a loss over where to start. However, they would get nowhere if they just remained like that. Cordelia made up her mind and cut to the chase.

Onee-sama, do you hate the Royal Capital?

Aisha froze for a second and then shook her head and hands.

No, thats out of the question. I just felt a little overwhelmed at the Royal Capital. But I love both it and this place!!

Then, why dont you want to be there?

Aisha began tearing up.

Cordelia was startled and was about to ask her what was wrong

My nose just keeps dripping.

Cordelia heard Aisha say those words.

Excuse me?

I was fine until about 3 years ago. I lived without any incidents until then. But then, my nose suddenly started running at the beginning of spring. My eyes got itchy and would water, so it got really red It would stay that way until summer.

Tears started flowing down Aishas face.

There are no ladies who have runny noses. Warren also, he probably doesnt Im the one who feels ashamed about this so I understand this best. So I couldnt stay at the Royal Capital where Warren is anymore!

Cordelia was dumbfounded because Aisha was talking as if the world was ending. Then, she said just one sentence.

Thats hay fever, isnt it? That.

Those words resounded throughout the whole room.

She decided to ask Aisha, who didnt seem to understand very well if it rang any bells.

If she got hay fever at the Royal Capital, then it was probably triggered in certain areas. Plants in this world were like herbs and only grew in places that were suitable for them if humans didnt cultivate them.

She had the impression that the pollen and seeds of this world were drawn in by the magic of the land, rather than be swept away by the wind. Seeds and pollen didnt fly around in areas where the magic didnt suit them.

There were exceptions, but little pollen flew around in places where the magic didnt suit them.

Other people would show symptoms for hay fever as well if pollen flew around the whole Royal Capital. However, she had never heard anything like that before.

Just for reference, but do you have any places that cause your symptoms to appear?

At my home and Warrens house My symptoms dont really appear in other places.

Are there any prominent trees that are more than three decades old there? For example, cedar or cypress.

There are cedar trees. It sounds like the ones youre describing.

Thats probably it.

Cedar trees were rare at the Royal Capital.

Hay fever Ive read about it in books. If you inhale too much pollen, then youll keep sneezing, and your nose gets runny.

That is correct.

Then, either way, its impossible Hes the eldest son, so hell continue living in that house. I cant tell him to cut such a fine tree for me!

Cordelia continued since Aisha looked like she was going to burst into tears again.

Onee-sama, I have a solution for that. But, its still in the experimental stage, and I cant guarantee that it would be ready by spring

Ah, Onee-sama loves Warren-sama after all.

Cordelia thought once again, and she felt her cheeks going red; she cleared her throat to cover that up.

Can you keep this confidential?

I will!

I am researching medicinal herbs. My research consists of condensing the plants energy and using it in ways that are good for the human body. This part of my research isnt hidden from my family.

Youre researching something complicated.

Its a secret from here on out. Although its still in the pre-experimental stage, I am trying to find a way to relieve hay fever symptoms with herbal tea, in other words, medicinal tea. I am also trying to make an ointment to prevent nasal troubles.

Theres also a method to cleanse the air in the room by burning aromas.

Cordelia wrote notes down on a piece of paper that was close to her.

But it might be a bit harsh for Onee-sama since you dont like the taste of elderflower nor the smell of peppermint

Peppermint would serve this purpose, according to Aishas magic power. It could be mixed with elderflower to make herbal tea, and the fragrance itself is effective for relieving blocked noses. Eucalyptus was also good to use as a bath salt, but she still hadnt found any.

There were other ways to relieve her symptoms as well, but Aisha grabbed Cordelias hands before she could mention them.

Then, she said without hesitation while gripping Cordelias hands.

Its fine, Ill definitely grow to like it. Its the smell thats going to help me!

Cordelia was overwhelmed by how much force Aisha was using, but she thought it was lovely that Aisha was acting so desperate.

I could be of assistance, she thought and was happy.

Then, Onee-sama. I have a request I would like you to do something in exchange.

Warren-sama will be entering the dormitory as a knight apprentice. I think he would have little time off. During that time, I would like you to stay at the fief. And I want you to teach the children of Caina Village how to make calculations as well as read and write.

Of course, if Warren-sama has a long break, then I would get the teacher to take a break as well. Of course, I will pay you a salary.

Huh. Mm, that is?

I am looking for a teacher who can teach calculations and letters to that village.

Gl-gladly!! Will the people of the village really accept this proposal?!

Otou-sama negotiated with them, but I heard that they responded positively to the idea. I dont think negotiations would break down if we have a reliable teacher. Im sure the villagers trust you greatly.

Aisha broke into a smile at Cordelias reply.

If thats the case, then Ill gladly accept!

Onee-sama, arent you happier than about the countermeasures for hay fever?

Because everyone, everyone They werent interested at all

Aisha was honestly happy, and Cordelia wasnt sure if she were glad shed asked.

(Because Warren-sama seems like hell get lonely seeing how zealous she is at being a teacher)

No, thats not it. She looked just as happy at both pieces of information, Cordelia adjusted her thoughts and told Aisha what she had to say.

Onee-sama, Warren-sama is staying on the second floor of the tavern on Second Street. How about visiting him tomorrow morning?

Cordelia-sama Thank you very much!

No, I didnt do anything.

Ill visit him right away!

Cordelia was surprised at how energetic Aisha was.

Mm, erm, Onee-sama! Its already dark outside!

But, I want to tell Warren about these things right away And, I have to apologise to him. Ill have him send me home, so Ill be fine!

Cordelia was surprised at how assertive Aisha was as she vanished with a, Ill be back!

She didnt even have the time to say, But the way there is also dangerous

(But, Im sure Warren-sama would love her even if her nose were constantly dripping But as a girl, of course, she would hate it.)

She also thought that there would probably be a demand for countermeasures against allergic ailments such as hay fever from now on. Shed never thought that elderflower would become useful.

But, love between childhood friends, huh How nice. Its like a tale.

If it were a childhood friend, then that would apply to Vernoux, but she didnt see him in that way. He probably didnt see Cordelia in that light either. In fact, he had told her that she was like a boy.

The other boy she knew that was around the same age as her was Gille .

Woah, what am I thinking! Right, Im going to become a beauty in the future and find a lovely man at the evening parties!

Cordelia rolled on her bed as she made that resolution.

I will definitely get married in the future.

Before that, Ill complete the medicine for hay fever.

When I get back to the Royal Capital, Ill ask Ronnie to make eye drops with the same consistency as tears.

Come to think of it, I forgot to give the presents to the servants here.

Cordelia took deep breaths to calm herself down as she remembered the calendula cream that laid in her bag.

She continued doing so until Aisha came back home with Warren.

Cordelia found out that Aisha had returned when she was heading to the dining room for dinner. She heard the sound of the front door opening and saw that Aisha had returned.

Aisha looked very lively.

Welcome home, Onee-sama.

Cordelia said, but Aisha didnt hear her. Could it be because Im far away? She thought, but Aisha was looking around restlessly and was looking in the opposite direction. She didnt seem to have noticed that Cordelia had spoken to her.

(I wonder what shes looking for.)

Cordelia looked in the direction that Aisha was looking in and finally realised. Warrens shadow could be seen behind Aisha. He probably walked her home. He noticed that Cordelia was there before Aisha had.

He met Cordelias eyes and laughed bashfully. In short, it was like that. Cordelia returned his smile, and Aisha said in surprised, Oh!

The two looked in the same direction as Aisha in surprise and saw Zeke.

Zeke was surprised at Aishas tone and the fact that she was running towards him. But the thing that made his eyes google in surprise was what Aisha blurred out.

Otou-sama! I am getting engaged!

It was a wonderful and grand proclamation.

Zeke, who had heard that proclamation, froze and looked as if he was staggering.

Cordelia panicked for a second.

However, Zeke didnt fall to the ground, since he had struck the floor with his cane, with a loud thump, to keep his balance. But, he was facing the ground so they couldnt see his expression.

Cordelia concluded that it wouldnt be odd for Zeke to faint in that situation. After all, Aisha was talking about getting engaged. It was something that even Cordelia, who had lit the flame, couldnt have predicted.

Warren was also frozen on the spot, so Aishas words had come as a surprise to him too.

( This is awkward for the future father-in-law.)

She was sure that Warren would be yelled at considerably in this situation.

Cordelia pitied Warren a little, but relaxed when she saw how happy Aisha was. In the first place, they couldnt say anything because Aishas mood was influencing the aura of the room.

But, a single sentence from Elvis progressed the situation.

What are you doing?

Elvis was probably heading to the dining room and raised his eyebrow when he saw the people gathered in the entrance. It wasnt like he was finding fault in them for doing so, he just didnt understand the situation.

However, Warren had probably never met Elvis before, and his attitude changed completely. He began panicking and turned red. Warren had never thought that the remarks of his engagement would come out in front of Earl Pameradia.

(I should do something about this.)

But a low voice sounded before Cordelia could say anything.

It was Zeke.

Elvis-sama, I am sorry the disturbance.

I dont mind. This isnt the place for you to talk in.

You are correct. Then, Elvis-sama, I have a request. Would you mind if I invite that person over there, Warren McGregor, for dinner? The fact that he is here indicates that he hasnt thought about what to do for dinner at all.

Its fine. Is he your acquaintance?

Yes. But right now he is a good for nothing, detestable person in my eyes. I would like to beat him up with all I have but Apparently, hes going to be my daughters husband.

Elvis blinked several times. However, he didnt show any other reaction.

If it were up to you, then Aisha would remain single forever.

Elvis said something very joke-like and turned his back to Zeke. He was heading towards the dining room. Zeke, who was left behind, shrugged his shoulders.

However, when Elviss back was out of sight, the aura around Zeke changed, and he threw a sharp look at Warren.3

McGregors brat. As you know, Elvis-sama is a famous swordsman. Im sure you know his reputation as a knight well.

I, I do.

I know youre going to be a knight. If you become a knight like Elvis-sama, then you could probably defeat me You better prepare yourself if you want to become Aishas husband.

Zeke spoke in a harsh tone, but he was laughing.

He seemed to have understood.

( He is the one who knows Onee-sama best. Im sure he knows.)

He did seem a little lonely but also relieved at the same time. Cordelia was relieved to see that.

Everyone, the food will get cold soon. So shall we head to dinner?

And each of the three smiled differently in response.

The dining room was calm.

Of course, Warren was extremely nervous from start to finish because his big sempais as knights, his father-in-law and Earl Pameradia, were seated there. However, Cordelia thought it was charming how Aisha was desperately trying to dispel his nervousness.

Also, Zeke would preach some of his knowledge as a knight and would occasionally make fun of Warren. The aura in the dining room wasnt stiff at all.

Even though Elvis remained silent most of the time, it wasnt an uncomfortable silence. Although, his silence seemed intimidating and Warren cowered a little.

All conversation seized for a while as they ate their dessert. Cordelia used the opportunity to ask Aisha something that she was secretly anxious about and, although it wasnt something that would make things awkward, it did make everyone pause for a bit.

Onee-sama. You said you got engaged a while ago But how did he propose to you?

She could imagine that Aisha had conveyed her affections to Warren. But, at any rate, he did get dumped once before. However, she couldnt believe that Warren would propose to her just because Aisha had told him she loved him. Warren had made a passionate proposal in public.

Since they both love each other, it wouldnt be odd for him to make another passionate proposal. Of course, it was possible that hed proposal to her as soon as he found out she loved him At any rate, Cordelia was genuinely interested in how it happened.

Cordelia intended to say that quietly, but her voice resounded throughout the dining room louder than shed imagined.

All the men stared at Aisha.

Aishas eyes widened in surprise and then she smiled.

Thats, you know

Ah, Aisha! Thats

Its a secret.

Aisha interrupted Warren as he panicked.

So its a secret?

Yes. Because theyre words that Warren said just for me, you know?

Aisha seemed very happy, and Cordelia felt as if she looked a little glowing.

At the same time she thought, would I be able to meet that person one day?

But, it was only a flickering thought.

What did you say to Aisha, Brat?

Zeke sounded as if he was crawling on the ground and Cordelia and Aisha looked at each other and laughed.

Cordelia finally handed out the Calendula cream that shed forgotten about to the servants after dinner.

She had asked the maids, who were taking care of her, to give it out and didnt do it herself. She actually wanted to distribute them herself, but there were just too many people. However, she was satisfied with seeing the surprised faces of the maids whom she did give them to.

She wanted to hear about the results of the cream face-to-face similar to now when she came here again.

(Or I could just write a letter to Aisha-oneesama and ask her about it. I also want to ask her about the classes too.)

She thought as she headed to where Elvis was.

His workload had decreased dramatically since it was nearly time for us to leave the fief. Zeke did say that he had more spare time during this period. So Otou-sama should have the same free time, she thought that as she visited Elviss room.

However, Elvis was still working.

( Otou-sama might be bad at taking breaks.)

Of course, I understand that hes busy. But this isnt good. It really isnt.

In this situation, I want him to know the joys of taking breaks as soon as possible.

Therefore, she recomposed herself and asked him.

Otou-sama, may I have a moment of your time?

I dont mind.

Then, itll be ready soon, so wont you accompany me?

What are you trying to do, Elviss eyes seem to say.

Cordelia answered with a grin.

I have kept you waiting, but I would like you to try this fatigue recovery method.

She showed Elvis a small bottle of essential oil.

Elvis concluded that the bottle was something Cordelia was researching. He sat down on the sofa without saying anything and waited for Cordelia to finish her preparations.

Although, Cordelia was pretty much finished. All she needed was a towel, hot water and the essential oils; just those three things. The pail was being brought by the maid standing outside the door.

First, Cordelia dropped a drop of lavender oil into the pail. A gentle scent drifted about the room. Then, she dipped the towel into the pail and lightly squeezed the water out. The warm water felt pleasant to the touch.

This was probably Elviss first time smelling this aroma.

Did you make this fragrance?

His short sentence was filled with surprise.

Cordelia smiled in response.

Otou-sama, please put your back to the sofa. Then close your eyes, face the ceiling and take it slowly.

Elviss didnt say a word as he closed his eyes and put his back to the sofa.

Cordelia put the towel over Elviss closed eyes.

Warm towels can help with eye strain. It is important to take good care of your eyes.

Cordelia concluded that it must have felt good because Elvis didnt reply. She could see the tension in his face going away at the parts that werent covered by the towel. This was the combined effects of the warmth around the eyes and the lavender aroma.

Cordelia felt that he was able to relax.


Aisha said that it was thanks to you that she could return to the Royal Capital.

Elvis said abruptly.

He didnt talk about the treatment he was receiving, and Cordelia smiled wryly at the subject.

Im happy that I could be of help to Aisha-samas problems. However, I wouldnt have been able to get the truth out of her had Warren-sama not come. I think that its thanks to him that this could happen.

In fact, Aishas feelings wouldnt have been drawn out that much if it wasnt Warren who had gone that far to show her his own feelings.

But, Elvis continued without mentioning Warren.

Herbal tea and essential oils, was it? Im still not sure if it would be effective for Aisha, but you come up with terrific ideas one after the other, dont you?

It is thanks to Otou-sama for giving me the environment. Thank you very much, Otou-sama.

Be a little more confident.

Excuse me?

Being too humble isnt a virtue. Success rates decrease if you dont have confidence. This isnt just about Aisha. The servants at the Royal Capital are probably happy as well.

There are some servants in this mansion that thanked me because they were under the conception that Id given them the present.

With that, Cordelia knew that the other servants, the ones whom she hadnt passed the presents onto herself, were also happy. Otherwise, Elvis wouldnt have known about it.

But, Cordelia was hesitant to proclaim this. She couldnt express it very well, but this wasnt her being humble.

Or Are you saying that because you think you can still do more?

I think thats, the case

Cordelia understood from Elviss words.

Is that so? Ive just started. Everything begins now.

She finally realised what her true feelings were.

Im a greedy girl.

Elviss voice had almost faded in the room.

But, his words had certainly reached her ears.

Before long, the sounds of Elviss sleeping breath reached her ears.

Elvis worked non-stop and had accumulated a lot of fatigue.

Was I able to cure him a little?

She thought and whispered in a small, small voice as not to wake Elvis up.

Thank you very much, Otou-sama.

She prayed that her words would reach into his dreams.

Translator: Blushy

Editor: SenjiQ

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