Drop!! ~A Tale of the Fragrance Princess~ (LN)

Volume 06, Act 67: Each of Their Paths

Volume 06, Act 67: Each of Their Paths

Translator: Blushy

Editor: delishnoodles

Two years have passed since that long day.

Sylvester had declared that Cordelia should prepare herself, but they continued their peaceful relationship and not much had changed.

Cordelia met with Sylvester more after she found out that he was Gille. For example, when she visited the Big Bookcase, Sylvester would invite her to the greenhouse or gardens to have tea with him. It wasnt just always the two of them, Vernoux and Clive often joined them for tea as well.

Other than that, they also exchanged letters like they had when he was Gille.

However, that didnt mean that nothing had changed.

Sylvester would visit the Pameradia household alone, and sometimes he would change into Gille and they would go out.

As expected, Cordelia didnt think it was a good idea for Sylvester to wander around without a guard and complained bitterly about it when he had first invited her to go out, but he boldly declared Im used to going around incognito since I was a child, and its too conspicuous for adults to go on dates with guards around, so she couldnt stop him.

Cordelia knew that they were going on dates even if her reply was prevaricating, but to be told this gave her an indescribable nagging feeling. Perhaps because she hadnt stopped him from going out, he would tell her, It was fine before, wasnt it? so she no longer had any words to stop him with.

Incidentally, whenever she went out with Sylvester, Cordelia also used Vernouxs magic to change into a different person. Gill and Vernoux were surprised that she had changed into a woman with black hair and eyes.

Vernoux couldnt choose peoples appearances when he used his magic on them, so it was surprising that her appearance made her look like Sylvesters sibling.

However, there are times when she was glad to go out with Sylvester.

She felt happiest about this when Sylvester asked her, Will you listen to the story about my first love?

She could only say that she was curious when asked, but if she had been in public, then she would hesitate to say it honestly.

According to Sylvester, he first saw Cordelia even before she had met Gille. Cordelia had also heard that Sylvester came to the Pameradia mansion when the Queen visited the greenhouse. However, she had no way of knowing that her appearance while she was researching would captivate him.

I was really disappointed when my mother told me not to talk to you then. But I didnt realise that it was love at first sight until much later. At first, I just wanted to talk to the girl more and spend time with her. I also thought that it was unfair that Vernoux was close with you.

Love at first sight?

If it had only been love at first sight, then I probably wouldnt have realised that you were my first love. When you scolded me on the street, I couldnt say anything back and I thought I had done something uncool, so I wrote you a letter, and I was happy that you wrote back to me.

And from then, I wanted to talk to you more.

When she heard that story at the park, she felt like cowering if only there werent so many people around. Even so, she managed to maintain her composure, but Sylvester didnt hold back.

Im not rushing you for an answer. But, dont forget that I told you to prepare yourself.

Those words had been incredibly embarrassing, and yet she was troubled since she wasnt put off by them. And she couldnt help but think that Sylvester often threw her off her pace.

As for the rose, Vernoux told her, Youre really slow, arent you?but she could only retort, I didnt think Gille-sama would know my real name, and that it was a coincidence. How was I to know that His Highness would go incognito with you?

Looking back, although she had many childhood memories with Gille, the one that made her most conscious about was when he came alone as Sylvester to rescue her from Ghost.

Although Cordelia thought she could be calm about it, she couldnt help but realise how safe Sylvester made her feel as more time passed. Even now, the feelings she had at that time were becoming stronger.

(Even though I said I could deal with Gille-sama calmly when I was little Im also easily swayed.)

You look like a hero to the girl you saved, who would have thought that a day would come when I realise that the words I said to him on the day when he saved the flower girl would come true?

However, she couldnt help but think of that all the time lately.

(I think he was reliable at that time because he did his best in his studies and training, but Im worried that he will keep pushing himself in the future.)

I was happy that he protected me, but its not in my nature to be protected one-sidedly like a princess in a fairy-tale. Its a bit difficult to support him in terms of combat, but I can support him in other areas.

However, she felt that he was the only one doing things for her and she hadnt done anything for him.

She could think of a lot of things he had done for her including the rose Cordelia, the place that he showed her incognito before she headed to Weltoria and the special scenery in Star Falling Hill.

In contrast, Cordelia only recalled giving him souvenirs and baked goods. Of course, he had been really satisfied with those things, but she wondered if she could have done something else for him as well when she thought about it.

When she thought like that, she wondered if being by Sylvesters side was the best way to grant her wish, but she didnt know if that could be called love. And she still couldnt decide if she could tell Sylvester that she wanted to be by his side with that kind of motive.

Additionally, there were also still some embarrassing memories in her mind. She was also conflicted about whether it was alright to move this fast since theyve been together ever since they were young. Shouldnt I be more careful in preparing my response?

Sylvester-sama wont believe me if I reply too fast, right? Various thoughts swirled through her mind. Gille-sama said that I dont have to rush my answer, but is replying after two years still too fast?

Since Otou-sama said that he wont marry me off for at least three years, should I wait until the three years are over before I reply? But I feel like its already too late considering we already go out together.

Love is difficult after all.

Cordelia couldnt help but think.

Cordelia stepped into her shop and the bell at the door rang while she was thinking about the past.

Unlike the shop in the noble district, this was aimed at the common people. At first, she had set up a sales area beside her caf, but it soon became popular, so she rented a new store.

According to the employees, novelty products that were popular among nobles and the quality of the cosmetics, although they were cheaper versions, seemed to have fuelled the rumours.

Welco. Oh, Ojou-sama?

Ronnie, who was carrying luggage, noticed her, but she put her index finger to her mouth. She had a lot of baggage today, so she came here to ask Ronnie to help her carry them.

Cordelia walked to the office with Ronnie, who was trying to carry all the bags to the back of the store.

Whats wrong? The servants have been excited with preparations for the tea party since His Highness is coming tomorrow Is it alright for you to be here, Ojou-sama?

Thats exactly why Im here.

Ah, you couldnt stay calm? Well, how about some tea since youre here? I was thinking about taking a break now too.

Ronnie looked the same as always as he said that.

Then, Cordelia suddenly remembered what Ronnie had said in the past.

Ojou-sama? Whatre you thinking about?

Hey, I know its a bit late to ask this, but you said that you werent surprised when the servants were gossiping about His Highness and I at the mansion, right? Why was that?

Did I say that?

You did.

I dont remember that, but you went to Oulu Village with His Highness, didnt you? Do you remember? The Flantheim Houses young master was with you two.

Cordelia froze when she heard that.

Ronnie, you knew?

Huh? You didnt, Ojou-sama? No, I did think that it was possible you didnt.

Then, you should have confirmed that with me!

Dont be absurd. His Highness might have been trying to hide his identity from me as well, and if he noticed, then I might have to take responsibility for any problems that may arise.

She could understand Ronnies point. However, Ronnie told her how he realised that Gille was Sylvester before she could ask him.

It was only a little bit, but I could see His Highnesss magic mix with the Flantheim Houses young masters. I remember it since I saw him at a parade once. Thats why I noticed it when we went to Oulu.

I cant see it.

Ronnies abilities could only be described as extraordinary since he could recognise who Gille was just by looking at him.

(Honestly, why is he working for us when hes this amazing?)

Im beyond grateful that he is working for us, and he says he doesnt want to be in the military so its fine as long as hes happy with it. But if he was willing to, then he could become someone who would go down in history.

Cordelia felt complicated when she thought this.


After Cordelia finished her conversation with Ronnie, she returned to the sales floor again to see the displays.

Then, the door opened, and a new customer came in.


An unwilling voice entered Cordelias ears. The one who had uttered that familiar voice was a familiar pink haired woman.


Shelley, who she hadnt seen since that day, was standing there.

Why are you here?

That was Cordelias line.

Even if you ask me why because this is my store?

While answering, Cordelia tilted her head at Shelleys outfit.

Cordelia could understand if she dressed like that to go incognito, but the clothes also looked well-worn.

Shelley let out a big sigh when she heard Cordelias reply.

This sucks.

Cordelia didnt often experience this being said to her, and by a woman at that.

However, Shelley glared at Cordelia and grabbed her arm. Cordelia didnt shake her off because she couldnt feel any magic from Shelley or anything like she had before at the evening party.

Whats wrong?

I want to talk to you. Well stand out here, right? We can talk just over there.

Shelleys tone was still arrogant, but Cordelia couldnt sense any hostility from here even if Shelley viewed her as an enemy. She told Shelley to wait, then told Ronnie she was going out for a while before leaving the shop.

Shelley, who was waiting in front of the store, started walking when she saw Cordelia come out and stopped a block away from the store.

They stood against the building so they could watch people walk by, and then Shelley spoke after a while.

I dont regret what I did to you at all.

In contrast to her words, Shelleys expression didnt look good. She still had an irritated expression on her face, so her true intentions must lie elsewhere.

I see.

Thats all?


I dont like you after all.

Shelley looked disappointed. She was probably prepared to be insulted. Still, Cordelia felt that Shelley was different from before.

Cordelia hadnt forgotten that Shelley had caused her a lot of trouble and nearly killed her. However, the verdict had already been passed for that incident, and Ghost had something to do with her actions, so Cordelia felt like it was too late to question Shelley.

In the first place, Cordelia couldnt dismiss the possibility that she could have become Cordeliaif she didnt have her previous life memories.

Then let me ask you something. What kind of dreams did you have? Did you dream about me acting violently?

Thats right. In my dreams, you were domineering, and you were merciless in your attempts to win His Highness over. You were an arrogant woman who placed blame on other ladies and were quick to bring up your House name. And you were quick to cause trouble.

Thats why in my dreams, His Highness was troubled because your House tried to make him marry you.

Shelley didnt look at Cordelia at all and continued to speak plainly.

So, I wanted to get rid of all the things that would make His Highness unhappy. Because in my dreams, we were in love with each other and I was able to dispel his sadness. Thats why I made a mistake, but I dont regret it. I just did what I wanted to do.

Then, Shelley glared at Cordelia after having said that much.

In any case, you want to say that the you in my dreams is exactly like me, right?

I didnt say anything.

If she asks me if I think that, then I can only say yes. However, if she understands this herself, then I dont dare point it out.

More importantly, I heard that you were resting in your fief.

Yes, publicly that is. But I dont want to be imprisoned in the mansion either. No one wants to marry a lady who has caused a ruckus, even if it was because of a curse, that person was furious. He always told me I could act according to my dreams.

How selfish of him.

She must be referring to Earl Clydereine.

Cordelia stared at Shelley quietly without replying and Shelley turned away awkwardly.

Dont look at me with pity. I cant go to that house anymore, but I was able to buy a house with a storefront near here with the consolation money that Id never make if I had worked normally, and I was able to start working.

Oh my, what kind of place is it?

Its a massage parlour. I used some cosmetics when I was anOjou-samaand they felt good. I thought it was perfect since there was a shop selling good essential oils, but it sucks that its your store.

Then, Shelley glared at Cordelia.

It was you, wasnt it? Youre the person who made my punishment lighter.

I even accepted a curse because I really thought that it would be good if you were gone. And yet, I cant believe the only thing that happened to me was that my magic was sealed If you hadnt pleaded for me, then Im sure I would have received a harsher punishment.

Shelley seemed to be able to assess the situation better than she had back then. She looked like she wanted to swear at Cordelia, but she didnt seem possessed.

I only told them Shelley-san is delusional, so she might not realise the truth.

You really are the worst! I didnt like you from the moment I met you!

Is she talking about when we met in front of the church for the first time? Cordelia recalled what had happened back then, and suddenly remembered something that bothered her.

Come to think of it, you once said His Highness saved you, but when was that?

When I was little. I sold flowers in the city when my mother was still alive. At that time, His Highness saved me when he went out incognito.


I didnt know who it was at first. But His Highness appeared in my dreams when I wondered if there was anything I could do for him. I thought it was a joke at first too, but when I saw His Highness at the parade, I was shocked beyond words.

I knew it was him You dont believe me, do you?

I dont, but I cant refute either. I dont have the power to do so.

Yeah right. My dreams arent even correct.

Cordelia smiled wryly at the way Shelley had said that.

Her dreams were certainly wrong when they were about herself but GilleisSylvester.

Shelley-san, I was probably there too.


It was in front of a magic tool shop on artisan street, right? His Highness was the person who had leaped out, but Vernoux-sama was the person who had knocked the man out and I was the person who constricted his feet.

All emotions drained from Shelleys face.

Although Cordelia was smiling, she never imagined that she had already encountered Shelley from back then.

Why didnt you tell me earlier?!

Because I didnt know either.

You should have!

Thats impossible!

Oh my god, this sucks.

Shelley looked more embarrassed than ever before, and Cordelia had no words to say to her. She would be adding fuel to the fire no matter what she said.

But, its strange. I feel calm ever since I stopped dreaming.

So, youre glad that your magic was sealed?

Thats right. I had magic, but I never used it consciously before I was taken in and the dreams just came by themselves. So, I dont feel any inconvenience without it.

Shelley straightened her back and took a step.

Are you leaving already?

Yes, Ill go home after I buy what I need. Ill use my own products and when I become a millionaire who can hire a lot of employees, and so you should be sure to regret this.

That means youll help us promote our products. Im looking forward to it.


Shelley glared at Cordelia and stomped her feet, then she turned around. But she didnt leave, and her shoulders were shaking. Whats wrong? Cordelia thought, then Shelley said clearly, Say



Her voice was quiet compared to before.

Cordelia couldnt help but blink since those words werent like Shelley.

Dont What?me. Did you miss what I said? Argh, honestly this sucks! I shouldnt have said it!

Shelley said before walking off without turning back to look at Cordelia.

Perhaps Shelley will continue to come to my store to shop, but still, our lives wont interfere with each others anymore.

Though, Im not kind enough to wish you well either.

Nevertheless, Cordelia secretly wished that Shelleys life would progress from now on since she was able to escape from her Heroinepower, or from Cordelias perspective, her curse.

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