Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 320: Ishgar People

Chapter 320: Ishgar People

A group of people roared angrily, rushing over towards squads of soldiers, they were a mixture of soul beasts and soul master.

They released an onslaught of attacks they closed in on the Dou Spirit Empire Soldiers who were firing back.

Their attacks were clashing with each other, causing a series of miniature explosions to ring through the area.

Apart from this, a group of soul beasts was fighting with a squad of soldiers, bearing their fangs and claw upon them.

The soldiers were struggling to resist the soul beast attack, with some of them trying to launch their fixed ammunition at point-blank.

But were caught off from the Soul-Beast slashing at them in close range, while using their soul skills.

In another part of the city, a group of soul masters who were holding their own fixed ammunition weapons.

Saw a group of evil soul masters running towards them, they decided on a surefire way to eliminate them.

As the enemy got close, they began aiming their weapons at them, ignoring arrays of that attack that was fired at them.

As two soul beasts appeared in front of and made a turtle shield that withstood the attacks.

Just when the enemy reached an uncomfortably close range, the soul masters fired their fixed ammunition weapons.

The soul energy hit many of them, exploding upon contact and causing massive damage to the area around.

Blood splashes across with body parts being sent flying and screaming ringing through the area.

Some almost managed to get too close, as they were using the ripped up corpses of their comrades as a shield.

But they still couldn't stop themselves from being hurt by the explosion and soon fell as well.

It was then a squad of heavily armored Dou Spirit Soldiers started moving towards them, coming out of the smoke.

In their hand was a shield that was powered by soul energy. The soul masters didn't believe that their shield could stop their fixed ammunition and once again fired at them.

Yet to their shock and horror, the shield not only held up but it protected them from fixed ammunition explosions.

As the heavily armed soldiers closed in on them, a figure jumped over soul masters before hacking down with a giant sword.

The giant sword had released a silvery light before it chopped down on the squad, cutting in half the soldier in front.

Before the figure swung the great sword to the side, bisecting all of the Dou Spirit Soldiers.

Just as a spear made out of roots came towards his head but he made no move to block it.

As just then fire erupted in front of the man, burning away the spear before it set the whole path on fire.

Pillars of flames began to erupt from the ground like a domino effect in front of the man and soul masters.

"Calm your heart and mind. Remember we're not fighting alone but together!" Shouted the man as a wisp of fiery light appeared next to him.

With a red fur fox soul beast appearing next to the man, with its two tails swinging in the air.

Meanwhile, other battles were taking place in the whole city, with there really were too many to count.

The streets and rubbles have long since been soaked with the blood of both the Tenrou peopleand enemies.

It carried corpses littered around, with most of them being from the Dou Spirit Empire and evil soul masters.

The Tenrou City people causality hasn't been so bad, with most being from people that were wounded.

Instead of actually dying, which was a slight shock to anyone who was paying attention to both side progress.

"We are actually pushing them back." Muttered Xie Xiao as he ducked under a whip that was moving in an arc.

But he thrust out his spear which punctures the whip user chest before pulling it up and twirling his spear.

Before he slashed down, bisecting an evil soul master that was charging towards him in an armor made out of roots.

Before he can continue, a heavily armored evil soul master appeared before him.

They had four arms made out of roots that carried four large axes that shined with a dark green-gold colored.

Xie Xiao narrowed his eyes and roared as his left hand lightly gripped the spear before he began exerting force.

With a turn of his wrist, the spear shot out, rotating rapidly towards the heavily armed evil soul master.

As the evil soul master saw this, they hacked down with their weapon, aiming to smash the spear away.

But then the spear shone with purple electric light as before it exploded outwards, staggering the evil soul master.

As Xie Xiao, six soul rings appeared behind him before they all shined with the spear giving off strong pressure.

The evil soul master felt this and knew it was bad news but he was too staggered to come up with a good defense.

So he quickly raised his weapons to his face, hoping to block the attack but Xie Xiao only smirked.

As the spear spun closer, it would swiftly tilt downwards, moving away from the evil soul master face and into his throat.

The Evil Soul master could only stare in shock at the spear buried in his neck before glancing at Xie Xiao.

But he was already moving away as he dragged the spear out of their body and continued on.

Yet just as Xie Xiao began moving away, he failed to notice the falling body of the evil soul master began to tremble.

Before roots broke out of their body and aimed towards the back of Xie Xiao behind.

"Didn't you learn in class, not to walk away from an enemy unless they're fully dead or destroyed?" A voice rang out as the roots cut in half.

"Teacher Song?" Questioned Xie Xiao in surprise before his eyes widened at the roots that were hanging in the air.

Roots that were bisected by teacher Song with a golden sword.

'Had teacher Song not have come... I-'

"Yes, you would have most likely been dead. This isn't a training field or practice field boy; this is a real battlefield where the chance of dying is high."Said Song as he glanced at an explosion that rang a few kilometers from them.

"Any lost in concentration can decide life and death."

While this was happening, Renxue, who was moving through the city on the rooftop, was sniping down enemy soldiers.

Her arrows were striking them while they were either distracted by the rushing forces of the city.

Or were trying to run away from the danger.

Even though it took a while, the forces of the Tenrou City were beginning to push back the enemy soldiers.

"Good, a bit more and we can really force them out." Said Renxue with a smile but a voice rang out beside her.

"Even if we push them out, we still need to worry about those battleships and mother ships. Their constant firing on us is getting annoying." Said the Heavenly White Dragon as he appeared next to her.

"Can't we launch an attack on them?"

"Not without gaining casualties. From what I can sense, a terrifying danger is emitting from those ships."Mutter the Heavenly White Dragon causing Renxue to frown.

It had been then that they saw a soft blue light appear all around the city before it began rising up, all around.


"The barrier! They were able to get it back up!"Shouted Renxue with a smile causing the dragon next to her to chuckle.

"It seems we still do have hope."


"I hope everything is okay." Muttered Lang Yue as she felt the ground above her shaking.

"Don't worry, we just have to believe in them." Said Tang Ziran before glancing at the other people who were huddled up together.

They could all hear the shouts, screams, and ear-splitting explosions that were coming from the outside.

While none of them were close to the Academy, it was still loud enough that they all could hear it.

But Lang Yue and the others still have hope that everything will be fine, that they can get through this.

As they heard the speech made by Mu Ye, which caused them to look at each other in the room.

Before lowering their head in shame, understanding that they have also been doing the same thing.

While their people are outside fighting, they are in here still giving each other looks of distrust.

And so having a bit, Lang Yue and Tang Ziran was the first to move, move towards the Soul beast side.

They huddle next to a soul little soul beast cat with Lang Yue wrapping her arms around the cat.

Before she began murmuring sweet words to the little kid, hoping to soothe him and give him hope.

As she could easily figure out that his parents were fighting outside, doing their best for their little ones.

It was then that other humans started to move with even some of the soul beast moving as well.

In the next few minutes, everyone was huddling together, arms wrapped around each other as they waited.

Hoping and praying for their victory.


The Taotie Masked man was sent flying once again into the wall.

"You sure are persistent." Said Na'er with a faint laugh as she lightly held the Dragon Slaying Spear.

'Just what is she? Such control over the space element shouldn't be possible.' Thought the Taotie Masked man as he tried to drag himself out of the rubble.

But found himself being separated from his waist, with his neck being held by Na'er who was smiling at him.

"How about you answer some questions for us?"

"Tsk, you eliminated all of the poison?"

"Come now, compare to the power of space. Getting rid of your poison is as easy as flipping a hand, now then. Who are you?"

"Don't tell me you-"

"I don't, but I thought it would be fun to try. My urge to see if that line would actually work from reading all of those novels was too good to pass up." Said Na'er with a giggle before her eyes began to shine.

Yet she began to frown and with a sigh, the Taotie Masked Man in her hand began to crumble from space being compressed.

"There's more poison in this room?" Muttered Na'er as she saw the Taotie Masked Man appearing right behind them.

"He poisoned the soldiers." Said Tang Wulin.

"You...You really sharp, maybe too sharp."

"So I have been told."

"Cheeky one. Still, are you sure you should be squandering your time? This isn't the only battlefield you know."Said the Taotie Masked Man.

"We know this isn't it, but others have it covered." Said Na'er.

"Do they now? Even that Tenrou Island?" Questioned the Taotie Masked Man causing Na'er eyes to widen.

"You... Did you guys-"

"Yep, we did send a fleet there to destroy that Island. In fact, right now-"

"You guys are attacking them, with ten large battleships and one mothership." Tang Wulin's voice interrupted the Taotie Masked Man.

"How do you..."

"Big brother, did they contact you?"

"They didn't, I just knew all along." Said Tang Wulin causing the Taotie Masked Man to tilt his head.

"You knew all along?"

"About you guys dispatching a fleet to attack Tenrou City? I did, after all. I was the one who made you guys do it."

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