Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 303: Beast Platform

Chapter 303: Beast Platform

Tang Wulin was out of his thoughts when Da Ming continued speaking after sighing.

"That wretched abyssal plane manages to link up by force, but you humans were still able to seal the abyssal passage. Albeit a great price was paid for such a temporary solution."

"Do you know a way for us to unlink from them or push them away?" Questioned Ya Li.

"The Douluo Continent life force needs to be elevated back to an acceptable level for even such a thing to occur. In the end, sooner or later, an even greater catastrophe will arrive out of the blue." Said Er Ming with Ya Li raising a brow.

"What do you mean?"

"The abyssal plane isn't the only thing that is trying to link up to the Douluo Continent. Many other friends trying to and many other planes that are trying to absorb us." Said Er Ming in a grave tone causing Ya Li to tremble.

Even Tang Wulin was a bit shocked by this as he didn't think the situation would be this bad.

"It is... Remember when I told you that the Douluo Plane faces many dangers? The coming of other planes is one of those dangers and a terrifying one at that." Said Sleipnir.

"I guess we can consider the Demon Continent another one of them." Said Zeref with Sleipnir nodding her head.

As Zeref said this in Tang Wulin head, Ya Li also said something similar out loud to Da Ming and Er Ming.

"Do you guys think the Demon Continent might be another one?"

"Those fellas? They aren't much of a threat without the Demon Seed. Although It's a matter of time before they can gain access to this space without it..."Mutter Er Ming but Ya Li only shook her head.

"They are already here. More precisely, their realm came here and was able to fuse with the Douluo Plane." Said Ya Li causing the expression of Er Ming and Da Ming to change.

"...Are you sure about this?" Questioned Da Ming in a deep voice.

"We just came from that place and found out what was going on. Bottom line is that the Demon Monarchs are here in the Douluo Plane and trying to find a way to free their soldiers to take it over." Said Ya Li.

Da Ming fell silent for a while, contemplating the reason for this as well what this will bring forth.

"...What do you all plan to do?"

"We plan to hunt them all down and kill them before they can accomplish their goal." Said Ya Li causing Da Ming to nod his head.

As he agrees with that course of action, letting those fiends run amok and unleash their near-endless demonic army.

Would damage the plane even more than the humans could ever.

"God, it's one thing after another." Mutter Er Ming as he held his head with one hand.

"This plane was created by you guys?" Questioned Tang Wulin, while glancing around and feeling the elements around.

"Yes, The Ten Thousand Beast Platform plane that you both are in now was created by Er Ming and me using a small plane." Said, Da Ming.

"You guys were able to create such a thing?" Ya Li asked in wonder as she could feel that this plane contained similar elements to the Douluo Plane.

"At the time, we still had our God cultivation before the plane suppressed us, so much a feat was easily done. Er Ming and I were reluctant to return to the Divine Realm after Tang Wutong and Huo Yuhao left as we preferred living on the Douluo Continent."

"So you guys made this plane for yourself?" Questioned Tang Wulin with Da Ming nodding his head

"It was originally a place for us to come when we were free and bored. But in the end, it ends up becoming the last refuge for soul beasts." Said Da Ming with Tang Wulin cutting in.

"How? I know the Soul Beasts in Star Forest are still alive and this plane doesn't seem to be known from them."

"We have been taking in Soul-Beast from around the continent. While occasionally also making trips to the other continents as well." Said Da Ming with Ya Li eyes widening.

"So that's why we have found and noticed the decrease of Soul-Beast around the areas we haven't touched. We thought at first they ran away but to think they were in this plane..."Mutter Ya Li while Er Ming scoffed before saying.

"This plane was there only hope, as where else could they go that didn't have mankind? We were planning to tell Tang San so he could keep the balance, but who would have thought the Divine Realm would be swept away during this time."

Da Ming spoke up next and said, "Without the Divine Realm both of us couldn't fight against all of mankind with only our strength. In our action of staying here, the plane had suppressed us down to the Limit that it can withstand. Without our god-level strength, there was no hope of us being able to push back mankind. Which is why we have been taking in any soul beast we can, to avoid the annihilation of our whole race."

Tang Wulin nodded his head, understanding fully why they were so set on this plane.

'A plane that can be considered the salvation for soul beasts... But it wouldn't help my plan if they all stay in here.' Thought Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin needed all of the soul beasts to be around the humans on Tenrou Island.

Or at the very least, the ones who are in control and can be considered Kings of the Soul-Beast.

"So this plane is connected in one of the forests of the Douluo Continent?" Questioned Ya Li causing Er Ming to scoff and say.

"You don't need to know this-"

"It's a part of the Spirit Pagoda, dressed up as Pagoda's new 'project'." Said Tang Wulin causing Er Ming and Da Ming eyes to widen.

"Huh? Why would they do such a dangerous thing?"

"The rebirth of the Soul-Beast race." Said Tang Wulin with a faint smile as he saw the shock of Da Ming and Er Ming.


"She told me and everything else you guys were planning before." Said Tang Wulin causing them to fall silent.

Not only from the shock and disbelief that Gu Yue would tell Tang Wulin who was a human about their plan.

But also the invisible pressure they felt from Tang Wulin knowing about the plan and his relationship with her.

"Don't worry, that old plan was both stupid and ridiculous. The new one should work out well for both races." Said Tang Wulin.

"...She told you?" Questioned Er Ming in disbelief as he still couldn't wrap his head around it.

"More or less. Although after hearing your relationship with my father, I am surprised you both would agree to it."

"What else were we supposed to do? It was the only way to control your humans and stop our race from truly dying." Said Da Ming with a sigh causing Tang Wulin to chuckle.

"But then you all wouldn't be any different from us humans, now would you?"

Da Ming and Er Ming fell silent, as they thought about that once. If they followed the old plan they had made, would they be any different than mankind?

They also wondered what Xiao Wu and Tang San thought of them if they found out about the plan when they returned?

Or if they ever returned was their previous thought.

"What are you guys talking about?" Questioned Ya Li, understanding that something had transpired between them.

Not only that but she could feel her instinct was telling her whatever the previous plan was for this plane.

It didn't bode well for all of humanity.

"Nothing much for now, although you will learn about it later. After all, Shrek will be a good helper in the plan for this plane and soul beasts." Said Tang Wulin causing Ya Li lips to twitch.

As she recalled Yun Ming's words before that he told her.

'Owing that brat a favor will be the end of us, I swear.'

She was starting to wonder if her little nephew or son was it? She wasn't sure what Tang Wulin accepted her as was planning but she could tell it was going to shake all of Shrek.

And maybe even the world.

"How is the situation of your Golden Dragon Seals? You said you unlocked fourteen of them?"

"I have it under control, my willpower and various powers in my body are keeping it under control. Although I am feeling the pressure of the plane, from what I can guess. The fifteen up will push my body to the point where it will break the limits of what the plane can handle." Said Tang Wulin.

"You talked to her about it? As she is the only one with enough knowledge to help you." Said Er Ming.

"Yea, she already told me what to expect and the best way to handle it." Said Tang Wulin with Ya Li inwardly sighing, as they didn't seem too keen on saying a name.

Meaning the person they are talking about must be a significant person to the Soul Beast.

Although she wondered where Tang Wulin met such a person.

"We will do anything we can to help you at the very least. While it's not easy for us to leave the plane since we are the lords of it. As without both of our presence, the plane will soon collapse, with its being strain if only one of us leaves. We should be able to save your life if anything happens." Said, Da Ming.

"Although I wondered if you really need it."Mutter Er Ming as he recalls that terrifying Dragon Form and its suppression.

"How long can one of you stay out of the plane?"

"For about some month before we have to return." Said Da Ming causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Will you be able to help with the Demon problem?" Questioned Ya Li but Er Ming only shook his head.

"We won't directly help you but we can join you when it comes to taking down the Demon Monarchs." Said, Er Ming with Ya Li nodding his head, as she knew that was the best they could get.

"I have been wondering this but did you ever couple with a human, thousands of years ago?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

He wasn't really sure since he knew even special bloodlines can be gained from birth.

Even without a direct descent line, for example, those with the bloodline of the Dragon clan.

But from what he heard, the Titan Great Ape bloodline hasn't appeared for any other family.

Than the Yuanen family line, so he was curious if Er Ming mingled with a human even with his disdain for them.

"...How did you know about it-"

"Er Ming! You actually did this!" Shouted Da Ming causing Er Ming to flinch as he tried to look away.

"I know my friend has the Titan Great Ape martial soul. Which she said was gained from the Titan Great Ape lineage. So I am wondering if you had anything to do with it?"

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