Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 153: A Tale Long Forgotten

Chapter 153: A Tale Long Forgotten


A voice rang out as Tang Wulin was walking through the lush forest of the inner sanctum of the Demon Island.


"Just answer her already, so she can stop." Said Zeref with a sigh as he saw Tang Wulin still ignoring his second spirit soul, Tao Tie.

"Yes human! Listen to the creepy spectral being!"Shouted Tao Tie in rage as she tried to glare at Tang Wulin, while she was in her spirit form.

'Will you shut up already, you little annoyance? I will do it.' Thought Tang Wulin in irritation, causing the Tao Tie to roar at him for calling her an annoyance. Even though it was his fault, she has been shouting so much.

This damnable human has been mostly disregarding her, ever since she became his spirit soul. In fact, it wasn't just her but that annoying snake was also usually ignored by the human.

Normally, she wouldn't care as she still didn't have many pleasant feelings towards the one who beat her and absorbed her. The dislike did lessen after the benefit she gained from being with him but it was a bit hard to be grateful to this bastard.

But the island, they came to was filled with too much Life and Destruction Energy for her to stay silent. Just how beneficial was it if one was able to bath in life energy? Not just any life energy but the purest kind that was from the literal goddess herself?

Tao Tie knew that other spirit beast would give an untold amount of their life spans just to even gain a speck of it. As the benefit of Life Energy was too much to even count or state, then there is the destruction energy lying around here.

While the destruction energy, wouldn't be useful to most Spirit Beast but it was the opposite for Tao Tie. Her innate ability to devour, allowed her to eat almost anything as long as it's able to go inside of her stomach.

With this ability, she could swallow the destruction energy and begin to absorb it, to help increase her strength. But that requires her to be strong enough to actually be able to hold the energy in long enough to absorb it fully.

As it might destroy her as not even she could hold the energy of a god for too long.

Which is why she requires the help of Tang Wulin. Ha has shown on multiple occasions that his ability was similar to hers. With him also being able to hold the destruction energy inside of his body.

Of course, Tang Wulin knew all of this, as his little devourer has been begging him non-stop to help her absorb the destruction energy. He had no reason to deny her this, as the stronger she gets, the stronger he gets too.

The only reason he hasn't tried to acknowledge her words was because of whether he could force the destruction and hold it back to help her. Still, he didn't think she would be such a hassle even with him ignoring her most of the time.

"...So you promise to help me?"Questioned Tao Tie with her voice filled with joy and hope.

'I will.' Thought Tang Wulin with a sigh causing Tao Tie to shout in happiness.

"Can I absorb some too, Daddy?" Questioned Leviathan.

"You stupid snake, shut up!"

Tang Wulin ignored the starting banter of Leviathan and Tao Tie, has this was one of the reasons he tends to ignore both of them.

'Zeref, what exactly is Leviathan?' Thought Tang Wulin while blocking the conversation from Tao Tie and Leviathan, although it wouldn't matter as they were far too into their banter to notice.

"What do you mean?" Questioned Zeref with a raise a brow.

"I don't have time for your vagueness. Or you trying to sidestep the conversation." Said Tang Wulin to Zeref, as he gave him a deep stare.

Seeing the stare of Acnologia, Zeref knew he couldn't avoid this much longer. Although he was surprised it went on for so long, considering Acnologia's belief of not beating around the bush.

"You can think of Leviathan, as being a blank slate." Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to raise a brow.

"Blank slate?"

"Yes, something with nothing unique or extraordinary about it but with infinite possibilities. Remember from the moment you absorb Leviathan, it has been abnormal."Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to blink his eyes and then nod his head.

As he recalls the gold trident marking on Leviathan's head, back when it was just a little snake. He didn't know what the trident represented until he awakens his bloodline and learned who his birth father was.

'Are you talking about Leviathan being altered by the Sea God Bloodline?' Thought Tang Wulin but Zeref only shook his head and then chuckle.

"Leviathan wasn't just altered, Acnologia. But that little snake of yours essentially did the impossible and siphon some of your Sea God blood the moment you absorb it."Said Zeref causing Tang Wulin to slightly arch his brows.

'How? The Sea G-'

"It wasn't awakened yet, I know what you mean but it's not that simple." Said Zeref with a shake of his head.

"Your bloodline may have been sealed but it did act out, that one time didn't?" Questioned Zeref causing Tang Wulin to blink his eyes and then recall the moment he absorbed Leviathan.

He remembered being transported into space where, both his Dragon Form and a Golden Trident appeared before clashing with each other.

"Your Sea God bloodline was being awakened because of the full awakening of your Dragon Slayer Powers and your Dragon Form. But of course it couldn't do anything without a host and so it waited until it could acquire one."Said Zeref.

Tang Wulin was easily able to fill in the blanks on how the clash came to be. At the moment when he absorbed Leviathan, his Sea God bloodline must have used that chance to try and get rid of his Dragon Form.

But it seems something must have happened, causing the Sea God bloodline to fail and for Leviathan to absorb some of its divine might.

"Of course, this helped lay the foundation for that little snake of yours and will continue to do so, as it grows. As even now, it's being nurtured by other types of God Energy and external powers."Said Zeref before he began to disappear from Tang Wulin's view.

'This little snake really does have an infinite amount of potential.' Thought Tang Wulin while not stopping Zeref from disappearing.

If the little snake hadn't, siphon some of the energy of his bloodline, then maybe it would have become a True Dragon from the Golden Dragon King and the Dragon God soul inside of him. But now?

It was hard to say what Leviathan will ultimately become, as it was being nurtured by all kinds of energy. But of course, that also comes with the unknown danger, that Leviathan is unable to reach its full potential in the end.

'As I doubt, absorbing the powers of Gods will be an easy process.' Thought Tang Wulin as he continued his journey forward.

It didn't take him long to reach his destination, with the picture of an array of lush trees leaves swaying from the cool breeze. As his feet were treading forward, he could hear the cracking of twigs and leaves underfoot.

"We're here." Said Sleipnir as she appeared next to Tang Wulin while glancing admiringly around the lush forest with a huge smile.

"Nature here sure is abundant." Said Zeref as he too appeared next to Tang Wulin.

"Indeed." Said Sleipnir with a heartfelt sigh.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he went toward the center of the field where the warm rays of the sun were able to reach him. He slowly began taking on a meditative position before glancing at Sleipnir with a raised brow.

"All you need to do is call out to, the Life Energy." Said Sleipnir causing Tang Wulin to nod his head before closing his eyes.

He took a deep breath as began to expand his senses outward and sensing the life energy through the air.


In an instant, the soul core inside of Tang Wulin began to throb as a green pulse was sent outward through his body. A large upside-down V shape symbol began to slowly form and take shape on his forehead with streaks of multi-colored streaks expanding from it.

Within seconds, the green pulse passed through the whole inner sanctum of the majestic forest, causing everything to instantly freeze. It was not even a second later, that the whole island exploded in the brilliant glow of lush green.

Everyone who was on the island looks up in shock as a concentrated beam of green light suddenly surged skyward from the island. The life source on the island exploded and burst exponentially with the coming of the green light.

It was then the green pillar began turning into visible streaks of lights, as they headed towards the area where Tang Wulin was. The island began to rumble as the trees, vines, and the forest began glowing brilliantly with an abundant amount of vitality.

Sleipnir and Zeref saw the life energy beginning to swirl around Tang Wulin, encasing his whole body in a fierce storm of green. Yet Tang Wulin knew none of this as his consciousness was transported to a strange realm with a pink ground underneath him.

He didn't know where he was as only darkness was around him except for the colored steps that seem to be leading him upward.

'How strange.' Thought Tang Wulin but it wasn't at the area he was in but the distinct feeling of something earnestly begging him to go forward.

Sighing to himself, Tang Wulin began going up the pink-colored steps that seem to tread on endlessly without any end. As he was moving up the grand stairs, to his surprise, he could see remnants of land that he wasn't able to see from down the steps.

It was a desolate area with collapsed buildings and only demolished walls. There was debris of fractured rocks, trees, and branches all around him. As he looks down, he sees a magnificent purple-black Palace that was built with outstanding craftsmanship that no mortal could ever recreate.

Yet it was all broken up with everything being destroyed, with a gigantic tree that was broken in half in the middle of the ruined place. If that wasn't strange enough, he could feel an ancient and divine aura that had a sense of affectionate familiarity.

'What...Is this place.' Thought Tang Wulin as he perceived something inside of him tremble.

A few minutes passed before the area around him began to warp and twist before an illuminating flash of light happened.

Blinking his eyes, he saw he was no longer on the steps but on flat ground. Similar to the area before, he could only see impenetrable darkness across from the flat ground. Furrowing his brows, Tang Wulin began glancing around before he caught the sight of a large orb of energy before him.

The colorful ball of luminous light was shimmering with a peculiar radiance and glowing halos glowing around it. Strangely enough, it was flickering and buzzing out as if it couldn't keep its present form.

'Is it going to split?' Thought Tang Wulin as he narrowed his eyes but then he felt a pang of profound sadness hitting him.

He would have been shocked by this feeling if it wasn't for the previous sense of begging and pleading that came right after.

'Just where is this feeling coming from.' Thought Tang Wulin in mild irritation.

It was then something began to shine below him, causing Tang Wulin to glance down and see his Blue Silver Genesis appearing in his palms. The vines began carefully coiling around his hand, causing Tang Wulin to feel its comforting warmth and love.

Then one of the vines began moving towards his face, but he didn't move and simply allow the vine to touch him. It was then he was able to feel and comprehend the feelings of his Blue Silver Genesis, causing Tang Wulin eyes to slightly narrow.

"...You want me to go forward to it?"Questioned Tang Wulin and then he sighed, as he felt his martial spirit answer.

Tang Wulin began moving toward the ball of light that continued to fluctuate and with it undergoing some changes.

Tang Wulin could see an actual world inside of the glowing orb, with the occasional land, ocean and even a sky that seems to be hovering ahead. As Tang Wulin got near to the orb, he could feel a gust of wind building around the orb. But he didn't seem to care as he reaches out and touches the sphere.

A flash of light erupted out causing Tang Wulin to squint his eyes and allowing him to see a mirage of images passing through.

He saw a man with blue hair and robe with eight rings fighting with another who had nine rings behind. They both had serious expressions with their two power clashing across the realm.

It changed, as the man who was fighting with the blue hair person was now fighting someone else. They had blue hair and golden dragon-like armor and eight rings behind him. He felt an array of emotion from the one in armor as spectral like figures appeared behind him and attack the man with nine rings.

The image kept on changing and switching as if it was trying telling a historical tale, that was long forgotten. He felt an odd scent of familiarity or was it reminiscent? Tang Wulin didn't quite know and yet, he felt like he should know what was going on.

He saw a violent gust of wind swirling around and rampaging through the miniature world inside of the sphere.

The world seems to be shaking violently as vicious cracks and ruptures began forming around. It seemed like the world and ball of light was about to shatter after being engulfed by the violent wind.

It was then he saw two beings that were from the previous image in the ball of light. One green and the other purple manifested and fused together, forming a marvelous halo. This divine halo began reverberating through the entire miniature world, while the cracks healed and the world began to stabilize.


The terrifying wind rolled on as it rattled the world, shaking it continuously. The world merged with the gray wind before it blew into the distance.

'Could this be...'

Tang Wulin found himself in a different area and it was smaller than the previous one. Yet strangely enough, there was collapse walls and pillars as if a tragedy had happened here. It was then he saw three speckles of light in front of him. Tang Wulin was able to see two figures, that resembled phantoms.

Two of them were the same purple and green beings from before, although they were much weaker before. They resemble human figures with the purple figure being the man, and the green one is a woman.

They were attempting to hold on to each other, but they failed to do so every time they got closer to each other.

It was then Tang Wulin felt the vines of his Blue Silver Genesis frantically rubbing on him.

"You want me to help them?" Questioned Tang Wulin to his Blue Silver Genesis and he received his answer through the intense feeling of begging from it. He furrowed his brow and a slight frown at the pleading, almost like begging of his own martial spirit.

Tang Wulin sighed before walking forward to the two phantom-like figures and the energy between them. Yet it was then, as he got closer to the energies, he instantly felt an absurd amount of pressure and ancient aura exploding down on him.

The aura and relentless pressure were enough to cause all to bow down and pray towards it. It was as if something unfathomable or above this plane of existence had come down.

Yet as if he didn't even notice or chose not to acknowledge the pressure, Tang Wulin kept on walking forward to the energies.

Tang Wulin's expression didn't change as he felt an intense swirl of wind shooting straight towards him and smashing into him. He could feel the excessive pressure getting even heavier as if whatever came down, it finally decided to notice him.

He ignored all of that, as he saw himself getting closer and closer to the three figures. Even with the pressure increasing every step he took, he did not yield but continued forward. His own forehead was already streaming down with beads of sweat.

Wave after wave of pain and mental exhaustion was hitting him with each step. The pressure grew even more and with his own body screaming out from the constant pain, yet it still continued to move from the will of Tang Wulin.

With another step, streams of blood started to seep out from his skin and different parts of his body like a waterfall. Everything from his bones to his organs to even his nerves was being attacked by this overwhelming pressure.

But Tang Wulin mearly ignored it and continued moving forward. As he got closer to the figures, a powerful gust of gray wind shot out and disintegrate Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin's body and the Blue Silver Genesis all disappear like ashes to the wind.

Yet, a particular scene was happening as a multi-colored figure that looked similar to Tang Wulin but had a demonic like features engrave on its face. The figure continued moving towards the other three figures. The figure was slowly trekking until it finally reaches the figures that were about to make contact with each other.

Just as the multi-colored figure light was also about to make contact with the figures.

Terrifying and boundless energy exploded outward as if it wanted to destroy both the phantom figures and the multi-colored being. Slowly the phantom and the multi-colored figure were slowly being disintegrated.

They tried struggling free or escaping but it was all futile as the terrifying energy would not allow it.

It was then a pulse reverberate through the multi-colored figure and then a charcoal arm erupted out from the arm of the figure. The arm then came into contact with the terrifying energy and instead of the hand also being disintegrated.

It grasps the energy and began squashing it.

As if it felt danger, the energy began trying to struggle and fight back against the charcoal hand that was grasping it. Yet the charcoal hand did not care as a deadly aura exploded from it and ruthlessly crush the energy.

As the energy began to disperse, another charcoal hand erupted from the multi-colored figure of light and they both move towards the phantom figures. They each grab onto one of the figures before slowly but surely bringing them together.

As the two phantom figures began to close in each other. Then as they finally touch each other, sparks began to appear in front of them as if to stop the contact.

Yet the hand that was pushing them together did not care and began to forcibly push the two figures together. The sparks tried it hardest to keep the two figures apart but it could do nothing as the energy around the charcoal hands was slowly destroying it.

And then, the two figures made contact with the whole area exploding outward with a brilliant flash of rosy pink and pearly white light.

A figure was laying on the ground where there was only white and pink all around. The figure was a man who seems to be unconscious yet he wasn't alone as a woman and a man was around him.

The woman wore a long light green dress with outstanding beauty, that was absolutely breathtaking and mesmerizing. While the man wore a long purple cloak that showed off his handsome features that had red eyes and white hair.

"...Sheng Ming."Mutter the man in purple softly as he gazed at the woman with untold love and devotion, yet there also was a hint of sadness and regret.

"Hui Mie." Said Sheng Ming with a gentle smile on her face, as she gazes at the man in front of her with love and care.

No words were needed, as they both could understand what the other wanted to say. This caused Hui Mei to sigh and look down but Sheng Ming only lightly giggles as she moved her hand to rub and caresses his face.

"I Love you." Said Hui Mie towards Sheng Ming as he tilted his head into her gentle hand.

"I love you too." Said Sheng Ming with a bright smile before glancing down at the man below them and then slowly moving towards him.

"This is?" Questioned Hui Mie as he saw his wife going towards the man with goldish-white hair and blue highlights.

"Our beloved son." Said Sheng Ming as she picks up the man and looks at him with unrivaled love and tenderness. The look on her face was similar to that of a mother who had found her child after an endless journey of searching.

Hui Mie's eyes widen in shock and surprise at the words of his wife but then he slowly began to sigh and then smile too.

"...Yes, our son."Said Hui Mie as he began closing in on both his wife and his 'son'. As he got closer. Sheng Ming gave him some room, so he too could also hold their son.

Hui Mie and Sheng Ming both look at each other with pleasant warmth and love before looking down at their son who was sleeping in their arms. They both smiled down warmly and then they gently kiss his forehead at the same time.

The man was bathed in the distinctive color of pink and white halos, as the world exploded outward.

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