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7 months ago
Xia Yan, a run-of-the-mill university student. His life had become exciting ever since he received... Read more Xia Yan, a run-of-the-mill university student. His life had become exciting ever since he received the inheritance of a lich from another world.Unrivalled in the city along with his horde of treasured skeletons, he’s acclaimed as both a death god and a superhero. A campus queen, a pop diva, and a dom chairwoman… all of them live cosily under the illumination of Xia Yan’s soul fire.Vampires? Werewolves? Angels? Demons? Crush ‘em all!A bone dragon battles a helicarrier, an undead scourge creates a biohazard. All who mess with the lich get their comeuppance. Collapse Adapted to Manhua, Beautiful Female Lead, Handsome Male Lead, Male Protagonist, Martial Spirits, Mind Control, Necromancer, Sealed Power, Spirits