Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 165

C165 – Are You Alright?

The bald middle-aged individual was named Zhang Hee, tasked with overseeing the outer city.

His responsibilities included managing refugee resettlement and maintaining security in the outer city.

Scarface had ambiguous ties with Zhang Hee. Before the apocalypse, they had collaborated on multiple occasions.

Zhang Hee had reaped substantial benefits from his association with Scarface, who consistently treated him with deference. To some extent, Scarface was considered one of Zhang Hee’s protégés.

Scarface had undertaken certain clandestine tasks at Zhang Hee’s behest.

Loong Chen’s harassment of Zhang Hee’s underlings within his jurisdiction had ignited Zhang Hee’s fury.

“Young man, how dare you commit a public execution? Release him! Perhaps we can still show you mercy!”

Zhang Hee admonished Loong Chen indignantly.

Loong Chen furrowed his brow. Did this man expect him to surrender without grasping the situation?

However, upon observing the exchanged glances between Scarface and Zhang Hee, Loong Chen discerned their alliance.

“Shall I release him?”

Loong Chen’s smile held a chilling edge as he proceeded to press down on one of Scarface’s legs.

Accompanied by a sharp crack, Scarface emitted a piercing scream of agony.

Loong Chen fractured Scarface’s leg bone.


Zhang Hee yelled out. Nonetheless, Loong Chen promptly applied pressure to Scarface’s other leg.

Another bone-crunching sound ensued as Scarface wailed even louder in anguish.

“I merely shifted my foot.”

Loong Chen gestured casually, a smile playing on his lips. Zhang Hee’s expression tightened.

He was engaging in verbal manipulation.

Zhang Hee swiftly gestured, prompting the soldiers behind him to raise their firearms and direct them at Loong Chen.

With a signal from Zhang Hee, they stood ready to open fire without delay.

“You have one final opportunity. Release him at once and surrender, or face immediate execution!” Zhang Hee’s voice rang out sternly.

Zhang Hee’s shout was firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

Were it not for Scarface being directly beneath Loong Chen, he might have hesitated, concerned about potential collateral damage to Scarface. Otherwise, he would have instructed his men to open fire.

“I’ll offer you one opportunity. Instruct them to lower their weapons. Otherwise, the repercussions will be severe.”

Loong Chen’s expression darkened; he harbored a strong aversion to being threatened at gunpoint.

Zhang Hee seethed with anger. This marked his initial encounter with such flagrant arrogance.

Despite facing the barrels of over ten guns, Loong Chen remained arrogantly defiant.

Zhang Hee even resolved internally that if Loong Chen persisted in his defiance, even at the cost of Scarface’s safety, he would proceed with eliminating Loong Chen.

“Since you refuse to heed reason, then do not blame me for responding forcefully. Ready yourselves to fire, everyone!”

Zhang Hee’s voice boomed with authority, prompting the soldiers behind him to assume ready positions.

In response to Zhang Hee’s directive, the sharp crack of gunfire erupted.

Loong Chen’s form flickered, instantly reappearing more than ten meters distant.

A bullet bore through the air where he had stood moments before, felling Scarface.

Loong Chen’s gaze hardened with determination. With the actual commencement of gunfire, he shed any lingering concern.

“You’re all doomed.”

Loong Chen uttered with a frigid snarl as Zhang Hee began orchestrating his men to sustain the assault.

Suddenly, a commanding voice interjected.

“Drop your weapons, all of you!”

With sweat-drenched skin and labored breaths, Lee Jun rushed over, his urgency palpable.

Despite his best efforts, Lee Jun’s pace fell short of Loong Chen’s.

He exerted considerable effort to arrive, yet remained a beat too tardy.

The instant he heard the gunshot, he discerned the direness of the situation.

“Major Lee?”

Zhang Hee was taken aback at the sight of Lee Jun.

Lee Jun held a significantly higher military rank than Zhang Hee, and his usual post was within the inner city. Zhang Hee wondered why Lee Jun had ventured into the outer city.

Despite his confusion, Zhang Hee wasted no time in issuing a warning.

“Major Lee, exercise caution, that individual is highly dangerous!”

Lee Jun felt inclined to reprimand Zhang Hee for his remark.

“Do I need you to remind me of his danger? Daring to provoke him, you’re the one in peril!”

Acting swiftly, Lee Jun approached Loong Chen and rendered a military salute before speaking with utmost respect.

“Sir, are you unharmed?”

Having joined Captain Dongfang’s team, Loong Chen held a superior rank to Lee Jun’s, justifying Lee Jun’s address of “sir.”

Referring to Loong Chen as “sir” was entirely appropriate.

“What assistance do I require?”

Loong Chen responded nonchalantly, prompting vigorous nods from Lee Jun.

Having witnessed Loong Chen’s prowess firsthand, Lee Jun was convinced that these dozen soldiers posed no threat to him.

“Sir, entrust the matter to me. I will ensure a satisfactory outcome.”

Lee Jun pledged respectfully.

Despite Zhang Hee and others holding modest military ranks, allowing Loong Chen to indiscriminately kill them would reflect poorly on their reputation.

Before Captain Dongfang departed, he specifically instructed him to ensure Loong Chen’s well-being.

This directive wasn’t solely about safeguarding Loong Chen’s safety but also about preventing his undue suffering.

Casting a glance at Lee Jun, Loong Chen discerned that Lee Jun harbored no desire for him to execute those individuals.

After a brief moment of hesitation, Loong Chen assented with a nod, opting not to cause trouble for Lee Jun.

Nonetheless, Loong Chen hoped for a favorable resolution from Lee Jun.

Should he find Lee Jun’s resolution unsatisfactory, he wouldn’t hesitate to eliminate Zhang Hee himself.

Lee Jun exchanged a grateful glance with Loong Chen before approaching Zhang Hee.

“Lee Jun…”

Zhang Hee’s respectful smile was abruptly interrupted by a forceful slap from Lee Jun.

“You dare to provoke Officer Chen Loong!”

Lee Jun fixed Zhang Hee with a cold stare, his tone icy.

Zhang Hee was taken aback. Officer Chen Loong?

Zhang Hee had actually addressed that young man as an officer?

“Major Lee, what are you implying?”

Zhang Hee queried, his mind foggy.

“What I mean is, effective immediately, your position will be terminated,” Lee Jun clarified.

Upon hearing Lee Jun’s declaration, Zhang Hee’s countenance underwent an abrupt shift.

Being stripped of his position was tantamount to a death sentence for him.

Bereft of his title, he’d be relegated to the outer city, akin to these destitute refugees.

How could he, accustomed to a life of privilege, come to terms with such a fate?

“Major Lee, I fail to comprehend. Must I lose my position simply because I crossed paths with that youngster?”

“This is grossly unjust. He committed murder in plain sight, and I led the effort to apprehend him. What transgression have I committed?”

Even if he had irked Lee Jun, his position should remain secure.

So long as he maintained the highest moral ground, even Lee Jun couldn’t summarily dismiss him.

“Are you still inclined to resist? Very well, allow me to elucidate.”

“Your actions alone, firing into a crowd, provide sufficient grounds for prosecution. Not to mention the myriad infractions you’ve accumulated over the years. Shall I enumerate them?”

Lee Jun’s lips curled into a cold smile. In truth, the leadership was aware, to some extent, of Zhang Hee’s transgressions.

They simply opted to turn a blind eye, as long as he didn’t overstep too egregiously.

Now that Zhang Hee had crossed Loong Chen, these indiscretions could be leveraged effectively.

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