Don't Heal the Others

Chapter 168 Starting to Attack

Chapter 168 Starting to Attack

Xiaofeng went online in Tianlong City with an attempt to gain some experiences in Abandoned Town because he could fight the BOSSes of Undead Attribute there alone. However, before he set off, he received a call from Si Yejing.

“Asshole, where are you now?”

“Frontline Battleground, what’s the matter?”

“Stay there, I’ll come to find you.”

Si Yejing ended the call in a hurry, which confused Xiaofeng. He found that this girl could be really neurotic sometimes as she thundered into his house in anger several days ago and now she behaved weirdly again.

Shaking his head, Xiaofeng began to observe around Frontline Battleground.

The place had the most players in Tianlong City beside the main city.

Covering a large area, the place was well-established. Imperial soldiers could be seen patrolling around while droves of players came there to get their supply and carry their missions.

Frontline Battleground was a nice place for it was close and the only path leading to instance zones. Players could carry their missions and even story-line missions there; thus, lots of them were drawn to the place. Recently, the place enjoyed even greater popularity as many Undead Souls and Undead BOSSes appeared in Gray Plain, which, nevertheless, had been explored by the players hundreds of times.

Xiaofeng kept hiding his identity so as to get rid of the close attention from the players in Huaxia District, and before that, he had to keep a low profile and avoid unnecessary exposure in public. He did not want to be on display like a monkey.

Captain Bolton had not returned from Temple of Light since the last time he was called back from Frontline Battleground, which Xiaofeng did not know until he questioned several NPC of the battleground. Some of the NPC even tried to assign Xiaofeng some missions but all shut their mouth in awe after knowing Xiaofeng’s title as Archbishop. Having known that only superior NPC had the right to assign him story-line missions, Xiaofeng was in no hurry to turn to them because the Dragon Suit in the undercity grave attracted him more.


Soon, while no one knew how she did it, Si Yejing appeared in front of Xiaofeng in a black suit. Seeing nobody around, she spoke up, “What are you doing here?”

“You know what, I’m wondering if there is something wrong with your mind, and I happen to know a good hospital.”

Xiaofeng answered in an unfriendly tone while setting off to Abandoned Town.

“Asshole, can’t you be gentler?” Si Yejing was choked up, glaring at Xiaofeng while following behind him.

“Are you out of your mind? It was you who went crazy and got mad at me, and now, you asked me to be gentler?” Xiaofeng said with a frown, and he would not have talked to her if he had not reached an reconciliation with Midsummer Group.

“You!” Holding tight the daggers in her hands, Si Yejing trembled with anger, but soon, she looked upset as she stared at Xiaofeng and said in a soft tone, “Fine, it’s all my fault. I apologize.”

“Well, could I have heard you wrong? Why did you apologize?” Xiaofeng turned back, confused.

“I... I shouldn’t have got mad at you, I’m sorry. My cousin told me the two of you had made it up and you gave her a guild token as compensation, so, let the past be the past though you’re the one who made a mistake first,” Si Yejing whispered.

“Wait, what do you mean I’m the one who made a mistake first?” Xiaofeng did not accept her apology.

“Alright, alright, it’s all our fault. We shouldn’t have messed with you. Let it go, ok? Don’t be so narrow-minded, man.” Si Yejing surrendered.

“That sounds better.” Xiaofeng nodded his acceptance of her apology. He summoned and rode Xiaoxue when they got out of Frontline Battleground.

“Slower, please. Where are we heading?” Si Yejing asked and summoned her mount as well.

“Instance zones. I haven’t used up all my chances yet. In several hours, it will be respawned.”

“Neither have I. I spent a whole day helping rebuild the encampment of our guild. I’ll go with you, oh, wait, I want to call Tingting here; she hasn’t entered instance zones today either.” At the point of setting off, Si Yejing suddenly thought of Su Tingting and sent her a message

“Su Tingting? Okay.” Since it was still several hours before the end of the day, Xiaofeng was in no hurry and started waiting with Se Yejing.

“Oh, by the way, how do you get to know Tingting? She said you once worked as a waiter in the cybercafe in our university, is that true?”

Si Yejing was obviously not a quiet girl; she soon uttered the question in a casual tone.

“Yes, I worked for a couple of months.” Xiaofeng nodded.

“How did you get along with Tingting?” Si Yejing asked again, looking away unconcernedly.

“Not bad. I didn’t have much acquaintances except her in Chenghai City back then.” Xiaofeng answered casually.

Back when he just escaped from hell and returned home with an attempt to avenge Midsummer Group, he found a job in college town so that he could take care of Xiao Ling, and under the influence of Su Tingting, an outgoing and optimistic girl, he slowly got rid of that nightmare.

“Really?” Si Yejing shot a long gaze at Xiaofeng, and suddenly, she asked once more, “By the way, how did you and my cousin become enemies? Online news said that you took liberties with her when you were in Novice Village, is that true?”

“Which bastard told you that?” Xiaofeng’s face darkened, and Han Feng’s despicable smile went into his mind.

“So, it’s not true, right? How did the two of you start a feud and get it known to everybody then?” Si Yejing seemed relieved as she spoke.

“None of your business, gossip.” Xiaofeng did not answer her question but said, as he did not want to tell her what happened between him and Midsummer Rose.

“Answering my questions won’t cause you any trouble since you have made it up with my cousin. I’ve never seen any man as unreasonable as you,” said Si Yejing with anger, and suddenly, as if she had thought of something, she continued, “the second war to defend the encampment of Midsummer will start tomorrow afternoon, will you come to help us?”

“Why would I come? I’m neither free nor one of your guild.”

“You’re right. Things may get worse if you’re involved. Normal members of our guild may not know what you’ve done that led to our faliure, but the management does, and they all regard you as an enemy now.”

After rethinking about it, Si Yejing gave up persuading Xiaofeng to join them for fear that those seniors of big guilds who had witnessed Midsummer Guild’s faliure in its first defensive war would laugh at them after knowing Xiaofeng joined them.

“Jingjing, Master Xiao, here I’m.”

In a simple leather armor, Su Tingting went out of Frontline Battleground riding her mount Dahei, and her charming figure attracted many eyes from the male players around. She had been told in advance that Si Yejing and Xiaofeng would be waiting for her outside the battleground.

“Lower your voice! I don’t want to get exposed.”

Si Yejing reminded Su Tingting in a low voice at once. Though she had hidden the name of her character in the game, it was necessary for her to avoid any possible danger of being exposed; after all, her character had a unique style.

“Sorry, sorry, I forgot it. However, you are such a beautiful girl, Jingjing, why do you play a male role? You’ll be even more popular once they know that the famous Night Cooer, in fact, is a charming beauty.” Su Tingting scratched her head and said with a smile.

“I don’t think it would make much difference; otherwise, someone would have given me a kinder look,” Si Yejing said, shooting a casual glance at Xiaofeng.

“Oh, you mean Master Xiao? He is special as a man. He didn’t show much care to me when I acquainted him and he always seemed indifferent toward the two famous beauty of our university. Master Xiao, are you gay?” Su Tingting asked, staring at Xiaofeng, whose face immediately turned dark.

“Easy, easy, I’m just joking. Master Xiao, how did you reach level 19? Please allow me to join you, I’m only at level 17.” Su Tingting changed the topic at once and to please Xiaofeng, she started to massage his legs, the highest place she could reach because Xiaofeng was riding his mount.

Though in a good relationship with Si Yejing, Su Tingting had no idea that Xiaofeng led to the failure of Midsummer Guild defending its encampment for she was not among the seniors of the guild.

“Cut the crap, let’s get started.” With no more words, Xiaofeng turned to leave, and Su Tingting, following behind him, put her tongue out at Si Yejing and rode on Dahei.

Around the Abandoned Town were many well-equipped players with strong mounts, trying to levelling up. They were obviously waiting for the instance zone to be refreshed at 12 pm. As a result, few people could be seen at the entrance of zones.

Abandoned Town was much easier to pass than Salamanders’ Nest. Therefore, Xiaofeng, Si Yejing, and Su Tingting did not team up with others and entered the town alone.

“Master Xiao, increase my Health Points! I want to seckill that BOSS!”

Su Tingting shouted at Xiaofeng with excitment after she summoned Dahei. She had learned of Xiaofeng’s healing power and was deeply impressed by it.

Xiaofeng did not launch any attack because he knew that the two girls were skilled, especially Si Yejing, who could easily handle the BOSSes in the zone under his BUFF.

Since Weapon Blessing could be used by the two girls at same time, Xiaofeng played the role of healer only this time, standing beside them and watching them fighting.

“Wow, Master Xiao, your healing power has been improved! Over 400 points of crit! How terrifying yet awesome!”

Su Tingting kept yelling all the time along the way that even Si Yejing started to look back at her.

She shared Su Tingting’s feeling. In the past, during a fight, she could cause dozens of points of damage to a BOSS, and about a hundred points of damage when with a crit. However, now, under Xiaofeng’s BUFF, she could cause 200 points of damage to the BOSS, and 400 points of damage when with a crit. It was a huge difference, and she was kind of addicted to such a wonderful feeling.

With the BUFF of Life Blessing and Xiaofeng watching her back, she now fought as if she were a wild fighter, and she did not have to be as careful as assassin. She felt so good fighting this way. “No wonder so many people love to team up with priests!”

For several times, Si Yejing tried to say something to Xiaofeng but she did not know how to start it. One would get addicted to having a helper like Xiaofeng, and he would find it difficult to get back to his usual, cautious way of fighting.

However, Si Yejing also knew that it was impossible to have Xiaofeng as her own priest.

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