Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 9: Discovering the Intruder

Lucas surveyed the aftermath of his battle with the goblins, the village now eerily silent and filled with the scent of charred flesh. The moon cast a pale light over the scene, illuminating the scattered treasures and crude weapons among the fallen goblins.

Kneeling down, Lucas picked up a finely crafted dagger, its blade glinting in the moonlight. "This will come in handy," he murmured to himself, tucking it into his belt. Moving methodically, he gathered a small pile of valuable items: a few gemstones, a pouch of coins, and several more weapons, each more worn than the last.

As he held up a particularly ornate sword, a memory flashed through his mind of battles he had fought and won in his past life. "Some things never change," he mused, placing the sword among his growing collection.

Once he had collected everything of value, Lucas headed towards a nearby cave he had discovered earlier, hidden behind a thick curtain of vines. The entrance was barely noticeable, which made it the perfect hiding spot. Pushing the vines aside, he stepped into the cool darkness of the cave.

"This should keep everything safe," he said aloud, his voice echoing softly. He carefully arranged the treasures in a corner, ensuring they were well-hidden. The sound of dripping water and the distant rustle of bats added to the cave's eerie atmosphere.

With his loot safely stashed, Lucas took a deep breath, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "All set," he muttered, dusting off his hands.

As he made his way back to the village, Lucas felt the weight of the Zeus mask on his face. The transformation it provided was powerful, but it also served as a reminder of the new life he was leading.

Nearing the edge of the forest, he paused, his hand hesitating on the mask. "Time to return to normal," he whispered, pulling off the mask. His features shifted back to those of his true self, the sensation both familiar and strange.

As Lucas approached the small cottage he called home, the warm glow of lamplight spilled out from the windows, casting a welcoming aura over the garden. The scent of home-cooked food wafted through the air, making his stomach growl in anticipation. Pushing open the wooden door, he was greeted by his sister, Lucy, who looked up from her knitting with a smile.

"Lucas, you're back!" she exclaimed, setting her needles aside and walking over to him. "How was your day?"

"It was... eventful," Lucas replied, offering a tired but genuine smile as he shrugged off his cloak. "How about you? How was the market?"

Lucy sighed, leading him to the dining table where a simple but hearty meal was laid out. "Oh, you know how it is. Busy as always. I picked up your favorite—roasted chicken and some fresh bread."

"You always know how to make my day better," Lucas said, sitting down and savoring the aroma of the food. He took a bite of the chicken, closing his eyes in appreciation. "This is delicious, Lucy. Thank you."

They ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes, the clinking of cutlery and the crackling of the fireplace the only sounds in the room. After a while, Lucy broke the silence. "I saw Mrs. Tanner today. She's having trouble with her roof again. I think it's about time someone helps her fix it properly."

"I'll see if I can lend her a hand tomorrow," Lucas replied between bites. "And I heard old man Garret is looking for someone to help with the harvest. Maybe I can earn a bit of extra coin."

Lucy nodded, pleased. "That would be nice. We could use some extra money for the winter supplies."

As they finished their meal, Lucas leaned back in his chair, feeling the weight of the day's events catch up to him. "I think I need to call it a night," he said, stifling a yawn. "It's been a long day."

Lucy smiled, her eyes reflecting her own fatigue. "I'm tired too. Let's both get some rest. Goodnight, Lucas."

"Goodnight, Lucy," he replied, giving her a quick hug before heading to his room.

Once inside his small, dimly lit bedroom, Lucas's smile faded. Shadows danced on the walls, cast by the flickering candlelight, and the room's familiar warmth did little to soothe his growing unease. From the moment he had stepped into the house, he had sensed someone watching Lucy, a feeling that gnawed at his peace of mind.

"Who dares to spy on my sister?" he muttered under his breath, fury building within him. The very thought made his blood boil.

He moved swiftly, covering himself with a blanket for concealment as he donned the Zeus mask. His face and body transformed, and the mask's power surged through him, replacing his own mana with a potent energy. With the mask on, he could utilize his mana to sense his surroundings.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated, his senses expanding beyond the walls of his room. He quickly located an individual lurking nearby. This person was heading away, likely to report back to their superior.

"Not on my watch," Lucas whispered, his voice filled with determination.

Still wearing the Zeus mask, he pulled on a dark cape, the fabric whispering against his skin as he adjusted it. Silently, he slipped out of the house and into the night. The village was quiet, bathed in the silver glow of the moon, and Lucas used the shadows to his advantage.

Drawing on his experience from his past life, he moved with practiced stealth, his steps light and deliberate. He followed the intruder, staying just out of sight, his eyes narrowing as he recognized the path the figure was taking. It led to a secluded spot on the outskirts of the village, a place often frequented by shady characters.

As they neared the dimly lit area, the figure slowed down, looking around cautiously. Lucas crouched behind a large tree, observing. He needed to gather as much information as possible before making his move.

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