Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 32: Void Physique

Lucas waited, his nerves on edge as the system processed his information. The seconds felt like hours, each one dragging on as anticipation gnawed at him. Finally, the results flashed before his eyes.

[Name: Lucas Luxoria]

[Age: 13]

[Gender: Male]

[Race: Human]

[Physique: Void Physique]

[Class: None]

[Tier: 0 Star]

[Cultivation Manual: None]

Lucas blinked, his eyes fixating on the words "Void Physique." A special physique, just like his sister's, but one he had never heard of before. Confusion furrowed his brow as he tried to make sense of it. "System, care to explain?" he asked, his tone laced with curiosity.

There was nothing but silence. The system, usually so quick to respond, was eerily quiet. A sense of unease crept over Lucas, and he called out again, this time more forcefully, "System, what's going on?"

The silence stretched on, intensifying the tension in the air. Lucas's anxiety grew with each passing second. Just when he was about to call out again, the system's voice exploded in his mind, laden with disbelief and indignation. [What in the world is this?!]

Lucas's eyes widened, a frown tugging at his brows. The system had never reacted like this before. "Why are you shouting?" he asked, his voice edged with concern.

[How can it be?!] the system almost shrieked, its tone teetering on the edge of hysteria. [How can someone like you possess such a physique?!]

Lucas blinked in surprise, taken aback by the system's uncharacteristic outburst. "I—what do you mean, 'someone like me'? What's so shocking about it?" His voice wavered, a mixture of confusion and alarm seeping into his words.

Lucas's eyes widened in surprise, and a slow grin began to spread across his face. He leaned forward, anticipation flickering in his eyes. "Ridiculous, you say? So it's that powerful? Can I easily overpower anyone with it?" His voice was eager, a mix of excitement and curiosity.

The system let out a derisive laugh, almost as if it couldn't believe Lucas's naivety. [Ha! If only it were that simple,] it scoffed, a trace of amusement creeping into its tone, as though Lucas's assumptions were almost too quaint to take seriously.

Lucas's grin faltered slightly, his curiosity deepening into confusion. "So… it's not just about physical power? Is it some kind of incredibly powerful magic, then?" He pressed on, his tone more cautious, as he tried to piece together what the system was hinting at.

The system responded with an air of smug superiority, as if savoring the moment of revelation. [Not quite,] it said, clearly enjoying Lucas's struggle to understand. [You're thinking far too small.]

Lucas's confusion only grew. His brow furrowed as he asked, "Then what is it?" His voice was laced with uncertainty, the playful excitement from before replaced by a genuine need to understand.

The system's voice swelled with grandiosity, as if delivering a proclamation. [Your special physique is the ultimate defense, boy! The best of the best!] It paused dramatically, letting the weight of its words sink in before continuing.

[It's called the Void Physique, and it's like a black hole, absorbing every attack thrown at you. Mana-based attacks? Absorbed. Physical attacks? The power behind them, absorbed. You, my dear host, are practically invincible within your rank.] The system's tone was rich with pride, as if it were personally responsible for bestowing this incredible power upon Lucas.

Lucas stood there, utterly stunned, his mind racing as he tried to process the enormity of the revelation. "Defense, huh?" he muttered under his breath, still grappling with the full implications of what the system had just revealed.

[Yes, defense!] the system echoed, its voice brimming with a sort of triumphant glee, as if reveling in Lucas's shock. [Do you have any idea what this means? You are a fortress, unassailable!] The system's tone was almost gleeful, clearly enjoying the dramatic moment.

Lucas blinked, his thoughts swirling. "So, if someone attacks me… it'll just make me stronger?" he asked slowly, the pieces beginning to fall into place.

[Exactly!] the system declared, its voice rich with satisfaction. [If someone is foolish enough to strike you, they'll only fuel your power. Your Void Physique is one of the most coveted, most envied physiques in the entire universe!] There was an unmistakable note of pride in the system's voice, as though it were personally responsible for Lucas's newfound advantage.

But then, a thought struck Lucas, and his excitement dimmed slightly. "But… I don't have a core-related physique like a Void Core Physique, do I?" he asked, uncertainty creeping into his voice.

The system's response was immediate and explosive, its voice booming with frustration. [Ungrateful brat!] it snapped, bristling with indignation. [How can you even think like that? Do you have any idea what you've been gifted? Your Void Physique is a treasure beyond measure!]

Lucas flinched at the system's harsh tone, but the system wasn't done yet. [Even though it's called the Void Physique, it includes a normal core, making you a rare anomaly!]

The system's voice softened slightly, as if letting Lucas in on a closely guarded secret. [There's no record—none whatsoever—of a Void Core Physique being naturally born! You, my dear host, are truly unique!]

Lucas's eyes widened slightly, the weight of the revelation beginning to sink in. He could almost hear the system basking in its moment of superiority.

[And unlike your sister's Molten Lava Core Physique, which slowly alters the body over time,] the system went on, clearly relishing the explanation, [your transformation has already happened. Your body is the Void Physique, Lucas, and it will only grow more formidable as you ascend in rank.]

The system's voice grew more intense, almost fervent. [Imagine it, Lucas—you will become an unstoppable force, a living void that consumes everything in its path!]

Lucas absorbed the words, a slow grin spreading across his face as the reality of his situation became clear. "So, my special physique… it's pretty incredible, isn't it?"

[Incredible?] the system nearly scoffed, its tone dripping with shameless pride. ['Incredible' doesn't even begin to describe it! It's a gift from the heavens, a blessing that most could only dream of possessing! You should consider yourself extraordinarily lucky, Lucas.]

Lucas's smirk widened, a newfound confidence surging through him. With this Void Physique, he knew that his journey was about to take on an entirely new dimension.

The challenges ahead suddenly seemed much less intimidating, and he could already feel the strength within him waiting to be unleashed. "Looks like things just got a lot more interesting," he murmured to himself, anticipation flickering in his eyes.

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