Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 123: A Moment with Lucy

Zeus was steadily making his way toward the location of the Thunder Eagle, the powerful beast that stood as the next challge in his path. Its defeat would bring him one step closer to his goal of upgrading the Zeus Divine Mask, a crucial advancemt in his quest for power.

[Seriously? Are you really going to waste three whole days just walking?] the system's voice suddly cut in, laced with its usual mix of arrogance and shameless mockery. [Why don't you switch to Lucas instead? It's be ages since you last checked in on your sister, hasn't it?]

Zeus raised an eyebrow, a faint smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "You've got a point," he admitted, his tone light but thoughtful. The idea of seeing Lucy again stirred a warmth within him, something that ev the pursuit of power couldn't quite replicate.

[Of course I've got a point,] the system replied smugly. [But it's not just about catching up with your sister. You might want to remind yourself what it's like to be human once in a while, instead of obsessing over thunder beasts.]

Zeus chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "Always with the jabs, huh? But yeah, I guess I could use a break from this dless hunt."

[A break? Please, you just don't want to admit you miss her.] The system's tone was dripping with mockery, but there was an undercurrt of truth in its words. [Besides, it's not like you're going to miss anything. That puppet can walk itself to the lair just fine without your supervision.]

"Alright, alright," Zeus conceded, rolling his eyes but still smiling. "Let's do it."

With the system's assistance, Zeus shifted his main consciousness back into Lucas. The transition was seamless, his presce reasserting itself in the cozy little house he shared with Lucy.

Meanwhile, the thunder puppet continued its journey on autopilot, driv by the single-minded purpose he had set for it.

Momts later, Lucas awoke in his bed, his sses adjusting to the familiar surings. He was still in the small house he shared with Lucy, and from the dim light filtering through the window, it was early morning.

Lucas lay there for a momt, collecting his thoughts. "Let's summarize what I've be up to as Lucas," he mused to himself.

Quickly, he realized that his activities as Lucas had be simple and domestic: looking after the house and spding time with Lucy. A warmth spread through him as he thought of his sister.

Lucy stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering op as she slowly awoke. She blinked a few times, her gaze focusing on him, and a sleepy smile spread across her lips. "Lucas... you're awake," she murmured, her voice still thick with sleep.

"Yeah," Lucas replied, his own smile soft and affectionate. "I thought I'd get up early and make us some breakfast."

Lucy's smile wided, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "That sounds nice," she said, her voice laced with conttmt. She stretched lazily before sitting up, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'll take a bath first, th."

"Take your time," Lucas said, watching her with a gtle gaze as she slipped out of bed. He felt a deep sse of connection, a bond that had only grown stronger despite everything they'd be through.

As Lucy headed for the bathroom, Lucas got out of bed and made his way downstairs to the kitch. He moved with quiet purpose, his thoughts still lingering on the precious momts he'd just shared with his sister.

As Lucas continued cooking, he couldn't help but feel a subtle shift in the atmosphere, something that made his brow furrow in concern.

The unease settled into the pit of his stomach, and he paused, gripping the edge of the counter a little tighter. "Did you feel that earlier?" he asked, his voice tse, the lighthearted mood from earlier fading quickly.

[Of course I felt it,] the system replied, a note of urgcy creeping into its usually smug tone. [It's be a while since I checked the Divine Mask within her. To think she's already brok through to the four-star level…]

"She's something else, isn't she?" Lucas murmured, a mix of pride and concern swirling within him. He was proud of his sister, but the speed at which she was advancing was startling.

[Gius? Try monster.] The system corrected, its voice laced with both admiration and an edge of mockery. [I only st the four-star Divine Scripture into her mask a week ago, and she's already blasted through to the four-star level. Host, you'd better pick up the pace, or she'll leave you in the dust.]

Lucas's grip on the counter tighted, his jaw setting with determination. "Yeah, I know," he replied, his voice steady but firm. The system's words, as irritating as they oft were, rang true.

He couldn't afford to lag behind—not wh Lucy was advancing so rapidly. He needed to push himself harder, to sure he could keep up with her, protect her, and continue to be the brother she could rely on.

After finishing breakfast, Lucas and Lucy sat down to eat together, the morning routine bringing a sse of normalcy to their lives. Lucy, always eager to grow stronger, quickly finished her meal and prepared to head out for her training.

"I'm going to train," Lucy announced, stepping forward to give Lucas a quick, tight hug. Her embrace was warm but determined, a reflection of her unwavering commitmt to growing stronger.

Lucas returned the hug, his hands resting on her shoulders for a momt longer. "Take care," he said, his voice gtle but filled with the unspok weight of his concern.

He watched her go, her resolve evidt in the purposeful stride with which she left the room. As soon as she disappeared from view, his expression shifted, the warmth in his eyes replaced by steely focus.

The momt Lucy was out of sight, Lucas's thoughts snapped back to his mission. "It's time to focus on my own growth," he reminded himself, the urgcy of his situation settling back in.

With a deep breath, Lucas allowed his consciousness to shift, leaving his body behind as he retered the mind of Zeus.

The familiar ssation of power surged through him, mingled with the determination to push forward. "There's no time to waste," he thought, feeling the crackling ergy of the thunder puppet's form.

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