Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 114: Soul Siphon

Hades smirked, a dark glint in his crimson eyes. The idea of becoming an inner disciple in one swift move was an enticing prospect, one that filled him with a sense of twisted excitement.

The Necrovauld Academy was already proving to be more interesting than he had anticipated. The freedom to embrace his darker nature without the constraints of morality was something that intrigued him deeply.

As he surveyed the remaining competitors, his gaze cold and calculating, Hades couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. This was the perfect opportunity to test the limits of his new powers, honed through his relentless cultivation.

Hades's smile widened as his gaze settled on a hulking figure in the crowd, a man who stood out not just for his size but for the intense hatred and envy etched into his features.

The man was a giant, easily towering over Hades, his muscles straining against the rough, dark armor that barely contained his bulk.

His expression twisted with fury as he locked eyes with Hades, his gaze zeroing in on Hades's strikingly handsome face, a feature that seemed to ignite a deep-seated resentment within him.

The man's fists clenched around the handle of his massive axe, his knuckles turning white as he fought to contain his rage.

"Pretty boy!" the man snarled, his voice booming across the arena like a thunderclap. The contempt in his tone was unmistakable, his words dripping with a venomous blend of jealousy and anger. "I'm going to crush that smug look right off your face!"

Hades didn't flinch. Instead, he tilted his head slightly, his smirk growing more pronounced. His crimson eyes gleamed with dark amusement as he regarded the seething giant before him.

"Oh? And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" Hades replied, his tone light and almost playful, as if he were entertained by the very thought.

The man's eyes flared with murderous intent, his fury boiling over as Hades's casual dismissal of the threat only stoked the fire within him. "Don't you mock me!" he roared, his voice raw with anger. "You think you're untouchable because of that face? I'll make sure no one ever sees it again!"

Hades chuckled softly, the sound low and mocking, a sharp contrast to the man's fury. "Don't blame me for being born with this face," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, his expression unbothered by the threat. He raised an eyebrow, as if daring the man to act on his words.

The giant's rage reached its peak, his face turning red with the effort of holding himself back. "You're dead!" he spat, his voice a guttural snarl as he tightened his grip on the axe, lifting it high above his head.

Hades simply watched, the smirk never leaving his lips, his posture relaxed and unthreatened. "Then by all means," he said, his voice smooth and taunting, "give it your best shot."

With a thunderous roar, the massive man charged at Hades, his battle axe raised high. The weapon was now cloaked in a sinister black energy, crackling with dark mana that swirled menacingly around its edges.

It hummed with malevolent power, promising death to anyone caught in its path. The man's eyes burned with fury as he prepared to strike, fully intending to cleave Hades in two.

But Hades remained utterly unfazed. His smile, if anything, only grew wider, a picture of dark amusement. He stood perfectly still, his gaze locked on the oncoming threat as if daring the man to come closer.

With a mighty leap, the man brought the axe down in a deadly arc, shouting, "Dark Strike!" His voice boomed through the arena as he channeled every ounce of his strength into the attack, his intent clear: to end this in one blow.

Yet Hades, still smirking, didn't even blink. In one fluid motion, he raised his right hand and caught the massive axe mid-swing, stopping it dead in its tracks.

The force of the strike was completely neutralized, and the arena fell into a stunned silence. Gasps of disbelief rippled through the crowd as they watched, unable to comprehend how Hades had effortlessly halted what should have been a killing blow.

The dark energy that had coated the axe dissipated upon contact with Hades's hand, absorbed and nullified by the unique power of his Void Physique. The deadly aura that had surrounded the weapon was snuffed out as if it had never existed.

"That all you got?" Hades asked, his voice tinged with mockery. His tone was almost casual, as if he were inquiring about something trivial, not holding back a life-threatening attack.

His crimson eyes gleamed with a predatory light, and his smile took on a sinister edge. "You're pretty strong, I'll give you that," he added, his tone now tinged with a dark appreciation. "But it's my turn now."

The big man's eyes widened in shock and confusion as he tried desperately to yank his axe free from Hades's grasp, but it wouldn't budge.

Panic began to flicker in his eyes, replacing the earlier rage as he realized the futility of his efforts. The strength that had always been his greatest asset now felt like nothing against the overwhelming force before him.

Before the man could react, Hades's left hand shot out like a viper, gripping his face with an ironclad hold that brooked no escape. The man's eyes went wide with shock and terror, the realization of his impending doom settling in.

"Let me show you something special," Hades whispered, his voice low and dripping with menace. The words were like ice, sending a shiver down the man's spine. "Soul Siphon."

A dark, malevolent light began to radiate from Hades's hand, the energy pulsing with a sinister life of its own. The man's body convulsed violently as the skill took hold, his life force and very soul being ripped away, drawn inexorably into Hades's grasp.

The man's strength ebbed rapidly, his once mighty muscles now trembling as he fought desperately against the overwhelming force. His eyes, once burning with fury, were now wide with sheer panic. "No... no!" he gasped, his voice trembling with fear.

Desperation took over as he lashed out wildly, throwing punch after punch, kicking with every ounce of remaining strength.

But it was all futile. Each strike landed on Hades, only to be absorbed effortlessly by his Void Physique. The man's efforts were as meaningless as trying to strike down a mountain with his fists.

"Stop... please..." he begged, his voice breaking, but the words were lost in the air, swallowed by the darkness enveloping him.

Hades's expression remained cold, his eyes locked onto the man's with a detached, almost clinical curiosity. "You should have never crossed me," Hades said softly, the words devoid of pity or remorse.

The man's struggles grew weaker, his body sagging as the last vestiges of his strength and soul were siphoned away. His eyes, once filled with life, slowly glazed over, turning dull and lifeless as his essence was consumed.

In mere moments, the once formidable warrior was reduced to nothing more than a shriveled husk, a dry, brittle shell of his former self. His body collapsed to the ground with a hollow, echoing thud as Hades finally released his grip, the light in his eyes extinguished forever.

The lifeless eyes of the man stared blankly at the arena floor, the last remnants of his soul devoured by Hades's dark power.

Hades looked down at the corpse with cold satisfaction, a dark smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Pretty good," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, as if he were speaking only to himself.

The arena, which had been buzzing with tension and noise, fell into an eerie silence. The echoes of the man's demise faded into the darkness, leaving only the oppressive atmosphere that now seemed to cling to every corner of the space.

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