Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 11: Preparation and Encounter

Lucas returned home, his mind racing with thoughts of the impending confrontation. He knew he needed rest to be at his best, so he lay down and closed his eyes, though sleep came fitfully.

The memory of the short man's wicked smile and the threat to his sister haunted his dreams. Despite the turmoil in his mind, his determination hardened as he drifted off, readying himself for the challenge that awaited him.

The next morning, the first light of dawn crept through the window, waking Lucas. He stretched, feeling the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders.

After a quick breakfast with Lucy, during which he made an effort to appear normal and keep her from worrying, he set out towards the secret cave where he had hidden the loot from the goblin village.

The cave was well-hidden behind a thick curtain of ivy and moss-covered rocks. Lucas pushed aside the foliage and entered the cool, dim interior.

The treasures and weapons he had collected from the goblins lay neatly stacked in a corner. He carefully selected the best equipment, knowing that his success depended on having the right tools.

As Lucas strapped on a finely-crafted leather vest and tested the weight of a sharp, sturdy sword, he felt a strange sensation prickling at the edge of his awareness. He paused, his senses sharpening as he extended his mana outward.

There were several auras moving through the forest, not directly approaching him but skirting the area where the goblin village had been. Their movements were cautious, as if they were trying to avoid detection.

Lucas's eyes narrowed. With his appearance altered by the Zeus mask, he decided it was worth investigating. He stepped out of the cave, the forest now a silent witness to his silent approach.

Moving stealthily, Lucas navigated through the dense foliage, his footsteps silent on the forest floor. His senses, heightened by the Zeus mask, guided him unerringly toward the sources of the auras.

As he drew closer, he peered through the underbrush and was taken aback to recognize the individuals from the previous night—the same men plotting to kidnap his sister.

The short man, with his unmistakable lecherous grin, stood flanked by his two bodyguards. They were deep in conversation, unaware of the danger lurking nearby. The bodyguards, large and imposing, scanned their surroundings with a casual air, clearly not expecting any trouble in this secluded area.

Lucas's mind raced as he observed them. The presence of the hobgoblin had likely caused these men to delay their heinous plan to kidnap his sister, a plan they had executed in his past life.

But now, with the hobgoblin dead, they were vulnerable. This twist of fate had given Lucas a rare opportunity—a chance to eliminate the threat before it could materialize.

As Lucas observed from the shadows, the short man couldn't contain his excitement about the impending kidnapping. "I can't wait to get my hands on that girl," he said with a lecherous grin, rubbing his hands together as if already feeling her presence.

"And you two," he continued, turning to address the bodyguards, "you'll get your share too. Once we're done, we'll sell her off. If she dies, we'll just blame her brother."

One of the bodyguards, a hulking figure with a scar across his face, chuckled darkly. "Sounds like a good plan, boss. That boy won't know what hit him."

The other bodyguard, slightly shorter but just as menacing, added with a smirk, "And we'll make sure she has a real fun time before we sell her. No one will miss her, anyway."

The short man laughed, a chilling sound that echoed through the quiet forest. "Exactly. Just think of the money we'll make. And that kid—he's no threat to us."

Lucas, seething with anger, decided it was time to act. He descended from his vantage point with the grace and silence of a shadow, landing in front of the group with a soft thud.

The short man and his bodyguards were startled, their laughter abruptly cut off. They turned to face him, their expressions shifting from confusion to irritation.

The short man sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "Who the hell are you? How dare you interrupt us?"

The two bodyguards turned to face Lucas, their expressions puzzled and wary. They didn't recognize him; Lucas had transformed completely, his face and body altered by the Zeus mask.

The larger of the two bodyguards, a hulking brute with a crude sword, took a menacing step forward. "Hey, you! This is none of your business. Get lost if you know what's good for you."

The short man, recovering from his initial shock, barked a command with authority. "Do you know who we are? We're Black Claw! We own this territory, and you're trespassing."

Lucas remained silent, his eyes cold and unyielding. The tension in the air was palpable, the forest around them eerily quiet as if holding its breath.

The second bodyguard, a wiry man with a cruel smirk, added, "You must have a death wish, showing up here alone. Walk away now, and maybe we'll let you live."

The short man stepped closer, his eyes narrowing as he tried to size up this unexpected threat. "You think you can take us on? Black Claw doesn't tolerate interference. Especially not from some fool."

Lucas's silence seemed to infuriate them further. The hulking bodyguard tightened his grip on his sword, his knuckles turning white. "Boss, let's teach this guy a lesson. He needs to know what happens when you mess with Black Claw."

The short man grinned, revealing yellowed teeth. "Do it. Show him what we do to those who think they can stand in our way."

The larger bodyguard lunged at Lucas, his sword slicing through the air with lethal intent. Lucas, his anger focused and his mind clear, didn't flinch. He moved with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior, his eyes locked on his attackers.

The short man's voice was a low growl, full of malicious glee. "Make him suffer. Let him know he's made the biggest mistake of his life."

The wiry bodyguard circled around, trying to find an opening. "You're gonna regret ever crossing paths with Black Claw," he taunted, his voice a sinister whisper.

Lucas remained silent, his expression unwavering. He could feel the power of the Zeus mask coursing through him, giving him the strength and confidence he needed. This was his moment to protect his sister and eliminate these threats once and for all.

As the bodyguards closed in, the forest seemed to close in with them, the shadows deepening and the air growing colder. Lucas, his resolve unshaken, prepared to unleash the full force of his newfound power upon them.

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