Devouring Monarch: Rebirth of the Profane Phoenix

Chapter 137: War Is coming, father.

Asura and his father were sitting in the main lounge now, drinking tea offered by the maids while discussing the last thing Asura mentioned to his father.

"So you are saying the East is planning to invade us, using the South's unease and the North's greed?"

Garret wasn't stupid, although he got lost in the heat of battle; beforehand, he would understand as much as possible to avoid errors.

He knew that his son's words had a lot of weight. Suddenly, a neutral kingdom and the North attacked his earldom the same week. They also used the monster kingdom to avoid using any forces...

"Son, this might be a very dangerous thing..." Garret had a complicated expression. If Asura was correct and the North was playing both sides to seize power and the East was plotting an invasion, an entire kingdom would break apart.

"I know... Because each of the high nobles has their agenda and allies, to the south is Lord Escaut, who allies with the southern kingdom because of familial ties; if the south invades, do you think he will fight seriously?"

Asura knew he saw the ones who would betray or die for those who didn't care.

"My son... The queen knows this already, but why do you believe she cannot handle it?"

"Father... If they invade, most of the people in our Glade will die unless we help them; I have my theories on who is behind this and who would benefit most."

"But there are more than just a few... It is not just something they planned suddenly. Father, I am afraid they have planned for decades while including the queen's foresight in their plans. The cult is involved, likely... because of--"

"Do not blame yourself; neither of your mothers would allow that! Who cares if they've been trying to steal you away since you were born?"

"What divine son! You are my son, and that's all I know!"


"Thank you."

"Idiot, why do I need thanks? You are my son, and nothing can change that.... Even if you become a monster, I will love you the same."

Garret leaned back into his chair; he watched Asura's serious face.

The feelings of the two realised they understood each other, with many unspoken words and secrets. Asura felt accepted... as he changed the subject before breaking into tears like a baby again.

"Our people will need to be prepared... Father, I am not strong enough; there is much to learn, but time... Alas, there is no time. However, I will not give up, but it won't be easy."

"Asura... I know what you are thinking. Stay safe and plan wisely; I will talk to your mother and await your plans. You have time as well..." Garret pointed at the ring on Asura's hand.

"I will not allow you to die before me, and I will never allow some insane bastards to take you away from me!"

Asura knew he needed the power to protect his family and kingdom, and what better way than to become stage six? There was a place he could enter... It would mean he would leave the world for a month, maybe longer...

However, now wasn't the time for him to be sentimental, he must enter that place. Now that he could use magic, even if it meant upsetting Lorem, Lucretia, and Sigurd.

'I cannot return to the capital, not anymore... The world is changing, and I am not strong enough to keep up with the times.'

"Father... Please get in contact with the Drakkur family."

Garret paused as he listened to Asura's words. Then his face became pale when he realised what his stupid son was planning to do...

"Son... Are you an idiot?"

"Yes, Father, I am not a genius; I am just a moron who wants to save his people, family and the women he loves!"

"Bahahahahaa.... My boy... If you are stupid, then so are we all!"

He watched his father standing, feeling great power weighing down on his shoulders, "Although stupid, do you intend to enter that tower... The tower said to kill those unworthy, break those foolhardy..."

"It's the only way I can think of surviving and becoming strong enough to protect myself, to give myself the chance to fight back." Asura looked into his father's eyes and saw he understood, but it made him sad at the same time.

"Asura, even I would not enter that tower... A tower of death and danger, the rewards might be great, but of the ten thousand that attempt to enter a year, maybe one will survive... if that! Not to mention, how will you gain entry? That place doesn't open for two months; what will you do to assume an entry pass?"

"Father, don't worry. I have my ways and a goddess watching over me. I can feel her following me... so I will go through that tower; it is the only way!" Asura stood from his chair, and Garret noticed Asura's red eyes seemed like burning embers as if a phoenix itself was burning within them...

However, he knew from the slight reluctance in his son's eyes that he needed to ask how.

"Please, tell me how you will gain entry."

Asura's fingers rolled the rings given to him by Mu Xue and Xavida, now merged into one ring. He bit his lips, feeling like a scumbag, but without strength, he would lose both of them... If not more.

"I will accept the engagement with the future duchess, Verana Drakkur."


⁜ Lorem POV

Meanwhile, in the capital of Silvara. Lorem was sitting alone in a bar. Since Lucretia left, the queen forbade her from leaving the capital.

'That old hag, she knew... Knew for sure that he would be in danger!'

Lorem, who was once happy being left alone, now realised something was missing: Asura. Lucretia returned shortly after the battle ended with most of the Valkyrie because of an urgent order to report to the queen.

After that, she gave her a task, and Lucretia was not pleased as she said it would take her six months to complete it, much to her frustration.

'Even then... I may not go to his side or protect him. Even though his kindness allowed me to break free of my chains!'

"Wine... Give me more wine! Damn... He owes me a lifetime of drinks when he returns..." Lorem's lips tasted sweet as the wine coated them; she rested her head on the table as she recalled Asura's face.

'I can't even hate you, that damn handsome face; I will punch it, then smother you in kisses... Make you forget those other wome--'

"Ugh... What am I thinking!?" Her cheeks turned slightly red as she grabbed the fishbowl of wine and downed it, the same wine she noticed Asura liked. "What is undertones of dark chocolate... and caramel with blueberries... stupid Asura..."

'If I drink this wine, I can taste you...'

She covered her face after realising her thoughts; Lorem couldn't believe how easily she became attached to him.

Lorem craved his touch, his lips on hers as the dreams she used to have of Sura vanished... as someone painted them over. It was Asura, training, teaching... even when she first saw him entering the campus.

All of her dreams were of him, his smile, his growth... his touch.

Then a whisper sounded like a dagger in her chest... One that she couldn't take out.

"Did you hear? The heirs of the Fenix and Drakkur territory will be married!"

"Eh? Really, that beauty with crimson hair and the handsome boy from the Phoenix Galde?"

"Ah... It turns out he is powerful and isn't a no-mag!"

"True, I heard he won the tournament for first years... it seems they hid his power because of assassins aiming at his life!"

The voices came and went, but the moment gossip of high nobles started, the lower nobles and commoners let it spread like wildfire, and Lorem's feelings were never important.

Lorem grabbed her sword from the table; she paid for her drinks before exiting the bar, but someone watched her every action... They grinned as she left without glancing back...

"Such an interesting child... To think he has won the affection of this little red bird..."

A woman wearing dark clothes, only her dark red eyes, like crimson orbs and a lovely set of silver hair fluttering from her shoulders, while a single ruby adorned her forehead as she giggled slightly.

"I'm counting on you, Lorem... Keep my boy safe."

"Freyja... you shouldn't be here; what if they find out you are still alive!? Asura will..."

"Oh, Sigurd... my little disciple, why are you so silly? If my family discovered the truth and I was older than you. I think that would be worse, no?"

"It's hard to imagine you as an older woman... always so childish!" Sigurd argued before a sword cut through the darkness...

"D- Did you say something?" Freyja had a strange smile as her silver hair swayed gently, as Sigurd's dropped onto the table, the speed so fast it was to where Sigurd thought she imagined things.

"N-no... but about Asura..."

"Forget it, that boy needs to face this himself... I did everything I could to protect him, and then he suffered, suffered so much that I can never gain his forgiveness, so this time. Should he fall into danger, I will save him."

"I am more interested in how he won the heart of that tomboy who seemed to hate the topic of love back then..."

"Your son is a lady-killer... There are more than just her who seek his affection." Sigurd muttered as the two paid their tab and followed Lorem.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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