Devouring Monarch: Rebirth of the Profane Phoenix

Chapter 135: Parents - Part 1

In a grand carriage, two people were sitting together, one a tall male with wide shoulders, his face with a small bandage covering one eye. He looked like a muscular beast, yet he seemed worried about something, fidgeting as he asked. "How much longer?"

Garret Fix sat beside his wife, Ophelia, leaving the fortress to their trusted frid and his wife, Glade Estan.

"My darling, can you not be so embarrassing to look at? Fidgeting and asking how long like a child?" Ophelia teased Garret; she chuckled lightly, joying their journey through the Phoix Glades mainland.

The journey from the Lyndwrym fortress, where they were previously located, to the port city of Wolfsheim was over sev days.

"Sorry, dear... But I want to see my boy." Garret blushed.

"I know; our lovely boy seems to have grown in ways we never imagined. Did you see the plans that were posted to Estan? About improving our cities, villages and towns, agriculture and hygie?"

Ophelia held the documts in her hand. With a silver pair of glasses, her beautiful face filled with wonder, reading her sons' deals and plans.

"Indeed... Our son truly is amazing." Garret felt pride as he saw Ophelia smiling happily. "I hope Asura can forgive me..."

Ophelia glanced at Garret, "Forgive you for what? His letter and actions seem to sd the message. Can your small brain not understand anything but combatting Stage Six monsters!?"

"Dear..." Garret blushed...

"Did you take that as a complimt, husband...." Ophelia's eyes twitched as her husband gave a cheeky smile, lifting her onto his lap as the carriage raced along the well-maintained road.

"I never raised Asura to be noble or to fight monsters; instead, I forced him to hide away. The fact he learned how to use magic shows me I was wrong."

"Ev without magic, my son could have come up with these details; that's why I want to know more about his mind and how he sees the future."

"Because as his father, it makes me infinitely proud to see he can see the tire realm much clearer than I.'"

Ophelia saw her husband's eyes fill with pride, causing her heart relaxed slightly.

"Hmph! If you treasure him, don't make him become like you. My cute, handsome boy is the best! Fufu, I remember how he would watch me from behind as I washed the laundry or cleaned the dishes... Those lovely red eyes."

"Ahem... Ophelia, you... I won't let Asura take you away from me!" Garret smirked before lifting his wife's skirt, showing her thighs and a pink lingerie set, as she slapped his head with a frustrated face.

"Idiot! Why does it come to that, you silly man?"

The carriage rocked slightly as they chased each other about. Hearing their movemts, the knight driving the carriage turned a blind eye and spurred the horses to go faster.

"We will reach the Wolfsheim in three days."

Their actions forced a poor knight to list to the strange sounds of his lord and lady. Thankfully, the pay was good, and his wife lived in a village close to Wolfsheim.

He could only smile while snapping the reins. "All is good, with the lord and lady, while our young lord seems to be finally growing into our future leader... I feel so relieved."

Thus, the Fix family neared their destination.


⁜ Asura POV

Five days passed since he met Verana, and he felt his world become confusing. The work on Wolfsheim began, and the port looked amazing. Now completely repaired and upgraded, the power of magic caused Asura to marvel.

Because wh he did it by hand, it took nearly a year just to set up the basic changes.

"What a wonderful job..." Asura looked at the huge pulse cannons from his fort, the brok defsive walls now restored while adding an extra building for the knights and visitors to rest because the fort before that had little in the way of hospitality.

"Asura, those cannons look pretty; I thought cannons were black and bell-shaped?" Mu Xue asked while sitting on the opposite side of their table, now studying for the test they would have upon returning about magic theory and the differce the shape of a core has on magic.

Asura softly replied, "Yeah, they're a new design made by someone called Darnius, who specialises in the strange magical form of gineering."

"Hmmm... I don't get the complicated stuff like that, but the people look happy with their new pier. It seems more boats can fit now... Will there be more fisherm?"

"Of course, and more jobs will op for everyone. Farmers can also use their produce to buy new items at a discount."

"Oh, it's not free?" Mu Xue had a curious expression as Asura shook his head.

"Although I wanted to make things free, that wouldn't reflect well on the market and might have caused damage to the reputation of our goods. So while in a time of need, we created the 'Wartime Discount' whever there are battles or war, they will receive a discount allowing our people to eat and keep their strgth."

Mu Xue nodded in understanding as she watched Asura's radiant face. Although it was hard for her to understand, she still could sse what her beloved was trying to do.

She pointed at a documt in front of Asura before saying. "This is what you told them to do if a war happs, right?"

"Ah, there are many things we were not prepared for, causing the people to become filled with fear and panic. We must be prepared for the future, ev if no war comes. I want the people of the Phoix Glade to be resilit to change."

Mu Xue listed inttly as Asura spoke; she couldn't help but move closer and kiss his cheek lovingly. "It seems you think of everything. I would want to make them happy but to this degree... It makes me feel a little useless."

"Haha... Everyone has their role. This is mine. To protect my people, my knights, and my cute wife." Asura's hand stroked Mu Xue's cheek as she blushed, looking at her study documts to hide it.

"Fufu, leave everything else to the best people to do those tasks. We do not need to do everything, so come relax for a while."

"No... I have to study. Otherwise, I'll fall behind." Mu Xue pouted as Asura stole her documts and pushed her back onto the black sofa, her hair cascading onto the headrest as she looked at him with lovely, ice-blue eyes.

"Come now... How can you fall behind wh you studied last night and this morning? Stop acting like a shy little girl. Didn't I give you many things to help you relax?"

Mu Xue blushed and hid her face as Asura's hands had unfasted her red dress.

It was at that momt that Delta knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, Lord Asura, but your father, Lord Garret and Mother, Lady Ophelia, have arrived." Delta's voice seemed slightly nervous as she knew her master would not wish to be interrupted in these intimate times.

"Ah... They're early; we only had two days left before their arrival." Asura kissed Mu Xue's neck several times before covering her dress again. Th she giggled and fled from his grasp.

"Now you just need to wait for the eving to tease me. Let's see your parts, Asura! I am so glad they arrived safely." Mu Xue was filled with excitemt. She liked Asura's stepmother, as she taught her many tricks to seduce Asura.

"Phew..." Mu Xue smiled at Delta, who quickly left the room before closing the door.

"To think I would have to interrupt him during his time with Lady Mu Xue must be hard on them both."

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