Devouring Is Evolving: My Reincarnation As An Arctic Wolf

Chapter 179: Ice Bear and Red Tail.

[Devouring evolution: I was reborn as an arctic wolf]【】

Devour Evolution: I Regenerated into an Arctic Wolf Chapter 179 Ice Bear and Red Tail.

The strength of the wolves has increased by more than several times than before the expedition.

At this time, Su Lin, with golden brown wolf eyes, is leading the little lone wolf, little gray, cousin and other alien species to patrol the place of adventure.

This area with abundant aquatic plants will also be one of the most important territories of wolves in the future.

With the aquatic plants here, it means that many herbivorous populations can be supported to thrive, which will completely solve the food problem of the wolves.

During this formal inspection, Su Lin also had a general understanding of the species in the Land of Adventures.

The Land of Adventures covers 20,000 to 30,000 square kilometers, which is equivalent to a large and medium-sized city.

In such a vast area, apart from some tyrannical alien species, there are naturally many ordinary species.

Moose, red deer, musk ox, etc., these herbivorous populations add up to about a few hundred heads.

Su Lin let out a low howl, and ordered his cousin to find dozens of female wolves in the future and keep an eye on these herbivorous species.

Of course, you have to tell the members of the wolves not to hunt and kill these species casually.

After all, this is the future food source of the wolves, and there can be no mistakes.

Now the wolves have to provide protection to these herbivores so that they can quickly return to normal reproduction.

As time goes by, when these herbivorous populations really multiply to a certain extent, it is time for them to play a role for the wolf pack.


You must know that many times the shopping and fighting in the Arctic ice field are all for food!

In the cruel nature, the most important thing is not money and power, but food and power!

With these two things, it can be regarded as having the real right to speak in the Arctic ice field!

Therefore, the importance of a stable food source is self-evident!

After inspecting the territory of the wolves, Su Lin also found dozens of scattered lynxes hiding in the Land of Adventures.

Although these lynxes are extremely capable of hiding, they still show their traces under Surin's powerful senses.

But he didn't let the wolves kill the lynxes,

These lynxes are common species, they don't have a big appetite, and their frontal combat capabilities are not high.

There is no threat to the rule of the wolves at all, and keeping these lynxes can be regarded as adding more vitality to the Land of Adventures.

At present, except for these herbivorous species and the solitary lynx in the entire Land of Adventures, almost all the rest belong to the wolves.

The strength and scale of the wolves have reached an unprecedented level.

The number of female wolves led by the cousin and the jackal has reached more than 300, and each female wolf now has the strength of the middle and late stages of level 6, and some of the female wolves have broken through to level 7.

Among them, two new alien species were born, but the growth potential of these two alien species is not high, Su Lin did not give them a code name.

The male wolves led by the little lone wolf also reached a scale of more than 200. Most of the male wolves have broken through to level 7, and many of them have reached the middle and late level of level 7.

During this period, three alien species were born among the male wolves, but they were all assigned to the elite wolf clan led by Xiaohui by Su Lin.

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[Devouring evolution: I was reborn as an arctic wolf]【】

The little lone wolf has no objection to this point, because it knows that everything it has is given by the wolf king.

Any member of the wolf pack, the wolf king also has the power to kill!

Any decision made by the wolf king, the little lone wolf will support and complete it without compromise.

Now the female wolves led by the cousin and the male wolves led by the little lone wolf accounted for 70% to 80% of the wolf pack.

Once gathered together, there will be more than 600 wolf clans, which can be described as monstrous!

Such a terrifying pack of wolves is unprecedented in the Arctic ice sheet!

The rest are the elite wolf clan led by Xiaohui. This group of elite wolf clan is carefully selected from the pack of wolves with good growth potential.

Among the several times of distributing different kinds of flesh and blood, it is also the most.

Therefore, during this period of rest, all six of them evolved into alien species in one breath.

It can be said that of the twenty or so elite wolf clan led by Xiao Hui, nearly half of them have evolved into alien species!

Although the number of elite wolves is small, their combat power is extremely astonishing.

Su Lin, who has a human IQ, knows that in the real battlefield of life and death, the strength of an elite soldier is often far greater than that of a large army!

Once this elite wolf clan really grows up, whether it is executing beheading tactics or sharp knife tactics in the future, it will become an invincible blade among the wolves!

As for the bear clan under Xiao Bai's command, it also expanded again during this period, reaching the number of more than fifty bear clan.

It's just that the bear clan needs to be piled up into different species with pure energy, and the flesh and blood of the different species required is far from comparable to that of the wolf clan.

Therefore, the number of xenomorphs of the bear clan has not increased during this period of time, and there are still only Xiaobai, Wenxiong and Baixiong.

Even so, the strength gathered by more than 50 bears should not be underestimated.

And after devouring the flesh and blood of different species many times, the strength of these bear clans has been greatly enhanced than before!

There's even a polar bear up to level 20!

Although this polar bear is still an ordinary species, its sturdy size and strength are not inferior to ordinary ten-level alien species!

Surin also gave this polar bear the codename Ice Bear.

This ice bear always likes to break the ice and go to the sea alone to hunt some prey such as seals, walruses and beluga whales.

After bringing them back, they would only share the food with the big eater bear clan after consulting Su Lin and Xiao Bai.

This time Su Lin also took advantage of the opportunity to promote Ice Bear to Xiaobai's deputy, equal in status to Yilang.

These are the regular members of the wolf pack at present, but the biggest strength of the wolf pack expansion these days is not here.

Instead, surrender to the 30-odd alien species and arctic silver fox under the command of the wolves!

More than 30 different species, arctic silver foxes,

There is no doubt that this is the biggest strength improvement under the expansion of the wolf pack!

Of course, there is no need to say much about the strength of the arctic silver fox, that is, Su Lin, who was gifted with many monsters, was defeated.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for the rest of the alien species to take down the arctic silver fox clan without paying the price of blood.

In addition, there are more than 30 alien species, although most of them are seven or eight level alien species, but their growth potential far exceeds that of ordinary species.

If cultivated well, future achievements are limitless.

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[Devouring evolution: I was reborn as an arctic wolf]【】

During this period of time, due to the increasing strength of the wolves and the suppression of Sulin,

These alien species and arctic silver foxes who surrendered to the wolves, even if they were a little cautious, have all been taken back.

In order to quickly integrate into the pack of wolves, many alien species have frequently expressed their friendship and goodwill with the higher-ranking little lone wolf and little gray in the wolf pack.

As for the wolf king, none of the other species dared to go.

Because the aura rising from Su Lin's body is too tyrannical, it only takes a glance of his eyes to make all the aliens tremble with fear!

Facing such an invincible wolf king, no alien dared to come forward to flatter him.

After all, they had just entered the pack of wolves, and they were afraid that if they made any move to dissatisfy the wolf king, it would really be a dead end.

Facing these all members of the heterogeneous race, Su Lin didn't make any gestures.

After they joined the pack, they were left to hang out.

But for the Arctic silver fox, Su Lin signaled the little lone wolf to send a lot of flesh and blood over the past few days.

The arctic silver fox that surrenders to the wolves is a female arctic silver fox,

It has the common silver hair of the arctic silver fox, which can change color according to the environment and its own thoughts, but there are dots of red spots on the tip of the tail.

So Su Lin gave this arctic silver fox the code name Red Tail!

In these days, Red Tail has gradually recovered from the impact of the last war.

She also felt the extra care of the wolf king.

In the Arctic ice sheet, all species are not too hypocritical!

Now that he has surrendered to the wolves, Red Tail no longer puts on the high airs he once had.

She started to lead the family of arctic foxes, and was gradually getting in touch with the wolves.

Arctic foxes are naturally alert and dexterous, and are good at tracking and hiding, but in a frontal battle, ten arctic foxes may not be able to contend with a pack of wolves.

Therefore, Surin does not plan to use arctic foxes to participate in frontal battles in the future, but to make them capable of tracking and reconnaissance tasks among wolves.

The other 30-odd alien species were not treated so well.

Because of their new additions, this time the wolves will reward different kinds of flesh and blood, and naturally they will not have their share!

So in the past few days, many alien races saw that ordinary wolves and bear tribes could eat delicious and tempting flesh and blood of alien species, and they were all drool all over the floor!

There are even several alien species trying to cheat from some ordinary wolves by crushing their IQs in order to eat some alien flesh and blood!

But soon they were all taught a lesson by the little lone wolf!

A alien species that fought back against the little lone wolf over its own strength was also bitten off by the little lone wolf with its hind limbs and spine.

Throw it in the ice and snow, let it howl miserably!

Because the little lone wolf knew that to kill this alien species, he could only frighten him for a moment,

And let it howl miserably in this way, but it can make all the aliens understand the fate of trying to resist the wolves!

The miserable howling of this alien species will also completely strengthen their awe of the wolves in their hearts!

At this time, after inspecting the Land of Adventures, Su Lin led Little Lone Wolf, Little Hui and others back to the cave.

When I came back, I saw a group of aliens who were so hungry that their bodies were limp and lying on the ground, weak.

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[Devouring evolution: I was reborn as an arctic wolf]【】

During these days of starvation, most of the sharp angles and edges of these newly added alien species have been smoothed out.

Su Lin felt it was time.

Although these alien species that were once scattered throughout the Land of Adventures have good growth potential and combat power.

But if you want to completely twist them into a rope to fight, you often need more than just force and deterrence!

Because deterrence by force can only make them symbolically charge for the wolves. Once they encounter a real strong enemy, they may run faster than anyone else!

Therefore, the reward and incentive system is essential, and it is also necessary to select a strong man who can truly lead this group of alien species!

Su Lin signaled the little lone wolf to drag out two to three thousand catties of foreign flesh and blood from the cave.

Not long after, the little lone wolf came out dragging a carcass of a musk ox that had been killed by the wolves before.

This alien musk ox weighs more than a ton.

Following Su Lin's signal, the little lone wolf threw the flesh and blood of the alien species directly in front of the thirty-odd alien species!


A full meal of multiple musk ox carcasses fell on the ice, and there was a dull landing sound!

It was also this sound that made many different species startled and looked over!

The little lone wolf then used wolf claws to draw several **** wounds on the carcass of the musk ox that smelled very weak after being left there for a long time.

This made the extremely rich and alluring breath of alien flesh and blood permeate the cold air in an instant.

These thirty or so alien species that hadn't eaten for a long time had expressions of extreme desire in their eyes, and the saliva in their mouths couldn't be restrained from secreting rapidly.





For a while, the noisy calls of various alien species resounded over the area in an instant.

If they were not afraid of the ferocious combat power of the little lone wolf and the power of the wolf king not far away, they would have rushed forward!

After all, they are really hungry.

From the very beginning when the wolves entered the Land of Adventures, the Land of Adventures began to be in chaos.

Under such turmoil, they dare not go out to look for food, for fear of being hunted down by wolves as prey.

So I have been fighting hunger since then, and I have been carrying it until now!

If it weren't for being a different species, they might have starved to death.

One can imagine the allure of this extremely delicious alien flesh!

Su Lin, who was watching this scene, also walked over slowly.

With the arrival of the wolf king, the howling of these alien species also stopped,

But his eyes still couldn't move away from the carcass of the alien musk ox, and saliva still flowed from his mouth!

Su Lin looked at the more than 30 alien species that looked like this, but he didn't suppress their nature!

Because that's what he wanted!

Next, he let out a long whistle.

The howling of wolves soared into the sky, accompanied by mental fluctuations, implying that the flesh and blood of this alien species will be distributed to them!

But these thirty-odd alien species must be like wolves, UU reading www.uukanshu. whoever is stronger can get more!

Among wolves, the strong are respected!

What Su Lin wanted was not a limp member who would only be obedient under the shock of force. What he wanted was a alien species that could go all out with the encouragement of food.

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[Devouring evolution: I was reborn as an arctic wolf]【】

Under the long howl of the wolf king, many different species who were accustomed to peaceful coexistence in the land of adventure, looked at each other,

I was confused at first, and then I couldn't restrain my desire to eat and rushed towards the food!

However, there was only one carcass of the musk ox of the different species, and there was no room for more than 30 different species to eat together, so within a short time, these different species all fought together during the roaring filial piety.

Since the wolf king had no intention of prohibiting it at all, the fight quickly escalated from a temptation.

From the trial to the **** battle, there was a real fire, and in the end it even went to the vital points of both parties, directly killing the other party!

Su Lin still didn't stop it!

Because even if it is a different species, not all wolves want it!

In the cold world of ice and snow, there are no murderous and vicious alien species, no matter how powerful they are, they are just sheep!

Sheep have always been the food of wolves, how can they keep company with wolves?

And when these newly joined wolves were shopping for food,

Father wolf, mother wolf, and the new human team led by Bob, as well as the terrifying rat wave that completely devoured the thousands of people in the backup force, are heading towards the colder north of the Arctic ice sheet!

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