Devouring Evolution: I Reborn as an Arctic Wolf

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 The First Fight.

Su Lin continued to devour his prey.

"Ding! Host has gained 2.8 Evolution Points from consuming Arctic reindeer."

"Ding! Host has gained 2.6 Evolution Points from consuming Arctic reindeer."

"Ding! Host has gained 2.4 Evolution Points from consuming Arctic reindeer."


The carcass of the Arctic reindeer provided Su Lin with a substantial amount of Evolution Points.

After consuming about five or six jin of Arctic reindeer meat, Su Lin felt almost completely full.

He did not continue to eat.

After all, this was the icy wilderness where one could encounter dangers at any time.

Eating too much could easily affect mobility.

By now, Su Lin had accumulated over seventy Evolution Points, just less than ten points shy of being able to evolve again.

He dragged the carcass of the Arctic reindeer towards the direction of the cave with great effort.

This was a two-hundred jin Arctic reindeer, and with Su Lin's current small stature, dragging it was quite strenuous.

However, he quickly used human intelligence to find two shrubs.

With their smooth exteriors placed under the reindeer's body, they greatly reduced the friction.

Without human perspective and intelligence,

it would have been difficult even for Wolf Father to carry the reindeer carcass back to the cave alone, let alone Su Lin.

After all, it was not a short distance.

Su Lin got everything set up and slowly made his way towards the cave.

And at this moment,

a feline animal with grey and white spots all over its body smelled the bloody scent emanating from the reindeer carcass.

Following the scent of blood, it found its way here and now lay low in the bushes, eyeing Su Lin.

This feline animal, upon confirming that Su Lin was just a Lone Wolf out for food,

opened its mouth, revealing its sharp Fanged Teeth.

It was a Lynx!

The Lynx belongs to the feline family.

Among animals of the same size, felines are almost invincible rulers.

The Lynx before him had a body size not much different from Su Lin's, covered in a light grey fur, interspersed with a few uneven dark grey spots.

The Lynx's appearance was very cat-like, a very large cat.

Its ears were pointed, somewhat resembling those of elves from certain comics.

This creature was a natural-born Hunter.

Its limbs were thick and agile, adept at climbing and swimming, with a strong endurance for hunger, able to lie still for days without fearing the cold.

It was much like an ancient assassin, motionless until a lethal move was made.

And now, this Lynx lay still in the bushes, waiting for the right moment.

It had been hungry for two days, its stomach growling, but even with the enticing scent of blood and the feast right before its eyes,

it could still suppress the restlessness in its heart.

As Su Lin struggled to drag the carcass of the Arctic reindeer,


he stumbled, exerted too much force, and lost balance, falling to the ground.

That was the moment,

the Lynx previously crouching began to accelerate violently, leaping out from the bushes.

The mouth revealed its sharply gleaming Fanged Teeth.

"Crap! A Lynx!"

Su Lin also saw the creature pouncing towards him.

Before his eyes, the Lynx's attribute panel appeared.

Species: Lynx (Female).

Level: 4.

Qi-Blood: 398.

Endurance: 28.

Strength: 49.

Defense: 19.

Speed: 53.

This Lynx was Level 4.

One level higher than Su Lin.

Generally speaking, a Lynx would not actively provoke a wolf.

After all, wolves are larger in size than Lynxes and possess stronger endurance and defensive power.

If the lynx couldn't make a kill in a short time, it would definitely fall into a disadvantage.

They were born hunters, not frontal combatants!

But Su Lin was just a young wolf.

Furthermore, the lynx's speed had reached an astonishing 53 points, nearly as fast as Su Lin who had taken the Potential Potion.

The lynx pounced vigorously, its eyes twinkling with the fierce expression of a hunter.

It was determined to kill Su Lin with a single blow!


Su Lin howled loudly, suddenly scrabbling up from the ground.

But, in the end, his movements were still a bit slow.

The wolf's body was grazed by the lynx's front paw, the sharp claw instantly tearing through the fur.

Su Lin winced in pain, but it also allowed him to put some distance between them.

He knew that this would be the first life-and-death struggle he would face since being reborn as a wolf!

In the vast and boundless white expanse of the Arctic Continent,

there was no humanity or morality, no public virtue or etiquette, only the laws of the survival of the fittest!

Ever since Su Lin had hunted Arctic rabbits, he understood this most simple and unadorned truth!

To live, one must be more ruthless, stronger!

So even though Su Lin was still a young wolf, even though the lynx was one level higher than him, he only had a chance to survive by fighting desperately.

Luckily, Su Lin's size was almost the same as the lynx, and his speed was even faster.

He wasn't without a chance of winning.

With that thought,

Su Lin also bared his fanged teeth at the lynx.


A roar!

The lynx's feline eyes also revealed a fierce light.

It pounced toward Su Lin once more.


The lynx's front paw collided with Su Lin's wolf claw!

But the lynx's strength was clearly much greater than Su Lin's current power.

Su Lin, in pain, could only howl and retreat!

He needed to use his speed to wage a war of attrition with the lynx!

Su Lin allocated all his extra attribute points entirely to speed.

Thus his speed was even faster than the lynx, known for its quickness!

A 60 against a 53.

The two were moving at high speed, and during their brief contacts, there were ferocious bites and pounces!


The lynx finally found another opportunity, its claw sharp as a blade, once again slashing a gash across Su Lin's wolf body.

Blood flowed from Su Lin's body.

Su Lin's eyes reddened in the throes of combat.

He bit towards the lynx's neck, and although the lynx dodged, it was still bitten on the flank by Su Lin.

Luckily, it was only a layer of skin and flesh that was torn off; although painful, it did not affect the lynx's combat strength!

And this pain only made the madness in the lynx's fierce eyes intensify.

However, as Su Lin swallowed the lynx's flesh, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ding! The host has consumed lynx flesh, obtaining 2.5 Evolution Points."

Could this work?

Su Lin was delighted.

Now nearing his advancement to Level 4, he still needed 5 Evolution Points,

meaning that if he tore off two or three more pieces of the lynx's flesh, he could break through to Level 4.

Once he reached Level 4, the lynx would not stand a chance against him!

Thus, while he had been waging a war of attrition with the lynx, he suddenly opened his mouth to reveal his fanged teeth, and step by step, he approached the lynx.

In his pale blue eyes shone a determined and resolute light.


A long howl!

If it wanted a battle!

Then let there be a fierce battle!

The lynx, too, was thoroughly enraged by Su Lin's provocation.

It roared angrily, its fur bristling, and with a powerful leap, its sharp front claws gleamed coldly as it lunged toward Su Lin.

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