Devouring Evolution: I Reborn as an Arctic Wolf

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: The Weak Lone Wolf.

Su Lin turned and left, continuing the search for other Grizzly Bears with Xiao Hui.

Of course, they also kept an eye out for prey along the way.


aside from the ice and some burgeoning vitality,

there were no signs of life here.

However, Xiao Hui did manage to snatch up a few Traveling Rats from their snow dens,

and only after seeing the signal from their chief,

did it eat the rats itself,

clearly their leader was not interested in the meager Traveling Rats.

In just a few minutes, several Traveling Rats had been devoured by Xiao Hui.


along the way,

Su Lin encountered a Lone Wolf that had wandered from its pack.

In the wilderness,

generally speaking, a Lone Wolf isn't as fierce as one might imagine.

Moreover, the fate of a Lone Wolf,

is often bleak.

Without extremely formidable strength, it would be very difficult to survive.

This Lone Wolf looked to be about the same size as his cousin,

probably a young wolf of around two years of age.

Now, it was clearly emaciated, with fur that seemed to be plastered onto its skin, lacking any semblance of softness or shine.

Despite such an appearance of weakness,

when it saw Su Lin and Xiao Hui passing by,

it still bared its fierce eyes and assumed a defensive posture, growling softly.

This young wolf had profoundly realized,

in the cruel natural world, survival was not granted by cringing or submission.

To live, it had to bare its fangs,

showing its ferocity to make adversaries retreat.

Even though Su Lin and Xiao Hui were of the same species, it remained on high alert.

But clearly, Su Lin and Xiao Hui had no interest in it.

Two pairs of green, spectral eyes only gave it a glance before moving on.

This caused the gaunt Lone Wolf to breathe a sigh of relief.


it slowly lay down and licked at the ghastly wound on its belly.

The wound was deep, barely missing ripping open its stomach.

But luckily, that did not happen.

It was still clinging to life, however desperately.

That injury wasn't inflicted by another hunter, but by its own parents, Wolf Dad and Wolf Mom.

Beneath the eternal night, unable to find food,

they turned their spectral green eyes upon their own offspring, driven by their beastly instincts amidst the extreme hunger.

But it did not want to be eaten,

it too wanted to survive.

Ultimately, enduring the bites and tears from Wolf Dad and Wolf Mom, it dashed from the cave,

left the Wolf Pack, and became a Lone Wolf in the icy, snow-covered wilderness.

But beneath the night without end, food was scarce.

The wolf that had not eaten or drunk for half a month felt very weak.

The emaciated creature lay in a bush,

licking its wound and resting,

hoping to regain some strength to sustain it until it could find prey.


this gaunt young wolf was unaware

that danger was stealthily approaching.

A Lynx, also skin and bones,

was inching closer while hidden among the brush,

Though equally weak, it bore no injuries,

being far stronger than the young wolf.

As they drew closer,

a ferocious glint flashed in the Lynx's eyes as it watched the young wolf.



Su Lin and Xiao Hui, having moved on, naturally knew nothing of the scene unfolding behind them.

Even if they had known,

Su Lin was already well-accustomed to the killings among hunters.

Now, he was focused on tracking down the prey and the location of the Grizzly Bears.

It wasn't long before,

he found the exact whereabouts of two more Grizzly Bears.

Both these grizzly bears were males, with exceptionally fierce strength.

Their massive bodies, though slightly cumbersome,

radiated the unique domineering aura of the bear family.

One of the grizzly bears was lying near the entrance of a cave, foraging for moss and insects to eat.

This grizzly bear,

was the one Su Lin and Xiao Hui had encountered during their hunting excursion.

It was also the first grizzly bear they had come across in the Arctic.

The bear's nature was clearly more docile,

subsisting on roots, moss, carrion, and insects to replenish energy and nutrients.

As for the other grizzly bear,

Su Lin had observed it from a distance for quite some time.

This bear's strength was even more formidable, at level 12.

Its massive body was covered with scars and gashes from bites and scratches.

But thanks to the strong defense of the grizzly bear,

these wounds and scratches, though frightening in appearance,

hadn't even fully penetrated the bear's thick flesh and skin.

Moreover, beneath that thick hide was a layer of fat.

Therefore, such damage was hardly of any consequence to it.

The bear was now gnawing on the carcass of a lynx that it had hunted who knows where.

Besides that,

around the grizzly bear's cave, there was also the skeleton of an Arctic Wolf, stripped of all but its fur and skin.

Seeing this,

Su Lin had already roughly guessed,

assuming this bear was the one the wolf pack had mentioned.


the bear's location was very close to where Wolf Dad and the others were.

If the grizzly dared to enter the wolf pack's territory, it would be nothing less than a provocation.

Under the polar night's sky, where food was scarce,

both parties, intent on filling their bellies, were bound for a fierce confrontation of hunting and counter-hunting!

In the end, without a doubt, the grizzly bear had the upper hand,

otherwise the wolf pack wouldn't have backed down so easily with their personality.

With those dark green wolf eyes, Su Lin looked down upon the grizzly for a long while.

He realized that this bear was truly strong!

And it was relentlessly hunting the animals of the area to replenish its energy and satisfy its hunger.

The grizzly, battle-hardened,

whether in terms of condition or the unbridled momentum emanating from its massive body, was at its peak.


Su Lin didn't act rashly.


just because he didn't want to engage, didn't mean the grizzly felt the same way!


the bear with its extremely keen sense of smell, as if catching a scent in the air,

suddenly raised its huge head to look towards Su Lin, standing on the snowy slope.

Maybe it was because of the fierce fight it had with the wolf pack not long ago,

or for some other reason,

but this grizzly bear clearly had deep-seated hostility towards Arctic Wolves.

Upon seeing Su Lin on the snowy slope,

the bear let out a furious roar,


The dull growl resounded in the Arctic sky!

It tossed aside the half-eaten lynx carcass it had in its paws.

With a pair of eyes ablaze with intense hatred, it charged at Su Lin on the slope!

Witnessing this scene,

Su Lin was somewhat puzzled by the bear's hatred—it seemed excessive even if it had fought with the wolf pack.

After all, fighting was a way of life for predators in the wild.

But Su Lin didn't shrink back in the slightest,

those emerald eyes of his flashed with ruthless determination!

There's a road to heaven you didn't take, but instead you headed straight to hell's gate without a door!

He had intended to spare the bear for a few more days,

but since the grizzly was bent on clashing with him,

they might as well clash!

Su Lin boasted the speed that dominated the entire Arctic,

without a trace of fear,

he let out a low howl, signaling Xiao Hui to withdraw to a safe distance.

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