Devouring Evolution: I Reborn as an Arctic Wolf

Chapter 137: Chapter 125 Struggling to Break Free, Escaping the Deep Sea.


The sound of flowing water was incessant.

In this area, various species had already fled without a trace under the oppressive presce of the Giant King Squid, leaving only the sound of the moving seawater behind.

Level 6!

This was the highest-level species Su Lin had ever countered.

He knew that with each increase in level, the added attributes would grow with the level increase.

Therefore, it was within expectations that this Giant King Squid at level 6 would possess such formidable attributes.

Such a level of power could be said to stand at the true peak of the food chain.

It seemed that ev in the vast and unfathomable ocean, this Giant King Squid must be an overlord-level existce.

As Su Lin released the Variant Species Seal he had be holding in his mouth, he indeed felt the locked-on presce on his body weak considerably.

But it still hadn't disappeared tirely.

There was not the slightest ripple of emotion in the indiffert, huge eyes of the Giant King Squid.

This caused a decisive look to flash across Su Lin's eyes as he pushed the carcass of the Variant Species Seal away with his Wolf Claw.

Th he turned and fled in the opposite direction.

While swimming, he didn't hesitate at all, activating his Hunting Talt in an instant!

The powerful force brought about by the Hunting Talt immediately surged through Su Lin's tire body.

His gold-brown eyes turned as crimson as fresh blood.

His limbs became ev more robust.

Facing such an invincible Giant King Squid, Su Lin dared not hesitate in the slightest.

He immediately displayed his strongest state!

After activating his Hunting Talt,

Su Lin's speed at that momt once again faintly approached 0 meters per second.

This speed was extremely fast in the ocean.

Because the resistance of the water flow is much greater than that of air.


This swift speed made Su Lin seem like a bolt of lightning, quickly escaping from the area.

And Su Lin's speed of 0 meters per second clearly exceeded the expectations of the Giant King Squid.

Ev in its ormous indiffert eyes, a rare flicker of emotion appeared.

After all, the Giant King Squid had never countered the Wolf Clan.

Nor had it ever se such a peculiar species swimming so quickly in the depths of the sea.

What species was this, anyway?

Ev with its high intelligce, it still didn't know what species Su Lin was.

But amidst its surprise, one of its ttacles, reaching a lgth of sixty or sevty meters, swept towards Su Lin,

intt on capturing this strange species for a thorough examination.

Another ttacle rolled up the drifting carcass of the Variant Species Seal and st it directly into its mouth, wide ough to swallow a White Whale whole.


As the Giant King Squid oped and closed its ormous maw, it brought about a surge of seawater, also revealing rows of sharp, giant fangs.

The immeasurable pure ergy contained in the Variant Species Seal, more than three meters long, was hard to imagine.

But being swallowed by the Giant King Squid, it seemed no more than a morsel stuck betwe its teeth.

At this momt, Su Lin, feeling the massive fluctuations of water flow behind him, didn't dare look back at all.

He could only swim struously.

He had never expected that his first foray into the sea to hunt a Variant Species Seal would d up countering a sea monster-level Giant King Squid!


A powerful currt surged towards Su Lin, who could already smell the fishy stch from the Giant King Squid's ttacle behind him.

This forced Su Lin to grit his fangs and continue swimming with all his might!

He must break through!

He had not yet grown to his strongest!

As long as he survived, one day this Giant King Squid would be nothing more than blood food in Su Lin's mouth!

Driv by a strong will to live, Su Lin's speed increased by a sliver.

The adraline burst forth, with his numerical attributes momtarily exceeding the panel display.

But the ttacle was too long and moved too rapidly; its three to four meter tip still managed to touch Su Lin!


Along with the sound of the pott currt, the tip of the ttacle wrapped tightly a Su Lin's wolf body!


Su Lin let out an angry howl!

But his howl didn't carry the rough and resounding ring it had on land, and instead only bubbled through the water!

The tremdous strgth of the grip brought Su Lin's speed to an abrupt halt!

The fiercest and cruelest light flickered before Su Lin's eyes!

A desperate struggle!

He knew he was at the point of a desperate struggle and couldn't show any weakness!


His right paw, hanced by his Hunting Talt, smashed viciously against the tip of the ttacle!

But this time, the Wolf Claw, which could shatter stone and break any defse, did not achieve its intded effect!

Ev with a Strgth Value exceeding eight hundred, the claw only managed to slice a sev to eight ctimeter wound on the tip of the ttacle!

Yet this wound didn't ev fully break through the ttacle's flesh!

However, the tip is oft the most ssitive part of the ttacle, and the pain brought a flash of surprise to the Giant King Squid's massive eyes!

It hadn't really expected this little creature to cause it any pain, ev though the pain was very faint.

The ssation of pain made it ev more interested in Su Lin.

The tips of its ttacles began to exert force, intding to sweep up the small creature, about four meters in size, to take a closer look.

Just as its ttacle was tightly coiling a Su Lin, about to drag him back!

In Su Lin's crimson eyes, a fierce determination flashed, and his fangs viciously aimed for the wound that had just be cut op, about sev or eight ctimeters long!

For the Wolf Clan, biting is oft the most ferocious form of attack!

Therefore, the strgth contained in this bite surpassed the paw strike from before, and the sharpness of the fangs was far greater than that of wolf claws!


This fierce bite not only petrated the ttacle's defse but also drew strands of blood!

As the blood flowed into his mouth, the Devouring Evolution Talt activated instantaneously!

"Ding! Host has consumed a Variant Species King Squid, obtaining 500 Evolution Points."

"Ding! Host has consumed a species far above its own level, obtaining an additional 000 Evolution Points."

One bite, a total of 3500 Evolution Points!

With such Evolution Points, he was almost at the edge of breaking through to Level !

But at prest, Su Lin didn't have the luxury to delight in this ormous gain of Evolution Points.

His eyes, crimson as blood, remained reltless as he continued to tear into the tip of the ttacle.

The defse at the tip of the ttacle was weak, but it still boasted at least a thousand Defse Points.

Yet, these Defse Points were no match for the formidable Devouring Power!


Under the overpowering Devouring Power, the ttacle's nerve dings snapped apart as if bitt through by Su Lin.

Under the Devouring Power, there was no blood at the tear, but a smooth, clean cut as if half was disintegrated by a mysterious force!


The pain of the severed ttacle tip made the Giant King Squid emit a buzzing sound!

The Giant King Squid had no vocal organs; the buzzing was like the sound of all its cells quivering in unison.

The power of this vibrating sound was far greater than the Sonic Attack of the Variant Species Seal, creating huge, surging waves that rushed towards Su Lin!





The powerful impact forced Su Lin to spit out blood, his organs feeling as if they were in excruciating pain.

Yet, not daring to waste any time, he seized the opportunity prested by the water flow to swim away into the distance!

But the Giant King Squid behind him clearly didn't want to let him off so easily, as several stout ttacles lashed out at him once again!

Despite Su Lin's swift swimming and using feints to dodge two ttacles, he was evtually grazed on the back by the tip of another.


Su Lin felt as if all the bones in his back had shattered instantaneously, his organs ruptured, and his tire wolf body felt as if it would explode from the force!

"Healing Talt!"

Clamping his teeth down, Su Lin dured the tearing pain and activated his Healing Talt!

Consuming Physical Strgth accelerated the recovery speed of the Healing Talt!

As his Physical Strgth waned, the pale glow of the Healing Talt stabilized his wolf body, and the ssation of bursting began to fade away.

All the while, Su Lin was consuming Physical Strgth to run the Healing Talt and was using the powerful impact from being hit to escape the area!

The Variant Species King Squid behind him was still in pursuit.

Due to its huge size, the Giant King Squid seemed to move slowly, but it could cover eighty to ninety meters per second!


But as the seawater surged, Su Lin used the currts to swiftly increase the distance betwe him and the Giant King Squid!

At a speed of a hundred meters per second, he covered almost t kilometers in just over a minute.

During this time, he managed to use the huge coral and seaweed on the seafloor to hide and escape from the pursuit of the Giant King Squid.

During the escape, one of the ttacles brushed against Su Lin's side once more.

If he hadn't be continuously using his Healing Talt, his wolf body would have be torn apart by now!


The attack power of the Giant King Squid was truly frighting!

Heavily injured, Su Lin began to drag his wolf body rapidly towards the ice layer above!

Indeed, the deep sea was very dangerous for him.

This time it was a Giant King Squid,

If next time he countered a group of Variant Species Killer Whales or the likewise gigantic Arctic Xia Jellyfish, he wondered if he would be able to escape!

As for where Su Lin was at the momt, he had already forgott in the midst of his frantic escape.

Anyway, being on land would be much safer in comparison.

With this notion, Su Lin moved his Wolf Claws to swim.

Just as he hadn't swum far, he suddly saw the over one-meter piece of the ttacle tip bitt off by the Giant King Squid!

"Haha! Fortune favors those who toil!"

Seeing the over one-meter ttacle tip, Su Lin's spirits lifted!

He had be prepared to return empty-handed, but the sight of the ttacle segmt, weighing a a hundred or two hundred pounds, almost made his mouth water.

One bite was worth over two thousand Evolution Points, a frighting amount of value to gain, much more so than from the Variant Species Seal.

This thrilled Su Lin immsely.

It had be a shame to leave behind that piece of ttacle in the rush to escape, but it had washed up with the currt unexpectedly.

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