Devouring Evolution: I Reborn as an Arctic Wolf

Chapter 135: Chapter 124: The Invincible Giant King Squid (Please Subscribe)

But clearly, this seal was too late to escape!

Su Lin had closed in on the seal.


The Wolf Claw tore through the water, slamming hard down on the seal.

However, at this momt, Su Lin too felt the inconvice of being underwater.

The strong resistance of the water flow not only weaked his Speed, but his Strgth was also greatly reduced while breaking through the water!


Although the blow landed heavily on the seal's neck, gashing a bloody wound,

it didn't possess the unstoppable force that Su Lin had on land.

It merely st the seal flying sev or eight meters before the momtum faded away.

On land, that strike would have tak at least half the life of the Variant Species Seal!

"The Strgth has also be reduced by at least half!"

Watching this sce, Su Lin's heart sank.

With both Strgth and Speed cut in half, his ability was almost reduced by half as well.

In a world without moral or legal restraints, power becomes the most crucial capital for survival.

Therefore, such a terrifying reduction made Su Lin think it would be better to stick to capturing some fish in the shallows in the future, and th gradually explore deeper waters as his power grew.

As Su Lin struck fiercely, the seal cried out in pain!

The cry was piercingly sharp, and underwater, it transformed into deadly waves of water.

Many small fish that countered these waves were instantly torn apart, turning into a mist of blood.

But to Su Lin, this wave was too weak.

It couldn't ev breach his fur defse.

Su Lin, during the Sonic Attack, advanced once more towards the already injured Variant Species Seal.

Seeing that Su Lin was unaffected, the seal began to quickly swim away in a panicked escape!

While fleeing, its body suddly emitted a faint gold Fluorescce.

Faced with a threat to its life, the Variant Species Seal decisively used its Talt.

Sonic Attack!

After the Talt was activated, the faint fluorescce quickly suppressed the bleeding from the seal's wounds, prevting the blood from spreading further.

Besides, once the faint gold light retreated into the seal's body, its already piercing cries became ev more shrill, and the waves it gerated grew ev more violt.

This prompted Su Lin to immediately close the thin membranes in his ears to combat the piercing sound.

As for the intse waves that swept towards him, they hit Su Lin's wolf body in wave after wave.

Sonic Attack!

In the ocean, such attacks are wholly unavoidable.





The water waves exploded onto Su Lin one after another.

But now his Defse was too strong,

Ev the violt sonic waves, hanced by the Talt, could not break through Su Lin's Defse,

only causing a throbbing pain at weak points like his eyes, nose, and abdom.

This pain st a cold glint flickering across Su Lin's eyes.

On land, such a weak seal would simply be a free offering of Variant Species Flesh.

Ev lesser than the Variant Species Musk Ox he had slain.

But in the ocean, with its home field advantage,

Ev a seemingly weak seal could unleash considerable power!

It made Su Lin decide to make it a quick battle.

After all, this was not his home field, and his combat power had be severely reduced.

Su Lin continued to swim rapidly towards the seal, creating ripples in the water with his swift movemts.

In the dark depths, he was like a ghost intruding into the ocean.

At a speed of a forty meters per second, he quickly caught up with the Variant Species Seal.

In its frantic escape, the seal kept howling angrily.

The sharp cries brought wave after wave of offsive surges, but these struggles were in vain, unable to break through Su Lin's defse,

As the waves burst against his wolf body, only slowing down Su Lin's pursuit marginally.

However, the delay was brief, with no significant differce betwe an early and a delayed demise.

With a chilling determination in his eyes, Su Lin rapidly closed in on the Variant Species Seal once again!

In the gloomy ocean depths, its pale gold skin was extremely conspicuous.

As Su Lin caught up, in spite of the seal's raged howls, it could not stop the cold intt to kill!

The nearly twty-ctimeter long Claw Spike in the murky water brutally struck the seal's back, stirring up surging waves!


This blow landed solidly on the seal's back, instantly leaving a wound over t ctimeters deep!

The blood from the wound spread quickly in the water, carried by the agonized cries of the seal.

Su Lin took advantage of this momt to pounce on the seal, his sturdy limbs firmly grasping onto the seal.

Despite the seal's frantic struggling, it could not shake off Su Lin.

For his Claw Spikes were deeply hooked into the Variant Species Seal's body, and struggling only brought it more intse pain.

And the seal, driv by its instinct to survive, continued to swim rapidly and thrash its body.

Now all it wanted was to shake off the White Wolf and escape to a safe part of the ocean.

Ev now, the seal could hardly believe how wolves could exist in a depth of several hundred meters.

Knowing that without its mutation, it wouldn't be able to dive to such depth in the sea, how could a terrestrial animal like the Wolf Clan dure it?

At such depths, ev the water pressure made it feel uncomfortable.

How could the Wolf Clan withstand it?

This left the Variant Species Seal feeling everything was absurdly surreal.

What on earth has become of this world?

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