Deviant: No Longer Human

Chapter 567: Fighting Three Transcendents Alone (4)

The jet was finally saved filled everyone with relief, but the moment of reprieve was short-lived.

The earth trembled beneath them, a violent shudder that rippled through the ground, making everyone tense.

The air felt suffocating and hot, charged with impending disaster.

Above them, the sky was tearing itself apart, filled with explosions that illuminated the heavens with blinding intensity.

Isabelle's heart raced as she stepped out of the jet, her hand instinctively gripping her scarf against the wind.

The soldiers and researchers followed, all of them looking skyward, their eyes filled with fear and confusion.

"Commander! What the hell is happening?" a soldier shouted, his voice barely audible over the rising wind.

"Is that an earthquake?!" another researcher screamed, his face pale, his hands trembling as he clutched his equipment.

"No, no, it's coming from up there!" someone else shouted, pointing toward the sky as another explosion ripped through the clouds.


An enormous blast echoed across the land, the shockwave expanding outward, faster than anyone could process.

It wasn't just any shockwave—this was something catastrophic.

A wall of pure destruction, hurtling toward them like the wrath of the gods themselves. The force behind it was so immense that the very horizon bent under its pressure.

"Protect yourselves!" Isabelle shouted, her voice cracking with panic as the realization hit her.

This wasn't something they could run from.

The sheer power of the explosion was overwhelming, and it was coming straight for them.

"W-What the fuck is that!?" one of the soldiers screamed, eyes wide as the shockwave rushed closer.

His hands shook, barely able to hold his weapon.

"We're done for…!" a researcher whimpered, collapsing to his knees. "It's too late!"

Wang Xueying stood beside Isabelle, frozen in place, her lips trembling as she stared at the approaching wave of destruction.

The soldiers and researchers around them were in disarray, shouting over one another, some trying to flee, others bracing for the inevitable.


The shockwave hit. It wasn't just heat—it was annihilation.

Isabelle's body seized up as she felt her skin melt from her bones in an instant.

Her eyes bulged, her body convulsing as the flesh on her arms burned away, exposing muscle and bone.

"ARGHHHH!" One of the soldiers screamed, his voice rising above the chaos, before he was engulfed in flames.


Her muscles tore, her internal organs liquefying in mere milliseconds. Pain erupted through her being, beyond anything imaginable. Every nerve in her body screamed in agony as her body began to disintegrate from the inside out.

She could hear others around her, their cries turning into nothing but gurgles as they, too, were torn apart by the wave.


The jet—once a massive beacon of technology—was shredded like paper. The metal warped, crumpling inward before the entire craft was reduced to glowing slag.

The ground beneath them cracked wide open, molten magma bubbling and spewing forth as if the earth itself was coming apart.

"Oh God!" someone screamed, but their voice was lost as they were torn into pieces by the shockwave.

The air was filled with the sound of death. The screams of her crew, the cracking of bones, the sizzling of flesh—it was all-consuming.

"Wh—?" Isabelle's eyes shot open.

She was alive.

Her body, whole. Intact.

She gasped for breath, her heart pounding in her chest, her mind reeling. Around her, the devastation was absolute. Everything—everyone—was gone.

The only thing left standing was her… and Wang Xueying.

Wang Xueying looked equally stunned, her body trembling, eyes wide with disbelief.

They should've been vaporized, reduced to ash. But they were still standing, untouched.

"Aliv—!" another soldier's voice rang out, but his cry was cut short as he disintegrated into nothing, his body exploding into a fine mist of blood.

Two forces clashed above them, powerful enough to protect them from the worst of the shockwave, but just barely.

One was a glowing, injured figure—Eveline.

She stood, blood running down her chin, her face twisted in concentration as she fought to maintain the barrier.

Her body shook with the effort, every breath a struggle, but she pushed forward.

"Goddamn… them…" Eveline spat blood, her chest heaving as she glanced toward Wang Xueying with a bitter, furious expression. "Can you… tell your damn brother to stop trying to kill us?"

Wang Xueying froze at the words. "Brother?" she whispered, her voice shaking. Her gaze shot to the sky. The realization hit her like a hammer.

The destruction, the chaos—it was all because of him? The sky was on fire. Explosions, like mini suns, detonated overhead.

It was as if the very sky was crumbling.

It's all him?

Wang Xueying's hands trembled as she processed it. The entire world was being torn apart by her brother's power.

She could hardly believe it—he was always powerful, yes, but this? This was… unimaginable.

"What the…?" she whispered, eyes wide. "What… is… is he doing?"

Above them, the heavens continued to rage, lightning carving the sky in jagged streaks, fire raining down from the burning clouds.

It was an apocalypse—brought on by one person.

Another groan caught their attention.


Abel. His body was little more than a charred husk, the armor that once protected him now fused to his skin, melted beyond recognition.

His breathing was labored, shallow, his eyes barely able to open as he crawled toward them.

He groaned, his hand reaching out as he dragged himself forward, but his body was broken, barely alive. "H-Help me…" he whispered, his voice a weak rasp, though it sounded more like a death rattle.

"General?" Isabelle's eyes shot toward him, but before she could move, another shockwave came rushing toward them, more powerful than the first.


There was no time to react.


The second wave hit Abel directly. In an instant, his body was torn apart. His skin, muscle, and bones exploded into a fine mist of blood, his entire form vaporized within seconds.

The gory remains scattered into the air, disappearing as quickly as they appeared.

"Oh God!" Wang Xueying choked, her voice catching in her throat as she saw what had become of Abel.

He hadn't stood a chance.

None of them would have.

Isabelle's breath caught in her throat, her eyes wide with shock. If not for Eveline and the dark mist that protected them, they would've shared the same fate—turned into nothing but blood and ash.

The thought made her stomach churn, the weight of it nearly sending her to her knees.

"We would've been dead…" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

The realization sent a chill down her spine, her heart pounding in her chest as she tried to steady herself.

When a scientist meets gods, they can't help but tremble.

She realized this, and her eyes dimmed slightly.

They thought they had created beings that could rival gods, but the sky told another story.

Wang Xueying muttered, her voice trembling. "Is… this all him?" Her words were barely a whisper as she looked to the sky, seeing the apocalyptic destruction caused by her brother, Wang Xiao.

Isabelle struggled to make sense of the sheer devastation around them.

The earth beneath their feet had become molten magma, bubbling and cracking open, threatening to consume them whole. It felt as if the entire world was falling apart.

Above them, the sky was torn to shreds. Explosions lit up the clouds, each one sending shockwaves that rippled through the atmosphere.

The sound was deafening—BOOOOM! BOOOOM!—like the thunderous claps of the gods themselves.

Spikes as large as mountains fell from the heavens, crashing into the ground with earth-shattering force.

Each impact was followed by another wave of destruction—forests flattened, rivers boiled away into nothing, and the land itself torn asunder.

Snowstorms erupted out of nowhere, freezing the land solid, while firestorms followed, burning everything in their wake.

The very sky seemed to split apart, lightning carving jagged webs that stretched across the entire horizon.


Another shockwave. The ground below trembled violently, cracking wide open as the fissures spread like spiderwebs.

All around them, creatures that had roamed this ancient land for millennia—the dinosaurs, the towering beasts—fled in terror, but it was too late. Entire species were wiped out in moments, their bodies crushed or incinerated by the falling debris and molten rivers.

The land that had once been Hollow Earth was turning into a graveyard.

Yuriko, her ethereal form struggling to stay together, felt her strength failing. 'Nothing is working…' Her god's authority, the divine power she had relied on, was useless here.

Against Wang Xiao's overwhelming strength, it was as if she were fighting against the heavens themselves.

The clash between transcendent beings in the sky continued, the world below crumbling beneath their power.

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