Descent of the Demon Master

Chapter 879: Ambushed (4)

“C-could you be talking about…?!”

Lee Hyeon-Su powerfully shuddered. Kang Jin-Ho could have meant only one thing just then.

“But, sir! Isn’t that…!”

Wasn’t that utterly crazy? Something only a madman would do?!

‘Gimme a freaking break!’

The problem here was that this crazy idea didn't sound so insane to Lee Hyeon-Su's ears, even though it absolutely should've been. After spending too much time with Kang Jin-Ho, even Lee Hyeon-Su became numb and began thinking of crazy ideas like this as nothing unusual.


Much to Lee Hyeon-Su’s relief, Vator stepped in his stead.

“That’s an incredible idea! And you are taking me along with you, right?”

No, Lee Hyeon-Su was wrong. That hulking giant was just as insane as Kang Jin-Ho!

When Lee Hyeon-Su thought about it some more, not a single person in this room could be called sane.

“What you speak of is reckless as it can get, my liege,” said Wiggins. It seemed it was his turn to voice his opinion. “However… I must agree that this idea is a workable response to our current situation. As long as we have several safeguards in place… Yes, it’s an option worth considering.”

“…!” Lee Hyeon-Su clamped his slack jaw. Even that English gent was no different!

“Assembly Master, no! That’s too dangerous!” Lee Hyeon-Ju cried out.

Now, that was a relief. The fact that someone else in this room still retained her sanity intact consoled Lee Hyeon-Su to no end. And that person being Lee Hyeon-Ju was like the icing on the cake.

Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head. “Dangerous, you say?”

“Yes, sir. It’s too dangerous. Please reconsider.”

“Stop right there,” said Kang Jin-Ho. He then drew a line mid-air in front of him with his hand. “I get that discussing your thoughts with everyone is a good thing. However, before you can do that, you need to be aware of your position first.”

Lee Hyeon-Ju faltered. “I was merely…”

“It’s still too early for you to chime in.”

Lee Hyeon-Ju silently bit her lip, knowing Kang Jin-Ho had a point.

This was a meeting of the Martial Assembly’s core members. Neither of Lee Hyeon-Ju’s rank or influence within the Assembly was good enough to let her have a voice here.

One could even say Kang Jin-Ho was being considerate toward her by willing to listen to her advice.

Lee Hyeon-Su felt bad for Lee Hyeon-Ju having to clamp her mouth shut, but there wasn't a lot he could do for her. Kang Jin-Ho was right, after all.

Everyone having a voice sounded like an ideal they should all strive for, but allowing something like that would mean Kang Jin-Ho would be forced to sit here for hours and listen to everyone’s opinion.

With over ten thousand people calling the Martial Assembly their home, listening to one opinion from each member would require well over 24 hours. That was why the chain of command and ranks were important in an organization like this.

Besides, Lee Hyeon-Ju hadn't earned the qualification to voice her opinion on matters outside her expertise. That was something she had to prove to everyone and seize it herself. No one could give it to her on a silver platter.

“What the hell is going on here?!” Bang Jin-Hun finally butted in, his expression distorted in anger.

‘Huh? An unexpected support?’

Lee Hyeon-Su grew a little hopeful just then. He didn’t know Bang Jin-Hun had it in him to…

“Why are you not speaking in Korean?! Am I a joke to you people?! Why are you having fun without me?! I wanna know what’s going on, too!”

...Of course Lee Hyeon-Su was wrong, again.

He groaned loudly, then explained to the still-irate Bang Jin-Hun. “The Assembly Master is thinking of attacking that cruise ship before it reaches the Korean shore.”

“...Eh?” Bang Jin-Hun’s eyes grew as large as a pair of saucers. “O-okay, so! The Assembly Master wants us to go all ‘naval warfare’ on their asses?”

“Well, yes. Something like that.”

“What the… Isn’t that, like… Uh…?” Bang Jin-Hun’s expression alternated several times. He seemed dismayed, flabbergasted, confused, and even tilted his head, but then… A look of excitement eventually bloomed on his face. “Hah. Now that’s an awesome idea!”


This situation forced Lee Hyeon-Su to earnestly consider his options.

‘Should I recruit someone new to this place?’

What was the point of discussing plans and strategies with a bunch of people whose brains were filled with muscles and a thirst for battles? Even Wiggins turned out to be no different, even though he didn’t look like the type!

Wiggins pretended to be oh-so collected and thoughtful at all times, but his real personality was as extreme as it could get. A hawk disguised as a dove, in other words! Not just any hawk, but a very hostile and aggressive one!

No wonder the meeting’s contents would get distorted this way!

Lee Hyeon-Su groaned at length. With the situation like this, it seemed he had no choice but to be the voice of reason once more. “I’m against it, sir.”

“Why?” Kang Jin-Ho asked curiously.

“It's simple, sir. It's way too risky.” Lee Hyeon-Su put some strength in his lower gut and stood taller, then spoke confidently. “Cutting off our enemy's escape path might be an advantage to us… But it also means we don't have a way to retreat either. Infiltrating their ship is plausible, but can we break through their interference and escape from the ship, too? I don't think we can.”

“Is there a need to escape, though? We only need to smash them apart, no?” Vator gruffly muttered.

Lee Hyeon-Su ever so gently held his head just then. With such a positive mindset, nothing in this world must look impossible to Vator!

“Sir, you know nothing in this world is that easy. Our enemies are coming to invade South Korea. A small number of infiltrators can’t possibly resolve this situation.”

“Hmm…?” Vator grunted, still sounding unconvinced. “I have no idea how skilled the Japanese bastards are. Are they that strong?”

“Well, I’m also not sure…” Lee Hyeon-Su frowned while scratching his head.

The Japanese warriors being stronger than their Korean counterparts was like common sense. However, not even Lee Hyeon-Su knew just how much stronger they were.

Common sense vaguely suggested that the Japanese were somewhere between the Chinese and Koreans in terms of pure combat strength. Unsurprisingly, it was not easy to make an educated guess off something that poorly-defined.

Lee Hyeon-Su shook his head. “Even if we can escape, I’m still against it.”

Wiggins quietly addressed his disciple. “Rather than simply opposing the idea, you should give us a proper reason first.”

He spoke flatly, but everyone here could pick up the hint of displeasure in his voice.

Lee Hyeon-Su nodded. “Of course. My reason is simple. I do not wish for our Assembly Master to personally step forward.”

“What, me?” Kang Jin-Ho pointed at himself.

Which prompted Lee Hyeon-Su to nod even harder. “Yes, you, sir.”


“Isn’t it too obvious, sir? What do you see yourself as?”

Kang Jin-Ho grew a little dazed by that question. What did Lee Hyeon-Su mean by that question? Kang Jin-Ho was Kang Jin-Ho, no?

“You are our Assembly Master, sir. As such, you mustn’t recklessly get involved like that. Your death will mean the end of the Assembly. It doesn’t matter whether it’s China or Japan, they would pounce on us like a pack of starving, drooling hounds. And that would be our utter annihilation.”


“It’s because of your presence that the current balance is being maintained, sir. And all those Japanese invaders on that ship? The total worth of their lives doesn’t even come close to yours. So, if you somehow lose your life during this incident… That will be the end of Korea as we know it.”

The more Lee Hyeon-Su spoke, the more adamant he became. Even Kang Jin-Ho had to sit back and grimace in silence.

“I'm also in agreement with Mister Lee on this one,” said Wiggins in a much more sincere tone than before. “My lord, your plan is not a bad idea. However, it's also true that a great deal of risk accompanies your plan.

“You think there's nothing wrong with getting involved personally as that's how you've been handling most crises until now. However, logic dictates that a leader of an organization shouldn't step up that often.”

“Mm…!” Kang Jin-Ho groaned softly.

He heard this opinion plenty of times before. That didn’t mean he understood or agreed with it, though.

The reason why Kang Jin-Ho wished to step up was simple enough. That was the best way to minimize the sacrifices, after all. And, honestly speaking, it was also the most efficient way to handle these types of situations.

Without him leading from the front, it was practically impossible to get the discipline right. And more people would die needlessly, too. So, Kang Jin-Ho always stepped up and led the charge during the demon cult days.

Whenever others advised him against taking action like that, Kang Jin-Ho tried his best to understand and humor them. If he was being honest, though… He never really understood their point of view.

“Don’t you think it’s the best method available?” Kang Jin-Ho tilted his head and asked.

“Yes, sir… If we have spare Assembly Masters lying around, that is. Unfortunately, no one can replace you.”

“But, back in the day, I…”

“Assembly Master, sir!” Lee Hyeon-Su suddenly cut Kang Jin-Ho off. “I don't have all the details of what your past was like. However, please remember this, sir. Your stake in the demon cult back then pales in comparison to what you contribute to the Martial Assembly now.”


“If it was up to me, I’d have tied you up and locked you in your office. To make sure you’re not going anywhere.”

“Urgh…” Kang Jin-Ho grunted while leaning against his couch.

He’d have no problem letting such advice enter one ear and go out the other… But Lee Hyeon-Su was the person saying it this time. And his words meant something to Kang Jin-Ho.

He knew Lee Hyeon-Su only offered suggestions and advice meant to assist. In that case, how could Kang Jin-Ho ignore this advice in good conscience?

“However…!” Vator raised his voice belatedly after listening to the translations of the conversation. “An organization will rot from within if its core member does nothing. The Assembly could evolve and improve rapidly because my master got personally involved, not standing back and watching from a distance.”

Lee Hyeon-Su agreed with that assertion. Until now, Kang Jin-Ho always stepped up first in every crisis. But he never patronized others with everything he had done. Of course, that probably wasn’t intentional, but…

In Lee Hyeon-Su's opinion, Kang Jin-Ho was probably too impatient to stand back and leisurely wait. And that was why the latter always pounced at the next available opportunity.

Whatever the case might be, the fact of the matter didn’t change. Since Kang Jin-Ho personally took the lead, the people under him had no choice but to get up and roll up their sleeves as well.

The Martial Assembly had experienced countless transformations up until now.

One transformation didn’t mean everything about the organization changed, though. One change would lead to another, and with enough time, things changed in the past would need to change again.

Some things within the Assembly couldn't be changed for over a decade, yet such things were being flipped on their heads again and again in the brief span of one month. That was the current state of the Martial Assembly. And Kang Jin-Ho was at the center of all these unbelievable, extreme transformations.

What if Kang Jin-Ho decided to save his skin and shrink back now? Then, the Assembly could settle down and change into something more stable. But that would rob the organization of its forward momentum.

This was the dilemma mercilessly tormenting Lee Hyeon-Su every day.

“It's time for me to make my decision,” said Kang Jin-Ho. And he remained as concise as ever. “I will step up this time as well. However, it'll be my last time.”

Lee Hyeon-Su gasped out loudly. “B-but, sir!”

“I’m not letting my emotions make my decisions,” Kang Jin-Ho firmly put his foot down. “I didn’t make this decision because I want to fight. No, I believe this is the most logical decision.”

Lee Hyeon-Su clamped his mouth shut. Whether Kang Jin-Ho was being honest here or not, he had no choice but to follow. However…

“May I ask what your basis is, my lord?” Wiggins asked curiously, seemingly not agreeing with Kang Jin-Ho's perspective. “Since you've made your call as the Assembly Master, we shall abide by it. However, I have to say, calling this decision logical doesn't sit right with me, just a little. I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by requesting you to reveal your reasoning behind your decision.”

Lee Hyeon-Su thought that was a rather roundabout way to demand an explanation. However, Kang Jin-Ho didn’t seem to mind.

“The basis of your opposition is simply because it can get dangerous for me. Isn't that right?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“There you go. That's my reason.”

“...I don’t follow?”

The corners of Kang Jin-Ho’s lips curled up. “You see, I’ve been thinking about this, and…”

Kang Jin-Ho leisurely crossed his legs while leaning against the couch, then mouthed a fresh cigarette. He lit it up and took his time savoring the unhealthy smoke before releasing it back into the air. Bluish gray smoke wafted and scattered in the conference room's atmosphere.

“...And I don't see how things will get dangerous for me.”

Everyone’s undivided attention landed on Kang Jin-Ho.

“Whether it's one or ten thousand… It doesn't matter to me. I only need to fight, that's all. Also… Right. Their actions are getting on my nerves a bit, too.”


“They are invading us, right…?”

Kang Jin-Ho puffed on the cigarette a couple of times before stubbing it on the ashtray. The burning tip of the cigarette got crushed flat.

“Well, I'm not a particularly patriotic person. Even so, the idea of the Japanese warriors stepping foot in this country for an invasion is getting on my nerves. I'm not generous enough to turn a blind eye, you see?”

Lee Hyeon-Su nervously gulped his saliva after noticing all the bone-chilling cold air settling around Kang Jin-Ho.

“So, get ready. I’m personally handling it.”

With that, the final decision had been made.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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