D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 1252 1252 Cute Moment in Thyme

Chapter 1252 Chapter 1252 Cute Moment in Thyme

Thyme must've still been watching the area, at least somewhat, because as soon as it became clear that Kat and Lily were there to stay, at least until the next round, Thyme removed all the extra chairs, the various flowers, the red carpet. Everything except the two chairs Kat and Lily were sitting on, even if it was more that Kat was sitting on one chair, and Lily was sitting on Kat with her legs on the other.

Once everything else had vanished, a new couch popped up. Just to rub it in a little, the couch's leather back looked like a pair of wings, and the cushions Thyme provided all had a little kitten printed on them. Kat rolled her eyes at the sight. "Shall we move?" asked Kat.

Lily blushed looking over at the clearly personalised couch and grumbled, "When did Thyme even make this! Surely it had to be in storage somewhere… I'd really rather not think of the implications if Thyme made it, just now, for a single joke,"

Kat shrugged as she pulled Lily up with her. With Kat's tail tying them together it was a little awkward to move, but not all that much. Kat moved over the couch and lay down with Lily resting atop her stomach, before her girlfriend rolled her eyes and lay down as well. The couch was pretty comfortable, and the armrests had more give in them then was probably necessary for a couch, but they doubled as great pillows. Kat spoke, "Honestly, I'd be less surprised if Thyme did just make the couch for the joke.

"Thyme would just need to make the couch's base out of wood, and I'd be pretty surprised if Thyme doesn't have something they can grow that looks enough like leather. The pillows might be harder, but if it's all made of plant fibres Thyme can use magic for that as well. They are very cute though, so Thyme might've just had them around. They're missing your horns and wings after all, so they aren't 'Lily Pillows' just cat ones Then you have to consider that Thyme can well… stop time. So it's possible that it took a real second or two, but actually closer to thirty minutes or so from Thyme's perspective. And really? I bet Thyme is more than willing to use up thirty minutes of magical time for a joke,"

"I hate that your reasoning makes sense," grumbled Lily.

"Then why can I feel your amusement through our bond?" asked Kat to the air.

Lily grumbled and just nestled herself further into Kat's shoulder. Not willing to answer the provocation, even as she felt her heart lift. Kat didn't say anything for a bit, just letting her hand glide through Lily's hair, careful not to start scratching. Wouldn't do to have Lily lose herself completely for now. Kat did have something to bring up. "So… this doesn't need to be answered now, but it's something to think about. What do you think we should do once tomorrow is over?"

"What do you mean?" asked Lily.

"Well, knowing Thyme I imagine they'll give us a few days, maybe even a few weeks of enjoying this little resort once everything is wrapped up. While that does sound lovely, and I'd be happy to spend however long you want relaxing here, at least until Thyme kicks us out… we do have an issue. Everyone back home.

"Now, I don't feel too bad about it. Sylvie needed to become less reliant on me, and even if my time away has… ensured that a little more harshly then I'd like, and we send letters to them all regularly before bed time. If we decided to stay here in vacation, we'll have to tell them. Callisto and Vivian won't mind, and Sylvie will say she doesn't mind… but I'm not sure how much I want to push it,"

Lily's mood had soared as she considered staying here, relaxing, a nice little vacation get-away for them both. Until Kat brough up 'leaving' Sylvie on Earth, dousing much of her cheer. Lily sighed. She wasn't annoyed at Kat, or at Sylvie. The little girl was precious and looked up to Kat a good deal. It was making things a touch awkward at this moment though. "Ah," mumbled Lily, not really sure what else to say yet.

Kat waited patiently, continuing to brush Lily's hair as the girl thought. Kat didn't let her own mind wander, simply focusing on Lily for now, less she influenced Lily's mind too much. Kat genuinely wasn't sure how she wanted things to play out. Staying until either Thyme or D.E.M.O.N.S told them to leave would be nice… but there were problems with that.

The first was that, if D.E.M.O.N.S kicked them out, another mission would likely come up a day later. Which, while technically fine, would just make the issue with Sylvie worse. Waiting for Thyme probably wouldn't be much better, they'd likely only get a day or two longer before off to missions again. Kat supposed she could work out a way to take a week off or something, but Kat wasn't sure how easy that would be.

On the other hand, they'd had their vacation cut short last time. Both of them had been really looking forward to spending some time having fun in the snow. That had obviously fallen through completely. Kat wasn't going to complain, missing out on snowy fun times was obviously the best option in that situation, but it did mean she owed Lily a nice date somewhere, and a few days on an island paradise probably counted.

But, just as these things were important to Lily, and important to Kat… so was Sylvie. She was an adorable little girl, and important to both of them. Much too mature at times. Still, they would certainly be taking at least some time off. Just… maybe only a few extra days. More of a weekend away, then a week long vacation. Possibly.

Lily eventually said, "Perhaps we should try and sound out Callisto and Vivian, see how they think Sylvie is doing before we commit to a certain number of days. I'm sure there will be fun to be had. I'm not sure if any of the others will be staying, I could see so many people going either way… but that doesn't really bother me. The island isn't huge but it's more than enough for twenty-five people as it is, and I doubt everyone will be sticking around,"

"Yeah, but that's sort of the easy answer isn't it?" asked Kat. "Instead of making a choice, we're just putting it on Vivian and Callisto to potentially bear the brunt of Sylvie's displeasure. If we're going to have a vacation, even just for a day or two, I'd be more comfortable owning it. Stating we're taking this vacation. Sure we can still sound things out, but I'd like an idea of what we both want before reaching out,"

Lily sighed and said, "You always were the confident one, weren't you? I suppose that going about it that way would be more responsible. As for the answer… well I just don't really know. Sure an island resort sounds fun, and I'm sure we'd love it for the first few days… but then what? There aren't any shops here, the only activities are ones Thyme will run for us, or perhaps Mint. We could train and enjoy the great food, but that's not really relaxing, that's training. Even if arguably we might need it.

"Perhaps if more than just one or two people from across the teams stay we could do some things with them, like the obstacle course your running an extra time this afternoon. I'm not sure if I'd love to participate in that exactly… but it would probably be good for me to get some more combat experience. Once again though… that isn't really vacation stuff.

"I'll admit, it's a beautiful tropical island, so we can go swimming or hiking, and just taking in nature… but the island isn't exactly huge. We can probably cover the whole place, even at human walking speeds, in about three days. Heck, that might even be too much as it is. Despite all that though… I do think it would be nice to relax, properly, with just the two of us. Don't think I didn't notice you going off for a walk last night,"

Kat sighed and pulled Lily into a kiss. It was comforting, and a great way to stop Lily getting angry about her little midnight adventure. Lily wanted to be annoyed at Kat using the kiss as a way to get her to calm down… but she wasn't actually mad, and the kiss was pretty good.

Eventually, Lily needed to breath so they separated and Kat said, "So really, we've got no better idea now then when I first asked the question… but we do know that staying here for too long just isn't worth it. Probably for the best. I guess we'll just keep thinking about it for now." Lily nodded and then moved back in for another kiss.

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