Demonic Dragon: Harem System

Chapter 21: A calm Day

The day began calm, after all the insane excitement of the previous night. Strax was sleeping peacefully with Beatrice on top of him, completely naked. The sheets were stained with blood and other residues that we should not comment on.

He had a complicated night. It was the first time he had done that with someone, and honestly, he loved it. He could easily wake up now and do it again if Beatrice asked.

His whole body was sore from having sex all night with that crazy woman. If he could be clear, he turned into a bunny in front of Beatrice. After all, she was older and it was also his first time, but he swore to himself that it would never happen again. He was going to completely tame her!

The sun's rays began to enter the room as they gently hit the faces of both who slept embraced. It was a cute scene if you didn't know the wildness that had happened the day before.

However, Strax couldn't just keep sleeping. He had to go visit his older sister.

Well, maybe that could be a problem for him in the future, but currently, at his family's house...

"You asked me to bring that failure back. What's your plan?" A commanding man questioned the woman in front of him. She had long white hair that fell to her knees and wore a black combat dress, with a completely black sword on her back.

"And does that concern you? You have no right to question my bounties, or do you want to argue with me about what my brothers have been doing behind the scenes?" She asked seriously. Her eyes sparkled slightly as she looked directly into her father's eyes.

"You're being disrespectful," he commented, and she retorted sharply. "Treat me as others treat you. You were disrespectful first and received the same treatment," she replied as she turned away.

"Give me a reason not to kill him when he arrives," he commented, and the black sword began to float.

"Do something to him, and I'll wipe out all the other siblings with everything I have. And I guarantee you, that won't be difficult," she commented as she walked away.

"Are you threatening me?" He questioned seriously, and she didn't back down. Looking into his eyes, she simply uttered, "I'm not afraid of the consequences of wiping out this family, father." She commented as her black sword began to transform into a spirit, a Black Phoenix over four meters tall.

"Xyn," he said, seeing the huge Phoenix in front of him. "Will you turn against me?" He questioned the spiritual being who looked at him with superiority. "I follow the will of my current mistress, not of past relationships. Just because the former bearer loved you doesn't mean I like you," she replied as Xenovia turned to leave.

Quietly, the sword returned to her back, and she had nothing more to say.

"Strax... What do you have that this irrational woman wants you back?" he murmured. He just accepted Xenovia's words, after all. "She seems cute when she acts like that, but she's just a child with no knowledge of the world," he commented and sat back in his chair again. Slowly, he looked back and felt something staring at him.

"You seem quite active, Dragon Slayer," he spoke to a sword hanging on a wall. "Maybe I should try wielding you again?" When he questioned, the pulsing of the sword died immediately, as if what he had just felt was merely a mirage. "Tsk, ungrateful, you seem like that boy," he murmured.

"Hm?" Strax said, feeling a tingling in his ear. "Is someone speaking ill of me?" he thought as he caressed Beatrice's hair while she slept in his arms.

"Nothing like a calm day like this," Strax said, smelling the air... well... it wasn't exactly the smell of air he was sensing...

"Damn, we stink," he spoke loudly, slightly waking Beatrice, who gave a small sleepy murmur. "Hm?" she questioned, rubbing her eyes and seeing that... It wasn't a dream.

"Kyaaa!" she screamed slightly, startled backward as she got up. She was about to fall, but Strax quickly caught her. "Be careful, my wife," he said to her, looking into her eyes... and that wolf turned back into just a scared bunny. Her face was completely red and embarrassed; she wanted to say something, but quickly Strax threw a shirt to her.

"Dress up and take a shower, we stink," Strax said, smiling, and Beatrice looked around... the room... was a mess and smelled of semen and female fluids.

"Jesus... what did we do here?" she questioned, and Strax chuckled softly. "You know very well, my wife," he said, approaching her and planting a quick, calm kiss on her mouth.

"Now go take a shower and clean up, you still... have semen in there," Strax said, pointing to her naked pussy, and she blushed even more, remembering how she begged for more; she quickly got up and started running to the bathroom, while Strax remained naked in bed watching that scene, laughing.

"The maids will have a lot of work...," he murmured, seeing that whole scene... "Screw it, they can handle it, they're paid for it," Strax said, and he got up, waiting for Beatrice to come out of the bathroom while putting on pants.

"Now...," he murmured.

[You have completed ACT I - The First Wife]

[You received: 20 blank points, a sword technique, +1 attribute bonus in all, your cultivation received a boost to further improve and reach new ranks.]

[Beatrice has joined the Harem! The Title: The First Wife has been unlocked. Continue with dual cultivation and you can increase your level!]

[ACT II - The House of Vorah has been successfully opened, follow the mission chain for new rewards.]

[The Physique of the Demon Dragon has been repaired as a reward for rapid advancement with the first wife, ascend to the Master Realm to unlock the abilities of your physique.]

"Okay, this is really a lot for just one night of sex, this is a Harem System after all," Strax said to the air, as he saw the notifications appear.

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