Demon Lord: Erotic Adventure in Another World

Chapter 86: Ryuji - Dancing with two hearts

Ryuji sat on a soft couch for one person. The satin cover felt silky and smooth to the touch while he sipped a fruity cocktail from a crystal glass. In the past, he never had much use for alcohol or even regular drinking, but since coming to this world, he desired to try things he ruled out because of his previous self.

'This tastes quite good. The citrus fruits are light compared to the sweet flavours that follow it up.'

He watched Erika and Yumiko in their beautiful outfits, sitting together on the opposite side of the room, speaking with several maids. What Ryuji liked about Alan was that the party was one for everyone. Not just him and the girls but for the maids as well, allowing them to change clothes and join them.

Ryuji noticed Alan seemed to be enamoured with the head maid, who looked old enough to be his mother. Still, she appeared to be smiling a lot around the young man and kept getting drinks and food for him.

'She probably doesn't realise that at his age, he would target her as a woman. Good luck, my strange brother!'

He wished Alan all the best and stopped focusing on him. Instead, turning his attention to his girlfriends. Ryuji saw the outfits they were wearing, made from expensive silk and cloth allegedly imported from the eastern lands.

'Yumiko's green corset is so erotic... but the dress of Erika makes her look like a princess.'

The event was like a dream for Ryuji.

He could see his girlfriends dressed up, getting drinks, and listening to music. It was a feast for his senses, and he appreciated how comfortable and cheerful they both appeared. Not to mention how exhausted the trio felt after a difficult dungeon expedition. Ryuji knew that from tomorrow, training and dealing with the other Chosen would become his tasks.


Ryuji noticed Erika wave at him while in her beautiful red ballroom dress gazing towards him. She approached him with unstable steps and a brilliant smile painted on her face. It seemed Erika did not drink alcohol often. Yumiko, on the other hand, seemed just fine, her hand holding another mug of beer.

"R-Ryushi..." Erika's cheeks turned red after she stuttered and mispronounced his name, her black shoes tapping the ground as she seemed to be nervous. "I w-wanted to ask you for a dance. If you don't mind!"

Ryuji felt shocked as Erika offered him her hand while taking a deep breath. Her eyes seemed a little anxious while her lips dry as she swallowed with an audible gulp. He checked their surroundings, only to see Yumiko smirking behind her glass with an expression as if to say. 'It's all on you.'


He took her hand with no hesitation and then stood up while finishing his drink before he used a nearby tablecloth to clean his lips. "I would love to."

With a smile, he walked together with Erika to the ballroom floor while feeling a strange feeling of delight and energy flowing into his body. He used to learn that combat and dance were similar when he was younger.

Thus, his mother would make him learn not only martial arts but also ballroom dancing, from the slow and romantic waltz to the fiery and energetic samba or tango. The more he embraced the feeling, the more he felt a torrent of nostalgia reaching its peak as his heart seemed to race from joy.

Thankfully, the song changed to a slow and romantic Waltz style song; though Ryuji didn't recognise it, he felt relieved that this world's nobles also danced to similar refined music.

"I am looking forward to dancing with you, Erika. You look wonderful tonight." Ryuji complimented her with a light bow while flashing her a grin and seeing Erika's blush growing even further.

"R-Really... it's not my kind of thing, and I thought It would make me look stupid, hehe..."

Erika looked down and bit her lips, nervously giggling to quiet her nerves. Ryuji found it difficult to believe the woman before him was the same girl from the dungeon the other day. Her beauty and allure were far beyond normal. "Well, let me lead you, just enjoy the dance. Erika."

"Yes." Erika nodded, looking at him with determination in her eyes while the two held hands together, with Ryuji's right hand around Erika's waist while their left hand connected.

"Relax... I will never let you look stupid alone." He reassured her while his steps were small and subtle as the two began dancing to the song.

'One, two, three, one, two, three. One, two, three, one, two, three...' His eyes moved as if to guide Erika, who stared into his face like a deer in headlights. Her lips parted as she breathed deeper. She struggled to keep up with Ryuji's steady movements at first until her body grew used to the rhythm.

"I could stare into your eyes all day, Erika. You look beautiful." Ryuji leaned forward, whispering into her ear, causing her to almost trip. Yet his powerful arm held her stable as he gave her a cheeky grin.

He continued to gaze into Erika's eyes, moving at the perfect tempo of the music playing in the background. He loved to see Erika's face grow redder when he teased her, her eyes blinking rapidly as she stared into his face. Ryuji could not hold back his laugh at how adorable she was being.

"R-Really? Am I that good? Hehe.." Erika moved her head down with a gentle smile.

"You are a wonderful woman, Erika. There is something about you that attracts me."

Ryuji did not hesitate to state his feelings when he felt like doing it. He wanted Erika to know how much she meant to him. Their dance had drawn the attention of all the other guests, and many maids looked on with jealous eyes; Yumiko, the same as the pair, looked fated for each other, a beautiful red dress dancing in the air with his fitted black suit.

'Erika is truly a beauty.'

Ryuji couldn't help but feel hypnotised by the moment; he even lost track of time while he enjoyed their dance. His eyes soon glanced around to see Yumiko still sitting at the bar, swirling a glass of beer as she smiled at him with a smirk.

'Seems Yumiko isn't one for dancing, but I have the entire night to tempt her. I guess I should focus on Erika now.'

Ryuji then opened his mouth to speak after spending so long in silence while he enjoyed his dance with Erika. "Hey, Erika."

"Hmm?" She looked at him with curious eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Do you like me?"

Ryuji suddenly asked her an unexpected question and felt a strange sensation in his body, hoping she would answer honestly. Erika paused for a moment, their bodies turning as he pulled her tight against his chest, their breaths intermingling as she gazed at him in confusion. "Of course! How could I not? We went through so much together!"

"Is that really the reason?"

He cupped her chin with his palm as she tried to glance away in embarrassment, only for their gazes to meet while the music became slower and more romantic as her eyes widened. "R-Ryuji, you are special... I fell for you at first sight. Then my feelings just continued to grow."

"And why is that?" Ryuji leaned forward, pulling her face towards his as their noses touched.

"Your personality, your looks, your heart... Your everything, Ryuji." She seemed to hesitate for a moment, then shook her head and answered without hesitation. "I want you all to myself, and I want you to want me like you want Yumiko."

"Then," Ryuji moved his lips close to Erika's neck and whispered. "Stop hesitating around me."

He felt a desire for her rushing through his veins as if he had broken the gates blocking him from pursuing her further, and he understood his emotions were genuine. The next moment, he kissed her on the lips before Erika could answer, a silent gasp escaping her as he savoured her sweet lips.

Ryuji enjoyed how her warm tongue intertwined with his before he broke off the kiss. He could feel Yumiko's jealousy. It made him excited about what she might do. "R-Ryuji."

"Since you made me feel this way, I am not going to let you escape, Erika. You and Yumiko, I will have you both, no matter what others might think."

"Mm... Ryuji."

Erika smiled in his embrace, her eyes sparkling with emotion. Ryuji could feel her anxiety melt away into sheer excitement while they continued to dance together for the rest of the song, their lips meeting several times as Erika started the kisses.

When the song ended, Ryuji could feel a pair of eyes glaring into his back. Yumiko appeared while she stood by the dance floor, crossing her arms across her chest as she wore a cheeky smile on her face. He found it cute how Erika gave a bow to Yumiko and hurried away with a bright red face, only for Yumiko to grab his hand and place his other hand on her buttocks.

"Dance with me... make me look as happy as Erika." Her eyes looked beautiful as they shimmered along with her begging words.

Then a sexy melody, filled with tempo and spice, started—he grasped onto the soft meat of Yumiko's rump while other dancers joined the floor this time. His hips twisted before leaning close to her furry ears. "I will make you happier than anyone else, My lovely fox."

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