Demon Lord: Erotic Adventure in Another World

Chapter 84: Delinquent's Home Away from home!

Kathryn stood, her heart calm after it all ended.

She watched the two sitting against an old mahogany tree. Three hours after the event with the bandits, the intensity of their competition had escalated.

"I have never seen the princess show such a genuine smile... A brief break should be okay."

The pair fighting the small horn rabbits and other weak monsters she allowed them to face with a ferocity that was both thrilling and terrifying.

The princess, her heart heavy with the weight of her powers.

Liana used her lightning magic in ways she never dared to in the past, each bolt tearing a part of her doubts and hesitation the more she felt accepted by Ryuji.

In stark contrast, Ryuji used his hands, axe, and blood magic to surpass her every step of the way. Though Liana seemed frustrated, she seemed to enjoy watching Ryuji fight, especially when he used his axe and caused destruction.

"Ryuji?" The princess's tired voice danced on the breeze like a note of music.


"Do you not feel regret when taking human life?" The princess turned to face Ryuji, her beautiful eyes shimmering as her long lashes fluttered.

When he gazed back, he realised her eyes contained faint tears. Out of habit, he reached out, using his large thumb to wipe the tear.

Normally, one would never act this way to a princess. Even Ryuji was aware of this, but because of Alan and the way he met her. Ryuji didn't see Liana as a princess from the start.

He noticed her loneliness and desire for stimulation.

"Honestly, I used to fear this world. I thought I might not accept killing others. However, the reality betrayed me... Like the monster, I felt I was back in my previous world. In reality, I turned out to be far worse than the worse demons I imagined."

"What do you mean..." The princess lost her bratty attitude and peered deeper into his ocean sapphire-coloured eyes, which glistened like gemstones.

"I..." Ryuji felt these feelings of uncertainty were part of his human self, in conflict with his demon blood. "I enjoyed it. The moment I see their blood, my body feels euphoria, and the instant their hearts stop, I feel a pleasure close to orgasm."

He gave the princess a weak, bitter smile. Though he wasn't ashamed of these feelings, admitting them to the girl who felt like a mirror to his past self felt ticklish.

"I see, but what is wrong with that? I felt the same delight when killing monsters... or feeling your touch."

"Oh? From my touch, like this?"

Ryuji's hand, out of Kathryn's view, slipped along the princess's thigh. The pair knew how wrong, improper and dangerous such contact could become if seen.

Though Ryuji gained the noble title of Baron, it would be long before another noble, or even the king himself, would accept such an action.

"R-Ryuji!!" The princess also understood the dangers, yet she didn't take her eyes off his face, her eyes narrowing, her lips parted, while she grasped his hand with hers.

Not rejecting his touch but keeping it in place, just below her dress material, feeling his hand squeezing her meaty thigh made her body tremble from the sensation of lightning and electricity flowing through her body. "We... can't do this... I don't know you that well."

Liana turned away, her face bright red, looking down at her chest. Yet her racing heart didn't allow her to hide the fact she felt excited... Her hand grasped Ryuji's as it slipped higher, massaging her thigh as Kathryn's gaze watched her.

"Then, when can we do this?" Ryuji's fingers sank into her soft skin, his fingertips inches from her silk undergarments, while the princess leaned closer to his chest. "When I'm a Marquis? Or maybe an Earl?"

"R-Ryuji... That's unfair; don't be swept away by a momentary lust... If you want me then, pursue me over time, don't..." Liana fought hard against her desires. She wanted him to stop, yet part of her wanted to experience the forceful romance in the novels she loved reading.

A conflict in her heart that made her confused.

Ryuji wasn't a fool or a scumbag.

His demonic blood felt satisfied hearing the lovely voice of the princess, and his human side felt delighted hearing the princess asking him to pursue her.

'That's enough for me.' He thought, while slowly slipping his hand from her thigh, knowing it was too far too quickly and began to repeat and chant his mother's teachings while holding Liana's hand, resting his wrist on the ground.

Ryuji turned to the shocked princess, who looked up at him with a strangely mixed gaze with wet eyes. "I understand, then please be prepared. I will pursue you relentlessly until you become my woman." His voice was low and whispered into her left ear.

The way he spoke caused her to feel tingles flowing through her spine and body, looking at him with a different gaze.

She felt his respect for her request and felt a sense of pride.

"Thank you..." Liana's voice, quiet like a distant bee, faded as a soft, squishy sensation pressed against Ryuji's cheek.

"That's your reward for winning... don't be greedy now. Hmph..." Liana then turned away, her face bright red as she stood and rushed to Kathryn, looking back and pulling out her tongue with a brilliant smile on her face.

'After all, the princess is more adorable and interesting than she first seemed. A sexy yet delicate witch... just wait. All witches sell their souls to demons in the novels I read... then your soul will be mine, Liana.'

Part of Ryuji's reason for approaching the princess was protection from Sheila should she take a movement sooner than he prepared for.

The news of apostles made him feel uncomfortable because somehow he knew he might end up the apostle of the demon goddess that dragged him here.

"Come on, Blood Tyrant! We have to get back. Stop daydreaming!" The princess called out, back to her usual self, before walking off with Kathryn.


The carriage ride back felt quite comfortable while Ryuji took the time to reflect and think about his plans for the future.

'I have to fight the other Chosen for Alan, dive into dungeons and maybe asking him to let me become an adventurer would be alright? I could take Erika and Yumiko and explore this world.'

There was still the fact his mother's teachings seemed to be heavily linked to this world.

Though he couldn't ask her since she died.

Maybe there might be someone who knows why. Ryuji worried they would probably be part of the demon kingdom, though; somehow, he felt that hunch, anyway.

'I've started changing; after I had sex with Yumiko, it feels clearer my changes aren't going to stop. Though it is still me, I am finding it harder to resist my desires for the flesh and battle. Will I lose control? That thought fills me with terror each time I fall asleep or find myself getting aroused during combat...'

Ryuji's steps towards Alan's mansion became heavy, slower and although he wanted to rush back into Yumiko's comforting embrace, he instead slowed his pace further.

So he could think to himself what he wanted.

Who would he become, and could he take control completely?

'No... That line of thought is flawed. I am me either way. Both the boy who loved his mother a little too much and the demon who loves sex and violence... I also enjoyed fighting and the sex in the previous world.'

"I should stop thinking of my different aspects as two people, but one whole. That is my true self... I am sure there would be others who deny that but why should I reject something that likely came from my beloved mother? That thought itself is foolish!"

While Ryuji reflected on himself entering the mansion garden, he saw Alan waiting at the entrance with a concerned look on his face.

However, the moment Alan saw Ryuji, he curled his worried lips from a frown into a smile, a brisk and sunny smile. "Welcome home, brother. She didn't hurt you or steal any of your organs?"

"W-What? Alan, are you retarded? We just killed some bandits, and she used her lightning on me a few times."

"WHAT!? Brother... come here! Let me check you over!" Alan made a big fuss, examining Ryuji's body before hugging him. "You don't understand the horror of that witch! I'm so glad you came home—let's go.

I have prepared a feast for your homecoming!"

He then dragged Ryuji in the door, the boy with a brooding look on his face, but his lips at some point curled into a smile matching Alan's.

'Dear mother above... Why does this place feel like home after only a few days? Is it wrong for me to seek solace here when you are wandering alone in the other world? I would give anything to know you were reborn in this world... At least then, I know you would be happy again.'

The only thing both sides of Ryuji felt the same about was the love for his mother and maybe father.


Inside the mansion, all the maids gathered, bowing to the two who entered.

"Welcome home, Master, Lord Ryuji!"

Erika and Yumiko stood at the top of the stairs, both wearing new clothes... Erika in a beautiful wine-red ballroom dress with fluttering patterns and a long pair of white stockings. Yumiko wore a dark green corset, with a long, flowing black skirt with golden patterns.

The pair looked at Ryuji while his eyes met theirs.

Only their beauty remained on his mind while Alan dragged him to the bottom of the stairs to meet them.

"Let us celebrate Ryuji's freedom and the successful dungeon clearance!" Alan shouted as Yumiko rushed down the stairs in her high heels and leapt into Ryuji's arms.

"Ryuji, I love you," he whispered as he spun her around, holding her tight with his right arm, before offering the left to Erika, who looked stunned.

"Come, jump."

Then, with a nervous leap, she almost fell short as Ryuji leaned forward to catch her. His muscles bulged as he held both women and spun them around.

A wide smile on his face.

"Damn, show off..." Alan muttered before the maids fired several confetti bombs, and the welcoming party started.

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