Demon Lord: Erotic Adventure in Another World

Chapter 7: Delinquent's First Battle - Awakening Nature!

Ryuji's eyes focused—he felt the excitement of battle.

His blood was boiling with anticipation. Ryuji became addicted to the euphoria of battle after years of training with his mother. He felt a stringent taste of copper inside his mouth, and the cold earth scent of the cave filled his lungs.

Quietly watching their movements with his eyes that shimmered with a deep red glow in the darkness.

'It reminds me of the day I saw my father kill a man for the first time... The intense fear blew away because of the sudden surge of adrenaline as more people tried to kill him.'

Ryuji closed his eyes for a moment, remembering the sight—his father's silver pistol flashing in the dark alley.

His gaze, like that of a predator, remained fixed on his next enemy.

'I hated Dad and that moment because it changed me forever... I became more violent and couldn't stop myself when others bullied me about being different. Yet now... in this dark cave, alone with three strangers... I feel excited. I want to kill the enemy.

Am I the same as my father?

The thought passed in less than an instant.

Ryuji's mind cooled to an icy chill, and he became completely relaxed.

He tightened his grip on the axe, familiar with its balance, as he prepared to lunge forward. It wasn't like he had gained any special skills or magical information when coming to this world. The world was game-like, but it wasn't a game...

Everything came from his abilities, from over a decade of solid training.

'Like a spear, a glaive, swipe, chop and cut!'

The red outlines didn't wait for his convenience.

Their tiny bodies were agile and deadly, moving with an eerie pattern as Ryuji pulled his axe wide to his right, spreading his legs and lowering his stance to make himself a bigger target.

"Stay back!" Ryuji howled like a solitary wolf.

'Never forget the cleave of my axe!'

His eyes became bloodshot, the dark glint shimmering as he forced himself to the limit, able to hear the beating of his heart, the sensation of blood being pumped around his body before his instinct whispered gently, 'Now, strike them down!'

Ryuji swung his axe with furious force, feeling the wind whistle past as the blade sliced through the air. The momentum threatened to unbalance him.

'I must survive. There is no use holding back—each swing must kill the enemy!'

A flash of silver illuminated the darkness as Ryuji's axe tore through the tiny monsters' bodies. Their feeble attempts to retaliate with sharp claws were futile, and their heads rolled across the floor in defeat.

"Phew... We should move on," Ryuji exclaimed, his voice a mix of exhaustion and excitement.

Akari and Ryo shuddered while Yumiko's beastlike eyes conveyed both admiration and relief.

"Mm... Let's go!"

"Bro, is your leg alright?"

"It's but a scratch, don't worry."

The others forced themselves to move while Ryuji and Yumiko started cutting the ears from the fallen goblins. Although she appeared scared at first, it may have been her test for Ryuji as the beastkin chose power and action over all else in the opposite sex.

Ryuji checked his wounded leg while cutting the goblins with the small knife given by the knights. Yumiko used her sharp claws with a simple swipe, cutting them cleanly.

His wound looked ugly—however, his padded pants seemed to have stopped any fatal damage; it would likely form a scar because of the depth.

"Ryo, Akari, in the future, can you take the weapons from the slain monsters and store them? I think we can sell them for money back at the castle or in cities." Ryuji said in a calmer voice before stepping towards the exit of the cave and examining the walls.

"Ryuji is quite amazing..." Akari said to Ryo in a whisper as he helped search the goblins for any items

"True, but it was scary when he killed them so easily," Ryo answered.

Yumiko began checking the walls, her hands stroking along the jagged and smooth stones created in a way that made it impossible to climb back to the surface.

"Ryuji, I don't think we can return by climbing. The dungeons are dangerous, especially with no knowledge of the grade and this half-baked party."

"Well, I don't doubt you could climb them, right? I might without this leg, too, haha."

Despite his words, Ryuji doubted his ability to climb the walls with his injured leg, given the jagged rocks and slippery conditions.

"Are you two good?" Ryuji asked.

"Yes, Leader!"

"Ah, I am fine, Ryuji."

"Okay, Yumiko, we're going to head out; I'll take the lead—you keep these two safe."

Ryuji stepped into another narrow path, mud splashing beneath his feet as the scent of animals and beasts filled his nostrils.

Each step became more terrifying for Akari and Ryo, who lacked combat abilities.

"It feels like the ground is eating my shoes... disgusting," Ryuji remarked.

"Ugh... my feet are all wet," Yumiko said with a bitter voice—her shoes didn't have any cover, so her slight blonde fur was filthy.


The distant cries of the enemy snapped Ryuji and Yumiko to attention.

Akari and Ryo slowed their pace, clutching the wall for support in the oppressive darkness. Their flickering torches offered little comfort.

"Yumiko," Ryuji said in a whisper while reaching out and touching her hand.


"Do you remember that moment you split in two? Can you use that ability for combat?"

"I think so, although the shadow clone would be weaker than my actual body."

Ryuji nodded, aware she could see him with her beastkin eyes, while he saw her blood outline in a more pale colour compared to the goblins.

"When we face larger groups, try using it as a decoy to support you when fighting. If you attack a single enemy with both of you, then victory should be much easier. If it fails, run. Don't put yourself in danger."

Yumiko's long, fluffy ears twitched in surprise at Ryuji's concern—perhaps a remnant of her years as a slave. However, his touch brought a rare smile to her lips.

"Nn! I will."

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