Delicate Mother of a Villain

Chapter 47

It was dark at night.

Probably because the weather of the next morning might not be very good, the dark clouds covered the moon, making the night even darker.


At night in the countryside, because it was in the mountains, the night was not very calm, and there was the sound of birds and insects from time to time.

But even so, several participants fell into a deep sleep.

Except for He Xiaoxiao.

Its annoying!

He Xiaoxiao looked at Xia An, who had fallen into a sweet dreamland around her, and she was even angrier.

Can anyone sleep in this kind of hard bed

She laughed at Xia An, and He Xiaoxiao, who couldnt sleep, decided to go for a walk.

However, she never expected that her decision would make her the first participant to be eliminated!

Although, only temporarily ~

He Xiaoxiao put on her shoes and opened the door and closed it without knowing what was about to happen.


This door closing sound was heard by a few vague sober participants.

But it was really too late, so even when they heard the door closing, they were not able to wake up.


Ah-! Help! There are ghosts-!

A sharp and miserable female voice resounded in the dark night. Several participants who were not used to sleeping on hard plank beds had all woke up.

What was that sound?!

I just heard someone calling for help!

Is something wrong?

This time, all the male participants were completely sober.

Dont worry, everyone in the program around you should be fine.

The oldest and most experienced Liu Neng put on his clothes, thought for a moment, and said quietly, I think It is quite possible that the show is now filming.

Liu Nengs words made the other three male participants who just woke up a little stunned.

Started shooting?

Did they not say they would start in the morning?

Jiang Chen, who was a little sleepy, rubbed his eyes and yawned, Maybe when the director told us in the morning, he meant it in a different way from what we understood.

Xu Jinyang also seemed to understand something. He raised his lips and hung his signature smile on his face, Now, It is what they call tomorrow morning.

Everyone found that it was almost three oclock in the morning!

If they had to say so, then the time could really be called morning.

After the four participants got up quickly and changed into the clothes prepared by the crew again, several people in the room found several cameras.

Ah! Should the show team treat us like this! This is too bad!

Seeing those working cameras, the four participants immediately understood that the show actually started long ago.

Now, they were afraid that they would meet disaster soon

That scream just now! Shouldnt it be from a female participant in distress? Jiang Chen swallowed and said with a little fear. The theme of their episode was zombies.

God knew that even though he was a big man, what he feared most was terrifying things!

Originally, he didnt want to sign in this variety show. He had always been lazy. He didnt want to do it because he was scared.

But God knew why his agent made him sign such a contract.

And he didnt know until later that the first issue of this show was the zombie siege!

Damn it!

Probably, Xue Yu nodded heavily and said earnestly.

The theme of this issue is the Zombie Siege. We are likely to be surrounded by zombies.

Xu Jinyang glanced at the security situation around the room. He made his speculations very rationally, We have to find a way to get out of here now!

Then, Xu Jinyang opened the door and strode outside.

Xu Jinyang, where are you going? Why go so fast!

After seeing Xu Jinyang striding out, several people with Jiang Chen quickly followed him.

Ill see Xia An!

Xu Jinyang was firm. He was special to the female participant and strode to the door of the room where the female participant stayed.

Seeing the closed door, Xu Jinyang stopped and knocked.


However, there was no response in the room.

Xia An!Xia An! Are you in there?

When Xu Jinyang got no response, he yelled again.

However, there was no response.

So he gritted his teeth, he said sorry, then opened the female participants door.

And when it opened, Xu Jinyang froze!

Xu Jinyang, Xia An isnt.

Before he finished his words, Jiang Chen and others who came in behind Xu Jinyang discovered that the room was empty.

Not even one person!

Hey? What about He Xiaoxiao and Xia An? Why are they both gone?

The empty room made the four male participants stunned.

Did they both come across a zombie attack?


Looking at the two female participants who disappeared, the hearts of the four male participants were all hazy.

The show had just begun, and the two female participants had been eliminated one after another.

And they didnt know anything about the two female participants.

While the four male participants were meditating, they didnt know that at this time, their temporary dormitory was surrounded by layers of zombies.




~(=^^)y *;o)

Miao is a zombie cat!

Miao is gonna eliminate everyone except Xia An!!!

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