Deep Sea Embers

Chapter 808: The Invisible City

Chapter 808: The Invisible City

Vanna had been journeying along this path for an extensive period – so extensive, in fact, that the origins of her voyage had faded from her memory. She couldn’t recall when it began or the reasons that propelled her into this seemingly perpetual quest. The starting point of her journey, as well as its purpose, had slipped from her grasp.

Her world was a wasteland. Throughout her travels, she encountered nothing but vast expanses of yellow sand that stretched into the horizon, the crumbling remains of once-great cities on the verge of collapse, and ancient artifacts shrouded in layers of dust. She wandered through these abandoned ruins, her steps retracing the echoes of a forgotten era. Occasionally, she would halt at these sites, though any details she observed would evaporate from her memory by dawn’s light; she retained only a vague impression of having passed dilapidated walls.

The wind, a relentless force, carried the sand across the desert, creating a symphony of sharp, eerie sounds as it clashed with the rocks. These sounds, reminiscent of spectral wails, were a constant backdrop to her journey. Amidst this cacophony, Vanna discerned a distinct noise, one that had become a familiar presence on her travels:

“Ding… Ding… Ding…”

It was reminiscent of the sound of metal against stone, akin to the rhythmic beating heard in a blacksmith’s workshop.

Upon hearing this, Vanna halted her march on the sandy path, peering into the distance with narrowed eyes. She had come to associate this metallic chorus with the proximity of new ruins or hidden artifacts.

Yet, the origin of these sounds and their connection to the discoveries remained a mystery to her.

Suddenly, against the endless curtain of yellow sand, the vague outline of a structure materialized, similar to other remnants she had stumbled upon during her journey.

Vanna observed this newly revealed cluster of buildings briefly, a sense of familiarity enveloping her despite her initial surprise. After a momentary pause, she resumed her walk, advancing towards the edifice amidst the swirling chaos of wind and sand.

Just then, a young woman’s voice pierced the solitude: “Where did you come from?”

Startled, Vanna scanned her surroundings, but her eyes met only the swirling dance of yellow grains. The source of the voice seemed devoid of any physical presence as if it were a mere figment of her imagination.

Puzzled and with a sense that the sand was clouding her thoughts, she shook her head, determined to press on.

The voice persisted, this time with a hint of curiosity: “Why aren’t you responding to me?”

Accompanying the voice, Vanna thought she could detect the sound of footsteps, mirroring her own yet eerily close.

Halting once more, she fixed her gaze on the empty space beside her. Though the speaker remained invisible, Vanna felt the subtle presence of someone, or something, an “aura” of sorts, near her.

Could it be that an unseen companion was journeying alongside her, attempting to engage in conversation?

This occurrence prompted a cascade of questions in her mind. Was such a phenomenon commonplace in this desolate world? Did an invisible entity truly exist, sharing this vast emptiness with her?

As Vanna’s thoughts once again became muddled, a whirlwind of absurd and strange ideas surged through her mind, only to dissipate as swiftly as they had appeared. She paused briefly, wrestling with her confusion, before she cautiously broke the silence, “I don’t remember where I came from.”

“Forgot where you came from?” The voice of her unseen companion floated through the air again, this time with a hint of cheerfulness, “Ah, that’s unfortunate. Forgetting your origins can make it difficult to find your way back… But it’s not a rare occurrence here.”

“Here? Not rare?” Vanna replied, her voice tinged with surprise, “Are there others like me here?”

“Yes, many,” the voice responded, its tone suggesting a smile, “Over there, in that city, it’s bustling with people.”

Without seeing where the voice pointed, Vanna naturally turned her gaze toward the indistinct outlines of buildings that loomed in the sandstorm, her curiosity piqued: “In that city…”

“Yes, in that city,” the voice reiterated enthusiastically, “People have arrived here from every conceivable direction. Some retain a vague memory of their origins, while others have even forgotten their own names. But such details lose their significance on this journey, which spans from one distant place to another. Sometimes you pause briefly, and at other times, you find yourself unable to go any further – and wherever you find yourself stuck, that place becomes your new point of reference… Yeah, my brother once shared that insight with me.”

Vanna, still perplexed, took a step towards the shadowy cluster of buildings. Almost instantly, she heard the sound of footsteps accompanying her own, a gentle reminder of the unseen presence trailing behind her.

“Your brother?” Vanna inquired, the oddity of speaking to an invisible being slowly fading, replaced by a sense of normalcy. After all, having a companion to converse with during such a lengthy trek seemed like a rare comfort.

“Yes, my brother. He’s six years older than me,” the unseen voice replied promptly, its tone still carrying a cheerful lilt. “But it’s been many years since I last saw him. He left for Vesseran to pursue his studies, and we’ve lost contact ever since.”

Vesseran? The name echoed in Vanna’s mind, stirring a flicker of recognition. Was Vesseran a city, perhaps?

“Do you worry about him?” she found herself asking.

“Not really,” came the response from beside her, “Many of us haven’t had news from the outside world in a long time, nor have we been able to send any messages out. Being out of touch isn’t necessarily a bad thing…”

The voice seemed to drift off, carried away by the wind, which then became distorted as if stretching across a vast distance before being swallowed up by a cacophony of noises. Vanna strained to understand the last few words, but they were lost to her, leaving only silence in their wake.

She stood motionless for a few moments, the absence of the voice leaving a void. Breaking the silence, she called out, “Are you still there?”

But the desert offered no reply, save for its characteristic eerie howls and the intermittent sound of metal clinking, resonating through the air like an unanswered question.

It appeared as though her unseen companion had disappeared, swept away by the desert winds.

After some time had passed, Vanna collected her thoughts and resumed her trek toward the city that lay in the distance.

Her journey was long and arduous, but just as the day began to transition into evening, she reached her destination. The “city” her companion had described was in sight. But contrary to what she might have hoped for, there were no signs of life or the hustle and bustle of city inhabitants. Instead, what greeted her were the ruins of a city long forsaken, its walls and buildings surrendered to the encroaching sands, left to erode in the relentless passage of time.

Upon finding what appeared to be the remnants of a gate amidst the crumbling city walls, Vanna peered through, taking in the desolate view of the city’s ruins before advancing toward the “city.”

Yet, just as she was about to cross the threshold of the “gate,” a firm and commanding voice emerged from nowhere: “Stop, stranger – where do you come from?”

Startled, Vanna paused.

Could it be that an invisible soldier was guarding this derelict gateway?

She had navigated through cultist-infested sewers, faced down creatures that lurked in the shadows, but she had never found herself in such a peculiar situation.

Hesitantly, she turned towards the source of the voice, opting to respond as though this were a normal interaction: “I’m… on a journey, but I can’t recall my point of origin.”

Recalling her invisible travel companion’s earlier words about the “city” being populated with many “residents” who had similarly lost their bearings, Vanna hoped her answer wouldn’t raise any eyebrows.

The “guard” remained silent for a moment, possibly contemplating her response or maybe disappearing into the whirl of the sandstorm. Vanna waited, a blend of patience and curiosity holding her in place, and just when she was about to proceed regardless, a voice filled with warmth and familiarity spoke from beside her –

“Ah, you’ve arrived!”

It was the voice of her previous missing “invisible travel companion.”

“I was worried you might have gotten lost,” the voice expressed cheerfully. “The journey here is fraught with diverging paths, particularly those minor trails through the forest. Should the berry bushes beside the path catch your eye and lead you astray, you might spend an entire day finding your way back…”

Forests? Trails? Berry bushes?

As she listened to the continuing voice, Vanna’s gaze swept back over her path – a landscape dominated by sand and stone, devoid of any forest or berry bush. What were these fantastical things doing in their conversation?

And as she stood there, bewildered, the authoritative voice of the guard spoke again, this time addressing the “invisible travel companion”: “Is this your friend?”

“Yes, we encountered each other along the way,” the youthful voice quickly responded. “She’s traveled from afar, a newcomer to this place, unfamiliar with our ways. I thought I’d show her around the city.”

“…Then you may enter, but be cautious not to stray. The evening approaches, and the wilderness beyond the city limits is fraught with dangers, especially as darkness descends upon the forests.”

“Ah! Thank you!”

The voice, brimming with enthusiasm, expressed gratitude towards the guard before addressing Vanna, “We’re allowed to proceed now.”

Redirecting her attention away from the desolate landscape that lay beyond the city’s boundaries, Vanna acknowledged the guidance with a nod, orienting herself towards the source of the voice: “Understood.”

She ventured into the so-called “thriving city,” her steps taking her down a broad yet desolate avenue that ran straight from the city’s entrance. The road was flanked by ruins, with yellow sand swallowing the remnants of what might once have been bustling streets and broken stone slabs scattered chaotically underfoot. From time to time, she caught the fleeting sounds of what could be mistaken for vendors peddling their wares, snippets of conversation, and the clatter of wheels against cobblestones. However, these auditory glimpses quickly vanished into the wind, leaving her unable to discern any distinct words or phrases.

“How do you find it? Quite lively, isn’t it?” The young and vibrant voice emerged beside Vanna, almost as if gesturing towards imaginary storefronts and the hustle of unseen crowds, “I’ve called this place home for many years. It’s the most bustling city in the entire continent.”

…The continent? What is that?

A wave of disorientation momentarily swept over Vanna as if a surge of knowledge, alien to her understanding of the world, sought entry into her consciousness, vying for a foothold in her mind.

But in the next instant, her resolve steeled, dispelling the burgeoning confusion and repelling the intrusive knowledge that attempted to take root.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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