Debut or Die

Chapter 583

If you can’t debut, you’ll get a fatal disease Episode 583

Cleopatra What is a game?

It is a competitive confrontation by shouting out the contextless sentence “Hello Cleopatra, the world’s best potato chips” in a higher and higher voice.

Yes. Not a high pitch, but a high pitch.

that there is no scale.

“However, strictly speaking, I think that you can find a nearby scale and match the accompaniment, and you have musicality because you have a sense of rhythm… .”

“Okay, you are right. Rabin.”

… … It does.

If one of the people playing the game has an absolute sense of pitch, this game can also become musical.

Especially if all the guys who participate are in the music industry.

“Oh hey brother. I don’t think the sound was even half a step higher right now?”

“What are you talking about! The pig-picking sound you made after Liu Cheng-wu just passed, too!”

“I was a high-pitched pig, though? My older brother is Cleopatra who can’t make high notes? Oh, is it ruined?”

“… … okay? Bring the piano! I will do it again!”


So let’s see if we’re like this now… … .

I saw people with the same name attacking each other, and Yujin Cha, who was clapping and cheering, Raebin Kim and Ahyeon Sun moving the electric piano into the living room.

It’s like taking a remake while gambling in a movie.

haha. What a bitch.

“Pi piano is here… !”


And from here, under the leadership of Kim Rae-bin, an over-immersive grand feast in which Cleopatra is shouted out to the notes of the keyboard.

‘I have to take a picture of this and upload it.’

At this point, it’s a fun content.

Take a look at those faces with all their heat and sincerity, and Kim Rae-bin’s face, which became solemn at the same time.

“yes. If you ask me for my judgment… Success!”



I thought Bae Se-jin was almost strangling his throat.

So, some fail, some succeed, and the joys and sorrows prevail.

“Cha Yoo-jin failed!”


For reference, this is a hotel suite.

During the tour, we always decided to gather in a room once a week and live together, but today was the day.

‘I’m glad you asked for a secluded place with good soundproofing…’ .’

The controversy over noise between floors in Testa almost went viral on the Internet. No, if there wasn’t soundproofing in the first place, I wouldn’t have been able to do this far, and I would have been less immersed in it.

‘In that sense, what… I’m enjoying it.’

Of course, the outcome of this game would be the same either way.

“Moondae is next! If you succeed here, Moondaemun University is the final winner… … Will < Azusa > 1st place win the Cleopatra game? The result… … .”

I opened my mouth.

And without inspiration, he recited that nonsensical phrase.

With a note corresponding to the third octave Mi (E5).

“… !”

The moment you end the phrase with the last word ‘chip’.

“… Success!”


“Congratulations, Moondae hyung!”

Enthusiasm like fever poured out.

Yes. The conclusion is this.

Even if I go to Moro, in the end, only I will be left.


I shrugged.

If you didn’t know that this would happen while playing with the main vocalist… … .

“huh? Who didn’t know that Moondae would win here?”

“… … .”

“By the way, is anyone curious about how far Moondae can make his voice?”


Fists and hands come up here and there.

eyes are shining It’s really burdensome.

“Moondae-hyung’s voice remains, I know!”

“that’s right. Can you play more high notes? I swear by Moondaemundae!”

I’m doing it, but why are you betting?

“Yes… ! me too!”

Why are you accepting it?

Of course I can’t… No, but.

‘I don’t know.’

I shook my head and sat cross-legged on the carpet.



Ryu Chung-woo came out on his smartphone while Kim Rae-bin was filming.

I went almost all the way to his portable keyboard with a serious high note like a gigantic dolphin.


“This is a must-see for all real Lovers!! There is no such thing as a giyeoljeon!”

“Awesome!! The sound goes here… .”

I’m happy.

I shook my head and smiled.

“The winning prize is.”

“huh? Where is that?”

“… … .”

Give me at least part-time job as a clown.

I watched Ryu Cheng-wu briefly edit the video, resigned to everything.

“Include Kim Rae-bin’s failures!”

“Then, please also include Cha Yoo-jin’s failure scene!”

Now you two are fighting.

Anyway, we uploaded the video on the Gearco group social media account while chewing on the steak we ordered from room service.

-What the


is it


Look at how he doesn’t manage it hahahaha

└ He seems to be better at managing than you who writes swearing at celebrities while working. Oh, I’m sorry if


unemployed. but… … .

I kept my eyes open for a while to see the reactions of the people I enjoyed, then narrowed my eyes as I watched the number of shares and likes increase.

‘As expected.’

Recently, the number of followers of the testa account has increased significantly. The range of change was steeper than during the active period.

The same goes for shares and likes.

‘I heard that the Testa Tour has become quite famous.’

It wasn’t just a simple rumor circulating among fans, but there was a real heavy reality.

This wasn’t a one-time aggro that quickly raised awareness. It is really establishing a position and being acknowledged in a meaningful way.

I rubbed my chin.

‘… … After the encore concert, do I have to schedule an additional tour in the US and UK?’

This is because the size of the audience is increased.

Even if you overdo it a little… at the stadium level.

After that, it will be a kind of signal to tall people with heavy hips when they appear on famous European or American programs for certification purposes.

That Testa was at a level where it was okay to receive a cultural medal.

‘I don’t like it very much because it’s close to flunkeyism.’

Still, it was well worth the use.


I laughed and rubbed the back of my neck.

I didn’t know.

I would never have thought that the tour would go beyond resolving this sudden crisis and come back with results that exceed expectations.

perhaps… I may have been learning slowly for years.

That something unpredictable is not necessarily a bad thing.

‘But let’s not be careless.’

I woke up cool.

The other guys were also playing loosely separately, doing what they wanted to do after the upload was over.

Of course, they also care about each other.

It was like Ryu Cheong-woo talking to Kim Rae-bin, who was still playing the keyboard.

“What are you doing, Rabin?”

“I was in the process of estimating the range based on the notes that Moondae hyung had succeeded in.”


Originally, I could make sounds up to 3 octaves, but now seeing Kim Rae-bin pressing… … .


3 octaves d.

The tone increased by one.

“Wow, has it grown this far?”

“That’s right!”

For reference, even with the low pitch, I went down one whole note and one semitone more.

I saw Kim Rae-bin’s eyes shining as he looked at me with all kinds of anticipation and excitement.

“I see. Mundae is so great.”

“That’s right!”

“… … .”


“Your vocal range has changed! No, you’ve expanded! Fuller and more descriptive sound faithfully from low to high pitch without covering the chest voice… … .”

“I get it. thank you.”

“That’s right! Listen! If I were to write the note my brother just uttered on the staff paper… .”

“… … .”

I only heard ‘yes’ three times.

I decided to let Rabin Kim enjoy it.

‘It would be nice if I could help with the composition… .’

I was satisfied that the tour was going smoothly.

Honestly, I expected it from the time I sang at the Seoul concert.

That means the quality of the song has changed somewhere.

Originally, the growth of skills is a cascade.

It was just rare to experience it directly like this by raising my skills in the form of ‘taking’ the stats with the help of the status window.

I quietly guessed.

‘The starting point… … .’

solo stage.

The moment I sang “,” it was clear that the bizarre sense and immersion that I focused solely on singing had a direct impact on my growth.

This is also a fact that has been certified by people around you.

-Hyung’s solo stage is really crazy.


a typo.

That came from the big moon, Ryu Gun-woo.

‘I’m glad he cheered up.’

The guy said he was very sorry for the damage and apologized sincerely several times.

But he didn’t seem frustrated or scared anymore.

And a little more honest.

When I asked to go hiking together on my next vacation, I got a reply like this.

-Thank you bro… .

That was a good sign.

Since then, I have been in constant contact with Big Moon. They talk about every little detail, and sometimes they talk about problems that occurred during the tour.

And about the guy’s life.

-that is… I’m contemplating whether to retire after probation is over.

The guy said that he was contemplating quitting his job after properly sorting out the problems he had caused during his absenteeism.

did not dry

It’s not the job you wanted, but the system forcibly gave you status ailments, so you know that it’s a job you got by studying hard.

‘I have a lot of money, but why do I have to suffer from civil complaints and old age?’

If you exchange all your investments in stocks, you will be able to play and eat for the rest of your life without having to get a job.

Even if it’s not that, there’s no pressure because you’ll be able to spend as much time as you want without worrying about making a living until you find something you want to do.

Still, ‘There won’t be any problem if I retire, but think about whether it’s too much of a waste to be tested mentally.’ I was very careful in replying.

I checked the text I sent once again and closed my smartphone with a smile.

Thinking of it as a pleasant day with nothing to worry about.

just that evening.

Big Sejin sneaked up between the guys lying in the living room like camping and whispered.

“Do you know about Moondaemundae?”


“There are two people who filmed our variety shows. With that carrot coin and the PD who filmed the distress situation… < Azusa > writer.”

can you not know

“I know why.”

And a completely unexpected remark fell.

“They say you two are working together.”

“… !?”

The PD’s entertainment corps and < Azusa > writer Ryu Seo-rin are recently eating together and looking at the angle of making a program together.

‘He said he keeps in touch with the PD.’

Big Se-jin sends presents to the officials who got his number every holiday, checks the articles, and keeps in touch if there is something to celebrate.

So, it seems that I received this kind of news via text message from the PD naturally during contact.

“Does this feel like coming to us unconditionally? Ugh, I’m already worried about how much the two of you will eat with our members. I’m worried~”

“… … .”

Sejin Keun, of course, has connections with both the PD and the writer, and is a testament who has taken care of their careers, so he seems confident that he will contact them to work together this time.

Well, that’s why the PD must have sneaked this news out to this guy in the first place.

The problem is.

“You are not like that.”

“What is Mundaemundae?”

“Sejin hyung is filming a drama.”

“… !?”

Keun Se-jin, who had a blank expression for a moment, soon covered his face with one hand.

“Ah ah ah ah ah… .”

Bae Se-jin’s filming for the next season of < Doll Hunter > was just around the corner.

It was only two months of the schedule that was difficult to reach between tours.

– I will make sure there is no hindrance to the tour.

– No one doubts, brother.

It would be quite a murderous schedule just to have a concert right now, but a hellish entertainment created by a PD and writers’ union sooner?

‘I’ll take care of everything while on the plane.’

You’ll be lucky if you don’t fall.

However, if you refuse that variety show, you will have to wait for the next turn for about half a year, and then the synergy with the global momentum that is in full swing is over.

“… … .”

“… … What?”

It seems that the big moon has one more story to talk about.

But after a few days.

-It’s not difficult at all, right?

The PD I met through a video conference on the Gearco laptop exclaimed cheerfully as if there was nothing to be bothered about.

Yes. The producer and writer, who couldn’t bear the schedule to come to the United States by plane, were on a video call with Testa.

And the PD talked about the solution he thought of without hesitation.

-Bae Se-jin, we can also shoot around the drama set~ Then it’s definitely time-saving, right?

“… … .”

I turned my head.

“Hyung, is there a filming location?”

Bae Se-jin opened his mouth with a shy face.

“… It’s a snowy mountain in Gangwon-do.”

“… !!”

snow mountain.

this winter… snow mountain.

‘Can not be done.’

I hurriedly opened my mouth.

“If it’s a mountain in Gangwon-do, the members have already been there several times… .”

-oh! What is it?

… I was about to say that our reaction would lack freshness because it was a familiar place.

In any case, it was adequately explained.

‘There’s nothing to talk about Kim Rae-bin’s slump.’

It means that while we all camped together to write lyrics and compose, we concentrated without any other complicated schedules.

“The Byeolbyeolgok account also appeared at that time.”

-Hey~ Your enthusiasm is amazing.

Kim Rae-bin also nodded with a flushed face at the sound of admiration from the entertainment PD.

And Ryu Seo-rin raised the corner of her mouth.

– You can do that.

“… … .”


-Let’s camp together until Testa makes an album.


Something like that… Entertainment?

‘I think it’s going to be dog fun.’

Isn’t there nothing to stimulate?

I looked at this person hiding his eyes, wondering if he had run out of senses, but Ryu Cheng-wu was already calmly raising his voice as if he was perplexed.

“ah… We’ve already made all the songs for our next album.”

It means no bullshit.

No, what kind of entertainment is making the next album in the first place? Either it’s a dog-no-jam, or the quality of the album is ruined because it’s fun.

-That’s not it… Ha I misunderstood the example.

On the screen, Ryu Seo-rin taps the corner of her mouth with a pen.

-CM song.

“… … ?”

– Testa makes CM songs for company products that will pay the most money by putting an auction between program PPLs.

“… … .”

On the next screen, the PD gives a standing ovation.

– Ohhh! It must be fun, right?

crazy guys

But it wasn’t over.

-But I can’t get out of there until it’s finished.


-It is impossible to descend until the advertiser is satisfied.

“… … .”

– It’s going to be fun, right?

Hell has arrived.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.