Debut or Die

Chapter 552

Episode 552

“Energy Recovery! Is this what we did?”

Sejin Bae pointed his finger at the hologram screen.

[Park Moon-dae (ㅁvㅁ): Chatting with the acting coach.]

On the screen, the old and tired-looking dot Park Moon-dae was still moving, but it looked better than before.

The actual energy displayed was no longer a thin, inconsequential scale with barely a single dot. It was a bit thick!

Even so, it was a crimson color that seemed to signal danger, but results were still results. The big moon also shouted excitedly.

“yes! Transferring energy using properties is definitely a success!”


People ruminated on the formula.

When the relevant timing for Park Moon-dae to use their own characteristics comes, they just need to give a blessing at that time!

Then the energy could be given as a reward.

[Additional energy unlocked!]

In addition, thanks to Moondae Park’s increased energy bar, additional connections are possible!

“Now two are the garden!”


“Good good.”

“If you go around like this and use the trait once in a while… hmm?”

However, the environment of Moondae Park, who thought he became an actor, has changed again.

[Park Moon-dae (ㅁㅅㅠ): Making donuts.]

Park Moon-dae was working hard at making dough in a shabby shop.

“… donut?”

“Hmm, it looks like a part-time job.”

Lee Se-jin frowned and looked at the screen.

In the fast screen as if he was assigned, Park Mun-dae was struggling while frying donuts hard.

“… Can you help me with this?”

“I know.”

Liu Chengyu murmured.

“I think my efficiency has dropped too much because of my stamina… .”


At that moment, all eyes were focused on one place.

Towards a man who can make golden ratio hotteok with just his fingers without measuring.

“… ??”

Kim Rae-bin looked around in embarrassment!


“okay. That’s it.”

After talking with each other, the people gathered changed places.


[< 'Late Night Maestro (★★★★★)' has entered the channel. >]

[Late Night Maestro bestows blessings on you!]

[Attribute: Increased creation speed]

And Bakmundae on the screen is much faster Started stamping out donuts at speed!

“Oh oh!”

Kim Rae-bin looked down at the screen with a recalled expression.

I couldn’t find a single point of regret that I barely used the extreme artistic ability to come up with a beautiful musical image in an instant to make donuts.

‘That’s another charm!’

Keundal finally lowered his level of tension and adjusted the pop-up with eager eyes.

[The Late Night Maestro is satisfied.]

[The Late Night Maestro sponsored you! : Energy +]

Kim Rae-bin raised his head with a bright face.

“Looks good!”


Seon Ah-hyun smiled as she looked at the slightly longer Park Moon-dae energy bar, which had now turned to scarlet.

For a while.

“But why is Mundae working in a place like this?”


Liu Qingyu muttered as if he was puzzled.

“All I know is if it’s hyungwoo… I could have tutored.”

Or you can sell data.

Either way would be more comfortable than this, so why are you doing that?

“wait a minute.”

After twists and turns, Keundal succeeded in receiving even backstory information.

[Park Moon-dae crash landed in the United States! As an illegal alien without a passport or status, he is making a living by working part-time jobs… … .

What is his fate?]

“… … .”

“… … .”

“Can I win a lottery or something like that?”


[hey! You can’t see me, but if it’s a game to raise that daughter, isn’t copying money a national rule?]

“No… .”


It was spectacle.

Cheong-ryeo twisted the corner of her mouth.

* * *

[A genius actor who concentrates recommends a casino!]

Why are these guys like this?

I just kept frying the donuts.

Yes. I’m working part time now And this kind of labor was more tolerable than before.

Surprisingly, it’s because my physical condition has improved a little.

In the past, I felt like I was going to die after running a marathon all night, but now it means that my body is sore and I have tasted it.

In my experience, it is said that you can survive with only mental strength.

‘And maybe that’s because of this.’

[The concentrating genius actor is in agony… .]

[A focused genius actor wants sponsorship.]

I stared at the chat pop-up with a puzzled face.

From the moment I received energy through this sponsorship, my stamina increased.

‘What the hell did you do?’

Thanks, but I’d like to ask where you got it from. Although I have a hunch that the source of all this communication must be the big moon.

‘I hope I’m not doing anything dangerous.’

After overdoing it, you end up like me.

I told them to be careful several times, but seeing that the pop-up keeps doing that alone, it doesn’t seem to be of much use.

[Two cherry donuts!]


I immediately answered the owner’s request and packed the donuts.

Please note that the working environment here is not very good. To the extent that they hire people without checking whether they are illegal residents… What do you sense?

If the money is taken away, I will have to report it to the immigration office and threaten to stop the store.


Packing complete.

I went back to the donut production line and coated the fried donuts with chocolate coating.

Compared to the tired body, the speed was surprisingly good, and this was also received from this chat pop-up… What kind of blessing was it?

‘Was the creation speed increased?’

If so, it was obvious.

Perhaps the ‘Late Night Maestro’ who gave me this… It must be Kim Raebin.

‘To waste that crazy cheating trait that speeds up composing on some kind of donut fry… … .’

… It was too comfortable to say.


I started stamping donuts as if possessed.

It fits perfectly one by one, so it feels like it’s sticking together like a puzzle!

[The late-night maestro feels rewarding.]

Thank you. Damn.

I held my breath as I regained my physical strength.

I don’t know if you’re listening to me, and I’m laughing at the health protection and all, but… .

‘… Being there is important, isn’t it?’

It’s embarrassing to admit it, but it also cheered me up mentally.

Because I see a possibility that I can escape this damn situation.

I kept moving my hand.

And after finishing the work by arranging donuts in the display case, I went into self-rest for a while.

If I reported it sooner, it would only reduce the work.


It was the moment when I stood across the counter like that.

My pocket smartphone vibrated.


it was a text

from LeTi.

[Geonwoo~ How have you been?*^^* The music video teaser has been released!]

“… … .”


* * *

Cheong-rye looked at the link without inspiration.

Connecting is a common breakup song.

-I now know that

small whispers and careful touches

were love.

A song sung as if muttering lonely and heartbreaking about the things we didn’t know when we parted.

How nice it would have been if I looked back then. The lyrics about regret stimulated people’s common emotions.

That’s why it was a good song to assign to a female soloist who aims for popularity rather than fandom.

‘Every time.’

Cheong-ryo looked down at the smartphone screen at an angle.

This is a single album that is almost always released around this time.

And this request was received with a half-and-half chance.

“Are you an affiliate? I just want to share it on social media once.”


There was nothing risky about uploading a solo ballad singer in her 40s and a married person on social media.

It was the same even when one of the members had a major accident due to dating rumors.

It’s been a month since I’ve already restored my SNS upload cycle. Anyone can see that this is a request from the agency.

Besides, this song doesn’t even have a topic enough to cause a variable.

‘It’s a bit of a shame.’

It disappears after playing in the top 30.

After a cold evaluation, Chung-rye entered the music site for a short time to capture the streaming.

And he raised his eyebrows slightly.

-29. Bad Night (New!)

The ranking of the sound source rose very slightly.


Cheong-rye put her hand on her chin.

There was an overwhelmingly high probability that this level of increase was just a fleeting coincidence.

Insignificant fluctuations that completely unrelated factors are only entwined like a spider’s web only in this restart, exchanging waves.

It’s a trace that will probably disappear when you start over.

however… .

‘There’s nothing to lose by finding out the cause.’

Because the sound source is always something he cares about.

He flipped the pages lightly and began to climb the web in reverse.

It was then.

[What are you doing?]

Help popped up in one day. Cheong-Ryeo replied in a slightly pleasant mood.


Help didn’t answer for a while, but soon replied in a slightly docile tone.

[I think it’s okay. The atmosphere has calmed down a lot.]

“… … .”

Cheong-rye thought.

Apparently, Help misunderstood his own answer of ‘analysis’ and was talking about VTIC’s current reputation.

It was because VTIC-related SNS posts were passing by on his smartphone screen.

[Still, I wish he made a comeback without making an excuse for his health problems. That guy who broke the dating rumor.]

That’s right.

Cheong-rye took a quick glance at the ‘dating rumor’ and answered casually.

“I’ll have to leave it out next time.”

after restart.

There was no reply for a while to help, as if he understood the back story. But it didn’t stop me from restarting.

I just asked like this.

[Then, which of the current members do you want to keep?]


Despite the ambiguous answer, the help was nonchalant.

[Jinchae rate must be perfect.]

Quite a guess.

Cheong-rye smiled faintly.

“Because it is appropriate.”

[She has good abilities, a good personality, and a decent personality, but she has a strong mentality, so she can do it for one person in any situation.]

Cheong-rye smiled brightly without denying it.

“okay. That there is no need to create a special environment to do my part. That is the most useful thing.”

It sounded like he was explaining something like ‘easy to grow and strong flowers’.

Park Mun-dae thought about it, but realized that Lee Cheong-ryeo was lowering the hurdles slightly than before and dealing with help.

Unlike the first time, isn’t he explaining something to himself?

‘Anyway, there’s nothing good about being encroached on by a bastard.’

Isn’t the conversation going rather well because you’re sober?

Park Mun-dae even asked him openly.

[I’m sure it’ll restart anyway, so are you thinking of taking a riskier attempt now?]

Cheong-rye answered simply with her eyes closed on the screen.


The time to get ‘unexpected’ information like that was already past the early restart.

Now, it was necessary to maintain the control variable of ‘Cheong-Ryeo acts like Cheong-Ryeo’ to obtain reliable information values.

It was rather good for Park Moon-dae.

‘I will release the next album properly.’

It seemed that he had no intention of making a fuss about the game being completely thrown.

Park Moon-dae was satisfied with having had time to access the terminal, and tried to go deep into the system to search for road terminals.

Then I suddenly realized.

‘… Right.’

Even here, Cheong-ryeo intended to maintain the stance of ‘doing my best to receive the grand prize’.

To put it another way, VTIC’s junior male idols won’t be able to come out here either.

As always.

[…] … Yes.]

Park Moon-dae thought for a moment.

The guy who became almost certain about his debut after meeting himself.

– We will contact you regularly.

This is the Judan of this place, which has now returned to Korea.

You don’t know that LeTi’s next boy group is already over.

‘… … .’

Park Moon-dae was a bit bitter.

In the meantime, Chung-Ryeo had found the reason for the rise in the ranking of Gearco’s digital music charts.

“This is it.”

Random comments passed across the screen.

-I came to see my future husband


. ??’

Moondae Park almost rubbed his empty eyes.

What Cheong Ryeo was looking at… It was the teaser for the music video.

himself appeared.


-… … .

I saw a man standing on the beach turning his head with a sorrowful expression.

The strange atmosphere and the exquisite camera angle and the backlighting made it strangely attractive.

-This person belongs to Letty!

It’s nothing like a viral song, but it seemed like it had a slight positive effect on the music chart rankings as a small word came out from the community.

‘This is the cause.’

It was a singularity that was new only in this restart. Nothing special.

Cheong-rye opened her mouth as an extension of small talk.

“It’s the first person I see.”

[…] … .]

“Well, it belongs to our company.”

Chung-rye analyzed quickly.

Judging from the fact that they have not fallen into the idol line, they are in their mid-to-late 20s or older.

Irregularly scouted talent Almost no practice period.

‘then… .’

If it is assumed that it was a few years ago, is it useful as a resource?

The more options available, the safer it was. Although the probability is slim, it was a moment when I was thinking about collecting information this time.

Help popped out.

[I look too old to be in your group.]

[Anyway, I’m going now.]

The pop-up stopped.


Like the warning that he would do whatever he wanted, he didn’t answer.

However, Chung-Ri knew that he hadn’t disappeared. Because the bright red error deletion window remained well.


He smiled and removed his hand from his smartphone.

It didn’t matter even if I didn’t control this behavior of Help.

Unless you are looking at the profile of a new person, there is no loss or gain regardless of whether or not there is help, which is only text anyway.

Besides, if you see that it came back even after deleting it, it probably won’t be stuck on the next restart.

‘Then it becomes a constant rather than a variable.’

Something that is always there without change.


Cheong-rye faintly thought that that wouldn’t be too bad.

* * *

I thought.

Are these the characteristics of ten million child actors?

-Music video teaser reaction is very good Mr. Geonwoo!

Contacts from LeTi keep coming.

At this stage, once there is even the slightest reaction from the public, officials exaggerate that it is ‘very good’, but that’s all.

The attitude has also become very active.

– You have two weeks left in your US trip, right? I’m going to pick you up at our airport. What’s the flight like?

‘It’s X.’

I pressed my eyes.

I tried to put it off with a plausible excuse.

‘Should I say that his leg was broken?’

No, I think I will come out to meet you very personally.

These are all side effects of overly well-chosen videos.

In the end, when I remembered the ending where I was arrested for illegal entry because I didn’t have a passport, I felt like my eyes would cramp.

D-14 until entry.

And how… does not exist!

* * *

[Park Moon-dae (ㅁ_ㅁ;): Looking for a way to enter… .]

[Park Moon-dae (ㅁ_ㅠ;): Frustrated!]

In the hologram pop-up, Park Mun-dae sat down.

“oh my god.”

“… … How to come to Korea without a passport?”

And surprisingly after a while.

“all right!”

The team members of the < Raising Moondae Park > team found a solution!

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