Debut or Die

Chapter 522

Episode 522

Wedding halls are usually quite large halls.

However, the interior was filled with guest seats and all sorts of decorative equipment, so there was little practical space.

Of course, this meant that the congratulatory song was held in a place not far from the guest seats.

Thanks to this, guests in the front seats could see the congratulatory singer right in front of them.

And because of the narrowness of this seat, some people can see the anthem singer right in front of them even if they are not in the front seat.

For example, a sociology woman who came to see a relative’s wedding.


She saw tall figures turning around and running right next to the outermost guest seat on the groom’s side where she was sitting.

7 males.

Dressed in well-tailored suits of ultramarine blue, they passed by in an instant, but their faces could not be recognized.

The face I only saw on the screen.


The male idol who will be the most famous in this country this year.

Having escaped from the flat surface and becoming three-dimensional, they were moving with a greater sense of presence and reality than they had in their conception.

Even the wind they raised as they ran touched their cheeks.

‘… ??’


A bewildered

sound echoed around.

So was she herself.

When she, unable to properly judge the situation at the moment, doubts whether this is reality.


The 7 men who arrived at the place of the congratulatory song in an instant grabbed the microphone and shouted without hesitation.

[Congratulations on your marriage to the two presidents of the ruins!]

Ambiguous reactions erupted, still mixed with surprise and cheers.

However, those who grabbed the microphone immediately laughed and commented with clear voices without the hesitation of an amateur.

[It’s the first time we’ve sung a congratulatory song, so I’ve been studying hard, but I heard that congratulatory songs are often done heartily by both the married couple and their close acquaintances.] [Yes

. May the two of you continue to live happily and happily with each other… Hoping.]

[Is it just us? So we prepared a congratulatory song with that kind of heart~]

And at that point, the guests finally came to their senses.

It’s a testa!

‘her… … !’

Sociology and women swallowed saliva.

She, too, had imagined what it would be like to see a celebrity in real life.

It may or may not be better than the screen.

In conclusion, the facial features are equally handsome. It was a group famous for being so handsome, so it wasn’t awkward.

However, the screen could not fully capture the unique atmosphere that a person has.

Physique appearance facial expression.

It is in a sharp and neat condition that has been polished and polished with the ball every day.

The destructive power when all of that comes into existence!

‘oh my god.’

What I saw right in front of me was a great benefit.

When a guest realizes too late that his seat selection was insanely good.

Ryu Cheng-wu, who had a solid physique, smiled and changed the flow of his comment.

After mentioning how great makers and partners the two of them are getting married.

[We had a chance to participate in the wonderful work the two of you made together, but I don’t know if you would know.] As

soon as those words were over, a few moans and screams erupted from the guest seats as if they had a premonition of something.

‘what? What are you doing?’

So far, Testa has spoken in a tone that seems to be personal with the couple. It means that I did not ask for a favor from across the street or come through my agency.


‘Come to think of it, it seems that Testa advertised some game… .’

And before the thought is over.

[Let’s start!]

The accompaniment started.

The electric guitar MR began to reverberate through the ceremony hall like a lightning strike.

… ??


Excited screams and questions crossed the guest seats. There were people who knew something and people who didn’t know.

And at that moment, the song cut through all the noise in the dining room.

[I’m gonna survive-

Like you did before!]

Thrilling high pitch.


A clear, high-pitched voice that I never thought I would hear at a ceremony.

At Park Moon-dae’s voice, all the sounds of doubt disappeared and cheers erupted.

And the intro part that sticks to the ears follows.

[Ash to ashes dust to dust!

But NOT for me,

I’m alive, like-

Legends never die!]

Cha Yu-jin stretched out her hand toward the couple with a wink in her eyes.

The boss couple couldn’t control their excitement and raised their hands!


It was then.

The huge white screen in front of the guest seat lit up and a video started playing.

From the time of the ruined factory to the current ruined industrial complex through T1 Place.

The image cuts pass the process of passionately and happily making games while the bosses are sleeping.

At the words of the president and his wife, ‘Tell me anything you need,’ it was a request Moondae Park requested after much thought.

-It would be nice to play a video during dinner together.

A video that tells the story of two would-be couples, often played at weddings.

It is composed of unique contents by meeting the characteristics of the presidents. However, the warmth and relationship were transmitted just like normal.


As soon as the trailer video taken by Testa in the

< 127 Section > video passed by, all the guests who were unaware of the situation realized it.

< 'Bonus book' by TeSTAR >

This was a game song that the president and his wife put so much effort together.

So, it was the theme song of the boss couple.

[That’s what keeps me alive! Steps

that I will follow vigorously and

complete my life]

The appearance of the Testa screen president and his wife warmed up the atmosphere as if creating a synergistic effect.

What are the side effects of singing a song to a very famous celebrity?

That is, the main character of the wedding can change.

A side effect is that the guests focus more on the congratulatory person than on the wedding couple, shouting out loud, and only talking about the congratulatory song while eating after the ceremony.

That is why, contrary to expectations, the satisfaction of singing a famous singer as a congratulatory song may not be very high, not simply because the song is famous.

The wedding itself is buried.

[If I reach out I can hold it.]

However, there were no side effects at this ceremony.

What Testa sang was a song related to the chronology of the work the couple had been working on together.

It was no different from singing the couple’s symbolic song.

Since it is even Testa’s own song, the sticky narrative and connection points were conveyed to the audience without any sense of incongruity.

At this wedding, there was definitely a reason to call Testa as the congratulatory singer.

[I will never die]

Like I did before!]

Testa sang the rap part together and demanded a chorus from the bride and groom and even the guests to preserve the cuteness so as not to get too serious.

It was a composition that went well with the festive atmosphere of the wedding.

The gap between the lyrics rather brought joy. There is a story in between, so it has a unique charm and depth.

[Choose your way…

Choose your side.]

[Yes choose your side!]

Moreover, Testa moved from the middle of the game song to their latest song through the naturally connected lyrics.

‘Roll the Dice.’

This year’s song gained popularity through Waterbomb.

The fact that a couple getting married today made a game in the album with the song as the title made the relatives and acquaintances in attendance a little excited.

[Just roll the dice

Trust take my side]

That’s how Testa succeeded in perfectly celebrating their marriage with a song that doesn’t even fit the lyrics.

Not as Testa’s performance, but as a stage for a wedding celebration.

[Be happy!]

The 3 minute and 30 second stage was finished like a knife according to the video.

Applause and cheers poured into Testa and the couple.

When the accompaniment stopped, the warm sense of solidarity created by the video and song disappeared, and interest in Testa itself was about to explode, but at that time, Testa was already quickly leaving.


However, people who were already holding smartphone cameras took pictures of Testa even as they cheered with their mouths.

The guests, who had been idly clapping and watching the congratulatory song, finally came to their senses.

‘Oh me too!’

Can’t you take a picture of this up close!

She hurriedly picked up her smartphone and succeeded in taking a picture of the testa passing right next to her.

At the same time, the eyes went directly to the tester, not through the smartphone screen.

‘… and.’

They were the people I saw on TV.

Cha Yoo-jin smiles with her fangs slightly exposed Sun Ah-hyun with long eyelashes and red cheeks Lee Se-jin who is cool and handsome.

Kim Rae-bin with a glamorous and decadent impression Ryu Cheong-woo with a strong skeleton and handsome appearance Park Mun-dae with a nonchalant white face.

Even the well-groomed face of Bae Se-jin, who recently became popular with < Doll Hunter >.

One-sidedly, those handsome celebrities that only I knew sucked their eyes.


Choked with wonder and excitement, she forgot to end the video shoot and held her smartphone for a while.

And she wasn’t the only one in this state.

The song, which was filmed by dozens of guests, was naturally uploaded and released on the Internet.

-I came to an acquaintance’s wedding, but Testa came out haha;;

* * *

[Everybody screams the moment they know who the congratulatory song is]

[Testa suddenly broke into the wedding ceremony]

[Testa congratulatory song went crazy today]

Internet users were taken aback by the short videos and news that suddenly poured in without notice, but they were too interested in not knowing. These were the go-to titles.


And if you click it, you will suddenly catch the back of the head of Testa who sings a game song passionately with electric accompaniment during the celebration song and the bride and groom waving excitedly.

The [I’m gonna survive-]

video, as always, gave it objectivity so that it could be seen from a third person’s point of view, a bit farther away than the on-site participants.

It means that there are many people who burst into bread as soon as this anthem starts.

-What is this ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ

ㅋㅋㅋ But

it was fun

. The parties couldn’t have been so much fun!

The situation became more exciting as it became known that the couple were the presidents of the ruined industrial complex and the relationship between them and Testa. -Wow,

that couple is amazing too

. How did they hold back without

talking about it haha

People who didn’t know it praised the couple’s patience.

And by the time the aggro of the humorous and unique incident itself peaks and regains a little composure, other things come out.

it’s a skill


‘s so



The shaky video of an amateur filmed with a smartphone saved a sense of realism.

It was even more so because of all kinds of gossip among the guests, but there were some regrets about it.

The point is that there are few videos where you can clearly see Testa’s stage like a music broadcast.

It was obvious, but if you think about it, you could find comments like this.

-Are you without conscience if you ask for a high-definition fancam


-Sell your conscience, give

me a high-

quality video

finished, though.

And among these ‘excessive reactions’, there were rather good things.

For example something like this.

-Is Sejin Bae also here? Um… -People who are busy with filming can even get lost

in it

. It’s hard to see people even ordering

congratulatory songs for

acquaintances. It was said that there was, but

the aggro who tried to use Bae Se-jin somehow made an unreasonable number, and the intention was rather obvious.

Opinions that are once embarrassing or ridiculous lose their charm. Therefore, the speculation about Bae Se-jin’s activities has temporarily subsided.

-Hul Bonus Book music chart

-Seeing our kids’ old songs being re-examined like this, I think that this is a group that will last a long time without riding on the real era.. 7 of us let’s go for a long long timeㅠ

Everything looked good.

Fans liked the natural, happy, stress-free rice cake and enjoyed it for several days.

It was a good content to have a small illness while waiting for a comeback!

-Guys, comeback… Seeing this, I missed it even more! Haha

But none of them knew.

The fact that the reason why Testa planned this congratulatory song itself was frustrated.

[…] Ah]

[Yeah Fate is a fake!]

Raebin Kim, who heard the microphone, almost fell silent without a sound coming out of his mouth.

The moment I saw that solid appearance, thanks to Cha Yoo-jin and Lee Se-jin, who quickly came in, the rap part was handled happily like singing together.

They were the only ones who noticed more than that.

* * *

No voice.


Rabin Kim nodded with a pale face.

suddenly… Tension rose for no reason, and no voice came out.

In the car on the way back after the congratulatory song, I pressed my temples.

not being able to perform.

The symptoms that Steer Kim Rae-bin had did not leave and remained.

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