Debut or Die

Chapter 516

If you can’t debut, you’ll get a fatal disease Episode 516,

a collaboration between me and Bae Se-jin.

Planning to make Ryu Chung-woo producer.

Ryu Cheong-wu, who had passed the first stage, accompanied me to the next morning to see Kim Rae-bin’s work.

I agreed with my own mouth, so there’s nothing wrong with it.

gotta go check it out


And I spent the morning with Kim Rae-bin, who quickly adapted to the unfamiliar studio. All I asked him to do was chat and react to the song.

However, in the process, Chungwoo Ryu gradually and naturally focused on the song.

As you advised, I implemented three versions with brass brass samples!

It sure suits you well… I’m 2 or 3 times. brother?

well… … . No.2?

While participating in the selection of arrangements, his intention was reflected in the song without even realizing it.

And next step.

Then, I’m going to play it according to the choreography draft.


I put the tentatively completed sound source number 2 into the choreography draft video I filmed this time and played it.

In this way, the topic of conversation naturally moved from the song to the stage.

It looks like a good fit.


I think it would be nice to have a part exchanged between two people in one group while organizing the large-scale. Then that part… .

If you look at Liu Cheng-wu like this, you are inadvertently thinking of yourself.

If it’s a part… I don’t think there would be any discomfort with being a bridge.

And, as befits a guy with a lot of experience in various stages, steer Ryu Chung-woo’s opinion was very good even without me deliberately inducing it.

It looks fine to me. What about Lavin?

Oh me too… yes. It seems to go well with the arrangement!

Steer Kim Rae-bin lost a lot of attention from Ryu Chung-woo.

He refused to perform on stage, but emotionally he seemed quite excited watching ‘My Own Studio’.

‘… It could be because I just escaped from the army.’

No, normal people do, but Kim Rae-bin might not.

Anyway, the atmosphere was quite good and the work progressed smoothly.

And Ryu Chung-woo has been able to accomplish several producing tasks that are woven like a spider’s web, all at once, like riding a slide.

Large parts distribution costume point theme.

Even feedback on choreography details.

… I’m going to wear gloves, so it’s better not to use frictional gestures.

Oops. OK.

I went to the practice room and said this.

And before he was properly conscious of it, time passed by busily and finally reached the end.

Hyung, this is the rehearsal photo shoot. let’s go

It means the stage is complete.

And this time, the moment the performance started at the official shooting site for the contest.

Start now.

Unlike last time, Ryu Chung-woo began to focus on the stage.

* * *

Dress rehearsal with everything from costumes to lighting effects.

With all the elements of the actual stage included, it will stand out as a performance.

And now.

Lee Se-jin, dressed in a magician’s suit, greets the stage in a theatrical way with a grin on the illuminated stage.

[Ladies- and gentlemen!]

An ensemble of brilliant brass instruments.

And while taking turns, Bae Se-jin takes his place between Ah-hyun Sun and Yoo-jin Cha, who appear in the light, and sings the introduction. [

As if there is a special space

between us ]

A stage background of velvet curtains and spotlights.

Finger snaps and light steps.

A 20th century black-and-white movie-style stage was unfolding, but the flowing song is the latest popular song.


It was a recent comeback song by Mirinae, a junior of Testa.

It is not a modern remake of an old song, as is often done on the stage of a contest, but a unique way of turning the latest song into a retro style.


That’s true-] Live sound


for stage effects and rhythmically arranged songs.

In line with the song where the brass explodes and soars, Cha Yu-jin pushes her vocals up.

[Take one step, one step

towards you who doesn’t come]

And the chorus sounds as if everything is refreshingly resolved.

In the middle of the choreography as if the four of them were completing one big move together, Sejin Bae touched his hat and smiled and nodded.

[Fill in the blanks

fill in the blanks and

go beyond the gaps]

In the outskirts, Sun Ah-hyun rode a gorgeous wooden standing microphone that looks like a classic cane and changed the performance formation to a diagonal line.

[Something special,

even if you stumble into it,

it’s a sweet dream]

Even though the main and lead vocals were all missing, the live performance was solid.

In addition, the members whose strength is dance take on the verse, each digesting a solo performance part with strong character.

And when the sub-vocal, whose strong point is not dancing, came to the center, the other three members decorated and supported the performance, helping the member to display his good talent.

The part where the tap dance was mixed to match the costume and theme was also sensible.


The officials who were watching the rehearsal together burst into laughter with small exclamations or focused on the stage without even having time to do that.

And at the front of the audience.

… … .

Ryu Chung-woo also focused deeply on the stage, but it was not an impression from the perspective of a complete audience like the filming staff.

because he participated.

The steps I went through to complete that thing popped up in my head without being conscious of it.

– Easy to break up the rhythm with a tempo that is not too fast.

-The concerto is only for the decisive part.

-Practice focusing on steps.

… … .

It had to be.

‘I reflected it well.’

This is because the feedback was thoroughly reflected and not distorted.

Not all opinions expressed were reflected. However, the elements that were not reflected went through a convincing agreement as to why.

So it’s more comfortable.

To convince you that your participation only contributed to raising the quality.


The light of the lights sparkled like fireworks on the stage. It is dazzling and the stage is enjoyable.

And that was all.

There are no obstacles to overcome the reluctance that comes from learned frustration.

Not as a performance idol who was mentally abused to the limit, but because he permeated into this work step by step without being conscious of it in other ways.

And what remains is the pleasure of seeing the perfect result completed as intended.

[Fill- in the blanks!]

Oh oh oh!

As soon as the song ended with clean and solid mid-high notes, the people involved cheered and applauded.

Admiration poured out to the unit members who breathed with flushed faces.

And even to the members in charge of producing who were sitting in the audience.

You made it so well… . I really liked it!

Steer Ryu Cheng-wu smiled faintly.

thank you

He felt a small spark.

It was a fever in the name of a sense of achievement.

* * *

After rehearsal cleanup.

Testa members who stood on the stage moved for an interview, and Park Moon-dae left for a while, saying he would have a conversation with the production team.

So, all that was left was a waiting room with only two steers.

It was a very enjoyable and meaningful work!


Kim Rae-bin, dressed in plain clothes with her hair tied back and wearing glasses, looked very happy.

He seemed so happy that he didn’t flinch even when he was arguing.

So Liu Cheng-wu opened his mouth.


… … .

In the meantime, there must have been many times when I felt harsh towards you.

… ?

He calmly put out what he wanted to say a long time ago.


… ?!

You’ve been through a lot in the past.

He was about to stroke her hair, but in case he seemed overbearing, he stopped with a light tap on the shoulder.

However, one way or another, Kim Rae-bin was frozen in shock.

If you have something you want to say, feel free to… It would be difficult to say

Liu Qingyu did not show a bitter smile.

He also knew that there would probably be no other way to go back.

Smash equally with rank and fear. Other than that, it was impossible for him to attract the members and maintain the group in a disorganized team atmosphere.

However, I knew that there was no need to justify it to others by saying it out loud.

So I just ended it like this.

It’s okay if I tell you after I get my memories back. take it easy

… … .

Kim Rae-bin did not answer, but that was not a refusal.

Because I was wondering if I could say this. It was thanks to the resurgence of his suppressed inclination to explore.

that brother


In the end, Kim Rae-bin asked cautiously.

question yourself.

So are you still planning to get your memories back… ?

I’m curious about that too.

Another voice interrupted.

… … !


It was the sound thrown by Park Moon-dae after opening the door and coming in after talking with the production team.

Of course, the truth was that he had made an excuse to let the two of them talk, but he didn’t like that anymore.

‘Could it be that none of this worked?’

Are you saying there is really no change of heart?

Park Moon-dae almost looked back at his own abilities, but before that, he checked Ryu Chung-woo’s expression.

that’s right.

Steer Ryu Cheong-wu had a rather relaxed expression.

It wasn’t resignation.

There was definitely a change.

… … .


Park Moon-dae decided to dig into one more.

But the reason you want to get it back seems to be a little different.

… um it’s the opposite

Liu Qingyu rubbed his chin.

It made me realize a little more why I hated getting my memories back.

In response to the unexpected answer, Park Mun-dae instantly repeated his words.

‘Why don’t you like it?’

Steer Ryu Cheong-woo replied as if he had heard Moon-dae Park’s inner thoughts.

I feel like losing

… … ?!

Even Kim Rae-bin opened his mouth at the bomb-like words. However, Liu Qingyu calmly continued.

did i tell you before? Looking at Cha Yoo-jin, he said that he regained his memory and seems to have changed a lot.


‘That’s why I said I didn’t like it because I felt like I was becoming a different person.’

Park Moon-dae recalled the conversation at the time.

… … .

okay. It looked very comfortable. You look happy and relaxed. It was good.

Ryu Cheng-wu smiled faintly, describing Cha Yu-jin’s healthy condition in an extremely positive way.

But I didn’t want to be like that.


It feels like giving up everything and easily becoming comfortable while rationalizing that someone else who succeeded in a way I didn’t even know was originally me.

It was a fairly harsh rejection.

It might have been some sort of degenerate ego or pride.

However, steer Ryu Cheong-wu had forgotten his pride for quite a long time before he realized that.

So I wanted to show that I could do just as well as he did and take that position.

… … .

This is actually a rationalization, but it’s true.

because it imitates

Ryu Cheng-wu calmly added,

Park Moon-dae asked.

from scratch?

from scratch.

From the moment he came to his senses with his body and grasped the situation, Ryu Cheng-wu had come to such an extreme conclusion.

The fact that it was possible was because Steer had repeated similar kinds of concerns for several years.

own use.

-What can I do?

But in fact, Ryu Cheng-wu was not the kind of person who longed for a way out after such gloomy self-reflection and agony.

He is the type to give clear answers even to complex problems and act immediately.

However, during Steer, there was no clear answer to anything, so I did not get a chance to escape from that worry.

I don’t know if that’s why it was more painful.

A long, slow fall.


I don’t even think about that now.

Steer Ryu Cheong-wu answered Park Moon-dae with the characteristic eyes of a person who has already realized the situation.

Today’s stage is probably the way you prepared it to ease my mood. thank you.

… … .

At the same time, Park Moon-dae realized.

‘Your tone has changed.’

Now, instead of similarly reproducing ‘Testa Ryu Cheong-wu’, Ryu Cheong-wu was using a slightly assertive and unflattering tone.

Perhaps that was the tone used during Steer, Moondae Park guessed.

And the conversation develops.

Oh, I have a question too.


I guess that’s what I was trying to say when I first tried to convince you to get your memory back.

… … .

can you hear

Park Moon-dae smiled faintly.


He brought out the words he had prepared.

It is said that Yujin Cha has regained her memories and has changed a lot, but that is just a rediscovery of herself. Same goes for my brother.


… I have had many good experiences with this group.


It’s my brother’s achievement.

Could it be?


If it had been Ryu Cheng-wu a few days ago, it would not have touched her at all.

Since he had almost forgotten whether the achievement was a feeling, he would never have thought it was his own achievement.

It must have still felt like someone else’s.

But the stage I saw now.

This little experience opened up the possibility for him to guess what it might feel like.

So he smiled and replied:

OK, I’m curious.

That night, steer Ryu Chung-wu decided to reinstate himself as a testa.

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