Deadmeat Saga

Chapter 134 – BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter 134 – BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The next day-

Gerhart's Universe-

"The hell?! You got a power that makes you stronger through sex?!" Gerhart retorted.

{Yeah, It is a pretty weird but convenient power, considering how much we like doing it.} Zhengfu Chao said.

"How much do you gain?" Gerhart curiously asked.

{There are several factors in play, but essentially, it gives (10^(Cultivation Stage and Realm))*(Physique Factor)*(100 if I am Virgin + 100 if she is a Virgin). The power was originally Long Chun's, but that System thing parasitized him, secretly taking 90% of the energy from the previous poor bastard and using it to upgrade itself and generate items, using so-called SP and Experience Points as a lure to keep him satisfied, but the artifact corrected the scummy shit. I can now choose whether to let it have it. Laying with my main chick nets me a hundred million thanks to her physique, twenty billion when we both have Virgin Qi.} Zhengfu Chao explained.

"Wow..." Gerhart was shocked. "That's a lot."

{Yep. It covers the Virgin Qi restoration cost, with over ten billion to spare.} Zhengfu Chao said.

"This is ridiculous!" Gerhart retorted.

{I know.} Zhengfu Chao said, still in disbelief.

"So you only need to fuck a hundred times to get a trillion points?! Even if you only do it ten times per day, that's a trillion in ten days!" Gerhart exclaimed.

With their stamina, fucking ten times a day was considered low. They could go and do a hundred if they wanted to.

{Basically. And my main clones can also generate energy. But I plan to use most of the extra points to improve this ridiculous power. There are plenty of cultivation sutras, physiques, and niche items it can make.} Zhengfu Chao said. {And what about you? How is Plan Big Boom going these days?}

"Very well. The last of the Ancient Echos got subdued, and the cities they occupy are practically under my control and evacuated. I only need to give the go-ahead." Gerhart said. 

{Ah. I wish I could see that glorious moment. Oh, and any luck finding that hydra? I could use more clones.} Zhengfu Chao asked.

"I found one a month ago and raised it so it has eleven heads and souls. Try updating your physique." Gerhart said.

{NICE! But wait, why didn't you tell me this sooner?! I could have used those!} Zhengfu Chao suddenly got angry.

"You didn't ask. You were too busy cultivating to remember, I guess." Gerhart rolled his eyes.

{Oh. Yeah, my bad.} Zhengfu Chao got embarrassed.

"Talk to you later. I need to see a Big Boom."

{Have fun.}

The conversation between alternate selves ended, and Gerhart looked toward the distance, looking at a distant White City, looking almost like a dot.

He evacuated everyone in a hundred-mile radius, with only an Ancient Echo Turned-Living-Bomb and several dozen Dark Servants inside.

Going back to the earthen bunker they made, he met Deadmeat Junior, who looked displeased.

"Master, why not let me explode?" Deadmeat Junior aggrievedly asked. To him, this was a moment of glory taken!

"Now, now, junior. I am sure you will have a better target in the future." Gerhart shook his head.

"Master, please stop talking to your clone about committing mutual suicide. It is creepy." Qold warily said.

"Nya! Like Qold said!" To-Meri agreed.

"Whatever. The show is about to begin. Are the bunkers ready, Honorius?" Gerhart turned to look at a 3m tall giant beside him.

"Ready, boss. The citizens should be pretty safe. I think. Maybe. We didn't test how powerful the blast is." Honorius said, unsure, and glanced at Hope.

"We should be safe. I think." Hope said.

"Good enough." Gerhart nodded.

His attention shifted to clones 3 to 10, who he was too lazy to name yet, simultaneously watching all the blast zones, along with Neo, who was watching with an excited Ariyana and co.

"BOOM! GO BOOM ALREADY!" Ariyana kept pestering Neo like a spoiled child.

"I know. Bombs 1 to 8, go to your destination, and prepare to repent for your sins." Neo coldly said.

[We live and die by your will!] The eight loyal bombs simultaneously replied.




The White Master was doing another one of his horrible experiments when a knock sounded in his room.

"Come in." He said without turning his head, knowing it was his old-time friends and one of the oldest Ancient Echos.

"White Master, it is good to see you, old friend." Godefroy, a 3,000-year-old Ancient Echo said.

"Likewise, Godefroy. I am in an experiment, so can you wait a bit?" The White Master said, a seat magically arriving and moving, inviting Godefroy to sit. There was also a magic kettle and snacks arranged at the table.

"Old friend, I am afraid I didn't come here to chat," Godefroy asked, slowly approaching the White Master. 

"Hm? What is it?" The White Master finally looked toward Godefroy.

"I want to repent for my sins." Godefroy gave a serene smile.

The White Master couldn't help but frown, a bad feeling in his heart, something he hadn't felt for thousands of years.

"Godefroy, are you alright?" The White Master asked.

"Better than ever. But I wanted to ask, would you repent together with me?" Godefroy said, stepping closer.

"Godefroy, what are you talking about? You are acting- Weird." The White Master's vigilance rose.

"I am just setting things right. Oh, and one more thing." Godefroy said, now an arm's length away.

"What?" The White Master asked.

Godefroy suddenly lit up with energy, a vast and terrifying power that he hid and brewed inside him was being unleashed.


The White Master immediately activated all of his defenses, attempting to block the explosion with Time Magic, Space Magic, White Magic, Barrier Magic, Restraining Magic, and anything else he prepared in his White Tower, a Magical Fortress.

But, to his horror, he discovered that the explosion was still advancing at a terrifying rate, all barriers and restraints useless. He tried to teleport away, but discovered he was spatially blocked!

"Who plotted against me-!!!"


The White Master couldn't think about anything anymore as he was deleted in the initial blast.

Simultaneously, all around the world, eight earth-shaking explosions sounded, blasting anything in a ten-mile radius to fine dust, with the aftermath reaching a hundred miles away.

Everyone who witnessed this saw the big mushroom clouds forming.

"WOOHOO!!!! BOOM!!!" Ariyana cheered.

"Down, you fool!" Hazel pressed Ariyana's head down as the blast shockwave reached them.


The blast wind was enough to uproot trees, and the gravel shot at them like bullets.

All around the world, the truly powerful people, Divine Powerhouses, and slumbering Demigods were alarmed by the explosions.




Drolum Theocracy-

The Chosen of the God of Light silently meditated, when-


He opened his white eyes, looking in several directions. He sensed it, the crazy amount of energy exploding at the same time in different places.

Immediately, he went to the statue of the God of Light and prayed.

"God, I beseech thee! Reveal to me what has transpired!"

A white light shone on him as he received visions. Eight huge explosions dotted the world, shaking him to the core.

"Can I survive that? No. Even I would die. This is man-made! But who did this?! And why?!"

[Calm yourself. It appears they targeted the Echos.] The God of Light spoke to him.

"But tens of millions would die in such blasts! No, how did they even have such power?!" The Chosen of Light asked, still terror-struck.

The power of those blasts was like the punishment of God.

[None have died. I do not know what machinations they used, but none of my believers reached my embrace. They were thoroughly prepared.] Xumis said.

"B-But such destruction..."

[Is an acceptable loss. Cities can be rebuilt in decades, but the Echos need millennia. Since no innocents died, I approve of their actions.] Xumis said.

"... As you say, my God. But would they target us next?" The Chosen of Light was worried.

[Everything will reveal itself in due time, but I believe they don't mean ill. Perhaps times are changing, and this blighted era of decay will end.] Xumis said with a positive outlook.

"Please let it be so. What are your instructions?" The Chosen of Light asked.

[Publicize a willingness to negotiate. If they mean well, they would show up. If not, then we can only fight to the bitter end.] Xumis said.

"Your will be done, my God."




In Elkington Forest-


A sleeping Elk-Like white creature woke up from its ancient slumber. It sensed the intense magical storm wreaking havoc.

"Times are changing. Will it spell the end or a new start?" The Demigod muttered before sleep retook it.




In the demonic realm-

Xenova, who was relaxing with some tea, suddenly widened her eyes.

"What insane magical pulses. What did that crazy man do?" She asked herself, convinced it was Gerhart's doing.

Who else could do something like this? In her long history, she never heard of this.

"Seems like the era is about to change."




In the Kerus Dynasty-

The Emperor was sitting on his throne, bored while listening to one of the ministers making another useless petition.

"Hah... When will that kid come? He already traveled through the entire continent, TWICE. And yet didn't visit his old man." The Emperor complained.


Suddenly, a tremor shook the palace.

"What the?" The emperor frowned.

"My Emperor! Something terrible is happening! The Magic in the world is going haywire! Such massive destruction is unheard of!" A royal magician burst into the throne room.

"What?!" The Kerus Emperor widened his eyes.

"Husband, what is happening?!" The emperor's seven wives arrived.

"My liege! What is going on?!" The four generals also arrived.

"Settle down! Don't panic!" The Kerus Emperor implored, hiding his fear. "We will see what is going on soon. Wait for it to calm down before sending scouts to check the situation."

"Yes, Emperor!" The people present bowed.

"Hah... My son. Please hurry up and take the mantle already. Your old man wants to quit this job." The Emperor thought.

He was unaware that four of his wives and three of his generals, who were previously Dark Servants, now had a silver shine in their eyes.




The Author, in his room, was thinking about how he could trick those pesky bots from stealing his free reading material when he had a eureka moment!

"Okay, I will insert Deadmeat Saga here. No shitty bot stealing from Scribble Hub would pay attention to it." Bignt nodded to himself.




In a luxurious bedroom-

Primo was having fun with his harem of five women.

Lydia already fell within the first month, and Libania and Scarlet also fell by the second month. Himeko had the highest resistance, so only after two months she finally succumbed, being 100% corrupted, but she was still not converted since he was worried about her Plot Armor, and he didn't dare stop their journeying. However, he now had complete control over her, so it was his win.


Suddenly, the earth shook, and everyone looked outside.

"What was that?! I felt a huge amount of magic!" Himeko exclaimed, her mouth covered in white stuff.

"Don't worry about it, now keep going," Primo said, grabbing her head and shoving it back down.

Wet gagging sounds were heard as Primo enjoyed his hero harem life.




After the dust settled, Gerhart exited the bunker, looking at the massive destruction.

"Sss..." He took a deep breath. "I think it was overkill."

He already knew he killed them all thanks to the feedback, but it was still ridiculous.

"No, it wasn't. If you didn't do this, the fight would be far more dangerous, and many more lives would be lost." Hope, who followed him, shook her head.

"My Lord, what are your next orders?" Havre asked.

"We take over the world." Gerhart's eyes shone silver with ambition.

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