Dawning Skye

Chapter 435

435 Importance Of Family

Skye and Tidas made their way to the banquet hall at a leisurely pace. There were groupings of guests the closer they came, and many wanted to stop and congratulate them on their success in the north. The stream of admirers was flattering, but slightly annoying as they tried to make it into the hall before the king became irritated with their tardiness.

When they entered the hall, many had clapped and cheered for the so-called heroes of the hour. Tidas announced that they needed to celebrate the efforts of every soldier that had ventured north. It was due to them that they were able to stop the war, and his Uncle Richard.

The declaration just made the people love him more, especially since they knew who had ‘really’ stopped the war, and dealt the final blow to Richard. the rumors of the battle had started to spread the moment the soldiers had left. Everyone from palace servants to family members had asked about it.

The ones that didn’t do a whole lot of fighting were the first to brag about their ‘victory in the Highlands’. Many of the high-ranking nobles did little more that ‘provide backup’ from a safe distance during the initial raid. Which was another way of saying ordering men about instead of fighting themselves.

Many didn’t hold a high enough rank military-wise to get out of combat, but the RMC had no rules against hiring private bodyguards to protect them in the field. It was originally practiced to protect heirs that had been indoctrinated, but it had evolved into a common practice for all nobility to surround themselves with high-tier, retired mages or knights.

Some even saw it as a showcase for their wealth. Buying top-grade enchanted equipment on top of paying for a veteran warrior was expensive, but worth it when surrounded by enemies. Many of the nobles were actually quite efficient with their magic, but preferred not to tempt fate.

A full military service was ten years, unless merits earned were applied to their time. The average length of service was about eight years due to Alcon’s frequent warring. Every time they finished one war, another enemy stirred in the shadows; usually the Highlanders. However, the continuous wars with them were over now..

When Skye and Tidas had finally reached Magnus, he was tapping his fingers against the arm of his chair in an annoyed manner. They braced for his wrath about being late, but were pleasantly shocked to hear his say that he could hear the cheers and chants of the crowds from his seat. And that he understood that their tardiness wasn’t their own doing.

“What’s got ya lookin’ like ya bit into a lemon?” Skye asked as she took a seat on the other side of Tidas.


Usually Lawrence and Marie sat closer to Magnus, but Skye and Tidas were ‘Alcon’s Heroes’ now. When they tried to argue with him like Tidas had with the crowd before, his father laughed hard..

“It’s honorable of you to want your men to get their dues, but no one but you and Skye could’ve taken down my brother. You are heroes to many tonight..”

An array of emotions crossed Magnus’ features in that moment. Anger, sadness, regret, peace.. When he glanced at his youngest and his wife, loving pride filled his eyes, and stayed until a loud, high-pitched laugh rang out from across the room. Looking over, Magnus’ foul mood from earlier vanished.

Victor and Anna came running at the King of Alcon while screaming; “Grampy!”

Magnus scooped them up into a bear hug, then set them down as he said; “I missed you two! Are you excited that Shasta is marrying your father?”

As the two nodded in the positive enthusiastically, Victor added; “We can’t WAIT for her to come home! Why can’t she yet, Grampy?! Daddy says we have to wait until Uncle Tidas and Aunt Skye get back! Why?!”

“Yeah!” Anna added; “She’s ours after she kisses Daddy! You can’t keep her!”

Lawrence and Shasta were coming up to the main table as Anna had spoken her mind. Lawrence sighed while Shasta giggled, convinced that Anna was the cutest tiny human on the planet. As Magnus looked between the stern expressions on his grand children’s faces, he shouted out; “Who wants a present?!”

“We Do!” the children replied, all animosity draining from their faces at the mention of the word.

Shasta laughed hard as she squeaked out; “When in doubt: bribery.. Every grandparent’s not-so-secret, go-to weapon, haha!”

“You laugh now,” Lawrence paused as he gestured towards the children; “Just wait until the next time we ask them to do something.. You’ll see why this backfires..”

As Shasta shrugged, Skye walked over to her, and surprised her with a hug while saying; “Yer wedding’s gonna be so much fun! I’ll make sure of it!”

Shasta grinned, the curtsied to Magnus as she said; “Tis customary for the bride and groom to receive a gift from the father-in-law, and I wanted to suggest-”

“I’ve already made a deal with the Walsh family to send you a barrel of cream every week while you’re still in the capital. After Skye and Tidas return from Sai, and you leave for Ruscovic: your habit becomes your husband’s burden..”

Lawrence chuckled, which made Shasta flit her ears back for a second before she replied; “Thank you, King Magnus. You are ever generous with me.”

Magnus looked at her with a surprised expression, then laughed hard before saying; “You’ll be calling me ‘Father’ in a month..”

“....That will never happen,” came Shasta’s immediate reply, but she was smiling.

Magnus grinned again at her, then glanced around the room as she and Lawrence sat next to Skye and Tidas. Victor and Anna were seated at a special table directly in front of Magnus. He wanted to enjoy his grandchildren’s interactions as they played and talked.

As he kept looking around the room, Magnus’ expression began to sour again. Concerned that it would carry over to when the Highlanders arrived, Skye asked what was wrong, and how she could ‘help get rid of his grumpy demeanor’. Magnus chuckled, then told Tidas to switch places with his wife so they could talk easier.

Once they had traded places, Magnus told his daughter-in-law; “I stopped and told Karena to bring her children to the festivities tonight, and she tried to argue with me. Saying that they were too far away to arrive on such short notice.. It’s summertime: she’s suppose to have her bairns here for social and etiquette training. They’re old enough to come to court supervised, and since one will be the future King of Alcon, they should be here!”

Skye smiled softly at Magnus; “Ye could just say that ya miss yer grandbairns. Ya dinna need ta throw in the hubbub excuses.”

Magnus huffed at Skye for her straightforward comment, but knew she was just being honest when he wasn’t. He adored his grandbabies, even if he hardly ever got to see Marco’s two sons. They didn’t like court because of the people and noise, and much preferred their countryside home with their guardians. So Magnus didn’t pressure them to then come.

But now they were nearing their teens, and needed to start getting used to court. One could not rule Alcon from a countryside house, so he had talked with Karena about bringing them more often. She wasn’t thrilled about the idea for many reasons, but none that she could say to Magnus, so she had agreed to bring them...until a week ago.

Karena saw her children as not only a hindrance to her lifestyle, but boring burdens to be dumped on others to raise and care for. She complained about wanting a wee lass, but refused to get pregnant again, and ‘ruin her figure’. Her vanity won out, and Karena had not-so-secretly been taking birth control similar to what Skye used.

‘She has ONE JOB, and she won’t even do that properly! I love my grandbairns, but they are sickly, and aren’t guaranteed in this world.. And neither has shown any signs so far of having a trait.. I’m starting to think that choosing Karena for Marco was a mistake..’

Right as the thought crossed his mind, Magnus heard his favorite word bellowed out from across the room. It was the only time that the two boys got loud, and grinned like the carefree children that they were supposed to be. As they ran up, Tidas stood up and held out his arms..

“Armando! Edward! I’m so happy to see you lads! How have you been?! I believe that you two have gotten taller!”

Skye smiled as the two lads ran into their grandfather’s arms with giant smiles on their faces. He asked how they were, and if they had everything that they needed. After a few quick stories, the boys joined their cousins at their special table..

Magnus was enjoying himself greatly as he watched both sets of his grandchildren playing in front of him. He had the table specifically positioned so he could watch over his grandbairns as they played with their gifts, and enjoyed delicious food together. Marco’s two were a little older than Victor and Anna, but they got along well with each other.

Skye grinned as she watched Magnus, then he spoke out of nowhere; “People generally take the word family for granted.. The people involved don’t have to be related for them to be family, but there’s something to be said for the one we’re born into. It’s messy, hectic, and maddening at times, but I couldn’t imagine my life without them..”

“My wives, my sons, their spouses and children.. The one we’re given isn’t necessarily the best one, but it holds our roots.. Our past. I hope that when you and Tidas are parents in the future, you’ll share both your roots with your children..”

As Skye quirked her head in confusion, Karena and Marco finally made their way over. Tidas was talking with a very excited Zas about his annual family reunion, and didn’t see the smile that his brother had flashed his wife. Magnus and Karena had instantly started talking about her children, so no one heard him ask..

“Hello there, little sister.. May I have a dance with you later?”

Skye smiled courteously; “I’d rather not since the rumors have yet ta subside. Even though I’ve been gone fer several months.”

Marco nodded; “I suppose I’ll just have to cut in at some point then..”

Skye frowned as she thought; ‘He’s a persistent dobber, I’ll give’em that.. But like hell am I lettin’ him amp up the rumors again..’

“I must decline, Brother. Like I said: I dinna want the rumors of you and I startin’ up again. There never is, was, nor will there ever be an ‘us’ between you and I, but people love ta talk. So no thank ya.”

Marco narrowed his eyes on Skye as he said; “I’ll find you later for our dance,” then walked away.

As Skye took in deep breaths to calm herself, she heard Tidas mutter; “Like hell I’m gonna let him touch you.. I’ll kick his ass first.”

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