Dawning Skye

Chapter 408

408 The Meeting Of Kings(Part Three)


Murdoc had noticed the annoyed expression on Wallace’s face when he had first seen Lord Moonstone enter the room. He still resented Lucas a bit for being the one that Sorcha had chosen to love, and be loved by. They had resolved most of their issues the night that the RMC had stayed in Moonshire, but Wallace still automatically scrunched his face at his former rival.

Lucas hadn’t paid attention to the Highlander’s reaction because he was too busy getting a feel for the room. Magnus’ expression and over-the-top welcome signified his uncomfortable situation. The obvious sighs of relief from Tidas and Lawrence were another sign that they had arrived in the nick of time.

After Tidas and Skye had originally gotten back from the Highlands, Genie had disappeared after greeting them. No one knew where he had gone off to, but randomly disappearing was common for the Sai representative. Only Marco knew what he was doing whenever it happened..

Genie knew that Ahriman was in the palace, and actively chased him every time he felt his presence. The man had been missing for years, and Genie couldn’t figure out why he would be in Alcon, of all places. He had felt his presence around the time Skye and Tidas had returned, which made him even more nervous about his sudden appearance.

‘Is he after Skye? Or Zazzy? Poison is one of his methods, and Skye told me about how Zazzy’s food had been tainted before.. Could it have been him? But why? Ahriman is a tool; he’s no schemer himself. So who is he working for? And for how long? Why did he come out when Skye and Tidas returned?’

As the questions continued to pop up in his mind, Genie forced them aside to focus on the present. Lucas had quelled Murdoc’s anger and Magnus’ anxiety, but Marco still looked uninvolved like usual. As Genie looked at him, Marco suddenly locked eyes with him..

To anyone else, it would seem like a staring contest between immature men, but an unspoken conversation was taking place between them. Petrie was the only one to notice their strained expressions, and watched as subtle movements in their brows spoke volumes for them.

In that moment; Genie had realized that the only constant between the times he had sensed the Dark magic radiating from Ahriman was when Marco was around.


As far as he could tell, Ahriman didn’t shadow the Crowned Prince all the time, but Genie couldn’t be sure. It had been years since he had last fought against him, and the man was the type to continue his training regardless of his age.. ‘For all I know: he could be in this room right now.. He is, isn’t he Marco?’

As the thought crossed Genie’s mind, Marco grinned at him as if he could actually hear him. It had been entertaining to him to watch the fool chase after his shadow like he had a chance against him.. ‘The fool is lucky that I didn’t give Ahriman the go-ahead to finish his work from all those years ago. If he’s not careful, he just may have to die before his time..’

“So who’s the guy in the pajamas? Seems a bit too comfy fer a meetin’ wit kings,” Murdoc commented as he stared at Genie from across the room.

Genie narrowed his eyes on Marco a final time, then turned to the Highlander King and replied; “You look quite comfortable yourself, King Murdoc. What with being half-naked and all.”

Murdoc burst out in laughter as he choked out; “I think Ima gonna like’em! He’s quippy! I like quippy!”

Genie grinned; “I like a king that can take a joke. It’s why I’m so fond of King Magnus. He told me a joke recently..”

As Genie started to talk about the differences between donkeys and politicians, Tidas walked over to his oldest brother. Marco looked a bit annoyed as he approached him, but Tidas couldn’t care less. What he had to say for now would be quick..

“I wish to have a talk with you later, brother.”

“So talk,” Marco replied, then sipped his whiskey.

“I doubt that you want anyone else to hear what I have to say to you.. Or rather, I doubt that you would want others to hear what I learned in the north.”

Marco exhaled in exasperation; “And what does this tender talk pertain to?”

Tidas leaned down, making sure that his aunt wouldn’t hear him before saying; “I Know that you were the one who asked Uncle Richard to get the Ethereal Spear..”

Marco barely flinched; “So? Why would it matter if the others knew? I was but a child, and wanted a supposedly mythical weapon. How could I have known?”

Tidas huffed out of irritation; “It’s your fault that he turned into that fucking monster. You knew the legends, but you still asked him to find it. And at such a young age.. Your plans have been simmering for a long time, haven’t they?”

Due to the way Tidas was standing, no one could see Marco’s face except for Petrie, and he nearly jumped from it..

The evilest grin that either of them had ever seen stretched across the Crowned Prince’s face as he replied; “Oh, little brother.. You have no idea..”

Tidas literally had to take a step back as he felt a wave of maniacal intent from his brother. A small surge of Ether and Dark magic leaked out for a moment, instantly making Genie whip his head about to stare at the two. Lucas had caught his distraught expression, and covered for him by telling a tale about one of his most recent business ventures.

Genie knew that the Dark magic coming from Marco was too identical to Ahriman’s to be a coincidence. As he collected himself, Genie made a mental note to search Marco’s quarters later for anything nefarious..

Magnus, Marie, and the Highlanders were absorbed in Lucas’ tale, but Lawrence was watching his brothers with worry. He couldn’t hear what Tidas had said, and he didn’t see the evil smirk Marco had a few moments ago. But Lawrence knew that Marco was most likely just pushing their youngest brother’s buttons to get a rise out of him.

Walking over, Lawrence broke their stare-off as he said; “Do I need to take away whiskey, now?”

When the two continued in silently staring at each other, Lawrence spoke in a low tone; “Come on you two.. This is a big day for father, and the rest of the kingdom. Try to keep your shit together, huh? For him? You both owe him at least that.”

Tidas sighed, knowing his brother was right. Marco, on the other hand, looked at him flatly; “And what does it matter to you? The state of Alcon’s affairs don’t concern you, King of Ruscovic.”

Lawrence was starting to lose his cool; “Considering Ruscovic is Alcon’s closest ally: it does. And Alcon will always be my home, no matter what you say. Just like father will Always be my father as well as yours. You should think of his feelings once in a while instead of what you get from him when he dies.”

Marco’s expression didn’t change as he replied; “I do consider father’s feelings, but that doesn’t mean that I need to pander to them. Or yours, for that matter. As to contemplation of my impending rein..”

Standing up, Marco glanced between his brothers as he added; “Every decision father makes now will have repercussions that I have to deal with. I believe it is better for me to let my intentions be known going into negotiations of the first treaty, rather than waiting until father has passed.”

Tidas glared at him; “You speak as if your rein will start sooner rather than later.”

Marco shrugged; “Fate can often be cruel. Everyone knows that his health has been terrible the past couple of years, aside from while little brother was gone. He took a miraculous turn for the better without you around..”

As Marco stared at Tidas as he finished speaking, his glare turned threatening as he said; “What are you implying, Marco?”

Keeping his placid expression, Marco replied; “I imply nothing, little brother. Just an observation is all.. Although your reaction is quite suspicious.”

Tidas looked ready to tear his oldest brother apart, but thankfully for Lawrence’s sake; the door opened. The same guard from before entered the room, gave a quick bow, then announced Princess Skye along with the Fae representatives. Tidas immediately loosened and walked towards the door to greet her first.

Marco looked on with hidden jealousy as his youngest brother kissed Skye’s cheek. The way she smiled at only him made the Crowned Prince’s blood simmer. As he watched her be greeted by the others, Marco realized that Lawrence was staring at him..

“She’ll never be yours, you know. Even after father passes, and you become king: she’ll always choose Tidas.”

Marco kept his eyes on Skye as he replied; “Don’t be so sure about that, Lawrence. She may see the light yet..”

Lawrence stepped in front of Marco to block his view as he spoke; “You have Nothing to do with light, brother. If it comes down to it, I’ll side with Tidas. You know that.”

Marco nodded; “Aye, I do. But tell me something, brother: what are you willing to sacrifice so that our brother can be happy? Your kingdom? Your children’s futures? Shasta?”

Lawrence narrowed his eyes and was about to start screaming at Marco, but Marie placed her hand on his shoulder; “Hiding off in the corner, are you lads? Why don’t you come and join us? Your father is asking for you both, anyhow.”

Marco nodded, then walked over to stand next to Magnus. Right as Marie went to walk back over, Lawrence tapped her shoulder and thanked her for the save. She smiled and winked at him, then looped her arm in his before slowly heading over to the group.

As they went, Marie whispered; “I know you laddies like you were my own. You boys can’t be around each other longer than twenty minutes without wanting to kill each other, and it was nearing the time limit..”

Lawrence stifled a chuckle as they joined in on the discussion..

Amara and the other Highlanders except Petrie were excited to see Maevis and Nicolas. They didn’t recall them as children right away, but soon found themselves reminiscing about when they had gone north to try and find the Northern Star..

Marco listened intently as the gears in his mind slowly turned.. ‘So the rumors must be true then: He has the Celestial Key.. I’ll have to get into contact with Karena’s brother again and set up a meeting..’

As Marco silently filed away his plans for a later date, he realized that Lucas had all but completely smoothed over his father’s and Murdoc’s irate state from earlier. They were just beginning to discuss new terms for the treaty, which made Marco smirk inwardly..

‘They don’t even need to alter it very much, I just need to have two different versions of it. One with my signature, and the one with Tidas’ from the Highlands. If I’m going to have him prosecuted for treason, I need plenty of evidence..’

As they started to make headway on a few of the new terms, Marco added a mental note to his growing pile.. ‘After father dies, I’ll have to get rid of Lucas, too..’

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